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Show v - H P.age .four.. DIXIE JOURNALISTS ' CHATTER K : Issued each Friday by the journalism class at the Dixie junior college, St. DELSY STAFF Editor Associate Editor Assistant Editor Mary Paxman Iva Lu. Johnson. Corris Cram Junior Cannon , .Staff Artist Peggy Judd .Business Manager Viola Jameson. .Secretarial Staff Kay Hafen ondary summer, or else work on or something else. Likes math .especially figgers, RUTH HAFEN, St. .George, social science. Advisor Glen Smith this CPT a farm, . Woodbury, Alene Allen. . . . v Wanda Lund. Staff Reporters Virginia B. social one's .science. She is going to stenographer here in St. George. She likes to paint, to colle'ct plants, to cycle and to play games like hopscotch with Andy. LA MO IN LAMB, Mt. Carmel, physical science. LaMoin hasn't registered for the draft yet. He's going to take secbe some George, Utah. MIT0RLL. St. George, WOODBURY, is going to wait until she 's. caught in the drafts She ...likes everything and .everybody, and .that can be vice versaed. Ruth "Ed To riaLs" Students and friends of Dixie, -- I wish to extend my gratitude to you for the confidence you have placed in me in naming me as. student president for 1942-4- 3. I the next can and will be made Dixie successful one than more if that we make it we so . you push the path. students anticipate, cart along Wayne of Dixie will help well-beaton Prince. Miss Devorah was .formerly Dixie. She is tak- ing piano lessons for enjoyment only, but she certainly has talent in that di- will . would like to be a chemical engineer, and from where we stand his ability is not holding him back. ENID WEBB, Will ence. ter that sports and to BURTON OPPORTUNITIES and be a . ' M ALWAYS RECOGNIZED It is reported that .masons in Las Vegas receive wages as high as $500 a month. a mortar Yet Dixie was unable to. fill trades class. It seems forth a jo much strange that people don't put little more. honor,. ved St. George, physical science.- His hobby's flying, and he's going to take "secondary" this summer, unless he goes to California and welds. maybe ? NOT w ell-deser- . - freshie next Thompson We are looking forward to his year. contribution to our culture. He received an. excellent rating at the music festival for every phase of his playing. Olsen Moody is the son of the superintendent, His gracious bow is worth a million. Paul TWEEDIE, He Whitehead rection. next DWAYNE BRYNER, ; ASSEMBLY SIDELIGHTS office secretary, at fall, BARBARA queen, a en M . VEDMESDAY its is also going to school Hurricane, humanities. She's "go in' to the city" with Dorothy, but she's going to get rich "an' have herself a time" both. Barbara was. our D year here at a bigger and I feel incompetent to handle this position, but will promise, you that I will put all my heart into my work, and hope that HINTON, She says. - know, Hurricane, biological science, Alda is waiting for the draft, too. She's going to drive a submarine. They use her especially to sink 'em, she ALDA PRINCE EXPRESSES THANKS PRESIDENT-ELEC- T effort to be gained. D when there is . Junior Larkin attended the exercises at Orderville last Friday. oommcnoanert St. George, biological sci- become Mrs. on May 15. . She likes music Af- - and make candy, BURGESS, St, George, physical science.. Burton doesn't know what he's going to do, except go to school where there are lots of pretty girls. Vassar, Hurricane. Gwen's going to come back to Dixie next year; then she's., going to the B. Y. U.; then she's going to teach art and home economics. She's awfully good in dramatics GWEN SYLVESTER, k art, and she has the most beautiful smile' in school. DUANE. LEANY, St. George, physical scisome-- ence, Duane is going to get a. job ace. Las Vegas or Boulder probably,, some money before- lie gets make.and caught in the draft. He's another of these CPT boys who are figuring on the - air corps. BOYS' . DAY CARD M DANCE TONIGHT. Pl . |