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Show Page Three WRITER GIVES VIEWS. ON SOCIAL BEHAVIOR BENTLEY SUGGESTS ACCOUNTS Lets the person, young of well likod by laudable anbition being : Every his associates. Many a young able to after, make he and finds himself un- friends easily. beginning of the school year is the time; to engage in a searching in an effort to chart a course which' will bring-- 'happiness during the school year. Popularity may be achieved If one' is to be by conscious effort. liked by others , he must himself develop a genuine liking :f or" others . Friendliness generates friendliness. In a broader sense, social behavior 'The self-analy- sis ' ; consists of cultivating Dixie College Class of 1944,. This set-u- p will carry forth., for years no with changes necessary, so, of course, you will not close 'your account at the end of .each year, but you will leave your funds there, and at the close of the school year you will turn your chock books and accounts in to the office here School officials will then 'at school. on to the officers of the pass them forthcoming year. those habits which enable a person to' get along well Behind every rule of with others. social conduct there is the sound principle of making human relations run. more1 to Before one undertakes smoothly. ' learn the rules governing eating, playing or dancing ho should resolve to have consideration for others in all: his Ho should social activities. strive, Students, is .this not a consciously to develop tact, to eliminate those habits 'which irritate others,: and to encourage those habits which make, the cultivation of friendship, an easy task. like be the purpose of school to emphasize the more important rules conUith a behavior. scious effort,, any young person. can iron out most of his undesirable habits of of-socia- little worth the F. T. A. effort. The results are well .D. HEARS MISS CAMPELL Hawkins Our 'school child. Club problems were put before the group: one of them being the election of a new. vice president. Truman Bowler was, elec- ted to this office.' Music was provided and Jeanne. Miss Painter. Tillie by Roone Winsor'was a Bigler wo made we at Dixie have and renew our formed a Dixie officers for this year are: Prespres- ident, Bill Smith, Hurricane; vice ident, Elaine Sandberg, Hurricane; rotary, Paulino Schmutz, St.. George; amusement chairman,. Elaine Hafen, St. .George ;. finance chairman, Earl Hafen, St. George; refreshment chairman, Rhoda non, St. George; athletic manager, Can- enco Hinton, Hurricane. Former' Students of Dixie ' attending the U. S. A. 0. by Pauline Schmutz, ' ; special guest. left Dixie and institution of learning here at the U.S.A.C., wo can never forget tho high ideals wo learned and the grand friends wo made at Dixie. To keep' our close connections with the Club. in "charge. A.C. 'SENDS GREETINGS Dear Dixie, Even though we have ' have joined a higher acquaintances, speaker of' the evening was a; special guest from the state department' of education, Miss Tennir Campbell, who presented a very interesting discussion on the' education of the elementary The .D. CLUB AT friends meeting of the F.T.A. was hold Hod- -' nosday evening in the sowing room of the Science building, with President Evelyn A have', our chocking accounts more efficient . I DIXIE more business- method? Lets It will social behavior. bo more to each of our classes or you students who are in charge, advises Mr. Bentley, college treasurer. "At the present, few of our classes have a chocking account at the Bank of St. George, where your money should be Other classes are taping charge kept. of their funds personally, which is an insecure way of doing business, "So, students, I on putting the following plan up to you: Each class should now register at the bank under a specified year as: Seniors, Dixie College Class of. 1941; juniors, Dixie College Class of 1942; sophomores, Dixie College Class of 1943; freshmen, persons school years are filled. with unhappiness because he fails to be 'popular with others. Somehow he does not seem to "click with others.' His company is not sought EFFICIENCY efficient with our class checking accounts; this is' put as a plea and old, has ,D. Secretary ' .D. D. |