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Show THE DIXIE NEWS, SAINT GEORGE, UTAH EVERYONE DIXIE BARBER SHOP John M. Higgins, Prop. ADMIRES YOU WANT HEALTH AND HAPPINESS YOUR DIET IS VERY ESSENTIAL IN ATTAINING IT 1 1 0 A Well Dressed Man Sanitary and Antiseptic Methods Dixie Beauty Shoppe Phone 116-- J. & E. TOGGERY WE All Varieties, Standard Types Carry Foods In Season, FOR LESS MONEY I MATHIS MARKET j f 1 9ElS!ISIglS!ISIISEIsIiaBiailSElllBllS!sI HOME CAFE Pickett Lumber Co. Albert K. Fawcett, Prop. Short Orders QUALITY BAKERY We are the BUSIEST LOAFERS In Town Candies and Ice Cream We aim to please our customers and appreciate your 0 BUILDING MATERIAL, HARDWARE PAINTS, DISHES, LINOLEUM patronage E EaaMgigiarf)aiaaiaiaa!Bwgaigi5g5igragiaBigBigligMiaBiKiaiaBlgiat33telddsi3M!aaK!ia ifgiggi(gia5i'M5iaim3lMliaaiaigB igagigiaiiaidiagBIEIiaEliaBlSIl ta Ht IF YOUR RANGE NEEDS REPAIRS WE FIX IT You Furnish The Parts And We Will Install Them 1 WHITE FRONT SERVICE STATION 1 DICKS BARBER SHOP Us Sanitary Barber Service Just the Way you Like it Service FREE OF CHARGE Dixie Power Co. that Pleases H gigpimgsiaitMgreiaiisiiiggiaiaMiairfilgW SSI aaagagaiMiagnaigiHiigiiMgi5nasisiigiigiaimKi5i igiigtgsiiKMMKiKiKiiaigraaiaagiaisisiaiij HgKlgrflidIISIIglSI5llgiaR151iaaRRBlBbaaPlWia!SlSllBllHKElglKiaKIHIrtIIWWlggHI COZY BARBER SHOP Pratt Miles H VR-- and Dr. Albert J. Hutchings Pratt Prince DENTAL SURGEON Dermiticians POPULAR PRICES ALBERT HERMAN WE STAND FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY ITS RESOURCES AND ITS PEOPLE WE ARE HERE TO FOSTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ONE AND SERVE UNTIRINGLY THE OTHER DIXIE STOCKGROWERS BANK BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO MR. WISE BIRD ST. GEORGE, UTAH CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00 want to know something about Dear Mr. Wisebird: ,8ai5giagCTrf)didaiairiMriWaiaEimiaiaiiwiiaiiaiai0iiasiaraai0iaiHiwiiggagi Did you ever study Physics? bargains and things. Yours truly, Isnt it the hardest subject ever? M. Woodward, Helen evBut of course, you know Reporter. wasnt erything so maybe it me tell for you. Will you please HouseDear Little Would-b- e what the center of gravity is? wife: Lovingly, CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE Indeed, you should be preAmy Haycock. from GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES pared, my dear. Judging Dear Miss Amy: ( reports of the past it will come MOTORISTS HEADQUARTERS How irresistable you are! Of to ashes. Dont hesitate about course Ill tell you. The letter V bringing your troubles to me. There is always a place for you is the center, my dear. under my wing. Wisebird: Mr. Dear El The following appeared with Dear Mr. Wisebird: E. I your Ive been crying this whole signature. I have puzzled g over it a great deal but cant day. Karma had a whole apple OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST find the answer. What is it, and I only had a bite. What I do? should g please? Yours in tears, RUGS, LINOLEUM, SUIT CASES A blind man saw it, a legless D. C. Alice, MATTRESSES, DISHES AND HARDWARE man ran after it, a man with no m hands shot it, an armless man Dear Miss Alice: picked it up his arms and a deaf Didnt the tears make you and dumb man preached its ser- feel dearie? Better better, mon. What is it? scratch it awhile then. DIXIE MOTOR CO.j 1 Harness and Saddlery Auto Top Repairing Gents Furnishings A Specialty i ES MARCELLING SOUTHERN UTAH SHAMPOOING TELEPHONE SCALP TREATMENTS CO- - Connects with Western Union & Bell Telephone Co. AT NELSON BEAUTY SHOP sa SOLD All my divorce B. Snow Furniture Co. i Lowell Woodbury. PACE INN suits and law suits. Spring line of mens and boys Suits now in. Also Sweaters, Shirts and Ladies Clothing. Why not patronize the home man who is helping to support the Dixie College. JOB F. HALL, Phone 78-- 0 Dear Mr. Wisebird: I take Biology but there are I commend your studiousness, of things my teacher does lots : my boy, but the answer is Nothnot know. Would you please ing at all, just made it up. May how water gets into a me tell I serve you again? watermelon ? Yours truly, Dear Mr. Wisebird: Allan Jarvis. Were you ever just so perplexed you didnt know what to My Dear Lad: do? I surely am. Would you There are many, many peoplease answer a question for ple like your teacher and that me? Suppose a man marries his is why Im doing the work I am. first wifes step sisters aunt, The seeds are planted in the what relation is he to her? fellow. spring, young Goldie H., Dear Lowell: Service Station and Camp Ground Gas, Oil and Accessories Homelike Accommodations Cabins Newly Furnished We Strive to Please. R NEW ARROWHEAD HOTEL Cleaning, Pressing and Dining Room, Coffee Shop Service 45 our Cent Dinners Try St. George. Repairihg We call for and deliver. Phone 15-ygllllIllallagi3g!Eg!ll913EllSEIllg aagMaiHiaiaiKiig iai 0. WHITE FRONT CAFE I I Short Orders Waffles K. MARKET Groceries, Meats and Vegetables The Friend Making Store Where Quality Counts Phone 72 Saint George Utah Chili Sandwiches 1 a 0M raBliHgiSHigiisaaiaBaiaEsiiiSMaEiiisisii jssEMsisEigsEiEiiiEiisiiaaasiEiiiisiiaiaisa STAR BAKERY a . IS Our Daily Bread Pastry High Grade Confections and Tourist Supplies B a a a a a a3 0 0E a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aa a a a a but-,nin- a SiiiiiBiMasigigaiSMgsas DIXIE CAMS t Accommodations for All Auto Accessories Gas and Oil Dear Mr. Wisebird: How far can a rabbit run into Dear Miss : a with wood, with sides that square perplexing your Away problem! He would be he1" hus- measure a mile, if he runs ahead and doesnt band wouldnt he? Always glad straight to serve. Will you comes again. break over? Carl Stratton. Dear a. Carl: Dear Mr. Wisebird: Isnt getting married just the The rabbit can continue g into the square wood un-tthing? When is worth 50 cents a pound, til it reaches the middle ; after what will coal come to? Please that he must begin running out answer this for me for I do so of it. Easy now, wasnt it? MEMORIZE THESE SIX ever Only the criticized amount to much. When you lose your head hold your tongue. It is impossible to express high ideals in low language. Revenge is the most costly luxury in which wd can indulge. Resolved, like the sun, so long as my days last, I will look on the bright side. If there is any person for whom I have a dislike, that is WHUJU er the person of whom I shall er speak. nev- Cecil. The average man spends his three scores years and ten as follows : Asleep, 23 years, 4 months. At work, 19 years, 8 months. At play and prayer, 10 years, 2 months. Eating and drinking, 6 years, 10 months. Dressing and undressing, two years. Traveling, 4 years. Sick and convalescing, 4 years. Total 70 years. J. F. Linder. St. George Hotel and Cafe NEW AND MODERN, POPULAR PRICES FOUNTAIN SPECIALTIES J. I. SANDERS, PROP. FINE CANDIES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO STUDENTS, SEE US FOR YOUR CLASS BANQUETS The Hob FOR CASH, WE CARRY THE BEST THERE IS TO BUY IN REASONABLE PRICES IN THE MOST UP TO DATE LINE OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS GENTS HATS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, TIES, SHOES, SWEATERS, OVERCOATS. In The Ladies Ready-to-weLine, We Carry All You Wish To Wear, Both In Silk and Lisle, Wool, Cotton, or Mixed ar CALL AND SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING am m a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i CHARLES F. FOSTER, PROP. s10 |