Show Dried Peaches Pears Apples and Apricots at the Drug DrugStore Store Three T ree go good d rooms to rent over the Dru Drug Store L WAIT WAIT WAIT It will pay you Our Spring line pf of dress dress goods are on the way The finest fines and largest ever evet brought to this city j p. p j hobos loung lounging lounging lounging r Twenty f one one- were ing around th tha tb- Railway Railway- depots to tc today day It is presumed thay are leaving leav ing the cities on account of their assurance that the they will be able to find work o k a at any ny time after the in in- n of McKinley on March An Irish n man ari got out of his carriage car rage rag at a a railway station fo for ref refreshments refresh resh ments ments but the b bell n rang and the train Ie left It before he had finished hi his repast Hould on cried Pat Jat at a ahe as ashe he ran like a mad man after the car ar Hould on ye auld stame yeve got a aboard that's left behind 1 J The Good Luck Mining company C still continues to push the work on on their heir tunnel It is now in a bout bou thirty five feet CHEAP CHEAP In order to make I loom tOom om for new for new and re reasonable dress goods goods' we wil wit witsell sell last winters dress patterns at at cost for one week anI only commencing Thursday March the at the Junction function Co Co op Lumber and products taken In n exchange for all kinds of carpenter work Caskets and Coffins on hand hanc of all sizes at reduced prices pries Six feet Coffins with outside boxes for for forro 10 ro 0 and up Six Six feet feet Caskets for 1250 1250 and up At what is known as Larson and Olsons Olson's furniture store Here is another chance for the farmer to s save ve money Swindler No i x calls up on the farmer with a patent wagon tongue and informs him that he is on his way home having made a good thing of it and has only only- this county to to sell sen He Het t tells th the laim farmer r he can h hive have ve it for and and if he he- wants it to write to him In a few days swindler No 2 com comes s. s along He has has- heard that the farmer has the county for the patent wagon agon c gon tongue he has made a abig abig abig big thing hing of it in Pennsylvania and wants to buy the right of the county and offers the farmer 4 0 and pays him 10 io to b bind nd the bargain T The e farmer writes to No i and sends him bim his note note for He never J Hears e ts fro from them again and his note comes up for collection in a neIghboring neighboring neighboring neigh neIgh- boring town and he is out 0 Exchange k t i. i A Awarded warded Highest Honors Worlds Honors Worlds World's Fair CREAM BAEN MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Grape Crape Cream ream of Tartar Powder Free Fre from Irom Ammonia Alum or any other adulterant adult t 40 YEARS THE TILE STANDARD 1 r i I Iy y 1 t xi xii i t Oats taken on subscription at this office The district court coult is in n session at Mt Pleasant this week Dr West Vest has moved his De Dental tal office to first house west ENTERPRISE office Found A bunch of keys T The e owner can have the same by caling call cal ing ng at this office and paYI paying g for this notice D. D E. E Ellingson E the popular druggist of Lehi s stopped over in inthis inthis inthis this Tuesday on his way vay to Marysvale 11 W r r i SYo I c i Q Absolutely Pure Puro Celebrated for its great leavening and healthfulness Assures he the food against alum and all foi ins of adulteration common to the chean Hands brands Royal Baking Powder Co New Mew York Do You Keep Hous If jo 9 you cannot afford to tobe be with without without out outa a bottle of Parks Parks' cough syrup where it will willbe willbe be handy Unequalled in cropp Whooping co cough gh and the disagreeable colds to which children children children chil chil- dren are subject Sold by II- II P. P Lar Larsen en dru druggist A New Book Book KNITTING AND CROCHETING of 64 pages over 5 50 original designs deigns illustrated belu be 1 l-ce l ice p patterns shawls hoods jackets etc has been published hy by TIe The Home Ilonie r. r Milk I St St St. Boston ston Mass and will vill be sent ith vilh itha a subscription to that paper The Home HomeI 12 I is a page monthly filled with original stories Ji literary and domestic tic topics and fashions fashions- ions ions' Its department ut of Fancy is a special feature new rind and nd original designs each issue Tile Tie price of sub mb is 50 ecu's a 1 year and will wil I in include include in- in clude elude one of these books books- As v o special to trial subscriber a copy of this thi book will be given with a 6 months months' subvention The price of book bookis is is 25 C cents Jut hut a 6 m in subscription and the book Dook combined will be sent for 15 cents Their annual premium list fur for 8 97 will be se sent t free on application D lla y u tiKI t to R Enough For all the tho Winter Evenings ALMOST FREE FREES send d on receipt T TOWn TOPICS TOS riu of t ti arid Aye Are N. N Y J FIFTEEN centi J Jg g In stamps any D one of the following TIme prize norela TW TWO HUNDRED AND AiD FIFTY SIX FIFTY SIX pages regular price pries FIFTY t eta etan for or FIFTY enta seats any FOUR i for or ONE DOLLAR any TEN for tor ONE DOL DOLLAR AR AND ANDA A HALF the whole library of SIXTEEN volumes THE TilE SALE OF A SOUL B By C. C M. M 8 S. He- He IUan TIlE I T 7 COUSIN OF THE TEE RING XING D Br Dj A. A s. s v Van Vau a si 8 SIX sax MONTHS IN B By Chile Clarice LT Ln L X T n J SKIRTS OF 07 02 CHANCE D By Dy Captain Alfred Thompson ANTHONY 19 KENT RENT Br DJ Stoke Wayne AN 11 ECLIPSE OF VIRTUE By y Champion BI IJ SIREN By John n THAT 13 DREADFUL WOMAN r By Dy Harold I It U- U A 14 UW W D EALIN t IN DENVER Dy By Gilmer McKen- McKen 1 W 15 dree SAYS SATS GLADYS B By Darld Christo ChristoI I lS-A lS IS 15 GIRL By L. L H. H i 17 A 17 A MAR GE FOR roa HATE By Dr Harold It 1 it-c it n THE By ity T. T C C. De Do T ron Leon on W- W TitE THE WRONG G MAN By Champion THE SO-THE i HUNT FOll FOlt HAPPINESS H By 13 Aulta it HEK 31 t I Ita ta By Dr Harold It Vynne I a IndIcate ate by bythe the numbers the Donis you ou waat BO 50 YEARS YEARS' EXPERIENCE I II I 1 j- j TRADE MARKS DESIGNS 11 COPYRIGHTS o Anyone sending a sketch ketch and description may Quickly ascertain free whether an Invention Is Ia probably Communications strictly confidential Oldest ceney t or securing patents to In America Wo have a office Patents through Menu Co receive notice In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Illustrated largest circulation of any Journal tournaI weekly terms term 3 00 a year months month Specimen copies and asoo ON PATENTS soot sent free Address MUNN CO Now ow York THE v j WORLD ALMANAC j AND ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR FOR FORIt I o. o ij I o 00 It will answer any que question tion you may ask It it c The liThe Standard American 4 Annual EARLY PAGES PF OVER 1500 TOPICS TREATED A A COMPLETE statistical 1 and it political history of th the United States The results of th the Preot- Preot I d election accurately com corn piled plied Every fact of value that human knowledge can require A reference library boiled down I 1 II Ir I r J POSTPAID ID TO ANY cy o 0 ADDRESS 0 o No American who wishes to know his country can be without It I THE THE- WORLD R Rd Ready ea d y I Jan Pulitzer New cw YorkS York L I S' S J The wife of Mr D. D Robinson a prominent lumberman of Hartwick N. N Y was sick with rheumatism for five months Chamberlains Pain Balm is the only thing that gave her any rest from pain For the relief of pain it cannot be beat Many very bad cases of rheumatism have been cured by it For sale at 50 cents per bottle by H. H P. P Larsen druggist Beware of Ointments for that con contain tam tain Mercury is ts will surely destroy the sense of smell and com completely pIe tel y de derange derange derange range the whole system when entering entering enter enter- ing it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable reputable table as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you youcan youcan youcan can p from rom them Halls Hall's Catarrh C Cure re manufactured by F. F J. J Cheney Co Toledo 0 O con can contains contains tain no murcur and is taken in internally internally and is made in Toledo Ohio by F. F J. J Cheney Co Testimonials Testimonials free Sold by all druggists I price per bottle J JAMES JAM BECKS BECK'S STOCK OF General Merchandise Has been removed from his Ills old stand tand to his Ins residence where hi Ins hii patrons old and new can find everything in his line at it special LOW W S 81 He desires to call particular at attention attention at at- tu to his line of lie SHOES suited 1 Ui 51 shies sl Ils and si sizes Es E's for bi Li bij little lillIe old and young and t such prices a as can not fail ail to suit the pl purse of every e one line in in of foot v wear ear Major l C. C T. T Picton is manager of the state hotel at at Denison Texas which the traveling men say ay is one of the best hotels in that section In speaking of Chamberlains Chamberlain's ins in's Colic cholera and Major Picton says I I have lave used it jt itin itin in my family for several years ears and take pleasure in sating saing that I consider consider consider consi consi- der it t an infallible ble cure for diarrhoea diarrhoea diarrhoea hoea and dysentery I alwa recon recon re- re con can mend it and have frequently ad- ad it to o my toy guests in the hotel and in every case it has proven pro pro- ven yen itself worthy of unqualified Ii f en en- For sale by uy by H. H I P. P Larsen Druggist Interchange ib be e l i I. I k t t. The regular mile hooks books of Rio Granite Grande V Western Vestern stern issue bold on I and after Feb ith will wi be valid alid for passage over all the lines of the Rio Grande estern Western railway Colorado Colo Cob ra ratIo rado o Midland l Denver Rio Grande Florenc Cripple Creek Midland Terminal and Rio Grande Southern Railroads The traveling trav ling public will at once appreciate the enhanced value of the Rio Grande Western mileage books by reason of the fac that these books can be used locally over the Colorado lines above mentioned These Thebe books are on sale at all the principal stations Such tickets that have been purchased ed prior to 16 Feb will be in included included in- in n- n eluded in the interchangeable ar if book is presented to the General Passenger Office OfficeS Salt Lake City For further information apply to any local agent TREES TREES' Shade 1 TREES Charles can furnish orders from 50 o to 1000 trees at prices pric so low as to surprise you The very best and choice varieties of Apples Pears Cherries Cherris Cherries Plim Prunes Peaches and ad Apricots at 10 0 o per fur for i year olds old 3 to 4 feet 12 1250 50 per hundred same age 4 to 6 ft ft 15 pe for 2 years olds old 5 to 7 feet The best varieties of Currants Cur Gooseberries Raspberries and Blackberries Blackberries Black Black- berries bernes at 75 cents a dozen or 5 oo per zoo Fifty trees sold at the too 00 rate Ve grown trees horn from a nursery of 45 years existence First nu nursery in the West Vest You cant can't duplicate these prices For orders send a card immediately to CHARLES Sterling Utah nd rid he will c crib call Jl on you vou t. t 2 In 1892 Mr A. A L. L Gold Vate Goldwater to ownes three retal reta d du duj uJ stores s in n New york ork City having Jeane learned l atthe of at the great value of Chamberlains Chamberlain's cough remedy for colds croup croup and whooping cough ordered a supply for his customers customers It met with so much favor that he soon found lound if tt necessary to order more more and duri during g the winter sold ov over r two gross of the remedy II H He says it gives the the beat eat satisfaction of f any cough cure he has ever ever handled For sale at 25 cents per bottle bottle- b by II P. P Larsen Lasen druggist 0 OF F. F DAVIS Land Laud Mining l Attorney y Attend to to to- all matters before before the U. U 8 S- S S Land Lind Office Mining claims chime Entries Final proofs 8 Contests Etc prepared and filed F Office 15 West Pleat South street CITY UTAH DR O. O H. H BIRD Teeth extra extracted ted without pain Plin and and without The use of injurious drugs or an anaesthetics GOLD CROWN CROWN- r TEETH BRIDGES AND RUBBER PIA PLATES TES TESA A Specialty stairs Up-stairs in Tuttle Block 1 I and MANTI i Ul U Ail ii H- H GJ- GJ EANSON aso so PRACTICAL SHOEMAKER Will Vill repair boots and shoes at prices j that defy competition BOOTS SHOES MADE TO ORDER Shop in ill on oi Fir t S uth Street StreeL EPHRAIM I UrAI-I UrAI fA vip L v AT p NIGHT J MOVES MOVIS THE BOWELS IN INTHE INTHE 1 THE THE MORNING LC Ki W C i ii i 5 ELYS ELY'S CREAM BALM BALTH ii a Apply into the nostrils It II la I. I quickly absorbed 50 60 cents at or by nail malt samples ample bc by mal mail mai ELY ILY BROTHERS M toG Warren Warea St. St New To Torte Tort City i 1 j Si- Si j 1 1 |