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Show Fags Four ' ' , Issued Dixie- Utah Alda Hinton.- Junior-College1 ' ' , . : A ' Acting 'Editor -. -- : .Assistant Editor Gardner.-.- -. : Schuyler Gardner, H.T.Pace, Staff Artists' .St one i Is Aubrey Barker Jessie ' Lou Barker.-.-Joyce Adams. Elmo Sproul.- -. -- -- -. will answer Victor Shirley,; Harper, .Typist .Exchange Dixie Nine students--wil- college We.. The Is-i- : 'wonder rest of 'in- - without Spegmiller him- loss of : will-leav- will lose Nord.-Brockbank- a Dal-B.- we .wonder. if the , barren without Spencer and Hernia, and Glade and Phyllis, The .Arrowhead, hotel will .have less wear on the halls from Deans going up to. see Emma,--but we wonder' if... Jack Ren- cher wont take over, what Dean. leaves. The their-membership-I- Williams girl friends and, the drugstore. will recover, from Jean. Alldredge i Miriam Reber and the conquest; while won newly ' what ."Doc" Clay will do Ruby terrupt their schooling' for';a year,, starting next week. That many students will not register for the spring quarter the Na- because of for Cal- tional Guard, which ifornia for encampment early' in'March. - shocked?",' ing because Paul and Elmer, must go. (Poor Viola and Catherine) .. - l are those a. relief,. Mr. Hafen? 'The Pitch'f orths will be cast in mourn- . - EDITORIAL TRIBUTE PAID TO NATIONAL GUARD BOYS Now, . leave. Cannon...-Nelli- ; some others. "Who and. lonely course,, give you. Hafen household .will lose two steady customers .when Doyle- and Phil Thompson, Genevieve Andersen, May Pate, Lee Roy Whitne-Reporters -- Adviser BV '"Glen Smith. .D. -- J be so. we now A, K. The - . - .Typist Alta Englestoad. will who - .Typist -- is asked, -- shock of the Of be shocked more thah the question Manager until, the t.eachers recover from National Guard leaving. .. dead. .students .and - a few weeks,, f.or-.- ; GUARD'-'- ' college, is going to.' .be fairly The - ; . Marilyn Cox. Junior THE GOIrlr; OF' "THE sni St , v: STAFF FDITDRIAL i Friday by Ahe each class at' the Go or go, , , : : wi ll.--.b- palls very-'- , . j with the Guard are- a number of former students and grads.To all of these', college students "and faculty express' their ap- Also" Now J the--Dixie fancy-fre- -- and e leave ; .Pickett .Evan Garth Cot tarn are and. e, foot-loos- so-the- will y hearts. .girls, especially Annabelle, Kid" no broken . i prociation. They1' 'ere among: our 'best; are;- going to miss Banar4:. "Spanish fellows. students; they Their patriotic calling at :this time Hafen .also, commend-theWe .are really sorry- - t o see the. Dixie is of the- highest type, for it. May1 they enjoy their year junior college lose the talent that the 'The: Kanab are-rea- l ' - ; . ' and--w- e . ' .;. ; look forward-- to having them their period" of again after' training is over. r 'in camp! with us No' ' : - ' .d, . MENS ; : BRIEFS ! ; ; I : - club will hold" its regular mooting in the Science building-; next Wednesday at 7 p.m. :Rex McAllisThe Delta Psl'' ' Omega ' 'tor are' to be and Enid Webb the "program. .D. - , and-stud.en- t -as 'Hafen, Wi t twer j Dean of; in-charge- are some, of the 'stars.: . Paul- Crosby,-- outstanding debater ; - Elmer Pickett'., outstanding a student; Bannrd in tennis and .taking . Guard-i- ' ' j ' ? PRESIDENT. SNOW ASKS THAT ALL STUDENTS; who aro discontinuing school'' this'--quar-ter' check'' with the' office before 'le'av-- ; all! ing. Be sure, particularly i Sp enc er- Truman , . ... ts Clay Williams, who are rate .a ."BY average.- When, the loses- men like these,., those who : stu-.den- to be. sorry. Guard bid the you all good-b- y of, hope to see ygu.soon after our year - and and Glade Phi 11 Squi re , ; - remain, have- cause We athlete -- Snow, college ; is up. Dixie ; we Dixie, .but Wqf, ahatpato-jleav- to see California. Sq. we wish happy time while wo arego.no, matters of finance are properly arranged: "and: close, as the. Dixie boys. in the. Guard. for. ' - " ' ' ' according to will ' .D. PLATTING ARE DEBATERS DEBATING TOURNAMENT here . N. .! 1 SCHOOL on March' 21,'' This; Schuyler- Gardner. 'second high school ' invita-- j the tional'- debating tournament held in be George. - ; ; - a ( note: (Editors close, but--.w- lot-.e- ident and . a- f good between two . Guard. of.-th- Wo do ; not wish, to dis think Stanley recognition--- Meehan- a .D, -. .lino is the datps, --R- od ... shortest-distanc- dc--serv- es.a good str- sport,).... : i St.?' : .. . - o and Blue. |