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Show VOLUME VIII MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1959 7 Beif U I (7 NUMBER r1 'jT GilaV 10 0DDGG Is everybody ready for the big this Friday? Yes, is alday "D" Day Royalty most here, and from the sound of things this day promises to be the f very best yet. The activities will start at G:()0 Friday morning when the juniors and sophomores will undertake sprucing up the "D with buckets $ and buckets of whitewash. While this is taking place there will be a on campus by the general clean-usenior and freshman classes. 10:00 will find the student body at the Parade, where class and campus floats will present the various interpretations of the theme of the day, Dixie Desiree. After the parade everyone will retire to the hill under the newly painted D to enjoy class lunches, and 1:00 will commence the program of skits and toasts presented by each of the classes, the alumni, and the faculty. Also, the beard growing contest will be judged bv Queen .Jerri and her attendants, wlv will be reigning over the davs activities. Our able chairman, Carlon Cooke, hasnt forgotten to make ready entertainment for the entire ft'mnoon as there will be games and swimming at the City Park from 2:00 on. The annual Alumni Banquet, supervision of the Dixie 'himoi Association, will provide a delectable dinner at 7:00 in the 5th, 0'h ward chapel for those who wish to attend. Tickets will be $1.75 and are now on sale at all drug stores. Immediately following the and to add a grand finale to S" our day of activities, the Dance will be held in the Recreation Hall. As you all know, we will be i j: that evening to very fortunate the music of the Ys Men Orchesactivities Friday as D Queen. Her attendants are. Miss Jerri Lund, upper right, will reign over tra, which is coming all the wav down from the BYU to entertain Rose Mary Thomas, Carolyn Foremaster, Janeanne Tippetts, Barbara Larkin, Jackie Christensen, and us. This is what weve all been Lucile Hunt. waiting for!! The floorshow will be presented at 10:30, at which time the Ground Is Broken For Royalty will be One-A- ct presented and our lovely Queen, Miss Jerri Lund, will be crovned. Dixie Heating Plant Lets all plan to join the crowd Ground has been broxen for the this Friday the 20th for a dav of new Dixie College campus for an fun and activity that will long be Dramatics School $150,000, glass and remembered! The Dixie High Class and the College Acting and heating plant, according masonry t DATELINE to Arthur F. Bruhn, Dixie College Directing Class are at work on Outstanding highlight of the Win- president. Monday, to be presented 16 March plays Spanish Club. in St. George ter cultural season One boiler will be installed March 23. The high school class will March 18 USU at Dixie; Lions on March the be appearance in this new high tempera- Minstrel Show. will present One of Us, a mys21 of the sensational Haitian dance ture, pump activated system, which March 19 Lambda Delta; tery drama by Charles Emery, The Destine. Leon Jean will heat the proposed mens dormPlum Tree, a sympathetic drama group featuring Hailed bv the New York Tribune itory and cafeteria soon to be conof old age dramatized by Luella E. March 20 Alumni BanMcMahon and Ruth Sergei from as one of the finest dancers of our structed. When completed the heat- quet. has ing plant will care for all buildings March 21 Fine Arts Night, feathe book by Mary Ellen Chase, and day, Destine, with his company, a thriiled capacity audiences in the m the campus except the gymnaA Splint for a Broken Heart, Haitian dance group. turing halls of America, sium which has its own Oant. March 25 U of U Band Concert. stormy comedy which proves that foremost concert as well as Mexico March 26 Delta Psi Omega; the course of true love may be Canada, and The warm Dixie sunsnme which FBLA. lasts almost the year round rough and the rougher, the better. throughout Europe. Included in Destines program March 27 Regional 10 Speech One or two of these plays will be the amount of heating neces- chosen to represent Dixie, in the will be a variety of numbers ranging sary in this far south town, hence Meet (Friday and Saturday). March 30 Traveling Assembly Meringue Camavalesque, the division of plants, since the Region Ten High School Speech from and Drama Festival to be held at the national dance of Haiti, to Bap- gymnasium requires hot water the Leaves. tism of the Drum and Initiation entire year. German Club. April Dixie College March 27, and 28. Housi. in which a novice is April 2 Dixie at Phoenix; LambContracts for the plant were The Red Key, presented by the of the cult. imfiated into the voudoun awarded to Glazier of Hurricane da Delta; FHA; FFA; Zoo. Field College Acting and Directing Class. Critical acclaim has been heaped and Atkin Plumbing of Cedar City. Trip. The plays are under the direction of April 3 Dixie at Phoenix. Mvrtle E. Henderson, and sponsored upon Haiti's Ambassador of the William Roe Smith, Salt Lake City, 4 Track Meet. architect. was April 3l Della Psi Omega Fraternity. (Continued on Page " Vi f p y v un-th- e ban-q'ie- ', ). jo&ii.'- Haitian Dancers To Entertain Plays To Be At. Presented ultra-moder- one-ac- imme-miatel- v FFA-FHA- -- 1 . |