Show 7 Jr 1 T UTAH NEWTS NEWS i J 1 K Parowan will have bave a new roller mill mil mille milin 1 v in n. n t the 4 c near future I C f 1 e t. f f Last there month were employed by bythe J. J t the fhe he Oregon n Short Line between t r I jr J t and nd p persons tg S' S Senators Cannon and Rawlins and Representative King ing will spend the i user J n holidays holiday at t their respective homes k r The fhe surveyors in southern Utah are 0 r c busy near Cedar ledar City locating lines presumably to tap the coal and iron near there The The large pounds capacity coal cars recently built at Salt Lake by bythe bythe 7 the O Oregon egon Short Lipe are proving a a. great great success I I The h officials of Springville have begun begun begun be be- gun a So crusa crusade e a against liquor sellers J tJ s f- f and are making it extremely ly warm for forI f I f c violators of the law v. t f 1 Augustus Robbins a 0 French Frenchman an s tr r was tried at Provo the charge against if f him being that he was insane The fX y judges judge's decision was Not crazy only I t a a Frenchman i Salt Lake City marksmen are organizing organizing organ organ- t izing a 0 grand rabbit hunt to take place w near near Oxford Idaho on January 2 The proceeds of the hunt will be devoted devoted de de- devoted de- de voted to charitable purposes purposes The demand for church bonds con con- I X Various corporations s throughout through through- i out the state arc are among the applicants besides the numerous individuals It Itis is said at the church office that there t. t is no doubt but the demand for the 4 f bonds would he be largely in excess of the issue f. f Commencing January 15 the Rio cf i Grande Western Railway company will vill receive five new box cars a So day from P the Missouri Car and Foundry com com- pany This order has been placed In 11 anticipation of the enormous crops toi to tobe i be raised in Utah during the coming t season 1 There will be no turkeys raffled in inthe t r. r 4 fi t the Salt Lake saloons this week or ori s. s 10 i next nor at any other time This is j li c the order issued by Chief Pratt and andrii rii- rii V while white it is unwelcome to the saloon man Dan It is extremely gratifying to the theman they y man who plucks and sells poultry for fora a livelihood John Gammon of Provo had a narrow narrow narrow nar nar- row escape from death while returning from a So hunting exposition with several several sev sev- eral other boys One of the boys in inthe inthe the crowd accidentally discharged his hisgun hisgun hisgun gun and the ball entered young Gammons Gammon's Gammons Gammon's Gam Gam- Gammons Gammon's mons mon's thigh Good nursing will bring the lad through Judging from the number of Christmas Christmas Christ Christ- mas presents mailed from the different Utah this year good times have indeed come again Never in inthe inthe inthe the history of the state have so many parcels been lieen handled by the as during the past week The house committee on public build bullit buildIngs and Ings legs grounds has B o 0 maka make mak a favorable rep au th R Rawlins aw li ns bill 1 for a c building i City t will ivill be pr immedi immedi- e er r the recess cess and Salt Sal t. t lope opo to see sea the building under short time thereafter school children at Park ve ye in the past been been n In the habit bing together and buying suit- suit resents for their teachers This how however ver at t th the suggestion of the ers eJ's the fund raised by the child- child will be use used for for forthe the purchase of d d and clot clothing i g for the deserving jr or v vE c ei E r of is State ate Hammond has isto is- is 0 to BrigE 1 U. Roberts congress congress- man elect and and to to Robert N. N Baskin tice-ele tice elect court certificates lu fustice I cates of ee election The certificates are bear date of December December December Decem Decem- ber 10 w. w vere re issued in pursuance of law and the e orders of the state can can- J ta the recipients having be been n d declared A la d elected by a So plurality of I votes 44 1 j i A Pr roan man ian has received a souvenir of ti tue Cuban war in the shape of a i cane n T o wood is red cedar from from the i jl floor of f the the tower of Morro castle Santi Santiago San San- ti L tiago 0 de Cuba Cuba The cap is a sea shell i r ti taken from the bay under the sunken Bunken i i. i 1 Merrimac Inlaid near the top of the v. v cane cane ne i is a 1 small taken from i 7 t. t tl helmet In pee of the archives of Santiago go a So small machete from an old P J- J armor breas breastplate plate and small pieces of off wrecks with monograms The Tho outside f t y brass ferrule is from a shell of one of the rapid firing guns and the inside ferrule a So part of a So spyglass taken from the deck of one of the Spanish cruisers and other pieces of material in the sane cane have a history |