Show t r I HANsoN 1 LAWYER LA UTAH GEORGE l DREE EORE QUINN mm NOTARY P A jy AlJ J CONVEYANCER t ft tAU tAll ll Notary work and Collections attended M ii with promptness and and dispatch ornee ENTERPRISE Main brain Str Strait t rf EPHRAIM UTAH II JOHN OHN H HI HOUGA RD rr M SURVEYOR AND NOT NOTARY Y PUBLIC PUBLIO LIo V City Ut Utah h. h M. M K IL REID JAMES W. W REID CHERRY S LA LAWYERS J Utah 0 i VL oL IL Ie REID WM WLL T. T REID J 4 at Law Land Attorney Alto tr k A Notary Pub Public f ft J ff gf REID REID All kinds o of Leral Business attended to o. o I Law Probate Land Conveyancing and ana O 01 0 VI V- V r erections I i MANTI UTAH r S 'S S f p C c. ANDERSON c. NOTARY PUBLIC i Cr Ev In the tho line lIno of Kat Notary work will rari rs- rs r. r 7 ri calve prompt aU attention Satisfaction ra gur- gur ri r ant ed J t li r ss' ss Ephraim Ut Utah h. h J T I P CHRISTENSEN l 1 NO CARY PUBLIC PUBLIC w All Kinds of Notary Business will win receive Prompt attention ft- ft EPHRAIM UTAH f. f fr x r THURMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROVO UTAH Will WI practice In alt all Courts num ii I. Utah 6 FERDINAND LA LAWYER WYER I MT liT PLEASANT UTAH L Legal rl Business of all kind kinda attended to I Wanted-An Wanted Idea Ideal of thing Who some can to patent think l your Ideal EW th y may b bring Ing you wealth Writ 1 JOHN rif WEDI CO p Patent B nays TI Washington b wf D D. O C l for their prise offer and list hat or of two hundred e wanted r Li V Lost Lost A A pair of gold rimed eye glasses Finder will please ret return rn them to this office Dr Charles Charls Jensen has moved into in into in to a part of C C. C W. W Petersons Peterson's resi resi- dence His Isis office will be located over H H. P. P Larsen's Larsen s drug store IT ILIr fj R NEVE V I V p Tf Vi A YOU Yau tigy 1 TO BUY A CHEAP ARTICLE WHEN YOU CAN GET THE BEST 4 FOR ALMO ALMOST T THE SAME PRICE r It Costs No More to become the possessor of a a. high-grade high reliable I Cloak than it does dots one of those ill fitting and cheaply cheap y made garments with which the country is flooded More than F styles for Ladies and ChilI Children Chil- Chil I dren from P up tip toI to I I. I 1 00 Look Label Inside the for fot forthe collar collar its its it's a guar guar- guarantee the antee of correct style e perfect rf Stand fit St and superior finish an an assurance that youre you're buying the best that's made made made-a a Cloak Cleak that graces ces and beautifies the figure ta ns no other garment can coo Our reputation for handling the best of everything is emphatically expressed in our Cloak Department r J I I t q- q d J We Lead j NOT KOT IN CLOAKS ALO ALONE lE but in every line We Ve dont don't claim to have the cheapest goods but we do claim to have the best Underwear We Have r rt t that h can not be ue d duplicated up II cate d inthe in 10 inthe the city either in quality qualify or price We Ve have a a. a complete line tine for men ladies boys and children Our pur Clothing Stock was never more complete It comprises everything in up to date styles and patterns Perfect t. t fit guaranteed and lOd Jit t d qu quality w Dress Goods an ant i t Dry Goods I If v Groceries and everything else in 10 our store is is A. A I. I r In Addition F reliable MILLER Shoe to our r J J. J we now carry the famous i iDREW DREW SELBY CO high grade ladies Shoes The Best on the Market for perfect fit and good wearing qualities 1 The cut seen below represents one of our many sty styles les 1 lJ 1 1 t 1 d I a 1 4 i v vWe W We e want f the People to come in m an and examine d. examine our goo goods d s. s We W e aim aun to give our v u uY i Y I customers customers the best of everything for the least money mooch pos possible ible JOHN DORIUS JR JR- I r S 1 |