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Show THE DIXIE NEWS THE SDIXIE NEWS by Published Dixie College. the of students semi-month- ly Subscription Rate the A BIGGER DIXIE COLLEGE (Extract of Address) by W. O. Bentley A bigger Dixie College should be the desire of every student of this It should be the desire 50 Cents institution. of every citizen of St. George and to learning, to always be prepared properly account for your time, your money, and your talents ; to be appreciative of the school for the hundreds that have been benefitted by it and for the thousands who will come under its influence and guidance. Enthusiastically tell others of your school, and it will continue to grow bigger and bigger. SCIENCE NEWS Insect Collection A very rare opportunity has come to the Dixie College to get one of the best collections of Tenebrionids ia the United States. Dr. Frank E. Blaisdell of San Francisco is giving, in so far as he has extra specimens, of Washington County. duplicates of all the species he has an is Blansdell The power to make the Dixie a bigDr. editorial this family. - Mary Graham ger school is largely in your hand, Editor authority on this group of beetles Davis advertising collections students. Juanita Proper fellow Editor Asst. COMMITTEE ACTIVE and has one of the largest Effie Gardner is going to make for a bigger school; EXECUTIVE Asst. Editor in existance. While this material Eldon Larson and this Student Body, five hundred property of Mr. Business Mgr The executive committee are this will be the private . Karl Savage strong, can do the most effective adbe will placed along it yet Exchange Editor enforce Tanner, to strictly Clinton Snow vertising that is possible.. Your suc- year attempting is to with the Dixie College collection for Typist Its purpose laws. school the cess as boosters will be measured In order to adequately Special Reporters the school of smoking and all the present. by the way you spend your rid collection and the allargely this Tobler for care Ezra has Minnie Paxman other degrading influences. It money, and Inyour energy, your time, Verna Cox will not accomp- ready large collection of Utah Vera Harmon both while you are here as students found that leniencyresults and have sects, a cabinet is being built in the Starr Karl Verna Harmon are at home during lish the desired This cabinet must Biological Laboratory. Ida Seegmiller and while you Vernon Church adopted the policy that students vacation. of the size boxes your insect 80 hold Letha will Taylor La Fell Iverson the most of this either strictly observe laws or comply are boxes If making you insect these of Class Reporters Club Reporters strenuous measures taken 9x13x2. Sixty school year, you will be possessed with the been purchased. have already were appointofficers with a strong feeling of gratitude for Students, these The time is not far distant when the standard of the A VITAL QUESTION what the college is doing for you, for ed to uphold Utah Entomology students may study them. bewhat it had done for hundreds, and school. Support with profit at the Dixie College, meetcitizens Wednesday night a for what it will yet do for thousands facilities and of cause her unequalled ing will be held, to discuss whether who are to follow you. Let this Why not have the opportunities. or not the Japanese should be invited feeling of gratitude be expressed with BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES come to Dixie, rather world student to Washington County. EVOLVE PLANS enthusiasm where ever you go. Tell than our going to the world for our This is indeed a question that is our people of St. George, the people conlearning? open to discussion and should be of the county, the people of the enThe Student body activities of view several points: carfrom sidered are being successfully tire school district of the splendid 1923-2- 4 Tell them ried on. Due to the fact that the social, educational and economic. work of this institution. AS THE DAYS PASS The future as well as the immediate of the work that is being done, of the Dixie has been placed on a college Likepresent, must be considered. wholesome attitude found here, and basis, college activities are being 3 We begin the new year wise it is important tljat the citizens of this wonderful Student Body, also stressed. de Jan. College basketball, to succeed. determination a with of the welfare the y consider of of the social life of tbe school and bates, and tract teams have been citizens of tomorrow. For it is they community, and of our climate which arranged. The honor system has Jan. 5 An urging combination: who will fell the effects of the move- is not equaled elsewhere in this inter- been School, scrubbing and pressing. revised, thus making a distincment. mountain country. Live such lives tion between highschool and college Jan. 7 Girls have a plot. What The presence of Japanese in Amer- as students that will make enthusiasfor a bigger of Leap beware preparations honors, it? Boys! is benefit a ica have proved to be both tic boosters of you. When you re- year book are progressing. In fact, Year. and a real problem. Before any turn to your homes next May, express the aim that this should be a banner maton this is made definite opinion Jan. 8 Has everyone seen himto your fellow townsmen your ap- year for the Dixie is being realized. self as others see him. If not, ter, it would be well to investigate preciation for the school that is makthe experiences of other states. get your picture taken. this training splendid ing possible are There are receiving. that you Jan. 10 Teachers smile, students PARENTS AND TEACHERS Examinations. parents in every town in the country frown PARTY HOLD BE A BOOSTER that are considering the problem of Jan. 11 Student Body dance. sending their boys and girls to school Parent-Teachethe Recently The world has use for only one next year. Tell them the facts about Charm School presentJan. 12 conducted a very success ed. type of men and that is the booster. this school, and by your actions let Association three Such a person has a personality that them see that the school has done for ful party in the gym. About Jan. 18 Dixie wins from Kanab. were hundred present. and do can for contains appreciation, optimism, you what you claim it in was group The spent and evening Jan. 25 Dixie vs Snow College push. He can see the desirable others, and there will be no hesitancy Restill seek to correct the undisirable in sending new students to the Dixie. games, and a short program. visiting team victorious. under the d thru thoughtful, honest, Conservation on your part in the freshments were served Jan. 26 The Wrong Mr. Wright effort. We make the world feel spending of money is going to be a direction of Mrs. May W. Hunt. presented all laugh with Mr. Association The Parent-Teachethat there is still much of the good in big factor in making for a bigger Smith. valuable most of one is the organiza it. At the same time he is happier school. Cost has always been and because of his own activity. Both he probably will always be an element of tions in town. It fosters civic and Jan. 27 Dixie High vs Orderville Dixie wins. and the world grow because of his consideration in making p'ans for school welfare by having undertaken the solution of many local problems attitude. boys and girls to go to school. The Be a booster. practice of economy on your part is Found A pair of gentlemans going to keep your expenditures at a Circumlevel that will encourage others to COLLEGE STUDENTS ORGANIZE glasses in a ladys suitcase. STUDENT BODY PRESENTS bethat evidence they stantial proves means of Waste by effort. make the PROGRAM redeem He Smith. to basketball Mr. may The first college league long you will prove discouraging to parent ia of moderate means who are planning game was splendidly supported by the same by full explanation stuan excellent Jan. 25, Friday,on sending their boys and girls here the student body. A yell squad com- chapel. in was dent body program presented E. T. next winter. posed of college students, each wav chapel. It consisted of: was colors school believe present. the While I would have you ing School song, prayer, Wayne Gardrests on Such loyalty indicates that college Mr. Pickett in History class ner; retold story, Mary Miles; dance that much responsibility Dixie a you in the Dixie. It bigmake to an effort the predominates in Wood-hous- e; spirit and Bessie Thurston Why was a certain period in medieDorothy have you be- is hoped that in the future, all school val times called the Dark Ages? I reading, Leonard Sproul; ger school, wouldnt lieve that others are not to share in activities will be boosted in a like Because there were Preston L. Dixie Marching Song. the responsibility and work. The manner. of so many knights. The Snow College Coach told people of St. George must be even the aim3 of his team. more appreciative of this school B. A. C. It is a popular fad in this day and They must make greater preparaa for tions to commit suicide. The most college. bigger age C. awarded was first A. B. The THE DIXIE DRAMATIC CLUB upelaborated then Bentley Supt. for cheese in the contest recent- popular method is by the use of in place and for on the building necessity conducted by the Western Dairy cigarettes. ly Jan. 15, MaterU.ncks play The dustrial activities in southern Utah. Division of the United States DepartBlue Bird, was read by Mrs. Mae McWe must begin to build today so It was also ment of Agriculture. Concluding remarks: Allister in the regular Dixie Dramatic Let me again appeal to you to get given a place in the first group for we may build more wisely tomorrow. club meeting. This play was inspirA. R. the spirit of this great institution of the production of butter. ational and well given. - staff rs well-directe- rs |