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Show Pago Four Journalists' Chatter is published every Friat noon by the journalism class of the college. The Dixie day THERE HAS TO BE A FIRST THE STAFF I:r. .Rudgar F. UcArthur Editor Associate Editors Art Joyce Eelley Editors.... Pearl Adair & Darrel Hafen & Donald Sports Editors Business Uanagers Reporter Typist Adviser Elvrrn Cameron A Leland Ieecham Sheldon f. Edvards Halt sr B. TDITORIALS"' rHLPS L3 LAUGHTER Isn't it great to live in when Lund difficulty that same other enthusiastic n Snow Glen Smith sport-m- Their di: evidenced is ficultycommon deer'. t report, is a rcco: r Such for boasts Hr. that Bentley, A has ho n; without t: for about the la come homo "buck" 17 or IS years . Bentley is persistent with his hum.tl During war times, ing as he is with Ifr. But TO C COPERATE America? t: am have had. ..Laurel Jackson the Editor.. Exchange Lary Uintch Hilna Schmutz Bentley has had the xhole world is overf lowing with gloom and de- errors ; mado by his accoir ing pupils on their ba unco sheets, for ho incl: spair, there is no other nation on the face of the earth whose people can relax for' a few moments on special occasions aid permit cheerful thoughts to crowd cates that ho will probe out their worries. ly continue chasing L Let us all hereby vow to never let. this tradition be "buckskin" until cith p out wiped p by our neglect or mere oversight, but lots the law, the buckskin, keep- it burning brightly forever as a challenge to he gives out . each and every.- one of us. Let us vow that we shall M TO HELP YOU LAUGH never forget how to laugh, that we shall cooperate evw minute of every day to become more united and poery s and put forth our boat efforts to cleanse the Hr. I lor 1:1 ey: ( growl in e werful, when ore you going to st( v earth of hate and greed forever. Tnis in order that we can be gay and light-heartusing my razor blades 0 not every day, just sometimes; that our hearts may sharpen your pencils? swell with pride and joy for this free land of oppoHrs. Hcrkloy: As soon c we have the nrivilege of living in. you stop using my lipsti: t rtunity D to correct your to: D d c 4 ed BRICKBATS B CUUSTS A-- PLAY TY'TLS Bouquets to the Recreation committee and the Al- Association for umni ing tho yearbook giv- staff To your a concession at the dance A Saturday night. good way to have a better year- you got your off try nlcying why don't a game of will bo organ- - troubles, tennis? The minds club book. Brickbats to Olive one went felt ''swell-1- ' door more swoj.Igii good given to good" this Dixie. things (mumrs ho has campus life in Ted left us "for week. a p A dur. grudge name- - all 1 ARhLSA; HAL : teachers something give to keep you from enjoying the radio. .Rtiidy Period : Period of time sot aside during school day to rest up for the next period. One v! t: he small urclu so responded quickly c Sunday, sportsmanship and for all the thinks states. foody, deluxe) Honday. Her theme ''I only want my song: mummy, not my sweetheart ." nouquet s to Tod Snow for his he SLA! the class to hunting, had a and tino caic hone to jig fool GR.'OLQ V He's so rm |