Show "V "M1 r wssp-- l Ap T 4 ? !i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Tuesday June FLOWN TO U S - i Up Enlistment Of Negroes Council Savs U S Gives Factory Chiefs Industry Primer for War WASHINGTON May 31 CTV-industrial primer tor total war Is going out to factory owners Th defense department's mu-- n itiona board which prepared the text laid its emphasis Monday on two points: (a) How Industry can plan now for turning: out the weapons needed in crfse of war (b) A strong- hint that unless such plans are ready for quick war production the plant may starve for lack of materials and labor Board Chairman Thomas J Hargrave In announcing to a news conference the handbook for An Bureaus Pose Steel Query a "joint industry-militar- y roadblock" procure- ment planning" also presented the WASHINGTON May 31 UPl — latest record on the government’s Uncertainty developed Monday as own stake In industrial facilities to whether the European Recovery Control 405 Plants Plan and the national defense prd- It showed that the government gram may share in the voluntary allocation of steel under the Rc- - presently owns or has a right to law ublican recall to war 405 of the commerce department 3500 plants production The it built the during w hich runs the steel rationing prowar to produce guns airplanes gram by a system of Industry tanks and a multitude of other agreements has asked Atty Gen Tom Clark to rule on those ques- - weapons of these industrial reserve tions a commerce spokesman re-- j plants 151 are retained by the army navy or air force Thirty-Laiea- s ior:g"n aid obtains pro-- seven are still in government status like the freight car duction Thirty-on- e have been and petroleum industries under gold under a clause which pre-th- e allocation system one official serves their basic function of pro-e- f the Economic Cooperation ad- - ducing war material and 53 have mintration said E C A will "he been leased under similar provi-cnabto get effective orders aons The balance are for sale placed" for foreign shipment of vnth the same safeguarding some scarce steel products clause This official Glenn H Craig I Purpose ©F Guidebook E C A’a acting Industry director told reporters he expects E C A to Hargrave said trie new guide-as- k to be wrapped into the alio- - book is not a complete blueprint cation program for industrial mobilization for war A question arose from the word- but is designed to give plant owning of the act It declares that- ers some idea of (l)'what might the purpose cf the industry agree- be needed (2) who should be is to "aid in stabilizing the tacted for information and (3) economy of the United States" to how Individual factories can precurb inflation and to prevent mal- - j pare and keep up to date their dstnbution of goods which affect own programs for conversion to the cost of hiring or industrial pro- - war production I duction The commerce depart- He emphasized the board ia s office of industry coopera- - j to avoid any such wild scram-tio- n ing headed by John C Virden bimg as occurred in World War is uncertain whether such lan-- 1 n when services often competed gusge covers the foreign program j each other for the output anti-inflati- on k It called the amendment to the senate draft bill "an essentially fascist Idea" The amendment would permit members of the armed forces to serve only with members of their own race if they wished "Army divisions composed entirely of those who believe they ter African natives corraled the belong to a superior race would be furred animals for a dangerous to America" the coun- three-inc- h cil said fee of 20c a head Their journey - Paul Robeson to answer that MUiSDT-NIXO- Be-thes- "I refuse queitio n" N I Continued from Page One treasurer of the American Communications Assn Congress of Industrial Organizations each had refused to answer questions as to whether he was a Communist Citations Unlikely A possible contempt citation did not arise in either case Sen Ferguson told & reporter because a subcommittee quorum was notj present when either incident oc- -' curred Robeson said he would go toj jail before he would say whether he is a Communist Sen Ferguson whose direct to Robeson refused question answer said the committee would decide about contempt later The exchange took place after Robeson told the committee he thinks members of the Communist party "have done a magnificent j1 job in America" "Are you an American Cora- muhist?" Ferguson asked Refuses to Answer against of a factory to answer that ques-- j refuse "I tion" Robeson replied with em- List War Materials inphatic gestures "This is an balThe 'new book liata materials vasion secret of of my right essential in and component parts war and lists local branches of lot” Ferguson fired back the same1 procurement planning offices of a second time and a third question the national military and Robeson finally broke out: ment It explains also which service are"Nineteen to leadingfor Americans refusal to jail going buys what material under the new unified military establishment answer that question and if necI will join them” plan Materials are listed in the essary His reference covered the Holly-- 1 order of scarcity indicating indiwood writer and others charged rectly the probable order of pri- with war contempt of congress for event in of ority to answer similar questions The book contains some milibefore the house committee on the about tary "assumptions’ activities war but another of form probable "Maybe if I were a Republican hastens to explain that these are and I might not answer the question only for planning purposes "should not be taken to imply either" Robeson told Ferguson at that a war is expected in the another point "I’d say come to the ballot place and see for your-'- l near future” self” Logical Assumptions — Coprriirtit N T Tlm The book says it is logical to assume that another war would: WIFE SAYS: 1 Be a major one requiring complete and rapid mobilization of national resources industry and man power 2 "Probably not be a brief pro-ferr- WASHINGTON May 31 (INS) hoped Friday that ally they had a new animal-worl- d in the long search for ways and means to control malaria The new recruits — more than a hundred elephant shrews from African jungles — have found temporary quarters at the National Zoological park The shrew a highly sensitive creature with a tiny snout and a tail requires the genlong rat-lik- e tlest of handling In fact they sometimes die from fright at the sound of a loud handclap Those now at the Washington zoo were brought in by special navy plane to be- used in studies on m&lana at the near-b- y Md Naval Medical cen- Russell-Mayban- w-i wSJrW58teXBi iVaSSaiE&v up the studies at Bethesda says — Scientists C? i -- 1 1918 Tiny African Shrews to Aid Study of Malaria Control WASHINGTON May 31 CP) — The National Council Against Conscription suggested Monday that the armed forces could increase their man power supply by ’changing their attitude on Negroes The council distributed a pamphlet saying that "the rigid 10 ceiling on Negro enlistments and the injustices within the segregated military forces create a - da he’s wanted to work on such ex periments for 20 years Dr Huff is credited with un covering a new cycle of the malarial parasite outside the blood stream Where the shrews fit into the picture is in a close similarity to this country was supervised by between their blood and that of William Terry who headed a field humans expedition sponsored jointly by the navy and the University of We Never Have Wished to be the richest jeweler In e cemetery But we do wish to be the best and most reliable jewelry store in the Intermountain Country ‘Wi have strived for the place we hold and we will strive to keep it Terry made special arrangements for stops en route to pick up live grasshoppers — a favorite dish of the shrew They were also fed condensed milk from ap eyedropper porridge rice custard d and egg But at the zoo they’ve gone American in a big way — hamburgers yet Dr Clay G Huff who will head hard-boile- CREDIT AT Butter Bloc to Filibuster NO ADDED COST HuMjokd'Dsuj WASHINGTON May 31 (UP) "butter bloc" is planin an ning' ato limited filibuster defeat the oleo tax reeffort peal bill if it comes up before congress adjourns for the summer — The senate 211 MAIN STREET ed j ’e I I ’ I I I I ts con-lmen- I try-me- nt Why take less than 1 's t Ye-fu- sh j plus INSURED SAFETY os YOUR SAYINGS? T - py yo 2 i ea YOUR SAV INGS iTftfdltn of uoul (Cerreat dmdtad rut i!l 1 Coa--poo- test-aBoull- ) y AH accoasu oixod by tb 10th of the month front credit for fell mooch censing eft rev a jecoutr roear tr AMERICAS SAYINGS 03 LtkH ASSOCIATION (7Et Silt First Seith St Like City Itik hill 3-- S 111 ‘push-butto- ft n’ affair” Atomic weapons guided missiles and other new weapons would be mobilization usable but of man power still would beaisces-sar- y 3 Find the nation’s economic structure about the same as at present Industry probably still would be at high production levels few plants would be closed especially in basic industries de-a man power shortage would velops at the very outset because there would be no reservoir of full-sca- le Politics Never Attracted Ike WASHINGTON May 31 (UP) Dwight D Eisenhower never wavered in his determination to have no part in politics despite all the "Ike for President” clamor according to hia wife Mamie Her story of his decision to steer clear of politics was related today by Malvina Stephenson and Ruth Greenup Washington writers and close fnends of Mrs Eisenhower in an article in American magazine Eisenhower now president of Columbia university issued his famed “no politics’ statement last January after his name had been entered in the New Hampshire Republican primary He said then that he would not and cbuld not accept the nomination p to Stephenson-Greenuthe According article Mrs Eisenhower made no attempt to influence the decision "I felt it entirely his business” she was quoted as saying "He had to do w'hat he thought was right as he saw the picture But actually he made the decision right from the beginning "He never wavered from the fact that he never wanted to have anything to do with politics and he told everyone that It was exactly what I knew he would do ' — Gen PITTSBURGH May 31 USt — The chemical engineering laboratories of the University of Pittsburgh were destroyed by a spectacular fire late Monday Fire Chief William Davis estimated the loss at $500000 Black silk faille pouch with panier handle rose gold trim $600 inc tax (above) ' Jr' ' ‘ 'S7 fifUi vct ‘ Pale pink blue yellow 1$ or green linen and net embroidered hankie 59c 4 i - ft !!! tj i 1 “J u tic : ' f I Send your congratulations with a gift with a Choose a fluffy wisp of handker- i chief bag silk I strap ladylike air grown-u- p faille with nar tiny gold a sleek hand size "faille a prettily scented satin tri-pou- handkerchief folder s host of lovely but $600 iiic tax or one of a low-pric- e gifts you’ll find at ZCMI iDVtITUEMIXT MY YIFE HAVING LEFT ME Sue Flowered rayon satin hankie holder Pink or blue plain lining $100 I sure do miss you And I admit I've been hard to take But ion there was a reason for ray mean disposition I was "out of order” and depending upon harsh laxatives Now you'd see a big change Yes I’ve found relief from constipation caused by lack of bulk in the diet —by eating right Every day now I have me a bowlful of KELLOGG’S and follow through by drinking plenty of water What relief w hat joy to be able to give purgatives the That crisp whole bran tastes just fine and keeps me regulated But Sue life isn’t right without you Come back you’re the only girl for me Your lovin JOE ALL-BRA- N Handbags and Handkerchiefs — Street Floor See our go-b- yl j j 4 Gift Wrapping — Street Floor Mailing Wrapping — Third Floor Television show 1:30 to 2:30 daily Intra-Stor- e 1 r |