Show DUNS DUX'S JU REVIEW V nEW OK OF TRADE NEW Naw YORK Yogi Sep 5 1891 Business improves in all sections a at the South pt partly parly lly because of in injury in jury to the c cotton crop an and the I consequent advance in the price e. e I At the West some injury to corn by frosts late in the week is reported the extent of which is not net yet et known and if it is is serious serious the loss 1051 may affect trade to some extent but at latest accounts business was act active acte e end and nd almost ev everywhere improving 1 The he wheat crop is out of danger andis and andis andis is enormous undoubtedly the largest euer grown and moving with un tin- unusual usual rapidity J The he corn crop has been saved and is il very large in most of the surplus-producing surplus States and even within the range of recent frosts appears to have been in part beyond injury Cotton has been damaged seriously in some States Slates an Alabama correspondent thinks 30 per cent and New Orleans dispatches dispatches dispatches dis dis- patches represent ent 15 to 25 per cent in Louisiana and Mississippi Some allowance may be made for forthe forthe or orthe the usual disposition to exaggerate c the of any misfortune but the loss of some part of the entire crop would not reduce the years year's ears ear's suj ply below the world s requirements while by causing causing- higher prices it might benefit producers and all business business business busi busi- ness in the cotton growing States The fact i is that there was serious serious danger of a disastrous overproduction overproduction pro over of cotton in spite of the rapid Increase in the worlds world's con COIl The monetary situation is also decidedly clearer and more f favor favor- v r- r able Imports of fold Jold have been ordered through induce- induce j if A. A j i h lw x i u I Y ments offered by one Cne of the bank banks possibly with a shrewd regard forthe f for r the he the of customers in the tock stock market Foreign nee neels Is appear less urgent and the danger of f successful resistance to American demands for gold is dim diminished The removal of If the German pro pro- prohibition prohibition of Amer American ran pork imports promises a largely increased demand for or i important products and a considerable con con- addition to merchandise exports for the year Ex Exports from New York in in five live weeks exceed last years cars nearly 31 per cent and while imports also increased largely the balance of trade twins turns decidedly in favor avor of the United States State its lt e injury to cotton may also r elfe l exports of that product pr w li foreign operators knowing the la la stocks in Europe might not hl hiv ought bought early had the American crop been b en full ull Finally the Treasury is isnow isnow isnow now disbursing many millions for 44 per cent bonds not extended and the announcement by the Secretary Secretary Sec Sec- that it is able to pay for these bonds if desired gives assurance o of liberal supplies of mone money The reports from other cities express in increased rease confidence nce and show some actual gain gam in to the volume of trade Steady teady improvement nt is is seen at Boston with large sales of wool more demand demind ware is js gaining and groceries a little though eel col c collections l- l are arc slow At t Philadelphia ia improvement is Sl seen n in in iron ir iron m and andl coal l steady y buying of wo wool l by manufacturers man man- ufa especially of worsteds an and fair trade in tobacco and chem chemicals chemicals but collections are generally dull l I Manufacturing is is active at Baltimore and Wand jobb jobbing ng trade is healthy Clothing lothing and dry goods an are egl especially active ct e and collections fair at at Cincinnati At Chicago wheat rec receipts are four four- times last lad lade e years year's j ears ear's rs r's rye nine ile times corn and dressed beef double and oats oats show increase while some some decrease ase is noted in hi flour about one half in barley and c cured meats and nd a quarter in n lard ard Sales of dry goods exceed which was phenomenally nom large and in clothing and shoes shoes' the trade is immense At St. St Louis the distribution exceeds last ye years year's x's and orders a are e free At Kansas City tra trade le is fairly healthy At Minneapolis the jobbing trade rade is very good wheat h J- J LJ r T s fit TU Milwaukee Business g gains ins th h gli gh unusually slow collections pu pinch h ch some of of- the j jobbers At At a all l Southern points higher cotton otton slim stimulate laces lates trade trado and m coll collections afe ate so better and a at New Orleans these thee thesis is fair demand for lor sugar At most most sOuthern most points is cr money also aho alia ea ier r am for legitimate ma mate e needs At t tl the e- e v i no o 0 C complaints complaints com com- o plaints of stringency arc ar ar- arnot not noted d though money money is firmer at Chicago Operations perI o on in speculative mar markets k ts have been more active anc and wheat has declined 4 j cents on sales of 48 million bushels on on account account account ac ac- count of enormous receipts at the West Nest which e have been at the rate of ot o bushels daily for the week thus far Exports for the current have been about ten times those of last year though the movement flour does not correspondingly corres correspondingly increase Corn declined three cents before the th reports of oi frost frost and oats oafs iy I cents C Cotton has JIas advanced notably more than half a cent during the week of sales of bales at New y York and the market is is likely to be unc uncertain for some time to come conic Oats have have fall fallen 3 cents and coff coffee e. e three quarters of a cent but no fall is seen in p pork rk products which may b be strengthened by tl the e new y German de de- cree cree In stocks there has been a remarkable advance ance broken broken on Thursday b by some reaction on r report rt- rt port of frosts I The he great in industries industries' are doing well though strikes of importance ance are threatened in the cotton mills at Fall FAil River and the window glassworks glass glassworks works in the west Distinct ment is seen in the demand for iron and its products t though ough the prices are are I unchanged and also in in coal while minor metals are firm Sales of wool at Boston reached 00 Ibs lbs buyers for worsted and dress goods manufactures being especially active The trade in dry goods is is f fairly airly large pal particularly in all wool and dress goods Cot Cotton Cotton ton comm commission merchants report trade tade fairly up to last years rears ears ear's and some record a considerable in in- in crease The business failures throughout the country during the tile past even seven days AS reported to R.G. R.G. R R. G G. Dun Co Go The Mercantile Agencies by telegraph number for forthe forthe the United States and for forC C Canada nada 20 or a a. total of as compared with a total of last week and the week to the last For the corresponding ing week of last year the figures were representing failures in inthe inthe the United States and 36 in the Domi Dominion i of of Canada f i j 1 1 I i E |