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Show T3IITUTI ALAU REAT SERVICES-3AC- C HONOR DAY TO BE OBSERVED SUNDAY Graduation exercises f the institute itudents will be combi no a with the Bac The Honor day Ox of The division the college faculty. division ates and and lower Several will also Tho many be presented, gradu- Kathleen Carpenter, Carina Cameron. D rOCAL CONCERT TO BE GIVEN YEDITD3DAY vocal music students, under the direction of Nr. McAllister, will ive a concert next Wednesday morning at 10:15 in the college auditorium. , The chorus will be featured, with the the principal cantata, "The Caravan, The number. ( has and until fellowships for outstanding worn Isom and Marilyn Cox. irds will also with tho department heads Another feature be aw of tho assembly will the swearing in of tho now student-bod- y officers and "the turning over of the- keys rff government by the- old officers to mho new. Student president, Bill Swapp, and - faculty adviser, IJ. J. Miles, have hadcharge of the preparation of the proVT'G j.iU 4 . t . Robert Fordham, Ruth Eafen, Jay Hunts- -. oi man, Dorothy Hirschi, Bullard hafen, n Lamb, Duane Leany, Vivian Prince, Bill Swapp and Nellie Thompson. ' La-H- is the college:. be announced department in charge. Anderson, Neal As ay, Curl Brooksby, do Brooks, Joseph Black,' Geraldine Billings, Leora Black, Laurel Brinkernofi , Carpenter, be given This who social service in and scholarships torians, Opl Institute graduates are: Harriet Wal- Pearl be held in general and in special fields. Included in those will be the two valedic- speech mission will be the principal speaker. The graduate . will not The winner Monday. college and high school graduates will hold their exercises on Friday, in the taberancle. May 22, at 8:15 p.m. Hilton Twite hell of the state tax comThe college in' the connumity choir will also give a reading. Joining, the institute graduates in the line of march at S o'clock will be the upper social service pin. performed the outstanding Braithwuitu will also talk briefly, with Hr. Braithwaite conducting the program. Hiss Prick will play the. march for the graduates, and an excellent musical pro- arranged. Commerce given to the Boyd oil C. been will exercises in the auditor jrum Monday at 10:30 a. n. Presiding in the ceremony during whici the awards will be given will be Barbara Tweedie, D Queen, and her attendants. Probably the most outstanding award will be that of the St. George Chamber calaureate exorcises Sunday night at 8:15 in the stake tabernacle. Dr. M. Lynn Bennion, supervisor of L. D. 3. seminaries, Salt Lake City, will sermon. deliver the. Joseph Black, repthe students, will talk on the resenting subject, 0ur Challenge. President Glenn E. Snow and Director gram has L.ONDAY i SECOND Three SERIES ono-u- ct OF PLAYS TONIGHT ploys will be presented tonight at 8:15 in the Auditorium by the The entertainplay production class. ment is free to adults; children under 14. will be repaired to pay 25. in the The plays will be presented order described below. Vhen Jacob Comes Kuzlenko, a drama, Bowler. The cast Grandfather Joseph; udolph; Leor Mary Pratt, .1 f Blacx , Huldu, Homo," by is directed are: Bob Mi Hi am by Truman Inscore, Prince, Rgdc, Jacob 'a Wa.fo, Jacob's daughter. O Mnyne vNf. 'fq |