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Show FACULTY DAZZLE STUDEMTS "Meet our GREATf acuity . 7 cm'.V is girls. this Hello, again your raving, I mean roving you a correspondent giving going on of whats view Dixie. Te start by ll newcomers some a-ro- und advice, Walt? ad also, boys, girls; Row a him, lay off from Helen Hazer, Allen, and Mary mention a Brooks, not to lot of ot he rs . It seems as though a vice president noticed Alpine's and sweaters? UhF is the new one nother Rud-ge- Wolf with Rudger Me. as president, vice president, and secretary and treas- - Club, '.That a-b- lovo scene such beauty o; form, figure and (flowanc grace ers.) such rhythm of danco such su- out we McDonald out locked of the shouldnt out so If sumptuous grand, music such splendid advice and tho charm of the perb, getting dorm? them keep Mistress of Corononics late, Kent.' the Alumni loses the was indeed delightful. He whole heart oily agrot that teachers can be humc: rates these of- - ball game I know the It seems that for keeping Jessie son why. Mote: Me know why Mr, Clair Brooks has hired Milos didn't participate Redd out for nine sol- urer. Mae He id hours. (From 2:00 .' Walt knows how tainly 1 Q o-r.i- i.. Yes, Snow (Wolf) cer- to pick Min,c Vu1 yi, 1 1 that and again man let's rea-fic- es to Blanche, 11:00 p. m. ) I'll'bet Frank Church could tell us about Jessie something Ma e is Movie Hollywood Such a precarious Scouts. c Verla You was sc it DEAR some Imogene? Care to it,statement? thats this hear about rs A- Dear for goes lot Burton Burgess? new until it faculty to tell really a crime that such : did in Fillprogram wasn't viewed bj Helen Brooks us what she more Sunday and Monday? Have you noticed how our clubs are springing up around Dixie. Have you make of rcalizo just we nobly proved in last FriIt wac day s assembly. the opinion of tho students that they wore positively astounded at the remarkable talents of oui advice. Spencer and Mrs. Christenyou One of the boys already sen could tell us more hooked is Alpine P. so about that. I wonder if someone can dont get notions about Get was ment people with tears eyes. Maybe Mrs. lot of in their did authentic this state- how I noticed that sad-sshow the other night left a giving little Little lit a a How ' is here hope he Eddie, Misha, about a little threatening scene in th: air) . Me also understan: (something with the Alumni the 4, night before the game. was Huntsman teachin. that Well, I guess that's all the VJoodward generation for this week. So long that Garner had his F. 1 till r.next. boys to the stock show it out ' ' x'i oMi :v f some wolf. I V people a) i call Persons i MM him that and A . A.' a concerned Corbett converting sinners. But where were Mr. lister and Miss Snow? vie, bi Pi McAl cc D gets around plenty and contact Donald. Maxine S. G, and ALVI1T the COTTAM goslatest Cleopha brings you (continued) ac and are frequently seenw'th mail. I would like a coj be sip, love affairs, some Hurricane toys named me Lester. of tho D. J. C. Helen Brooks certainly Corliss and John. Farewell for a while si Vie was in 7th heaven this wonder what Kama never forget Dixie cc week end due to the fact will do when Stuck SorenSincerely, a fellow studer fi Ill that Dvmync here. Mho Joan c.-- Garner Anderson was blame her? son goes to the Army next week. trip t o Pine Valley fine with the sailors, sounds like it should be Ashley and Glenn. Join's plenty of fun, and I bet sister and Ken Chamberlain there will be a few roare being seen together. mances started. To be s;:re gets along it's The Alvin C. Cottam 39918036 ar St Co. "A 753 M. P. Bn. so Fort Douglas, Utah. lo Grace Alcene Fore ster and Stanley Gublci co Gai Graff and Clark Me to He who wonder Clc Snow, the Freshmen going obvious that Allen around are: will go ' with now. that ti da together And that navy has Spence Esplin. and Prince are Erlene Church Alpine in Hafen Also MelBarbara Me. end Row a stillandthat ba Lester. quite way. LLoyd and Mary and Donald Lund Among : Donald Jones wonders why Agnes boy, Lund, Josephine and Spence Reber, Frei and Chester This is only tho begir th ning next week see is how making our out. we friend wil th' Cupi pa: |