Show Lord Kelvin's Reprimand The eminent English scientist Lord Kelvin who for many years has held the chair of natural philosophy at Glasgow University is Is' the subject of an amusing story illustrative of the singular force of habit As a professor of science Lord Kelvin can use long words in such formidable array as to paralyze the average layman but the Glasgow student is made of sterner stuff During a courso course of lectures on magnetism he ho once defined an ideal magnet as an infinitely long In Infinitely Infinitely infinitely In- In finitely thin uniform and uniformly and longitudinally magnetized bar and the misguided students vociferously vociferously vociferously cheered which caused the venerable venerable venerable ven ven- erable professor to say Silence I IThe The definition was made and cheered with the tho usual reprimand frequently during the lectures Once near the conclusion however the students did not cheer but Lord Kelvin promptly rapped out Silence as before |