Show I THAT HUNTINGTON JOB Senator Morgan uses plain language language lan lan- guage gnage in arraigning the Pacific railroad railroad rail rail- road looters and opposing the pi Dill n concocted by the Huntington lo lobby by to shoulder the burdens of the plundered roads on the government The senator asserts that the evidence of fraud and speculation was not concealed by Huntington's testimony his evasions of the truth w were were ie plainly intended d' d dt t to mislead c congress into turning over to him the Central Pacific nil railroad road after he and his associates have haye been made enormously rich by plundering plunder plunder- ing it and the government He charges s that his bis own fraudulent dealing has driven the road into bankruptcy from which he pleads that his pride impels him hint to save it The bill biU proposes to yield up the government control of the roads and hand them over to the the themen men who have plundered and thrown them into bankruptcy for foi fraudulent pur pur- poses s It proposes to fo give ive these men more plunder and rob the people of millions millions of of dollars by providing for forthe th the governments government's assumption of the indebtedness of the roads at a arate arate arate rate of interest r I yz per cent higher t than an the government will receive from the roads In short the proposition is to tomake tomake malie make the the loo looters ers se secure in the posse possession sion of thel they now have and to to give them ir fresh sh i The mea measure ure is a p preposterous la and d stupendous tu o pie piece of of jobbery jobbery ery If Huntington does not come down handsomely for it it another lent letter r from him on Congressional fools will be due after its bill is passed St. St St St. Louis Republic |