Show - - - - - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Saturday November - x s ! - (2 Jr JEMOISIMINIME6 3 vos01184 DIAL 4110 OW '1 ''' b - E i1 - i - - k - ': tf ig : 1 0 ' 14 c : le: - - &TVG EIANIIIi If S rDA I or' - 1 74 ' " a1 LA ak1:17)"14 7c 141101 t ' t- 4' - ttt--- e i A t ' - Or r d rip c1":: 1 e' :- : - 04 it ' 4-- t 44 46 ' 4 114 44 ' 4'- 41 ' ' 41: litA:ismilddr 11 44- 4 a 44 g“ ---- -- t dir 7 41 et 877 1298 WOOL WORSTED SUITS for men Reg 375046 Top styli! top colors! They're all here QUILTED -4 7C- ROE1-NO- 1177 W ' I a Req 277 r 11' t 11 wpt- - i 1:: I i 1 Ill: ll 'illit!t I Ili ' i i -- k t 1 - I! 11 t - 4'' alSo a Itt 897 Ward Week Value CAST IRON SINK Reduced White Expertly tailored trousers of part wool gabardine Waist sizes from 29 to 42 In porcelain-enamele- r cligier :tr - '1111‘ i d 2650 714211()r::1St l a 41 t -- 4' '""'''''7-- 'i ti 4 riAc'"ooki 647 - - r On Tsirms:111714 Down Zalanca - II1 Monthly - 1 1 -‘ sr -7 f-- Al Aal s-4 :: 7 "(7) Li) - N tii d AC441941164120mbi v'- - I 4agoasbOkotakat I SATURDAY ONLY ) 1 I 1 - ' ftA 1 issesi i : 2 i for i -' 4 I '4 Sweaters ol ' Wards Carol Brent 1 colors 4 1 :: All-Wo- 11 I t 193 REG 300 apy I i 1 1 : 1 I 1 r All 1 1 t ' - a a ' 3 003er ONLY! t i SATURDAY ONLY 1 I f I 1 i 1 I ' 97c Yd R EG - 7c Yd f DraperySlipcoverYarcgo 3 4 " - : for 1 I t-- aZ 2 for liFt1 s 48 inches wide long-wearin- 100 I whipcord in g colorful floral patterns 4 1 t 1 c ' - I:C i'l -- T 444)144X 4440405441 4 st 7 i9' di7 -- 1 1 5t188 ar- - 1 i i i f A Fite shipment but a timelYsaving Cotton prints Sizes 6 and f ' REG 1595 t I SPORT COATS MEWS 4 1 4 1 I t 2 I ! RIG ' 239 i I 1 1 t ! '' lil 1 2 -- inch For car i or-fo- v I L'7 1 98 wrench that I ' tf c 7 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH A 6 - SATURDAY ONLY! 's y ' 4 - ' 1 new wool in plaids or herringbone Blue tan or brown-34- -12 tweed 100 ( ''' ' 1277 e I - i t - 'N' i i- i " 1 - A special group Sizes 29 to 36 Tait wool brown blue part 1mo-"- " 1 i""11--9 ATS t6)41V 4 "! 1 0 adjusts to many uses home use f i i 4 i'! 17 1 E - V ---- 1) i ONLY! ''' REG I 1 o I it: SADDLE i r) 0 c) It ' N F KITCHEN STOOL 1 I i 1 79c "k sr- - i t I z 100 il z Durable leather A real buy! --x'19:miz1 '!: KEG t i ' $ATURDAY ONLY!I i i I 9500 41146416111ratiELOSAAFALAW - weave ‘N NN I 1 7-- 14 I blEN'S SLACKS tg k t ' 793 ::A41-544x4-4--ié-446- 1 - REG I 1 SATURDAY ONLY! Y ' I 1 0 0 1 1 i ' 0 0 's 1 k CEa m"-PCpo-Vt''WCXqavo- 0 4 ) sir-- --r 3-- dol j - 298 and 398 REG i 4 SATURDAY ONLY - ' t j 1 i 45x81-inc- h OtoW0“100NtrW61It 10004441144:-x-41-447- 1 SATURDAY ONLY L II 77 - E 4044 IAmamma - 4 ' - 4 i diapers sleepers etc 1 a it 1 - - COUPES t 27 inches wide Highly absorbent ' 0 1: 0 woven' I' '- 1 White Outing Flannel i P ' ''' - 1 11 Reg 6795: Solid oak top chrome-plat- e chairs in washable legs Two-ton- e titicial leather 1 i ‘: 24- -7 i i 25c Yd REG I R foow I 1 amObbe2oVW-w400-' t l 4 n MODERN STYLE ''''' I r - -- finish— - v- DREssEs SATURDAY I ' ' ------ a 6ii: JI 793 weecoemope---00-- E 'rt - r-- nt - ki i ! : -:- nt - ' k - r7-:- New dresses in tailored or dressy styles- -crepes spun rayons gabardines 1" amale:aa9aataalaaaaaakp: -y DINETTE Buy yours today! ''' 7 - H -- 'NJ L A Acid-resista- Easy to clean - -- - r Q n 500 at S 29SO Reg ftfis GABARDINE SLACKS— 1 4 - --- White enamel' 16 inches high kitchen should have one 1 1 i I 1 - 1 i I - i: Every' VRs00-PlyotVtx-- - f' ti : I Ne' 1 - - r '' A z 1 I w f I 00SciFt PI' BRICK I ASPHALT SIDING -- - R r - INSULATED 1 10111P4' 11' if 1r1o tid: IRr 4 I ' 461440"AKt 44w X440601Ae Vt iK4410oNe - ILADIES' f "4"4" -- -- 1 p A E " INo '' t tot 11 '' 1 E-- j' REG 1 M :f 7 --- ( il to :: '' 1"-'--- t 't - - et 4 i j1 atz:trit ---- e ft e 1 - 4 ' f SWISS PRISCILLAS - ' - Finely thick fluffy dots! Each side t 71ners a 4- '''" SNOWY-WHIT- E DOTTED " 7: ' il - it I 12-2- SOFT ? tz-1 4 4 er ' T 298 t1t I f chill-chas- 4' 44ece-t- - '- "‘ k INSTALLATION! SATURDAY ONLY! k 1 - ! :i)30111111 di Luxurious for the winter months! Fuller and longer this year rich rayon crepe lining: floral patterns 0 on white pink blue Sizes from Handsomely taibrowns-35-- 41i- RAYON SATIN -- y 'Ll - at Wards low price lored in blues tans: )41 ‘4111g4t2 d - - e 4 ''1)?-4:'- 4 li: 0 ti'i 100 10 :' ' r C-- - ' i 4 4"444S40144 " istil fa cos0 - - ' ''k1J:'‘' 4 4k1 --11 1msus - r ' ' 'r V6 I - 797 I -- alb ' dIN'E4 le) It a- et R Dainty rayon satin binding on a cotton bunting suit Pink or blue Infants' size itl :40 i Aft 7111410 At vie' - - 4tJ(77''' U i N111411011 A -- - s r°4P Reg 318 COTTON BUNTING WITH DETACHABLE HOOD - ttiar"- v ----0- i' Fade-an-soil-resista- keep- clean! 0 1 11"4 0" ' 41044k IOW Ommait -- -- A i A2 A r 4 Aet4 '7 vJ - - FRONT SEATS ONLY Y - - !ow ilea le-4'41r- tv' 41444414 ' Itt : ky 16 1 1 4i a ''- - ' - :7144-- - FREE - I: - Illt 4001' - - 340010"' 0 1: MIPP4 14 i (41 4 - ti 4 - 11040k '''‘01) i 11 So 1 ' - E 47t 6- r"' (t e- i- ittlib -- i 2-!j-- i re''''' 4 I dpp 16 Nmoo) stl' ''''''g ) ''' -- a aw:A Itt Hodi3Sie FIBER AUTO SEAT COVERS TAILORED FOR SNUG FIT! coverage in harmonizing plaid fiber and heavy cloth! Con- - easy to ' ' L P4L'Ir Ilk - "- 4- -‘ 4 ' " - ' ' -- 1- "'' 14notriperaset41e4 ' 10 -- iI r K kr1 - - - ' z - ' -- 41 -) a -- L :1-i 44411:004 ''' - - ii trasting trim of artificial leather A Lif g-i -'- :A 44-7- 1495 REG T 77)c7 - - - - Iu : 0(''' Na)' 11 -' fef '''''' - Vak n 1 14 7 I 7 11 Al 1' - ' ''' if "1 r-"- :-- 1 I 1 t4 ' : - - - - Y f fUnt- 4 t :- - -- ''' "1 uR b - Aiateel"4116W14e 7 7'IT13---1- v : - - 0 k"" i 4' 1 1 : I SA - - ' -- - ' 04'' 4114:04Z1' 100c r''''' - -f - 1 r"1-"4434:43- - N LY r':--- ii -- r ''- - - Eeooast-o""dr-vwra"1"dr6----------------- '''''''''11 i t - er EE 1:1E D IF RII V 11 I - z N IF "1 - gt a-07 --'' k - 1 I - 1 -- (I WARD ' - ill - 1 - i : - 44 4 - i7! 0 - - ( rk ii 4- e4- - AL T 1 T t '117i 1:coorol 4 A I - - 1 rit a t N 1 00 - 1 ' - -- 4 MAIN AT FIRST SOUTH die7'4: I I AL A ' l' Allir N'' 1 D L '4) 7 I a - HOUEZ: 110 A tli TO 5:40 P M FRIDAY 10 A :t TO 9 P M i dr 1 1947 1 STORE - if - N) WARDS HAND -- I5 SAW-R- EG 393 Rog 6501 378 LONG-TUB- CHIME CUT-PRICE- DI - 597 Two Inuslcal notes for front door one for rear! 16-transformer included blade of Electric Furnace Alloy Steel Strong pla3tIc handle Has fade and weather resisting ceramic granule surfacing Red or buff blends DOOR E 26-in- ARE YOU SHOPPING D A Y V - ' p ' - THE MODERN WAY? LI COME IN PI-10-- 4-- COME IN—Shop in Wards newly remodeled store for the finest in top quality merchandise—and at Wards low Prices! PHONE IN—Dial 34003 and place your order Wards new delivery plan on catalog merchandise can service on moat give you merchandise Ask akout it! 48-ho- I ur !:InITE IN i - - r 1 USE YOUR 7 ASK ABOUT WARDS CREDIT CONVENIENT MONTHLY a a i PAYMENT PLAN! S 4 P-- J r - I WRITE IN—Do all your Christmas shopping from home Wards new Chhstmas book has gifts for all Don't buck the crowd Shop the easy way—the Ward Way! - ' |