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Show THE DIXIE February 17, 1953 DIXIE COLLEGE, ST. GEORGE, UTAH SUM YOUR HIT PARADE ORCHIDS AND ONIONS NEWS AND HIGHLIGHT PERSONALITIES OF THE WEEK (continued from Page One) enure student body. Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend: All the gals who are sporting rings. 4. So Long, It's Been Good To Know You: The senior class. 5. My Best To You: Dean and Gloria. 6. Wish You Were Here: All the homesick gals at Vets Housing. 7. "Home Cooking: The boys at Bachelors Barracks. 8. "Does The Spearmint Lose Its Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight?: Dick Earl. 9. Sitting By The Window: Robert Moss at 4:00 on M., W., and F. 10. It's Three Oclock In The Morning: The parties some of the junior girls are always 3. Beware of boys with eyes of brown: Theyll kiss you once then turn you down. Beware of bos with eyes of black: Theyll kiss you twice and never come back. Beware of boys with ej es of greenTheyre awful cruel and terribly mean. Beware of hoys with eyes of blue: You just cant trust them, they wont be true Beware of bos with (yea of Cray Thev mierht come back but never to stay. FUimm.irv: Beware of boys girls, just beware. RIDDONS TELL follows, did . A ed Ber-niec- FOR GIRLS ONLY Say, By Dick Orchids to the classes for some good entertaining asemblies. Orchids to Alice Ruesch; shes really going to put out a good year book. Onions to the bewildering announcements weve been having ' f in the assemblies lately. Why dont they tell us something? L Orchids to Dudley Rowley, captain of the Rebel basketball team Orchids to Darlene for tomorrow. Onions to the vandals oi the Annex Is Building. d personifi-fieJerry personality with his quick grin and Orchids to Lawrence Snell, as-4 friendly greeting for everyone. sistant stage manager, assistant V V black-hairHe likes girls, especially lighting manager, assistant busiVj ones, and he is well liked ness manager for the year book, by them. assistant editor of the "Sun. He is active on the campus, beHave we missed any, Lawrence? Qyy-Y- . V1-- ! ing a member of the old reliable Orchids to Rose Workman. She Sociability Committee, and taking Personality of the Week is this doesnt like onions. part in class activities. He served charming blonde freshman, e Onions to Clark Harvey. (We as student body president of the Patterson. had some extra ones and he did Woodward High School in his want to see his name in print.) senior year there. Orchids to the committee ot If you want fun, personality, Meet Berniece Patterson, freshthe Sweethearts Ball. and friendliness, ability, youll man. Orchids to Melvin Montgomery. find them all tied up together in He Berniece always gives his best in lives St. George lerrv Graff. Personality of the Onions to the faculty for the but she spends her summers awav Week. next two weeks. (Nothing perfrom the scorching summer heat sonal; I just dont like finals) in Idaho. Orchids to all you kids who Site was born in Ogden and ha read this column week after week, Ii lived most of her life in Idaho I love oping to win something in Shoshone, then Burley, anci va for it. Onions to me Mavbe they'll finally Paul. She came from Paul take off a few extra pounds to St George and Dixie Orchids to the band members Al nv s a smiling, friendly perfor an outstanding evening son. Berniece thinks that Dixie is the friendliest place that she has eer been And she ought to OMEGA DELTA know, she points out she has HOLDS MEET moved around enough for that. Her ambition is to go on to colOn Thursday, February 12, the lege, where she plans to study Omega Delta held their regular either speech and dramatics or business meeting. elementary teaching. She has done Mrs. Violet Esplin was guest outstanding work in drama and of the evening. She gave speaker speech activities, both in Idaho a very fine book review. and at Dixie. Rula, Pal, and Sheree sang two Our hats go off this week to .Jerry Graff, busy and capable sophomore, has been chosen to Berniece Patterson, that friendly numbers and then cake and ice fe a Personality of the Week. smiling Personality of the Week cream were served by JoAnn Taylor and Mark Wells. Ushers for the school play, LOOKING TO THE FUTURE were assigned. If you want to find this week's personality, just go to the gymnasium any time after two oclock. I' Jerry Graff, seventeen-year-ol- d sophomore from Santa Clara, eats, sleeps, and almost breathes athletics. He plays M Men basketball in i the Santa Clara Ward and has played on Dixie football and baseball teams during his two years here. But his favorite hobby, next to telling stories about his deer hunting experiences, is fishing in Mead Lake with other Dutchmen. know you that now you can tell how that certain girls love life stands simply by looking at the color of ribbon she is wearing. Red Ribbon: Going Steady. White Ribbon: Engaged. Black and Yellow Ribbon: Got her eye on a certain fellow. Brown and Pink Ribbon: Staying true to the service. Purple Ribbon: On the way to recovery from a broken heart. Blue and No Ribbon: Strictly on the loose. :1 Foot-Loos- Thursday and Saturday, February Friday, Make Your Headquarters for school clothing . (Continued from Page One) Last Wednesday, February l beautiful Sweethea-Bal- l was held after a thrilli game between the Dixie Flyt and the Valley Buffaloes. T. girls were there in their most t tractive evening gowns, and t the very boys were all slicked up in tie suits and ties. There was also very fine array of corsages. 1 think that Heber Jones, alo with Spencer Belliston, Hele Porter, Joyce Christian, Nila T rell, and Glenda Brooksby, shou get a very big "thank you a job well done. All eyes are turned this we to the dramatic department, you know, the very comical Fo Loose will be held Thursday a Saturday. There is always a of work that goes into th plays, and I think the cast me bers and anyone connected v the plavs should be compliment by all of us turning out and s ing it and by telling our frier how we liked it Rosel Ruesch and Don Buri along with a cast of very fine 5 dents, should put on a com, that is well worth seeing. It looks as if there are just little over two weeks before spr quarter starts and people start s" ini Track and baseball will starting, and most things in c eril will be shining But with jour thoughts of spring, d' forget dues are due before cl edit will he given for the ter quarter f v O BAND PERFORMANCE ENJOYED BY LARGE CROWD Students and faculty membp and townspeople who attend' the band concert Monday nigl February 9, seemed to enjoy t first public concert of the bat under Mr Quentin Nordgrer direction. In addition to showing up w in their concert renditions, t band also earned some mot that they will use in travel! during the spring quarter Dixie schools and communities in tf 19 and 21 High School at Kanab High ing the spring quarter again to area. This spring band tc school play. School give these aptitude inventories to should help to put Dixie on t whoever wants to take them. It map. 26 - - OrchesThursday. February and 20 Friday Saturday, February should be the turn of the freshtra concert Student Director Stanley Sr and 21 Dixie College at men then. helped Mr. Nordgren direct t Friday, February 27 - - B. A. C. Snow College Purpose of the current testing band in its successful conce' at Dixie College which Is being conduct- Featured on the program w program, Sophomore Sweater Hop ed under the direction of Mr. B works Dixie by Sousa, Rtmsky-Kor-koSchool at EnterHigh ' Glen Smith, Dixies student counSNOWS DRESS SHOP Leidsen, and Morrissey. prise High School selor and director of guidance acStudents who received spec We Aim tivities at the college, Is to help recognition included Gord STUDENTS TAKE students to see just what they Sprague and Gay ChriBtensen To are best adapted for doing when trumpet duet; and the members INVENTORY they get out of school. The pre- a clarinet quartet, Wendell Gr' ! Please You! It has been aptitude inventory sent battery of inventories Is Janice Graff, Stephen Jones, s' time for a number of juniors, thorough and accurate. Merial Muslg. sophomores, and seniors of Dixie Go To The Lets College this week. THE 1)1 X 1 H SUN STAFF SUN BOWD CLUB Mr. Frank Dailey, head of the for a good hamburger, regional office of the Department Rose Workman of Employment Security In Cedar soup, chili, hotdogs, Assistant Editor Lawrence Snel City, has been at the college conBusiness Manager sandwiches, pie, malts, RGene Pug inducting three-hou- r aptitude Assistant Business Manager billiards Nila Terrel ventories among students. Marie Workniar He will probably be back dur- - Exchange Editor Sports Editors Paul Bennett and Ronald AmoSNOWS Reporters Patricia Adams, Richard Tjlai LaVona Spencer, Helene Po MODERN CLEANERS Best Wishes Club and Class Reportt Well Pressed Photographer Ronald Sande WATSONS DIXIE DRUG Adviser Mr. ross jrsp is THE DIXIE SUN is published twice each month througlio Well Dressed for efficient the school year. It is distributed every other Tuesday to -egular ' Phone 115 service registered students at Dixie College. - - Dixie College CENTER CLOTHING 20 - - e, Earl February Foot-Loo- . v, COLLEGE COVE Delicious Ice Cream Gallons $1.75 Quarts Pints King Cole L 60 .30 50 a Qt. DIXIE PHOTO STUDIO always use Kodak Film in the fimiliar Yellow Box. Portraits and Kodak Finishing . . . . - mcarthur jewelers A young mans fancy turns .... in spring To love and ment ring. that engage- .... |