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Show Page Eight -- - thus bri :es heid ts monthly meetm of tho ing last night in' the' dining-rooOfficers.lv .ire elected 'Science building .iPHA Tig for the THETA They also drew up "and a letter was about national me- yoar. coming their constitution, written to inquire mbership. .D. 3:107 PR" 31 BENT BAS RECEIVED A LETTER stating that ho finds it impossible to attend tho graduating held at dixie this yoar. exercisesBecause of this the Governor's secret tary, Mr. Tracy Rolling, will address FROM COVER: 10 .1 MAN, : tho graduates Inkconnbction with the Girls day pro May- 9 , n. "fashion review gram-owill be PROP. . presented at ' will There p.n. 3 charge for this ho no tertainment. invito all students to girls fern Tho the .ages. inino ss if it is a or a modern Cleopatra tante they seek, among . debu- senior sneak Tho "SHEEK A1BTJAL day , success. Early Wednesday morning the seniors climb od into cars and a bus, ..and wore off to 7oyo . They spent the. day swimming, hiking, playing baseball, and ' gathering "daisies. roast. with a ' .13. H3 HELEN CANNON shorthand pin. OH ini TO SCHOOL Wednes- results tho of Provo. If them, they A ' HAS RECEIVED PETERSON MR. ; commercial !tho complcto contqst in is interested to 'see anyone aro posted on the bulletin board 'in tho type room. Tho, bulletin reveals that Marilyn Cox placed fifth in M her HO -- word second-ye- ..students, as a whole, rated high. Tho .D. shorthand, ar D. ' oy DAYw? S'?0C,fL ... PAtSClU "n'-.'L- aHappy LV. ro (1-2- SCH&OL OUT" L rXfX yi c y vh ' lI 7 y- MMe L uai A7 -- r? ' ' re A s'.' ; i it'1 "I A' , V A check . -- D (m C : r V- pvf GAR t? si a -- pluuk you 6 ta I S Sc. h 3Y - .;. rr HIKPPV WHEN 4 D ' Congratulations, EolcnJ HAPPY. C . day after a recent illness. ; 7o are .all happy to have her back, with us again. . R3C3I71D ; .D. tho "we disand o MRS. TOLM J'J RETUENJN , Those interested power plant . The day was climaxed will that all fellows wishing to take the national, 'defense class in shoot metal work! this, summer must sign up for it now, or they will hot bo ablo to get in. definite wont through' INSTRUCTORS Make 'MR. MERKLTY ANNOUNCES DAY was a DEFENSE ' o .d. .D. SENIORS CELEBRATE in j cuss ' : of the B. tho campus on Salt City soon to fees for trades, industries national defense classes. be called-t- state tho the nanquins, committee in charge. her horo faculty TUB 1TATI01 to find bound theyre visitors wore Ant one Mr. JENSON, D and particularly invited, EDGAR tni s week. ? .The boys aro ' Y.U. through the charms .D. M-,1- . Nisson and Hrof . Vasco Tanner enwit-.no- on May 22. HKIP A-ei- - hf; 1 5uut ! A. ? r DfcOT.i. v Jtr. 'yr Mitf V. .... .r |