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Show JLETIN VOLUME IX FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1960 NUMBER 10 With a Rebel yell the Dixie Rebel basketball team will take the court tonight against the Broncos from CSU in the battle of the axe. The tall and talented Broncos from C. S. U. are out to get the Axe which now hangs in the halls of Dixie. Saturday night the Rebel squad will journey to Cedar City for a return bou w.h the Broncos. At slake also will be the Southern division I.C.A.C. leadership. Botn the Retie, end Bronco have records for league play. The Broncos have the favorite berth. In precision play the Cedar team beat Nevada Southern twice, a team that beat the Rebels twice. But, i lost of a 1, the Broncos won their own invitational tourney. The s. mlk i b n speedier Rebels have looked good in their last two games The D x e defensive play came into its own over the past two week ends, something that was lacking in pre season play. Tomght and tomorrow nights games will be the rubber match for Coach Ray Englestead. Entering his third year as coach of the Rebels, the likeable coach has won three and los tthree with C.S.U. 3-- 1 Purchase REB CAGERS KARL BLAKE AND Jerrold Wilson and Gridder Randy Ence, with last weeks campus visitor . . . and the children say he could laugh, play, and wave that Rebel flag like a trooper. Juniors Produce Assembly Hez kiah, gastric-juicfor years in the digestive tract Monstro, the gigantic whale, was rescued by a group of sailors Friday duung the junior class assembly. It took sailors, bopsters, U. S. Housewives, Japanese dancers cowto convince Hezekiah to regboys, chefs, nurses, and even newly-wed- s ulate the gastric-juic- e wheel and find out what he had been miss ng. Commissioners of amusements, Ruth Ann Hafen, and Ned Ashby report that Hezzie is doing fine. He has a car, a U. S. housewife, three Geisha girls, a ranch, two nurses, six chefs, and the daily paper. Hezekiah was played by Steven Larkin, and the Captain was played by Merle Bostwick. Brooks Pace and Steven Larkin were first and second mates. e of LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler DATELINE January 22 Sophomore Class Dance; CSU at Dixie. January 23 Dixie at CSU. January 25 FBLA meeting. Announcement was made Thurs-- j January 27 Hurricane at Dixie day of the purchase of a victory (wrestling). bell by the Dixie College January 28 Dixie at K a n a b (wrestling). According to Student Prexy Brent January 29 BYU Orchestra ConCrosby, a member of the cert 2 p. m.; Freshman Competitive the bell will be rung by the Assembly; Snow at Dixie; Dance. January 30 Carbon at Dixie. after each Dixie victory throughFebruary 4 Delta Psi Omega, out the remainder of the basketball (wrestling); Stocking Shuffle; season, and at future athetic 5 Kanab at Dixie events. nab at Dixie (basketball); Dixie at Carbon. TONIGHTS CLASSIC against February 6 Dixie at Snow. CSU offers the first opportunity for the bell to clang out the news of Local Guardsmen Are a Rebel triumph. school bell was loThe cated near Rockville, Utah and was Delayed on Return Trip toted to the Dixie campus WedNine Dixie College students renesday afternoon. It has undergone turned to class Monday afternoon a job and other minor after a delay due to engine trouble rehabilitations since then, with aboard an Air Force Cl 19, in which hard at work with the they were being transported home electric sander. from the Air training for Special Forces. THE REBEL victory clanger is Students were: Student Body similar to me one used by the President, Brent Crosby; Soph. Brigham Young University Cou- Com. of Amusements, Jon Green; gars. The BY bell has become traofficer, Walter Cox; Sr. dition in Provo, as this one may Bob Pickett; Soph., Allan Boyack; easily do in St. George. Sr. Fred Graff; and Sr. Garth Rebel Victory Bell ry old-styl- face-liftin- e g Milne. They left Salt Lake Sunday at after engine Night trouble near Deltadeveloping returned to Salt Lake where they spent the night fun night was sponsored last and recquisitioned another plane Monday evening in the gymnasium from Hill Air Force Base to fly by the Womens Intramural Asso- home Monday. ciation for all interested girls in both the high school and college Senior Takes 8th divisions. WIA Holds Fun Various sports equipment includbasketballs, tether balls, a trampoline, and jacks, was offered to provide activity for all. At the conclusion of the sports activities, refreshments consisting of cookies and punch were available. ing Gail Cooper, WIA pres dent, encourages all the gYls to join in on fun nights the fun in future which she plans to hold at least once a nonfh for the remainder of the year. Every girl is cord'ally in- vited and assured of a good time. 2:30 and h Wool Contest Margaret Fawson, 17, Senior, took eighth place in the junior division of the 19G0, Make It Yourself With Wool. contest held in Salt Lake City. Margaret competed with 01 girls all winners in the local competition. Margarets dress was sent to Salt ake ahead of her arrival on Thurs-daof last week to be judged The contestants were also judged on how their dresses fit, the style and be appearance. Poise and nersonality were also taken into consideration. 1 1 v ren-ma- l |