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Show SD'PH PICT U RES.QUE Ralph. Hafen persistent as As tap. ping words. Jean Guler eyebrows. Aft on. Dn Dixie,. a few thousand' has re-rou- wise' boy, one a. Judd for- a nose a is PaX-nian'-H- Mary Seaman " As "Hr-- . Ilorris from Kanab, who employee. likes dogs horses and "Ho cats . hates are girls who scream, nosey map oxters. They try to much too ..reveal of your personal life." e mean She also likes blondes. Her pet yti id to give a man' b or.de-- a". seed :as optimistic willing -- Always whats becoming to her. a but- - as busy as ton. to ' ( one She ) likes Dr. and that she she says four rimes a ;veek, has an exam on the other day. Gould Haferi--Alwa- ys likes every vegetable She When . her she saw we making cabbage au except-turnips.- gratin. was busy She has noth- ing on her mind save cabbage. D eyx)l Duble r Watch her step-on-i- t. tones not only Farvey close the subject, but sit on, the lid. Aljcine Avorett His mind develops pa teniperature in the spring.. Blanken.a2el--H- is D SHOW certain Oops--W- how ws catalogue. Florence Stirling take (1.) theyre sissified." ur with laughter. Dixie Seaman--Knoher. own way. is interested in: She now a Lockheed She accident. Drisbrey Silent as awe. words are cushioned Ferol for an Ford said, elementary education; (2) clerical work; (3) housekeeping. . Her secret ambition is to keep house if .rehearsing as Spates who asked her age she When we county agent. her ted pm "Old enough to know, what Im doing." She is 'employed in the office of the Friendly as. a basket of , Huri t lO u . DonaJLd She you . Loa-Vjtt- puppies. of man A Syphus Eagn.,.. seven Pearl Carpenter, Alpha Theta president. She is' a native of St. George, a member of Lambda Delta Sigma, and a senior at a drip- Caroline Stucki The type of mind can sharpen your own with. Kent Hansen Diagnostic eyes. Le 5 -- Iloilspn: to your friendly and sociable spirit. The group that was at Dixie are of the opinion that next to Snow, Dixie is the choice college. Thanks again for .the good time you us and showed the same for able to hope to be we you soon. Yours .do SORRY, JACK, ' truly, driving, driving on wrong side of. road, passing vehicles and when viej'j obstructed (on hills curves). 29 11 i s i on Kotor Veh i c le -- N on-Causes: Speed tco great for conditioi s, Drunken Causes: 7? Co .defective tires, drivers, etc. sleepy drivers, --- 27 Miscellaneous Causes: .Children ' drum-o- n. 0 foil from 3'h vehicle, clistj'UliTigh, ted. bicycles, loose stock bco hi ghway , et c ; on . Bint on, Washington I Ooach Stan 'Watts Dear Coach and Team: p Sending a cheer from 13'00 miles stop "give them the ax right in the- neck stop keep them flying flyers stop I know you will win. stop K ' ; . .. - Vehicle Vehicle-Mot- or . ' IKAEKCS street, 2 doors flowppen, etc. Kotor Vehicles.-Oth- er v Causes: Carelessness on part of bicy- - ' BUT. Kotor --- ng, playing in traffic),Bo children -- Snow Students By Hlla Thompson D an jay-walki- etc. wish to express our appreciation to you for the cooperation we received from you, We enjoyed ourselves very much, due We AND CAUSES Kotor cross-- , Causes: Pedestrian ing not at intersection, vjalking from behind cars, walking on highway (with, .Vehicle-Pedestri- STUDENTS EiPHSSS APPRECIATION Dear Mrs. F'PHS 1941 FATALITIliS Sincerely,Jack. Kencher " V . Kotor Vehicles-Fixe- d .Causes: failure Object. for conditions, Speedtpo,grsa-to observe. highway signs. 3 t --- Train Kotor Vehicle Causes: Failure- to keep proper look -- R.,IK out,. driver parsing freight struck train. passenger by train, ' slow-movi- ng 0 I4-J- M card dance TouiTrir:: : |