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Show 9 (4 RR U C HAVE PLANKED BOYS AP BIG .5 or Vlli.DIjTLlLj-II'nr'- R 20 OVATOVy BCE FOR TONIGHT D HONORS HERE TONIGHT TIGERS -- L2 climax of Boys Day be Hurriwill the donee in the the plays cane Tigers here tonight recreation hall tonight-at 8 oclock. This means Any girl who does not will be yet have a date is asked that everyone a present to see thrilling to get in touch with Dean GO TO EULA MAE EARL Mae La rl, Overton, The Dixie . game. Webb, who will do all that humanly possible to locate a boy friend for the last Friday 0, who is but lost the following evening. toAny addboy another The willing night ''t Kanab 3. or two to his harem boys clayed good ball both girl in touch The at won Flyers Order-vil- le is 41-3- 47-2- the nights, but Cowboys should also get with Dean. clayed their best ball of The boys have been sellthe se'sn and were not to and be denied. Ced'r City took the sure of the Tigers rt 32-- 17 went then and prise took own 38-2- Hur-rlc'- ne last Friday back home 1, Enter- close one on their court Saturday from a Hurricane 30-2- 6, Orderville plays at Ce-d- Nevada, won the Washington Birthday oratorical contest yesterday morning. She will receive a medal from the studentbody on Honor Day. Her subject was, "Democracy Changing World. " Sheldon Edwards, was ist. in a Parago-na- h, the other final- gave an excellent oration on the topic, "Good Government and the He ing tickets all week promise everyone a good Citizen's Responsibility. Funds taken in will be to those already added were: time. in the Orderville Schol:rship drive, D to trim Saturday mea- Eula collected INTER-DEPARTME- Bond DEBATE NT TO TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY -r " who entered the preliminaries Wednesday Others Elna Gardiner, Max ine Heaton, Dennis Atkin, Miriam Christensen and Jeraldine Anhder. furnJosephine Jones ished a musical number for the special assembly in which the oratorical co- Students of biology will ntest was held, and Mr, Kanab debate students of social tomorrow night. ,'oodbury told some Lincoln science on the relative stories. goes to Hurricane and DixD ie tackles the Eagles on merits of sterilization de-of mental and RE T1 E. criminals HAVE LADE court. the Enterprise The discussion THE SUPREiE SACRIFICE This game will pretty much fectives. determine whether or not will take place in the 13 next Wednesday auditorium Cedar and will Neil Osten-se- n, Jack Enterprise 53gt. o clock 12 at second in morning tie for reported missing in place and teachstudents All the standings. ers interested are invited action over France Jan. 21, league now 1944 is Kanab has already cinched officially to attend. listed as killed on that first place. The date. tourney regional SUPPORT THE BOND DRIVE. A Delta or student in Dixie high will be held and in school in 1933-3- 6 Fillmore on March 2 and 3. These two teams ere at enter the tourney. 1936-3- 7, he is the son of All games scheduled for Phillip and the late Helen orcsent tied for first in He was that district. These two those two dates will nve McNeil Ostenson. terms and the first nd to be played early next born in St. George Asecond olace teams from week. This includes Di- pril 24, 1920 and spent his the Dixie district will xies game at P: rowan. (Continued page 2) at tonight and Parowan N r--.t |