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Show four Page The D. is ..issued' J..-C- . Friday at noon by the each YEAP300K EDITOR URITLo associated students of Dixie Junior G.ollege. Editor. (Sumary of .contributors for the year associate- editor, editor,.-....,- Business manager; A it s s s a nt bus . Shirlee 'Artists, " T '. ; in e as. ms n age r . . Snow Greetings Rilliams ; . ,.,.X. D.- before .you-- ' La ry P r'att , - Jack Crosby Ronald Iwc4rthur, Peggy Judd, Shannon..' Shuntway' Reporters, Lorril ; Vee to the Students of' .Snow, '.."ilia Rae Lewis, Lawrence. Lund ii eggy Judd, Qra ' Texas April 17, 1943 Dixie: ..rWiila Rae' Lewis The . D.ixilog is finished .......... .bury FRaXman and now the .fruits of the .' f . Arthur Cro sby efforts of the staff lie - Assistant Shirlee I.'.,,.,.'. . ; Loiters Camp STAFF ' . i" . sincerely that .everyone is pleased w ith his book hope . Helda Atkin,; ihahilyn Cox,..:Clark Kafen as I was by the Orson Trent ham, Paul' Thompson-- '.Lynn co perat ion., of the staff, Homer- Hedgehops, ... Duane ;Le any, .Caroline '.Stucki to whom I .am ' deeply gratefBanda 'Lund, A ' as much say, Ted 'Snow : Gwen Sylvester, 'Nellie Judd, Florence Beatty, . Jerry, . . - Typists- Pratt, Nary - frf - : r'I - ' ' - . 'A FOR' admit ;UD. LOOK who ' .time ,. to! .be a "1 it-t- le Of sentimental. course, some of you wouldn't .so mo of us donVlt knov.g.it and-.admit bit it; is Now" it, ' others admit the- it.,time Not with, ,'onging Just member "'the'-- things we te: chers and our Our time close Now .so we ' so-w- - forget , .that we. have .11 our school .memories of 'the-year- we turn and look forward to what 'the future New friends, hold. now places, new - schools, 'new : ambi tio ns hope. last, and, it is today, that this into is as to up new life, do world a all live. is' iis'-to-se- life we." good, pref- erably better' than v;e 'new it the world as bTith. leave. to we c.an Je the should make 'this better place' to D FE7SILZN HAVI The freshmen swimming party night. my copy, of (You know who' '''- everyone tb to write the' book. will have . ' itl) Best regards, TIE has Inscore Bob now; M .PRESENT L;TS comole tod GROUP its work and will- leave here for tick- them safely in our advanced work. Be. keen them other, .pleasant memories. The new c'uota is due to can take them 'out: in our leisubei-'w- e wall.', arrive- next week. minds never friends. short," would-car- in , . go I would 'like all' feel. it. necessary, it' .'this 7e difficult. circumstances ' . . to thank every u students and want Rowa-Allen- IE! DRIBS-- BID' : . Nelson,. .Helen Fawcett one' 'of Hafen faculty "members who made .Yvonne ..Jackson, Leon Batson, Sullivan' the .yearbook possible by D ... the cooperation you gave when-timw as so short and e di ' ;; ' Fudge r , Lc Arthur- .7 .John- ' Lilkins ul-. Max Fol ov.ing the swim refreshments were served. ' |