Show i i IT lor is s an old and familiar truth but butone butone one one too oltan disregarded that business bust busi ness floss makes business The presence o of n a factory of a jobbing house of any Well Ven developed lino line of trade tends to bring more moro and moro more customers to the tho point were it is located Professional men ien men in cities endeavor to secure offices in b buildings were a host of others of the same profession proCession are aro housed They Thoy do 10 not fear foal competition they court it knowing that the supply of agencies fl for conducting conducting- any business attracts that b t business in proportion to its compie com corn pie tone ss I AN Av exchange says Farm lifo life need not bo be a drudgery unless we make mako it so One of the great drawbacks drawbacks draw draw- backs is i that that wo vo are apt to fall fal into rr ruts s. s an and once firmly in it scorns more moro difficult to get out than it i really raly ij is i i j j. j Music books and papers paper are as much In In place in the tho farmers farmer's hand as n anywhere any S where and with a little planning time S V can be bo spared to attend places of entertainment en en- S. S and to visit socially If It I CV any sot set of folks can got get up a better beter V social condition than used to bo be en cn- 7 V V Joyed Joed by time old farmers and their famie families we WG would like to hoar her of it it V V S OF Os' course courso there thoro is no such thing as 1 absolute originality possible for any man Every artistic statue of a beautiful beau beau- V t ul woman ever carved resembles the V Greek statues of their goddes goddesses es c The sculptor may ma nut put a great deal of V his own Individuality into his hi work t. t S but nevertheless its resemblance to j the the best work done before him will wi be r apparent apparent or 01 he is ro no artist And of the human nature of the body so of the tho mind mind Throughout there thore must bethe be bo bothe o. o the tho same conformity to accepted ideas f S. S of what hat l likeness should be bo Gre Great GreatS t S V is not even e if itS it j S S means moans greater greatel truth Tho The artist may mayti mayA ti A V V V put in and must put in all al the tho truth truthy if y V V he be knows s Im or he ho is no artist But he hey y must put below the tho surface all al that he hei i 2 V V cannot make Intelligible ible to others other f Tins TIg persistent ignoring of what Isone is V J V one ono possible solution of the suffering t J in citler is something which time and V patience can obviate The a aversion aversionS S to t farm lifo life le v whore hero it exists is based S V on rebellion against what is limited V i V V and provincial but it asserts itself itsel in inV ina V V i a misleading and unfortunate way V The Tho routine of farm lifo life lo in itself itsel does dV not attract an adventurous spirit it f V V V doos OAS not appeal to tho the ambitious V young man or woman Both feel that the tho stirring of the tho heart that comes t- t V with tho the thought thought of their future can can 1 1 only find a response in the conditions l- l V of urba life le They have an impression impress impress- i ion ions n nv which v ich is so far a n conviction that V H no can o sh shako shiko ko it it that la 11 ino th t city are nrc constant consta t golden opportunities t to be bo had for the grasping Most of f. V them tem never unlearn this 1 V V THERE are many many reasons why prophecies V V in regard to the tho weather should Vt- Vt I bo made cautiously if it i at at all all should be couched in ambiguous terms terms and andS S J should be bo furnished d with the best V S modern appliances to facilitate hedging hodg- hodg V VV ing lag in quick time and und at a moments moment's I V noticeS notice It I was wa well veI enough enough in primitive primi primi- H VV tive tivo for wise weather-wise backwoodsmen backwoods V ti e days V I V men to han hang prognostications prognostications' on the theS V horns of the tho moon to ca calculate cul t the S V time tio of the coming of the frost by the V V first chirp of the tho kat katydid did to foretell S V S the approach of spring by the tho aid of 5 V the tho tho sapient hog ground and ad to read readi S. S V S the tho story tory of 01 the coming winter on the te i V surface of the But the F speculator who thinks he sees signs o oV of off V f V J V early frosts frost or of destructive droughts V V engages in risky business when he heV V V CV V gambles on his h or other peoples people's V V weather predictions V V V I I HERBERT SPENCER gave his important V S tant tnt judgment against the now new interS international international inter inter- S national copyright l law aw w. w He lie le objects object V V to it that it i aids only men of established j reputation and loaves leaves the new nev V author who has a reputation to make V S unprotected also that that from tho the fact t. t V 0 that it is mostly inoperative in the case cae of 01 lighter literature and altogether aloI alto alo- alo V I V V gether ether so in the tho less wholesome and V te t V valuable part of such literature the V r V dissemination of this thi latter at low lov J V rates is aided in m c comparison with hotter hot bet bet V V V for ter tel books books Finally Finaly he ho objects to the clause which compels the manufacture of two sots sets of plates from type separately sepa sepa- V V set up as wasteful and V 1 5 1 son able He says that it is i so objectionable V to him hi that he be shall shaU shat never nevee nevol S allow v alo his own books to be published V 4 fr under uder the tho inter international copyright copyright law lav i t In short for h his use use it lt is worse than V no no law lair at nfl all al l i V SO SOUTH Soum n CAROLINA has no divorce to V J laws and ad will wi not recognize the tho laws lawson V on that subject of bf any other state In South Carolina to be once onca married is isS' isS isto i r S' S V to o stay sty married until it i is time to t call callin callin cal calt t in in the undertaker It f is 8 recorded that thata a South Carolinan not many nany any years ago agoV V V left the wife wie of his early carly manhood manhood t V and removing to Florida obtained a af f divorce and at once assumed second 2 1 1 matrimonial responsibilities Later Latr V V he returned to his native state to learn lear V V from a bouth Carolina court that the f i V V validity of his hi 8 second cond marriage mariage was V not ot recognized in South Carolina and andl l V 0 that his hi children by that marriage maria c t r V V could not not at least leat in that state InV in inherit V herit bent his hi property If I the laws in all aU V V th the states approached tho the perpendicular lar mr attitude of South Carolina on din di di- n t orce orce marriages would be bo regarded V as a more serious contract than men f r f and a women omen serous no now regard it it Courtship ii V would be longer drawn out and mar V nags therefore therefore not as sudden suddon as a on 11 j 5 V V el electric shock l t V t i L s. s |