Show Notice tor NO 43 2 Land Office Salt Lake City Utah February 2 24 St St. 1900 1000 Notice U Is hereby liven given that the following following- named settler has filed notice of his bis intention to make final proof In support r of his l. l claim al and that ga said I proof n will l be made s before er r t the County n Clerk of Sanpete County Utah at Mantl Manti City CUy Utah on n April iS R. R 1000 1900 viz Jacob Peterson II U R F. for the S W 8 S W See Sec 14 14 W M 54 N NW NW NW W and N W S W Sea Seo 23 33 Tp 16 S S. S R 3 E E. E S 8 L Sheridan Ue lie names the following follo witnesses to prove his continuous residence u upon uron oo and cultivation of said suld land viz Peter C. C Niels Kelson F Edwin Dories Dorlus and Rasmus Hansen all Ephraim Utah 3 1 3 1 f 3 1 5 FRANK D. D Register M. M F. F Murray Attorney for AP Applicant |