Show i 7 J t. t t f fw I 14 A AJ fy K t r J Oo q l Q a Gd YGO eJ 4 4 G 4 O c o o 0 4 it 1 e 4 4 s i rte 1 Q O A O A 4 C r v s r s 3 O ro a coo 2 v F oa otio ae r oo s r s i o r 1 TO S J r 1 0 nn u r. r v n 7 t I oM L 2 v r r Pr Presents 1 for Ev E VIP v WB L EM J. J P 1 s In endle endless s va variety iet at Reas Reasonable prices prices prices' w r. r k 1 r TOYS r LAMPS J w All of t the finest quality and strictly r r ALBUMS 3 x Fa j jl l o. o r. r S SILVERWARE up to d ate t f FANCY FANY DISHES i v y i. i C c. c J. J LOID BOXES y V 1 C a 1 OUR GENERAL STOCK 1 CONSISTS OF f r HIGH In Every E GRADE GOODS very owl Y D Department nt L e w Ci J rt i yr pv f Quality 9 l land la ia what counts count r i h r j f J 9 j ii t and andl We have ve QUA QUA-IL 0 O. O J ii JOHN DORIUS JR A 0 Ephraim I 00 06 a AAd V 1 kA H How ow to Cure Cur Croup Mr R. R Gray who lives Jives noa r Amonia Amenia Daches Duches county N. N Y says ays Chamberlains Chamberlain's cough Chamberlains cough rome rem rome rome- e- e dy is tho the best bost medicine I have havo over overused used It Jt is a 9 fino children childrens s r remedy edy for croup and nd nov never r fail fails s to cure When given ivon as soon a athe us as I the child becomes horse or even eve n after the croupy cough has d de e v it will wil t the attack This Thi is s should be borne in mind and a I bottle of the cough remedy kept at hand hall ready for instant use uso af as as- s soon on as lis these appear J For sale salo by H. H P. P Larson There Thoro are arc few aih ailments so ri tin un- comfortable as piles plIes but th they yc can can easily bo be cured cured by using Tt Tablers Tabler's bler's Buckeye Pile Ointment Relief i follows its use and any one ono suffering suffering suf- suf fering cring from pil piles s can cnn not a afford f rd to neglect to give gho it a n tr trial al Price in bottles tubes tube 7 H. H P. P Larson Drink a n steeping of Moki Iok Tea Ten before retiring at night and seo see how low soundly you will sl sleep p and how j joyously you will awake in tho the morning It supplies food for tho the blood while whilo you sleep produces a clear and beautiful complexion and constipation an and sick headache 25 and und 50 H. H. H P. P Larsen r I v vIf If you would have a an appetite x like a boar bear and relish for for your meals take Chou stomach and liver tablets They hei correct disorders of the tho stomach and regulate regu regu- late th the liver and bowles bowies Pr Price Price- cf c-cf 25 cents Samples free at H. H P P. 1 Larsons Larson's drug drugstore stor store I r i. i l L |