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Show .fit. George, Utah .PITT 7! JTTNT OR - COLLEGE rhjyrj-P- y - ALUMNI HOLD- BANQUET May:.. 22, 19A2 icSi j?'.s 'y s r COLLIPNCEiEPT iM QyX. MONDAY EMC 2 Mo TGPw: Dixie students were prominent in numThe 31 st annual commencement exerbers and in participation at the PE col.'-o" bo ;o cises xio hold in rill a d 3:15. held in the Woodward gym Monday' the tabcr'm.c1' oe .issued to 80 high Diplomas night , were Grant the s tea Among chool gr adua and t 0 48 college grad Cottam, speakers Donald Redd, Alpine Shirts and Alpine uates . The principal adPrince. FINIS Providing music were - Barbara Fellow Students and Faculty 'Members : dress will be riven 1 draws-tAi a the close, by Milton Twitchel Tweedie, school, year Dorothy Hire chi, Milton think most 'of us should pause for a m- member of the TJr, ah Schmutz, Garth Tiet- - oment and think over what has taken place State Tax Commission. c o 11 c g o Op al Isom, jen, Norman Hunt, this year. usof and honor student, Prince and Being the' last year usfor many, Wayne of will at experimany hers Dixie, John 'Miller. Marilyn Cox, high ' of new close at the ence a school honor student. Three faculty mefeeling we have felt 11 than via different also speak , mbers, Mr. Bentley, school with brief responses Mr. Woodbury and Mr. other years. I factthat being given by SuI, for one, regret the Bleak, were also on next Dixie be not year, perintendents Charles will the program. attending my H. Skidmore' and Mil-to- n that can I say The college band because truthfully been some of the E. Moody followat Dixie-hasgave a concert just no and my life; most pleasant years--obefore the banquet ing the presentaI that think what it tion of diplomas . Mayor Clark Watson matter betme to find numbers Musical was the master of would.-- be impossible for found here. include: Brass quaceremonies, and al- ter friends than those I have Council Student On behalf of the Dixie rtet, Norman Hunt, umni president, Arlo alumni-banquet- ' a -- -- : . time-spen- ' lies-ahead- , Prisbrey charge was in . ; (Continued en; page 5) Chamberlain, John program was patriotic in nature,-witthe problems of World War No, 1 and World War No. 2 being reviewed. A feature of the program was the pres- ... Cox, Ila Holt, Bryner; violin Helen Reichmann, Howard Judd (holdover), Roma N. and- Bill Bryner, Waldo Brooks The brey, Janice and Winsor are: Arlo Pris retiring officers Barbara Tweedie, Wayne Prince, Schmutz, Howard Judd and John T, Woodbury. (Continued page 3) y Caroline Stucki Barbara duet, Barbara Tweedie, medley of college songs of graduates, with Barbara by a group Tweedie as the Spirit of Dixie.' Hirschi; Barbara Dalton. Quinn accompanied Milton Schmutz, accompanied by Dorothy entation to the college of the pictures of all its presidents . are: officers of the association Lamb , Miller, Hirschi; piano quartet, Marilyn The New LaMoin amid a Morris, senior class president, Swapp, studentbody president, will offer the prayers. Following the exercises, a card dance - will be held in the 'recreation hall. Parents of the graduates will "be special guests. (Continued page 3) |