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Show Dins JUNIOR COLLEGE PLANS FOR GUARD FAREWELL REVEALED I IARCH has Guard program for the National been worked out by a special committee appointed by of Commerce. the local Chamber will be given tonight in the recreation hall, and a program will be A dance next Wednesday night at eight in the Tabernacle, The purpose of the dance tonight is to given raise funds to make possible an improved recreation program for the Guard members while they are encamped. The committee feels, that it is a patriotic duty for every one M. our to support this project. J. Miles states that last summer Guard unit had the distinction of to leave for the and apunnoticed Washington encampment parently unappreciated. "Every effort is being put forth to redgom the community in this respect and to make apparent to the members of the being the only ono all Guard tho real appreciation that of us have for tho work and the sacrifice the nation is asking of our boys, Mr. Milos goes on to say. "They are giving at least a year of thoir time, Tho least any of us can do is to contribute within our moans to Wo thoir rocroation. should show our appreciation by boing present on tho evonings of March 7 and March 12. Tho program next Wednesday will consist of tributes by Mayor Clark Watson, President Glenn E. Snow and Judge LoRoy Cox. A responso will bo given by that E- Captain Howard bo Cannon. Mr. Bleak will there with the band, and Mr, McAllis-t- or will direct tho vocal numbers, D. THE TENNIS MATCH WITH BOULDER CITY WAS 'paired out rs will dhtii old last not Sol for him, Sunday. Tho club ofn- - predict further matches comos out 19A1 to stay; but SAINT GEORGE, UTAH ' DIXIE farewell A , TO SPONSOR DEBATE MEET Twenty high schools of Southern Utah and Nevada have boon sont invitations to tho second annual Dixie junior college debate tournament to bo hold horo on Friday, March 1A, according to Schuyler Gardner, debate manager, who will act as chairman of tho tournoy. Throe fields of public speaking will bo included in tho program, Tho debating subject is, "Resolved that tho powers of tho Federal Government should bo increased. Judging will bo dono by the college debaters and debate coaches. Tho extemporaneous speaking will bo on somo timoly topic, such as Neutrality, National Defense, War Emergency, or Taxation. Judging will bo by tho dobato coaches of the various high schools. Tho panel discussion will bo on tho I think our Government Ts attitude should bo regarding tho prosent themo, Ihat world crisis. Judging will bo by tho debato coaches of the various schools. It is planned to give a lovoly cup to tho winning dobators, and medals to tho winners in tho other contests. tho Following will be contests, all visitors the ghosts of tho collogo at a banquet in tho Science The . j bo guests at tho studentbody danco in tho evening. .D, SNOW DEBATERS HOLD PRACTICE SESSION Enrouto to California, whoro thoy will participate in debating matohos, two teams from Snow college paused at St. Goorgo Wednesday to engage tho Dixie debaters in a practice session. Junior Gardner competed for Dixie against the visiting men's team, while Melville Hirschi and Russell Cornelius met the womens team. Miss Fern Young, debating coach at Snow, was with the group. Schuyler and .D. BEAT KANAB, building. visitors will also DIXIE FLYERS. |