Show A en eet Ope All- - Cbui'è 0 Utoih El air'c El tiversity Hoopsters Qttalify For Pk ce in C AtA Playoff Meet INT I Hits Hoo Ci:a4-74ils-:-':Ni: ini:::::::11!--- :: f 4-- BIlmmy !:'4!:::-:!f- The annual M Men basketball tournament will be held at the Deseret gym March 8 9 10 and 11 which brings to a halt all rwidis that the mutual hoop circuit Might fold up for the tc-5- (21')--Uta- -- - Nelson Potter t h e American league pitcher from Mount Morris Ill is working several games weekly as a ' high school basket-meball official Great for the The new owners legs he says of the Phillies want a fresh nickname for the team Bucky Harris ought to il be 'able to suggest a couple of dan- : dies General Mark Clark's k:t: chauffeur in Italy is Jack Worley of Birmingham who played In the t'i Vanderbilt university backfield kin 1933 Henry Ford'S grandson William Ford is ranked sixteenth among junior players by the Western 'Tennis association — ' ' ' During ' a practice session when John McEwan was coach' of the football Dodgers one of the players asked: "And what do I do after be hands me the ball coach?" The achol arly Menvan replied: "Son just dispatch yourself with the utmost precision 'ai far- as your individual excellency will 'Per" mite' Otto Kolar who was bonsidered one- of the greatest longshots in the National Basket- ' M Men teams are playing onthe ball liague when coast this-yeathan last Sheboygan (Wis) Redskins Idaho Cache Valley Ogden the and now is - leading the Match Provo and other districts are also Corporation 'of Chicago five going ahead with their schedules never has played A game of high BO that another fast M Men ill- school or college competition church meet is anticipated Gus Mancuso's brother Frank a former minor league catcher is a lieutenant in t h e para -Add to the list of troorfs men baseball who operate bowl- : ing alleys the name of Umpire Eddie Rommell who has a 32- -UPI NEW YORK Jan 31 - I a n e establishment in Belli- Jockey Harry Pratt apprenticeBob Quinn president' of the rider who first gained prorniBoston the Ilene at Itocicirtgham park last idea of aBraves scoffs 'at league club on fall rode four winners at Hialeah the Pacificmajor coast He thinks race track Monday Milwaukee Montreal Buffalo I - - ZI6'"'0"° - - - 'Hialeah Races - : - - - Pratt whose services became in and Baltimore should be recently' after he rode a sidered first triple at the Florida track soared aboard Lady Orchid to $1380 in' the third race 'Valdina gUnCh 1 in the fourth Allergic $400 in the sixth and Squadron $2320 in the eighth- The matched that of Jockey Ted Atr kinson who brought in four winners on the opening day of the 0 - con-dema- nd Board Presents Honor Plaquè C CHICAGO Jan 31 Clarke manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1900 to 1915 will be awarded a plaque by the National Baseball congress in ' recognition of his efforts to stimulate interest In sandlot baseball President Ray Dumont of the congress- said Monday Clarke a resident of Winfield Kan "has not only served the behind on the advisory board Spook Ship a 6 to 5 favorite past decade ran the distance in 1:26 5 and of the congress but has played Important parts in opening tour paid cut naments refusing reimbursement for expenses incurred" said Dumont who is presiding over a Harvard Second Win meeting of the organization here "Fred Clarke has spent a lot of Stake Titts time and money simply because Liberty stake M Men played he wants sandlot baseball to their third round games Monday thrive" Dumont added 'It has Aight with the high scoring Har- been such men as he and other 3 de baseball greats who have played 'yard quint copping a cision over Third and Second an important part in keeping the (P)---Fre- d meeting 0A crowd of 9131 saw A W Wentzel's SpO'ok Ship win the g Surfside'purse ld son of Bold The Venture got up in the last few strides to finish half a length ahead of JT M Hutchins' Maiden E K Bryson's Bud Grey to6k the show length further tea-Allr- ed seven-furlon- t " three-year-o- - - 1-- - - 44-2- ward hannging up a 0 count on Eighth Harvard now rules the roost with three - wins followed by Third with two won' one lost Second with one won two lost and Eighth brings up tle rear With three defeats 44-3- wood P 0 12 Puncitardt Er P 15 2 8 Chardt 0 0 0 0 Z 3 XtrIce 4 0 0 Knud 114m4 Jtthnionajt 0 2w 0 4 Bisithg 3 0 111 Budd1 klattomi 0 0 0 0 28 8 4 44 Totals 12 12 8 30 ficors at bait: 8scond 23 Eighth - 18 Officials: Houston and Olson Warvsrd O T FP T FP aThird 8 3 0 18 finarrfOlsomf 0 0 0 0 42 1 1 3 Forst:null turiltivef 5 2 1 11 4 3 210 Thirkworth8 Miteholic 1 1 0 2 3 1 1 18Pecksrtg 0 0 0 0 o n 0 078hotit Mmiths 2 6 2 6 r)elzTE Eirlif tundsitocs 1 3 2 4 I1 II0 00 42 Andereonjit 0 1 0 0 Bartholornswf 110 g 4 4 4 0 12 5 23 Totals t 110"re at half: Harvard 28 Third 11 Officiais: Houston and Olson flrE 0 3 3 I0 01 2 0 1 ' 1kilonf 5111tiburt JWliburo 000 Callura Loges - - PROVIDENCE k - 31 - (A1 — Charles (Cabby) 11 is New York Negro added furthe to the fistic i woes of the former word's feather- weight champion Jac te Callura of Hamilton Ont herectonday night the New Yorker taking a tmaniznous decision in a main bout El El 10-rou- nd 11101110310 E S v74 CA1 "I toP010 - I Joke3r CopsF our $41-9- F J Smith b b Leading scorer on 'the Hill Field basketball - quint p Id" e alKefie r 4tictiirvARII a uv sett raiz game alive" Dument said that other former major league stars considered for the award included Babe Ruth Ty Cobb Tris Speaker Lew Fonseca George Sisler Jimmy Collins and Bonus Wagner Nagrurski Will Take Preindvion Exam Monday Night's Results Fight United Press all-Amer- - Possible Upsets Spice Slate By - AT NEW YORK (St Nicholas arena)—Larry Anzalone 157– Brooklyn outpeinted Marvin Dallas 'Texas (8) Bryant 162 Sal Bartolo 129 Boston feated Willie Roache 1311 Wilmington Da (8) Isaac Abrams 141 New York stopped Ronnie Burns 14114 Jersey City N J (2) Shed Bell 172 Youngstown Ohio knocked out Mack Harvey 177 Philadelphia (2) Tony Dell Gatto 151 -- Brooklyn stopped Les Matthews 153 New York (2): Charley Moore 149 Binghamton N Y decisioned Jerry McGee NeAr York (4) : Johnny Gebert 129 Freeport N Y knocked out Henry PI:aft 128 Pittsburgh (4) At Providence 11 I—Charles New (Cabbey) Lewis 125 York decisioned Jackie Collura 129 Hamilton: Ont (10) Oscar- - Suggs 149 Newport T K O'd Jimmie Orabana 156 Providence (2): Tony Brandin° 148 Hamilton Ont knocked out 7ackle Collins 156 Bostoh (4) At Newark N J (Laurel to-us- - e - -- : 4-1- - Kegler Misses Chance to Will 86-5- s - -- Eitel-McCullou- gh 4 - Gar- out-point- - - st dens Srena)—Joe Curcio 147 Newark decisioned Tony Riccio 147 Bayonne N J (9) Freddie Schott 206 Akron Ohio stopped Baltimore Jack Adams 188 River(3) Babe Kelly' 119 side INT J defeated Earl Mintz 124 Jersey City (6) At Washington—Joe Maxim 182 Cleveland deeisioned Georgia Parks 186 Washington (10) Tommy Mollis 151 Baltimore decisioned B B Was4- ington 156 Washington (6) Lea Murry 129- Baltimore Sammie Thompson 137 Washington' (4) and Tiger Foxt147 Fort Belvoir Va o u pointed Eddie Joppy 145Balti- ' more At Baltimore — Joey Carter 153 ROme N Y decisioned Jackie Cooper 148 Chicago (10): Charlie Bennett 138 Washington outpointed Taffy Cummings 144 Royal British nay) (6) — - "s‘ - '60-2- - 10 m - 51 55-3- t4P1---'rir- 1- I ed Boston Still Minus Baseball Pilot Jump Maxim Cope Bout hard-sluggin- fo I firl - 10-rou- nd Gehrtg Leader In Bond Poll 6039 ar Carlientr Suggests Baseball Owners Get Grid Franchises k - - he - e'A - their rro a 60-3- ar - 0 give-and-ta- ke ' WASHINGTON Jan 31 UPI--g CleveJoe Maxim land heavyweight pounded out an decision over George gurakt 34 fullback for the cham- easy pionship Chicago Bears and a pro- Parks veteran Washington Negro fessional wrestler Monday was here Monday night Maxim ordered to appear for a preinduc- we1ghed182 Parks 186 tion examination at Fort Snelling Minn a former Nagurski fullback for the of Minnesota recently University made "come back" wrestling appearances in ' the twin cities Nagurski Is married and has two children PHILADBLPHIA Jan 31 MI— A suggestion that holders of major league baseball franchises Angott May Engage either acquire franchises in the National Football league or start Henry 'for Title another "major" professional footPort:113Am Ore Jan 31 (1TP) advanced Mon— Sammy Angott nay risk his ball circuit was Bob Carpenter Jr by day night N B A title against Benry Arm- youthful new president of the strong hart within 60 days—if Phillies the cash ' customers will put up Philadelphia "I do not want to antagonize $2730 each for ringside seats pro 'football or to start a war" Matchmaker Joe Waterman said Carpenter told Don Basenfelder Monday that their managers had Philadelphia Record sports writer agreed to the match but he had "but believe the magnates (basewithheld the booking until deter- ball) should attempt to buy the mining whether 'local fight fans Natlonal' Football league franwould pay the large scale neces- chises in their respective cities sary to finance the match in tiny if they are for sale Civic auditorium "The- - National Football league INTERNATIONAL FALL S Minn1 Jan 31 (11P)—Bronko Na- Tony Art De Luxe one-tim- - - -- ps - - - ager Mel Ott's midwinter visitMonday by signing a new outfielder for him to try t out next Ott after reviewing spring And ths Giant roster decided that the club is better off now than it was at any time last seasora The new Giant is Daniel Gar della a New Yorker who has played in a local shipyards league for the last two sea- 50-5- i ' NEW YORK Jan 3t New York Giants celebrated Man reality is' setting our big game policy in Utah The Utah big game board is I made up of two representatives from the sportsmen's groups and vitk from the stock raisers The fifth vote in many major and Eckert's Studio and the Provo Steelers surged into the title issuesdeciding is cast kV a representative sons Previously he played one a federal of service the forest I Steelers the wins with year In the class 'Tr Coastal convincing Monday night picture again Plains league He was recamagency the governor pointed out 58-5- 5 Kearns over a the win Eagles to the wild life meinbers high flying snatching thrilling mended by Scout Joe Birmingham Gardella is the sixth !outfielder and Ecker's pounding out a methodical 60-2- 9 triumph over Fort The governor is in favor of J on the Giant roster encl:th third- legislation putting the control of Dough's the big game back in the hands with a draft classification In a seneational driving finish of the 'Utah people all the Giants have 13 players In n the Provo Steelers roared to vicThe announcement drew a rousin this class and one Pitcher tory over the Camp Kearns Eagles ITwo-Toround of applause from the Allem vtho is aver drift ing Johnny 5 In a overtime wild life members who apparently age Devlin Art Lieutenant battle In the Provo high school favor such action Although his infield may be 4 Former ski Jumping champ gym Coming from way back the composed mainly of untried play-In Salt Lake Press (See Steelers tied the count at 0 at ers said Ott the club would have announced Governor Maw also I'Box) the end of the game Two lay-uNEW YORK Jan lit UP)- -more infield accumulated strength than last that funds surplus "Two-Ton- " by Gus Black and buckets by JenTony Galento for year and that the team SI a whole from the sale of fishing and sen and Nielsen sparked the Steel mer heavyweight contender would be better off used hunting licenses should be fishera to their triumph while Lewis tried his hand as an art ex- 'We were hit so badly last sea and of for the good hunting and Boyle' contributed a total of pert Monday at a showing of Ion that it seems' they rwon't not turned in state and the ing five for the Eagles in the overmuch more to us" he said "The by Mickey Walker ptdntings He channels Into other any e time stanza the other clubs will be losing' men mad "toy bulldog" of pointed out that these surpluses Pete Ecker's rapidly Improving the ring to thingsonewilt even up" Vi'ty there could be fine used advantage cameramen hung up their fifth was time last summer when Screwing a monocle Into his increased care of the In The upset round of the Reci'e&- If taking straight win Monday by CompleteRucker hadn't played: right eye as a gag Galento Johnny mar needs the after ' tiori studied a painting depicting a league Nas on the when he was sick I ' would have ' ly smothering the Fort Douglas 9 boxer being counted out Since their early seatribe docket troz Tuesday night as the had &pitcher in ther infield Hatch& ies son loss to the Wings the Studio "Your prospective Is dls'outfield" or Enough division four upper dipped crew has not dropped a decision torted" he boomed "and the Dr: D L 'Rasmussen of Logan down into 'the lowersquads picked the pitching staff as division for theOttteam's and this is the third time they sovereign nation (for subor wild life research director weakest department s fish and have stuffed 60 points Into the dination) of motif to composition and one of the best opponents and the many fans fol- although he thought Bill at USAC is undoubtedly fatuous' net Floyd Morris and Merlin' Ahlmin in the state on Utah lowing this newly formfd circuit "looked very good" in every' game do you mean by that?" Informed "What 15 led and winners the with quist wild life problems contends that were hopelut that one of the under- - he pitched last season and that asked Walker 13 points but Pendleton Nelson has sufficient fish hatcheries dogs could do the imposiible and Frank Seward performed welltin You should'a stood in bed" Utah and Clyde Morris stepped in' with one start Both are on the 1' to Utah's streams supply In Tues- - his kick over the cracked Tony some nice relief Work list which also includes t Pitchers Doc contends that Utah has con- day's contest&dope' bucket' With Pivotman Mazur shredcentrated too much on planting 2 First tussle in the Pioneer gym Ace Adams Harry Feldman and ding the- - net for 33 points the Ewald Pyle Catchers Ernie Lomand not enough in developing the lend beginning at 8:30 is a set-t- h Salt Lake Sheriffs shattered the fish in the streams and lakes in between Ray Berres Gus iMancusa the Fort Douglas Eaeles bardi league scoring record with an and Joe Stevenson Shortstop Bill past-yearHe Utah that figures and the Salt Lake Merchants The 4 landslide over Bushnell The and Outfielders pardellas now a hatcheries sufficient has Jurges are undefeated while the Medics scorrd enough to win most and Charley Mead few more ponds may be needed Eagles Merchants have Won one lost two Rucker ball games the circuit but once The Giant most would later benefit Utah manager also praised but A 7:30 battle features the Kearns the Sheriffs got on the trail they from taking care and cultivating Medics and the National Tunnel Hugh Luby second baseman from 31 CHICAGO Jan couldn't be headed and Mazuran's (UP)— Oakland Cal Phil 'Weintraub Chicarelli bantam bowl- of fish in its -natural- habitat aggregation has yet to win its first former major and high total was followed by Ure Charley first baseleague from Medics Tooele The quint with 15 and Crowton with IL ing ace of Elizabeth N J tossed man from back the Amerheads who Dr Rasmussen coming the are tied for third with the Mune ican association Bailey with 12 and Zagulla Bush- away a great chance to win the Utah wild life postwar planning Lions "ma and Tunnel the thirty-firin aggregation could hit" Mel explained always the nell defenseman with 15 were the capital prize of 25000 "He's committee predicts an immense has yet to win its first ingame— a good Petersen of the Medics the renewal for a high point getters for and throw huntof Increase in number target the they Fort Douslaa Zeker Studio dividual bowling tourney here ' ers and fisherman when the war maybe Tuesday will be the night tell me he can field pretty well if ' T P The Kamas will OTFP Lions valley 2 4 4 8 Paull PMorrict 5 7 5 15 Monday night when he settled for ends he doesn't have to go too far' to at reach Arrangements Ire being tangle with 2 8 4 8 Christensena Pdletonf 4 2 1 9 a 1542 total and eleventh place the ball" 1 4 1 3 Ilisnere now Ahleuiste 6 3 1 13 to for made it a in prepare fast game Nobody has INIelsonar 2 1 1 6 after the best four-garn-e 1 Q 0 2 CoteaLet start of Last year one out of every five 8:30 1 0 0 2 Rentelde out counted 0 3 1 1 Eimaes the of the tarsong to date 3 0 0 8 Metzger any entrant CItlerris 4 0 Q in the state held a Bah race despite- the fact that they O 10 QTea Thomas 0 0 2 Opening with a 202 tally the persons O 0 0 0 Lititerna Peterana 3 1 1 'I and game license frequent the lower half of the Champs File Entries Jersey sharpshooter 10 15 929 Totals 25 17'10 GO found the league and this looks like the For AAU Track Meet range for 236 in the sec- Shorts on Officials—Couch and Smith toughest game of the night The 231 deond added then and Sports game league-leadin- g NEW YORK Jan 311 (UP)— Bushnell Air Base Wings Sheriffs in a the sixth basketGT The University of Utah P GT FP spite split Med- Josh Williamson meet will the Fort formerit Xavier Douglas crultocV 3 g loll frame He dropped to 190 in the eers not only claim the 'Utah and lea in the evening'S finale at 9:30 high jumper and Bernie Mayer t 8 rcleriVifys Iffazurenc 4 0 12 Balleye fourth still had 859 at the conference hoop titles but also but 15 5 3 one-tiN Y U shot putter Mon7 2 11 Zegulla itlehlocK 2 00 33 halfway mark and needed only the inter'ountain college crown 1 5 4 1 11 Bearner4 3 filed entries to defend Knightg day 1 7 6 Ponahue 3 0 3 Um 741 in the last four games to pass after defeating Colorado College Well Known in titles the national A A U indoor' O 0 0 Q Weinstla 1 1 AtkInson0 3 Sports 8 'Detroit's 'Merman Gibson who The Utah basketeers O 0 0 0 Miner L41410114 3 3 1 track and field championships at 1599 shot themselves are late Sunday proud Madison Square Garden1 Februt really doing 26 12 2 54 39 15 8 81 Totals Succumbs Score by halves: the e' It's a lot of satisfaction to Figure 28 t Lady Luck turned ary Sheriffs 32 81 easterner in the final against four games the young cagers after the way Williamson now is a sergeant la Bushnell OTTAWA Jan 31 21 54 and a clustir of splits and errors the Redskin gridders were kicked Carroll Boucher well known east- the signal corps at Camp Hole Reams Provo fleeter chopped his scoring tempo down around Denny Murphy god- ern Canadian sports figureand a bird Md while May is 11 GT FP GTYP 2 2 5 30yler Uremia 30 0 8 to 166 170 154 and 193 father to the Salt Lake girl soft- brother of prank 'Boucher coach private 3 2 1 7 Kertiel 0 4 Jonecl 21 The tourney will be concluded ball players gave a dinner In their of New Yorke Rangers in the Na‘ 5 3 2 12 CurtIce Perforce 1 2 1 3 8 1 s 17 6 6 6 18 Pop!eltg Nieleeng honor Monday night SundayDenny tional Hockey league died Mon- LOS ANGELES Jan 31 1 6 1 1 13 Lowledr Blaeicg 22 O 1 0 0 ttleCulcoeks next day for Seoftt 4 22 01 85 la plans already The making southern California t invitaO 0 0 0 Ilealla 2 Poutlul season He'll have another He WWI a veteran of the first tional track and field meet to lonsene 4 7 2 10 world war and until a few rnimths Which the countrs good softball team cinder 28 11 6 58 Totals 22 15 11 55 Devlin one of the greatest ago had served as a captain in the men will be invited leading Score by thirds: Art will be held 21 50 55 Kearns ski jumpers in the country is a Royal Canadian army service here May 27 sponsoring Comrtit21 50 58 ate lore tee spokesmen announced Standar Offingills D Dixon 'and 1r Diaoo lieutenant and stationed at present corps the Salt Lake army air base BOSTON Jan 31 (UP)—John at Art arrived in town Monday and Quinn secretary of the Boston hopes to get in a little 'Heti la Captures Ski 0 i skiing at Braves said Monday that s man- Alta while he's here He has to Casucceed the at Chicago ager resigned sent for his skis Art sey Stengel would not be named already 15 in Tokle to second CHICAGO Jan 31 (CTPS) Torger placed after the major league meet- the 1942 ski jump at Ecker hill Sergeant Torger Tokle Brooklyn's until in New York next week a great ings He hasn't been in competition gift to the skiing world and "We bays not approached any to secohcl finished since competitor or Individual baseball 11 club New 'YorkHis home is Lake Placid Lieutenant Walter Diet! la the which has a any fop prospect manageria' is out of yourmei ' from filer 'Chriati cUalor navy Corpus said under he contract" if your C igar today fit Ois Texas in Sunday's ' competition ' before 5000 fans at Wrigley field 'writs III & 0:apply tomorrow S 'Joe but to Tokle goes the honors for 'Phillips Oilers Defeat 7 fresk have a comes its thrso of cheitui the entire invitational meet sPon'Oro cigar cored by the Norge Ski club AU-Stfamous Try oily quolity0 Quint Ite1115c for suonatdmod — NEW l'ORK is Jan I $t (UP) siss ' DENVER Jan 31 (UP)--T'tads The late- Lou Gehrig of t h e -Phillips Oilers of Bartlesville 411 Yankees leads the sports pop Ar i Okla national- basketball chamconbeing IT currently poll won larity thirteenth pions Nrompel ducted in conjunction with the -II° straight victory of the season FriAWh op war' officials loan drive 9 win fourth day night by scoring a announced over an all-stMonday aggregation chosen The great Yankee first base-apparently wants a rival circuit from penver's Victory league man received 2505 of the 12975 and if the franchises cannot be votes cast for 134 athletes by obtained in the older league may- Basketball Scores be we can help them by starting purchasers of series "E" 'bonds' l'orti Warren 61 Utah 59 Ward Cuff New York Giant anothee major football loop" r' b Oilers 60 Denver Ambrose Phillps football player- is second with 39 Carpenter said he had given the M & A 34 Pittsburg Teach 1555 votes and Babe Ruth third 'matter "plenty of thought since eraOklahoma 23 (Kant with 1081 Branch Rickey or the Brooklyn Camp Hale 52 Denver 43 Charleston 46 Camp ittewart 89 Others in the first 15 include: Dodgers came out with the warn Georgia A T P 37 Georgia 25 Lieutenant Don Budge- vittr -in that unless baseball wakes Indiana State 49 Indiana Central Nor Mel Ott 888 Sid Luck:mut 072 "::::: up pro football will take the play MalU 35 of Cincinnati 71 Wright Meld 32 Jim Thorpe 507 Christy MathOlathe Naval Air Bass 40 11arYv111s away from us 23 ewson 488 Jack Dempsey 837 "If Mr Mickey knows what Teachers Fort Sheridan 51 Tort Custer 311 I he's talking about—and I have Belvoir Norfolk Naval Training Station 46 Port Greg Rice 325 Joe Louis 271 25 201 an ides-hCobb Jones 207: does—there is no rea! Ty Bobby Orant 70 toms 34 Camp 011ie Hunter 200 Hank Greenson Why major league club owners Flovd Bennett ritvie 40 Bendix Avia-q4 t 22 busican't go into the football berg 197 and Earle Sande 167 Viunienberg 78 West Virginia 49 San Antonio Cadets 53 Texas A &NI 30 ness They have the parks the TIM for 22nd with Coach OPnova 50 Comp 11vnoll1a 49 Amos 27 equipment —Concessions and other Stagg is Alice Allegheny 51 Meadville Pt Ambrose 65 81111138011 43 facilities Marble who tops feminine noml everything but the Toledo IL Cl Marshall 56 nees with 80 votes franchisee! U of Kentucky 75 Ft Knox A It T C 48 58-5- - - f' - 41- -F - i - I - all-chur- ch I Giants Loóli '"71 Good for Coming Season :k: - r - - - - - Ir ' 11Boxi - I Kearns In Seivice Feature - - IlDretin Ski Champ 1:! kSteelers Upset - - tilhe - - NCAA representatives figure masters 61 to 59 The tries saw a winning streak broken They came Hodgson 4 here freshmm victories over Fort Logan Colo and Colorado Tribune 'Sports- Editor latter over the at Their Citlorado posted College Springs triumph Governor Herbert B Maw a to the unofficial Rocky Mountaidtollegiate championship strong advocate of the protection of state rights pointed out at the Utah wild life meeting Sunday that the federal government in m 4 Front trict No - d quingether eight tet Will be held March 16 20 22 and 26 During the same period the National Collegiate Athletic association will run off its west ern tournament in Kansas City March 24 and 25 and its eastern finals in the Garden March 23 and 23 The two sectional winners will clash in New York's h 10-ga- et - 9 CHEYENNE Wyo Jan 31 wilversity fell from teams Monday unbeaten basketball the ranks of the nation's night in bowing to the powerful Fort Francis- E Warren Quarter- - - - - Ward Arch By - 1944 tiles Drop Thrilling Tussle To Ft Warren 61 st the Watte of the - News es start - On all-chur- ch 1 February : ch Decision to hold the meet au well as the usual inter-stakevents waa made by the Y M M I A general board at a ape- cial meeting Monday according to Homer C Warner athletic director of 11 Men athletics ' Despite a shortage of players in many wards every stake will be represented in the division nine tournament according to Frank Mosley"who will again direct the Alex Adamson leader of division 10 also reports that "a final check hasn't been completed but we expect just about every be in as usual" ' The td North Salt Lake or division nine interstake meet wilt be held at the Deseret gym February 23- according to Mosley which gives the stakes only about three weeks to determine their elampiona Dates for the South Salt Lake division 10 meet will kte announced shortly The tourney Is expected to be held at the 1VIur- high- school ray - Some of the again stakes have not had - a full representation this season becauSe mazy wards have been unable to field- teams This will result in- abbreviated seasons in some stakes but with few excep-tions the stakes will crown cham- i)tons as in the past Us Angeles will have a repre- tourna- :tentative in the 'merit again this year and San Francisco which did not partici- pate last season expects to take part According to Mosley who lust returned from the coast more -- college can to come from Dartthouth fn 1 Army SLIJoseph'a St John's and litehlenberg district No 2 Duke Kentucky and North- Carolina In district No 3 De Paul Northwestern Iowa and Oh to State in district 4No 4 Iowa State Oklahoma and Oklahoma Agee In No 5: Texas in the southwest ttah in the Rocky mountain tires and either Washington or Califortda from the west coast 1 The Invitation tournament committee also is expected to consider some of the same fives Including unbeaten Army Daitimouth St John's SLAJoeeplear Mahlenberg De Paul Oklohonsa Aggies Kentucky and in addl tion Valparaiso Canitius flow14ing Green Hobart Iltillitsns Miami (Ohio) and big arena on March 28 and there Is a strong possibility that the NCAA and Invitational champions will tangle for the second straight year In a benefit game as a seasonal climax Last year the Red Cross reallzed more than $30000 from the John's tussle Wyoming-S- t The first national tournament to get away from the barrier however will be the national Intercollegiate in Kansas City Confined largely to smaller sehools It will be played the week of March 13 Although the end of the court season Is more than a month away the fields for the NCAA and invitation tournaments have to 'take definite form I begun now the four eastern Right -- hand-picke- 14 Tuesday Morning rear teams basketball U11)- checking time tables for Kansas City and New York: With the announcetnent Monday of the dates for the national Invitation tournament at Madison Square Garden the 1944 tournament book was Med The invitational bringing to- '44i'' Hodgson all-chur- f Unl 4 Ends Rumors ThatMütual Ivec League About to Fold Up The countres leadihg -- - Compete Again ' NEW YORK US 31 4 -- Le-M- l -- - - OT:rr END ' - S - - 1 0 g5 - |