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Show H vw tr ALJavW' -' - u ' Z . 4.' ir:, kA I vdl I ahe 1 doco ettuesdaj June , 1, 1977 It 5 Shot Kills Postman, 29, Du ring County Holdup , JF .. lie -- CinUimicd I 'ruin Redwood ltd.. Another man was Page 11 directions tniin CoHouwnnd :t! wounded and police are stilt investigatiil until he was stabilized enough to lie ng. transported. Officer Kills Suspect Leaves Sack of Jewelry Saturday night. Max Cecil James was ('apt Hayward said the gunmen left shot to death by a Salt Lake City police one sack of jewelry but escaped with "Hirer at 294 E. bod South when the of the 'more valuable stall." He robbery suspei t pulled a gun on said the amount taken would he arresting officers. determined during an audit of the Sunday, a woman. Ear! Dean Man store's contents. uing. and WiJiie T. Perry, a man. were Other witnesses provided deputies Goth killed villi shotgun blasts at 1439 W 2399 South, which Salt l.ake County with a description of the cur used by the sherilf's investigators have ruled a gunman to flee the scene. It was found later parked in the east parking lot of min der and suicide Sambo's at lino South and Redwood Road, (apt Hayward said. The car was reported stolen in Salt Lake City last week and the license plate on it also been stolen, he said. Michael Pavu h, Midvale mst master, said Mr. Woodhurst was apparently one half way through his delivery at the time of the shooting. He had started at State Street and worked his way east into the Family Center when' the The shoot mg deatli of a gunman jewelry store is located. Saturday night by a Salt Lake City Climaxes Bloody Month police ol liter was probably justified Tuesday's shooting climaxed a under the circumstances, investigators bloody May in which eight persons died said Tuesday. in the Salt Lake County area. Deputy Salt Lake County Attorney Richard Shepherd, who was assigned The first w as Valaine Briggs, whose nude body was found in Lambs Canyon the ease for final determination, said there shouldn't be any problem iu May H. Officers are still looking for her making such a finding. He said a formal slayer. Two days later a Salt Lake man, release would be issued Wednesday. Max Cecil James, 39, 595 Emerson Justin Taufer. was shot to death near (1 1S5 South!, was shot four times in Ave. the top of Mill Creek Canyon when he went to the assistance of a young the chest by Officer Norm Thompson, shoot woman who was being assaulted. A after James raised a gun as if to officer. the man is in Salt Luke Jail Officers were called to the Harold lacing first degree murder charges. McGowan home at 294 E. 900 South Gun Down Naturopath about 7:29 p.m.. on an unwanted guest Later that same day. Dr. Rulon C. complaint. As officers approached the back door Allred, a Murray naturopathic physiof the residence, James emerged with a cian, was gunned down iu his office. .22 cal. pistol. When James refused to Murray Police have charged a Littlein of this woman drop the gun and instead raised ii ton, Colo., conspiracy toward officers. Officer Thompson shooting. fired. On May 15. a Midvale boy, The dead man had earlier told friends shot killed a was when Rodney Rivera, was fired through the wall of his home he shot his mother while at their home on Emerson Avenue. Mrs. Goldie to end his birthday party. Midvale James. 05, was later treated and Police have charged a West Jordan released from Holy Cross Hospital. man with second degree murder. Janies was also a suspect in the The next shooting was May 21, when r robbery earlier Saturday of Floy Max Estjuibel was shot to death 0 East. Drugs. outside the Monte Carlo Club, 999 S. iKi-p- Shootingr Death Justified, County Opines f ,f i r "f V,.V?? , , Vehicle identification number is being checked by Sgt. Ben Forbes on stolen car v . V,;, - V - u ' V , ' ht a ,f V 'i City-Coun- f s was shot after lie delivered mail. This auto was found at JUKI S. Hedwood ltd. believed used in Tuesday's robbery of a jewelry store in Union where a postman Parents Seek Blood Donors for Sandy Boy , 7 Special to The Tribune SANDY The parents of a Sandy boy who depends on lieen receiving regular transfusions for of his 7 years, llis physician, Dr, Roger F. Suchyta. says it is the only 6 Vi blood transfusions to live Tuesday asked donors to aid in the young victims struggle tor existence. Gene McBroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McBroom, 9095 S. 150 West, has treatment for hemolytic anemia. There is no cure, no known cause. Gene checks into Primary Children's Medical Center once a month for two days to replenish his blood. For a long time, transfusions were necessary twice monthly. Each transfusion stay costs his parents $100. Part of that cost could be saved if people would donate their blood. Interested donors of any t pe blood but he gets credit foi he uses donated) may do so tlifougl any type of area five Primary hospitals any EDS and Cottonwood, Salt Lake City, oi McKay Dee in Ogden or Utah Valley ii Provo. AH are owned and operated b; lntermountain Health Care. Inc i West-mhisle- 1702-110- KSL Auto Death Views Draw Protest From State Bar Spokesman The president of the Utah Bar Tuesday accused KSL Television of causing a sweeping indictment of the entire state judiciary in its recent criticism of a sentence handed down by a 3rd District Court judge. At a press conference in the organizations offices, 425 E, 1st South, President C. C. Patterson said, KSL would have the public believe that the entire judiciary is soft on drinking drivers. In response KSL editorial writer Wes Bowen asked why the bar had not responded to its editorials criticizing Judge Janies S. Sawayas sentence of 30 days in jail and two years probation for a man convicted of criminal homicide in connection with the death of a woman in an automobile accident in which the man was found to have been drinking. John Wilson was given the .sentence following the July 24. 1970, death of Michelle MeCollin, 21. Her father, Joseph, wrote KSL concerning the sentence and from May 4 through 29, the station ran at least eight editorials on the subject. Notes Ethics Code Mr. Patterson defended the judge, noting that under the Judicial Code of Ethics, judges may not respond to criticism of their judicial decisions. Also, Mr. Patterson said, KSL did not Properly Tax Valuations Draw Gripes (ontimierl from Page B-- l greater than others in the neighborhood. while a fanner in Hunter said value of his property hud increased nearly 10 times. Commissioners blamed inflation that has pushed property values ever higher as assessments lagged farther and farther behind. The farmers 27 acres hadnt been assessed since 1949 when appraisers put its fair market value at $379 an acre. Today, that worth is $7,509 an acre. That's a jolt, alright," Mr. Kutulas said. Market values have gone crazy." Still, the farmer saved money every year his land was overlooked as smaller amounts were added. And the homeowner whose property is said to be worth 25 per cent more than the neighboring houses? Well, his house halt years later and was limit therefore assessed later. iw'o-and- -a Can the county reduce tin valuations house until neighbors' appear on of his assessment rolls at comparable rates" commissioners wi re asked. "Assessments are based on lair not on what seems market value We fair," Mr. Kutulas resMinded can't lower your assessment from that level " . examine all the factors before it made such broad and sweeping accusations of the entire judicial process. Several other sanctions necessarily attach, he said. For example, a felon loses his right to vote. He is precluded from entry into the armed forces or from obtaining employment by most arms of the government. He is not qualified to run for public office or to enter any professional school or to become a member of the various recognized professions. Prison Tops Maximum He noted also the population at the prison stood at 995 as of May 25, some 195 more than its maximum capacity of lo the people If you or a loved one are addicted to smoking or have a nagging overweight problem, then youll want to know about the new Schick Center now located permanently in Salt ft ol heavy smoking habit at Schick clear back in 1972. Other famous Schick graduates include Steve McQueen. Loretta Young, Robert Young. Jr i Clayton, and Richard Carlson. Lake City. Schick does not preach willpower. Schick Centers for the Control of Smoking and Weight are world famous. National magazines have de- They simply help you remove - the craving for cigarettes. Documented affidavits prove that the Schick pro- 390. - in previous attempts to lose weight. Many had been through fast weight loss crash programs and experienced the disappointment of losing weight only to gain it rigfit back again. Schick believes in gradual and consistent weight loss appointed SCHICKS HOOM "Finally, we observe that a responsiway in which a citizen or an organization can roaet with respect to an action by a judge is to notify the Judicial Qualifications Commission, a body established by the legislature, which will examine the conduct of any judge, Mr. Patterson said. He said he felt that singling out Judge Sawaya, who was defenseless to the criticism, was especially unfair when an editorial, said that, The weak link in the (criminal! chain in KSLs judgment, is the courts, and The ourts are thus the biggest part of the problem. Mr. Patterson said the biggest problems facing the public when it comes to crime is not enough resources to effectively prosecute criminals. No Examination He also accused the station of not examining the judges considerations in tile sentencing, such as the convict's record and his report. lie emphasized that the increase of crime is not due to "soft judges" hut to not enough jMiliee and police training and the relativ ely small salaries judges receive in comparison to their peers who practice law. In resoiise, Mr. Bowen ugreed to the mitigating factors in the sentencing. lie said, "it was Nonetheless, homicide." Mr. Bowen said the the rising rate of automobile deaths due to alcohol warranted the editorials. He said midi victims are becoming as eru-lie- d squirrels on the highway" and. in order to give impact to KSLs views, the station needed to criticize a specific ease. No Different Than Norm He said the station did not have a vendetta against Judge Sawaya because liis role was not substantially different than the norm in the system. Mr. Bowen questioned Mr. Patter on as to why it took four weeks to respond to Hie editorials. Mr. Patterson said he had l out of tow n. Then, Mr. Bowen asked why the liar or some ottier responsible organization had not responded on the air in eompliauee with KSL's tormat, instead ot holding a press eonfemiee. Mr. Patterson responded that lie felt it would he wiser, with sin Ii nil inflammatory is. me, to reach as much ol Hie public as possible, not just KSLs viewers SCHICK GUARANTEES: YOU ble i WILL BE A SATISFIELD NON-SMOKE- R WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM j ON THE FIFTH DAY OF THE PROGRAM OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IN FULL! toiled the amazing Schick programs and official commendolions have been made by both the United States Senate and the California Slate legislature. For the smoker, Schick offers a way to break ttie smoking (mbit easily and comfortably in just five days. (Five or.e hour cessions). Whats more. Schick guarantees the sue cess of the program in five days or your money back1 It is not a group t ilk tvpe of program. It is not a tiansient organ, z.dicn that hckls meetings in hotel rooms. The Schick Center is permanently located in Salt lake Cdy. Hie Schick slop smoking program wor ks even hr heavy smokers who have laded in other attempts to cum smoking.. Chuck Connors broke his gram has worked for thousands and thousands who report they not only quit but did so without all the nervous anxiety usually associated with withdrawal from nicotine. $6,000,000.00 RESEARCH Schick invested six million dollars research developing these new programs to break addictions and retrain the subconscious to remove unhealthy cravings from the hi DOES NOT USE PILLS, SHOTS OR FAD DIETS Combined with new habit changing techniques that actually change your eating habits so you no longer crave the wrong foods. Once again, as in the smoking program, willpower is not the answer! memory. president oi Schick Centers is Mr. Patrick J. Frawley. Jr., (miner chairman of the beard of the Schick The Safety Razor Company. The Schick Weight Loss Program is fntafly unlike any ether weight loss program. Many of our happiest clients are those who had been dis FREE INTERVIEWS DAILY, 9 Schick Center offers free consultation interviews daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Just call to make your personal appointment. There is no obligation. Come in anytime and dont le surprised ii you see Schick clients smoking, or eating chocolate cake. its part of the treatment. to 9. CALL 272-828- 1 4685 HIGHLAND c DRIVE U |