Show t To Cure curd Headache A itA hot bath it stroll in the fresh air air shampooing the head in weak soda sod water vater or a timely nap in a aco co cool l quiet ro room m will sometimes stop a nervous headache writes Dr B. B F. F Herrick in the L Ladies dies Home J Journal When over over- fatigued from shopping or sightsee sightsee- ng a sponge dipped in very hot water and pressed repeatedly over the back of the neck between the cars bars will be found found exceedingly refreshing refreshing refreshing re re- freshing especially if iE the face and temples are afterward subjected to the same treatment Neuralgia is caused not only by cold colt coldir air tir but by acidity of the stomach starved nerves im imperfect teeth dr by in indo inde indolence o olence lence combined d with a too generous diet Heat is the best and quickest quick est cst cure for this distressing si lg pain Bain A Ahot Ahot hot flatiron iron passed ra rapidly it ly and deftly over several folds of flannel laid on the affected spot will often give relief in less than han ten minutes without the aid of medicine Hot are of equal 1 value though lough when the skin is very tender it is more adv sibIe to use dry heat nothing being better for tor the purpose purpose than han bags I of salt flour or sand which retain warmth a lon long Cold water applied by the fingertips finger fingertips tips ps to the nerves in front of the ear has as been knO known knOn n to dispel neuralgic I pains ains like magic When caused by acidity a dose of charcoal or soda will ill usually att act as a corrective Sick ick headache is accompanied by billious symptoms and anti attacks attack usually tome Come on oil when the fhe person is overtired of ot below par physically This his is a disease of the first half of life ife and often stops of its own accord after middle age A careful diet let is imperative in every c else case se sweetmeats and pastry being especially especially lly pernicious Eating heartily when hen very tired late ate dinners eating irregularly insufficient insufficient in- in sufficient mastication or too much animal food especially in the spring or r during the hot weather are fr frequent fre- fre quent tient Causes auses of indigestion causing headache by rp reflex ex action |