Show 4 S S I I Wo J. J Lu Lo Bryan s ff 5 p P n ira IP E m A K THE FIRST BATTLE A ALL A LL who are interested in furthering the sale safe of lion 1104 W. W J. J Bryans Bryan's new book should correspond immediately immediately im mediately with the publishers The work will contain An account of his lils campaign tour e 1 His Ills biography written by his hs wife I rk His most important int speeches S f The results of the campaign of 1896 I F d A review of the political situation r J AGe AGENT TS WANTED Mr Bryan has announced his intention of devoting elevating r one hall of all aU royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism There are already indications of an enormous enormous enor enor- sale Address I- I J V. W. B. B CONKEY COMPANY Publishers l Dearborn S Santa Fe Pe R Route I Rio Grande Grade W Midland At Atchison hison Topeka and ad Santa h e Railways ail ways The only line which runs P Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars between Ogden Salt Lake C City ty and Chicago without change S and Pullman Palace Reclining Chair Cars between between Ogden Ogden Salt SaIL Lake Lae La e Mtv it Denver Den er and Chicago THE SH SHORT RT LINE S SUPERB r- r ER EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED ARE ABE YO GOING EAST If so be sure and secure tickets reading r the and Great Railroad SANTA FE ROUTE Grandest Greatest st on Earth 0 Leave Leav Ogden or Salt Lake City on the l Evening 1 1 rain Irain in order to see th the most Beautiful Scenery in Am ria 4 Train Leaves Rib Rio Grande Western Depot Ephraim at aL 1224 p. p m m- H. H C. C B RN TT e General Agent gent Po Department I Dooley Salt Lake jr h df r 1 Winchester f C L l r 1 III li 1 J j A TAru fu of te ed rs 1 if and p ped 1 11 W e 1 f S 'S Sent Senn n a ro Po PotI trl tl C.- C. Card th your address for our I 12 a Catalogue FREE ft i l 1 zI iM i'M no DO NOT BTTY A n T LINE OF l r wi br I t r 8 imS br bi Ammunition t vit thoroughly investigating th ihs tha merits of the Winchester the We hive have the thc lo lowest and nd facilities fn for Iii th the manufacture J k kV V of Repeating Shot Guns Single Shot l Rifles 05 and nd Ammunition 1 Ulcer t oi your r ol Loat Dealer Jo fo for tho ilLO r att Gem dun tJ 2 1 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS AmS CO td M Ac e. e Conn ODD onn tf t 7 YOU WANT A NEWSPAPER APER FROM THE METROPOLIS OF THE PACIFIC COAST The San Francisco Weekly Examiner IS IS THE ONE GREAT WEEKLY OF THE tOAST COAST S m TUX THE TIBET PLACE IT GIVES SUBSCRIBER o n OF THE TUE FOUR Foun ETCHINGS OB OR BELOW AND DELIVERS IT SAFELY AT HIS HIB ADDRESS POSTAGE PAID rAID THE TIlE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG In Colors by the Great Gnat War Artist THE THE SIRENS In Iti C Colors a Colors a Painting Famous tho World World Over CHRIST 4 OR DIANA Illustrating an Historical Hist Event of ol Early Christianity 4 PEEK BOO I a Winner at the Paris Salon rich Etch of tU these U Is Inches su ml 4 they are eleB elegantly reproduced la In f showing Ina eter of ot the great on one of which could not cot be to tor Besides There Are Premiums RANGING IN VALUE FROM FROH 25 26 TO TO BE DISTRIBUTED AMONG EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS The Th price of the 1 It II 1 U 60 ao per year ear the Picture Plater and T yo roil br of th list lUt II of Premium which are folly fally IA Sn the Ibe Premium supply upp tent 11 l will wUI b. b en teat leD fr ft fr e on application lD to W. W R. R HEAH Publisher San c Cl ea T c 11 t u t r Ta D- D 23 P r i Ii a 1 M I 1 tP 1 a. a I m VJ I 11 A J J id 11 l m l L LA Ji 1 Jd J I S' S d d. d |