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Show ici ':' T-T- r SRAvis T3AK Htahtic:t5ti? a;:is 6 - to diURBicAT f :.to7. The Dixie- - high six.rm.nn' team travel-- ' to Hurricane tonight tor find lesge game of the so as on ir. invest. will their this section of region six. i?y U i Hurricane should o giv little trouble to, the high-flyidixie- preps ters who. havent, yet been de- ! ' ng delicious feated this season. Tin or lose .today, Dixie will still be the lead football team in the sou'tnern sector of region six, as all other teams r4 r4 fJC this, section hove at least t'.vo or more losses chained' up against them. .hoot Friday Dixie will rl y the winner of. the C edar-P- sr ov;an game here for the in region-si- x championship. TaiiTb x took a one-touchdo- . t Hurricane at last Friday, placing the Covjooys in second piece, in the e si endings . Kan-a- lo-og- D .Hd ,'L.iw IT STY ICFIiTT 3 iih YCY3CC? IHG their fourth consecutive a Snow attraction at reports, Snow Dixie give a 3 "hr aim. tti:o in the back their it of this groove dDTT'TI TrG Tho a--- 7T v all . r. 'vs fV v. A s T v tt .S' ,Y - beat-i- n .0 177: ' ,' y ' - rV, . .esro .. .. t- !u week have been hampering ng even prey, r . to 0 loss last Friday. A with the 2 to they took from Snow still in mind. soy ,1 t .u sounds morale, as well as some of their players. As the Dixie irixdcrs prep.. red to' leave for tu:.y, none felt that Snow world be any main-stri- V' Xei-rii- 6 Aggies injuries the and Hr. out hone-cc..i- From after the heart-breaki- ng to the Branch nvunber ! T they' took from the Flyers in the nrly port of the so.:, son. The Flyers have been having a hard tine o Tie-' -' "The' Faculty "ionon s Club held a m.oet-ib- ?t yesterday afternoon. Acting as hostesses wv.xe hi.T, ..tohdh Block and Hi. was the subject Snow. 'Greece discussed, given by Hiss Snov; . Two musical numbers y. j .given by hr . Floak college is plenty eager to drubbing "i- axsy-from-ho- .ro today, vjhen they. battle college eleven in gome "'' rill College, foot basil team The Dixie face D 'T' T .CbLTY . "one from wn HRDiliUR 0 win t i i GIRLS' rfTDTIJHbL OYYTTOHB PCTG T0HP1I3Y girls 3T AT3 HTIT TC3K intro-aura- t cram: merit cane sftorncon. The to l.mt a volley ball finish Telnssciay game c play-o- ff to mmol: the tie for third place tetveen Tola Pyom and Roberta Blakes, teams, xb rite's team won, taking t'. o of the Terse tnra-- f ought gemes. Taking first place in the tournament ms the alumni team, and second place I Try Ann, Sullivan's team. The ping-pon- g tournament between the iris teams will start next week. : |