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Show . BRIC1HATS -- ' ADD BOUQUETS Robert by Pendleton C. if it is "What do we livo for, make life less difficult not to to each other?" George Eliot Bouquets to Sibil Schultz and Pauline Courage is, on all hands, considered an essential to high character." Froude Bouquots to Vauna Mae Le any and Ruth Cooper. "An effort, made for the happiSnow. , lifts ness of others Child above fleeting youth class. Ah, I In a word description of tho Freshman assembly Leggamusing.' Candidate for most friendly personality Alico Thompson. Joey Covington receives my vote as being tho most attractive girl in tho Freshman Bouquet class. to Tex (Rabbit) Mosoly for touchdown!that winning Ken (Hoopskirt) Konworthy should take lessons from tho 'Freshman girls. I see all right. they managed WTayno (Desperate) Dosp'ain has boon appearing at school sans hirsute adornment lately. Whos the lucky (?) girl a" Romance of the week: Elaine'' (accom panied by) .Bradshaw and Lorraine ( slick-- y) it McArthur. to Joyce (Hello) Welker for constant her good cheer Wo hoard it wasnt told to us wo only hcardthat Joan Abbott was soon to take tho'fatal plunge. Congratulations and best wishes. There are three things that get worse with contact; a cabbage, a skunk and a Bouquet columunist. reply to Robort sue of tho J. D. vertently reader by Wil-d- en inadThis 'was' proof .D Mr. written Corbett: . tho children of And cast out into utter darkness, and there will be weeping, wail- - men will be ing and gnashing of Gray W: What tooth? Mr. if tooth. one doesnt have any - Corbett: and me to While in Salt Lake, Mr. Ashby secured approval of several adult classes which will start in the near future. Some of these are cabinet making and handicraft, to be taught, by Mr. Morkley, and salesmanship, to be taught by Mr. Ashby. Other classes will also be organized ' Teeth will be furbished. ' for adults. IAO Still atively these? ? C many of our teachers remain relHow would you answer unknown. is tho most violent 1. What ., swear- word you hive heard Mrs. Robinson use? 2. Before" coming here, Mr. Huntsman taught in Beaver, Bunkerville, Hinckley?' 3. Mr. Morkley is a graduate of the U. of U., the U. S. A. C., 'the B. ,Y. ,U.?. . Mr. Hardy has a major in Botany, ' the F.F.A. , i opt, Cof-vi- l .the F. T.A. , Omicr on9 the Alpha of Psi is- the name. have thought, :an anonymous omitted, not, as some'' contribution. in a recent C. was The Twoedie, Pendletons C. initiations on teachers students who made it possible for leave my Work here, to attend". the kind assistance of TTinTi. .D. article tcachors training. Tho courso was given undor the sponsorship of the state department of education and was taught by Dr. David Jackie of the state department of education of California. At tho school were vocational directors, coordinators, and teachers representing the various districts in tho state. Classes were held in board room of the Salt Lake City board of cduca-tioMr. 'Ashby saidr "Wo had.ni lovely plan' to stu&y, and the long hours required to crowd an extended courso of study into'' four days seemed all too short. I have never before enjoyed a I appreciate class so much as this one. ' Zoology, 'Bacteriology? Phew! Tho Asliby returned Sunday from at'course in vocational tending a four-da- y Mr. n. to tho freshman Bouquet ourselves." 1,UL- - 'MR. ASHBY REPORTS PROFMABJXRjJM Last weeks questions should' bo swered as follows 1. 'Poland Jlafen an- : ' along without hunting, 2. Mr. Smiths is tennis. 3- - Miss Snows could hardly get best bet in athletics home town is Pine Valley. 1. Mr. Miles,'., because of his highly sense of humor, is often developed asked. to act as community 3. Mr. was on a toast master. Everett met his wife while he mission.. |