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aid avail Call now ES Mon Fri 9722712 4 SUMMER-RE- BEST lease large beauty salon ' AAA TRUCK DRIAR 973-079- Coll 4672367 ONE CUSTOMIZED Lamps or your store Ready to go !momicirY cost only 34975 SMALL Independent Insurance AgerKY for sole About 100000 In volume 4516452 SNOWBIRDALTA Cristo 33 acres ot view Ter mouth of canyon Trees rornerkcc Doh 5820202 or 58341A131 900 INFOLINE CORP Limlted Investv-S500arlom Ert cash business BEDROOW S GET 12 TOWN Lotindrv business steel okra r Etner)sa-4c- FREE RE SETPOINI LIFESTYLE EXERCISE SHADED POOL 100K NO and 2 BUMS 442 E Grantte Ave (3100 HEAT PAID LABOR DAY AND 2 SPACIOUS APARTMENTS SPECIAL 561-313- CFELSEA PARK $89 WASHERDRYER DEPOSIT 2 BEDROOMS Best location! 1000 in 'ta ft free rent free eatxrno: tad to suit Moving exPenst pod fov HcrOld Hill Qwnerogerrt 5314670 4639 966-148- 6 NO WOE Lew RlWRIN364-177at isiand Par TWO Cnuntey1 (YX:i kiwis JC Both have living 12 Bedroom Apotmes TENNIS ' FITNESS CENTER EAST A SIDE $50 Her11064 3607 kar a E As i)oit 'ttri 13a: A -- ct Angelo (430 Lo$11 Eft US'Of:' 278-045- 3 (Ind Gas Scutt 9Ct1 1440631E061 975 Ecnt 400 2 bdrrn Somto Ing 644 $o 26)4913 covered td-- Et 800 rvd 3130 3647531 Pa Cincl 2 txttn $730 East S215 5cutt nil Sept 15 AVAILABLE CO East etc meritt 4117Stil air coad $29 Pot Oniir Bd-r- n Small of SI33 Et sa 3044 263-- 12 Coil 440 Sc 1 Bedroom 16 3673 So 2200 W Peter LOVELY 2 pool dub house or cond trek covered $TA red Sa 200 East cr PONT Vq11 voliev CIty Micrcnonee 2 and 3 beVfnt r:Isher POOL 904-- 0 aw INDOOROUTDOOR )32 3143 Movient Special West 2444111 ± corroNw000 MALL LOCATION 2 Wm 2292 ma zrupal !I TOWN Summer Wood 4 ONLY S3299 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 SOUTH 500 EAST tr is61 hardwood 1914343 - NEAR U AND TOWN 2 B01041305 MOST UTIL& PAID 144 SO LINCOLN (945 E) 5310323 4144659 UNiVERSITY area condos 1 110n 2 bath amenities 1450 eil UHL lionts 3559191 wept NORTHEAST CONDOS bdrms All animatespets HEAT PAID1155-919- 1 Large - No brick SPACIOUS 2 bek Air new paint Sow arm 9734564 or 1011401 $235 Noose CONVENIENTLY LOCATED! 2 twirm Punsisited and uldurn 4 S2104280 Geoff 3434413 1730 ONE harm Heat Incl Stove re No No trio smokers 915 E pets Jepson (3725 5047774e U RESEARCH Park orea Lois land Walesa U35 helm basement 517 EAST 2290 SO I Bedroom HIAs Covered prkg 121194i-3- So 2 BEDROOM 151 West 303 No lag carat paint blinds covered Pa ng 905 kV 524 2S41ISS 11411 1111H MIN - Rehd r 2 NEWLY REMOOELED—ON AVE& 4 blocks from Temple Swore balm $235 incl tree heat 419 EAST 200 SO Studio bdrrn remodeled $2504275 heat paid ma free rent ban NO DEPOSIT NO DEPOSIT Make Moving Easy NEW CONTEMPORARY FURNISHED Racquetball Center °nap: f I Custom Mode Furniture Designer Interior Balconies Covered Pkg fr' Storage Walk-i- Closets n WiD in Some Units Al Convenient PP West iocotiont: OPEN 101 WOODHAVEN 6255 Redwood Rd '' LOST CREEK Parking Covered Decks Ixercise Room Tennis Court Laundry facilities Short Walk to 4950 So Stoto Ise I i SPRINGHILL 56no S Redwood Rd Mall 969-188- I I 8 SOUTH PF CIRCLE) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK '""7 : BBQ's and 1 Unfurnished or Furn Beautiful Clubhouse Hot Tub Year Round Swimming Pool Re Covered 4915 c l Beautifully Landscaped CHECK OUR SUMMER SPECIALS BEAUTIFUL SPACIOUS I AND 2 BEDROOM EAST I MAK et Tennis Illt Fitness MEADO- 1794 t 2 Jacuzzi 171 (HIGHLAND 9682639 Starting at lust Alt Cottonwood ' BDRNI 1 Smokers or pet& NEAR U Ili balm basement apart mint 1026 East 3rd So Yard 1220 plus 4859010: ve4741 LARGE berm heat In chided no smoking $275 952 700 So vo 2372000 rilta1FURNISMED) 8320mo SANDY clean bdrm $180 Ms Paid except Bs References No tot dem WANT ADS HOLLADAY 7241 E Loney (4040 Si 12 berm $245 to 0775 aeon corn 7724249 fortablenegati SPACIOUS imw5c- - Quiet 2 tidrrn covered priso heat and air pd Noce Trolley Sg $300 1195 SUNNY bdrm basement Lob of storage washer hkups Private ont 8590 go 1136 West 2 BEDRoom includes utils Honk-d-ay area No smokers or pets Et 46434601 game MURRAY 2 tro bedrooni apt air cond loundry room gas trait spacious ccginels $285 1 BEDROOM carpeted &apes mktg 0190 rent SISO deposit Lease rewired Call 4075555 QUIET Residerdial Neighborhood! Newer 2 bdrm hookups pool ploycround and morel LARGE bdrms new carpet vautted celilns Ecnt side locohon $2054350 $1954235 HEAT pd bdrms bol cony units avail Doemtown 234 East 100 So fro Emil 5613199 SAW 1 nu WEEKS FREE' 2 No FRESHLY remodeled 1 brirm0PariMentS great dowrtoom Coll 3645919 5323725 ATTRACTIVE bdrm canoe& rens Kaliereett area me mak ers small pet ok MS 4172540 ONE $210 Sunny carafe s 11151 So Extra 21s1 East 4571972 S185 APARTMENTS - j SO4 5230 2 ow 610014 bdrm pets 2776102 2724444 sEoRoom lasmt 000riment hkups $275 2457 Si Decrbourn cable DARLING BDRM 706 E 3rd So 5321114 Rd HOLLADAY Large EAST RAMONA AVE (1935 I 5700 So Redwood Road I $270 4611052 Pools 2 Racquetball Courts 2 Tennis Courts Best Clubhouse in Utah Clubhouse with Spa Terms and Volleyball Heated Pool and Covered Pool Streams and Ponds Prams hpic heat Pd large hdrm carpet blinds 3 Swimming itI 1$00rs S250 k 4150 South 5th East 2625851 SECTIONS la our NEW ig new University 8175mo LARGE 2 Win 1000 salt tv3ak 825dep 363 So Elizabeth (1135 ups liar no pets 2411 Se 310 or 521411 E) East WS SANDY QUIET AREA ATTENTION Student& COse le U 1Va bcfrm botti townhouse No 12 berms S2222250 Fro Bask 5 upori 94382l19 pets able 3534629 WD Hookups 1 rd S200 So 00 to t IN STONEHEDGE ktti A todroom untts ost 2774357 111 0111 Ncetr to Cottemvood 2 FITTITT 7! BEST DEAL L YA 5A347e4 LINDEN COLONIAL t" 4 E WOR N4005 K i CliE N 1732 East 4800 5ottth 2721317 liookups ''' I pre U $730 4719 So 13th 41 n it Iloo sq if q l SPECLAI 011R100( BLOW strO : 9694582 FAIRVIEW APIS ft Looks Plowl 2 Winn OSO Ion Ei Ira large I 2 (It'd 3 bey m hookups tookiln Omen storape coy prkg pool playground More Staling from $260 6 4 pert fig $345me 0113 aV Lrg air cond woshdre hituoss Tenols piose area 146x $o FosObon PicceMoll 76 Wes7 6S90 South 164470 PARK 3 BEDROOMS $295 Swim all mgr We con solve your poblems Midvole NEED A ONE BEDROOM? AO FREE 4 Cered bedwn ben shed Millar included FREE S725 SHANGRI-LGARDENS UP Grab a plece of heaven luxury apts 000 Highland Clrole Pool roomy extras 778V51 HOLLADAY AREA Oeluxe I Wm Fres movles Posit Hs edire Pcrldrl0 0:ccde WV °tr S263 46-6- $280 FREE UTILITIES!! La-- e bóm oil amenities new covetpoint 5150 dep No pets Brcewood 716altioillil oito SOUTH 1210 WEST VALLEY AREA 2 bOrrn 4123 West 3275 Offsh-oo- i children parking i 50 oik ay dep $27$ rent Coil 9694290 369 2 teems In 4 °ley Cctl nets gotorel 3 closets olr dish '0001 krst Around IS RIGHT DRIFTWOOD nyarnentlies -mo- Etas 2664213 150 So Only NOW! Ifv ertrus Cdl fct Oeto il$ MALLARD CROSSING So EAST 1st SOUTH 2290 Lrg harm $275 haml bemt 5250 Intl Lorca clean or 466471S 2 WEEKS 566-101- Morcott soocwi cos streho AT fireplace) 2 FREE DEPOSIT 2 Brim S265ma dishwasher trak cav iced aririx 273e So Adorns St NM In disfmtasNir MONIIH 1 tea ND 3 BEDROOM PRia MANOR SUGARHOUSE 1411So 100 East covered Park lila I &tux bdrrn untiv Laanapy 15 SOUTH 900 EAST wader teethe 'INALIY Oliva APTS Quiet SPECIAL IN Odin WO level 1350 cMe aroort sittorse 607 banns P001 pi(Pe wound covered porting cobke ovo0oble On tile courtesy void 2(44912 FA bdrnl townhOuid KENWOOD VIIIA 1420 Sout 6243 East Pleme 2 teautsed 1295 SPECk dead aqd wtre4 mark- 150 WEST 7200 SO room Sa c W 3 MOVE easy freeway 5300 after 6 SANDY QUIET SERENE MIDVALE Lome 2 Ockn marmeets covered siorooe PO area kr pxik!no PINE Lcrue 1275 St ARNECIA GARDENSBIRCH EST Beaultrul spacIous 2 bdrm deluxe Ail extras 5300 cs7ts 2624383 3800 So 9191 E CHERRY HILL APARTMENT 2210 UP A cherry of o deal is yotrs at 2210 East 3300 So Pool carport 36446131S217323 FREE RENT $21S 2Win So Adorns 4617110 ot 96(3 i724 1 133 FREE Ocreens klio3 Last 511111 Ovtg 'Xing our bus inourre by a dIstr igotat IA44 00 eefIVTt JI ("elle al JI Mercborggut dlyitIon GOA ea niN paten Se 'Ours tgit ftItIng crgi tOdoy 5CA! nov Free gos one chliceen laundry torilev OokotOes Strreng gt $734 CON 5613810 THiS AD bcs" 104ene AO 752 cost 80) CREEK ptaftrubk —WOW) $749 OFF 20 MONTH RIUS COBBLE free S160 24 SteuttfUl 4 4 Prowswood Commuryty access 500 East 2 BEDROOM or cond l000leol with maw more e Oros ten SOUTH NO EAST 415 SOUTH 200 EAST 4114 Aso-- 2274 4674372 FEET cr 4879aut S0966-126- Emerlon Reodse Mow" bebt avolobe bedroom cces stow r'eltramrar ft 596 Haps 4PLEX EAST NEAR 14 Wm DMus' apartment& Eswtto0 yaks's Must sec Pool LEVEL TOWNHOUSE Forntlies welwme pool covered pikg family rrn 3 tkinl $395 bct SJ50 TH 3370 So Ird E 2625107 cr 262993J 2750 So 5Th E LOCATION RES7AURAN7 Vat 'oc 1500 SQ BATHS 3 TV FREE CABLE 12 2 AVENUES jr oaleltly BDRMS 0040 COMPUTE analpaint Air Built Ins New MOVE IN ONLY 805 heat SUMMER SPECIAL NORM REDWOOD ROAD Rent TANGLEWOOD 3856 Vest 3500 00 L bdim no teas Includes owl Spotters E VAS 2554199 S225 $250 iticlucess heat carpet 3406 So 100 new oir 520 POINTE East PM So GAS FREE AS: SWIMMING cAinal Atalt 2 BATH Re"' 11150n0 trvg Ketth lac P O Ban 117 Pocatello !DUNI 1330005 eve Or 1535 WEST managed by Remo BEDROOM 1100 sq FKDME 1p2011)AYS $400 W 1600 ms en scwm SUMMER SPECIAL 4 weeks tree rent immac Wm Nice carpet DISCOUNTED RENT SANDY Heat pd Won't lase 4475322 bdrms 8894 So 265 East Clean Quiet Wash tea off street art RENT AND DEPOSIT two ITN SOUTH SPecial deal—mortal off for gr loose 2 nights Pork C Nice Not Oman handy so stores and U 02- - I OR 2 BEDROOM FREE GAS - GAS HEAT LAOH ROOM iNONIDUAL HKPS PARK AND PLAYGROUND CARPORTS AND STORAGE 2 SOUTH Us $523 2924610 rrn-- 770167 80 M STREET $210 bedvom corPet &cots carport oir cowl Nopets onssew SPECIAL 2 irtyer in BE04400a rrn POOI Not IS ritr 5 min from oh purl $265 9724276 ECIFJOi COMING FALL'S 973-704- $325 2 1700 2 BEDROOM bilrm toymnouse or apt On laurkey Hookups avail Free bask able Families weicame ALL PLAY AND free with 6 month lease Plowing oogortunny I dini thlidrens' ploy 1 S3604400 oer month Wounds $280 oicoous East side Kooken moun9311 LOWELL AVENUE 2 and 3 tain view SpOC WS crepes iouncky hooktees beim pool tennis basketball Carpet wtth storage Quiet it K Ids carport Own:ound and mixt' moth welcome (See Monoper at trl more Steeling at 1722 Eat eth So It S324207 GARAGES Large site Covered Pori On r e795 4464470 washerdryer $235-$26- 5 LIVING Odloiniqg large Best Western Moset Moicr freeway oft ramp Weal ataportuorty far qualified 'skiver WU mane super deal Coll ogs boom BRIGADOON 1059 East 619 Scuill 2 bctrns ccroet dropes air cond CANS1-0FrOM 290 5323640 Pcre HARTtAND APARTMENTS 2 both 2 bdrrn woetin Woes FREE To HIGRAND AREA magi 2 ixem eolex 1117 SoMest Termite UTILITIES Dep extra 2 acirm 510ve rekla carpets No pets 1435 Eost 3300 So ad except 1206 EAST 1st SOUTH Small studio wen wood Moors $2501 !Arm $265 Inds ufils 3222192 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX SM Near St Maks Hosottal across from Pork carpet hookups lots of storwe tree cock OW All Lees E 300 So 532167 $250 MOVE IN 5 or 2 bdrrn M Spotless ray Storage Laundry 26414173 — CAPITOL HILL very kr9e classy 3 brim pool ac new cot point acme oak frisk Luxury wooded 2 tkern °palmed Fireplace pool a Ir ipa member sh ip wolk to Cottonwood Mail Chateau Foel 2704170 404 Higakind Circle NO Pets Weit WELCOME 2011 006 ge-Yet- South State 4040 CorttLetely RESTAURANT BUSiNEiS NEW MEXICO Iseguithol fret standing restourain 141 SOUT H) (1470 CLASS be Owner BATH I BROOKWOOD PARK APTS 344 WEST ROCKWOOD WAY k of 55000 per lot 17274d 1ns-09- 3660 seem stortve rev carport Laundry WE teetta STUDIO remodel Newly Mk 446 $250 PAYS RENT AND DEPOSIT cr 2 Wm S2454205includes cres Pool (uifl Eat $250 HISTORIC HOUADAY Woo loc Olthvoosher Pool club hmse Mar criens Covered portiog Air conOlOonlrya Immoco tote 2060 SOUTH 200 EA$T 60 $345 FROM FREE - 2 BEDROOMS 1141 WEST 3900 SOUTH -1)kke-::7"" 4( brern Free movies 2 ALLOWANCE 2 WEEKS FREE UTILITIES 255-712- 1 confidential IN PEPPFR TREE PARK 4656 So FIRST proftkible or not call or write Duane Hansen Vice Pres Mori ahanN Ouliding Maint Company 7211 5o 300 West SIC Utah laqg Deluxe Iwo F90m 1329 1100 MO9E Lave MONTH 7800 SOUTH WEST 4"t ‘round capon OsetS Pool Pia Downtown o 6900 dlsb $239-1- 1 $199 PLUViTREE Sorttake ON UT 114143 WANT tb erpond my lonitorral business by Purchasing existing lani trial contractors large or small or SEE V011ioNionagements BUM TV a Prowswood comtrk)n) 45$311 - AD enrage Y772 Sews 1210nst 5724254 $235 DARLING beim $295 $335 Incl am air ccrport patio laundry So 900 East 2629094 2 Ka ELIZABETH GARDEN& quiet living 2 Bdrms garoge From $400 151 EAST Fairmont teem 1 both hkos reee 01 PAYS RENTDEPOSIT $300 Lro 1348 roar s rt ccrpet 4873 2 (240 EAST) botil reM 1795 5712154 MIDVALE nice evils newly deco- 2 BEDROOM Sr& 1 ROOM 1775 Call Includes Oils BEDROOM 4a9ex (topes appil heat Incl 2rci EastB $250 ROBERTA fence both condo pg Pit MAJOR REAL ESTATE BEDROOM Comet washereye: Num Covered puking Srao 163 Heim Ave berm 5714359 &km ar- 4441 bdrmTflt MOVEIN SPECIALI Laroe 2 barn Necr town CI' 3614747 Pool BEST BARGAIN ANYWHERE month free rent at end of Bonus: yeers lease Only 8260 up for these gorgeous spoclous luxurY apts Foci tennis clubhouse ow port mony extols Excellent location to everything 2385 East WS South HIUri Apt 2 BEDROOMS boiamy watherdisimsol $150 DEP S2751 2 btrn 2 pets droves omit hookups 314i So Ind East 2784400 BEDROOM dootes Pak airport washerdryer heust sterege unit 1765 3275 West WO So 967117 14454 BEDROOM BATH I PIUS HOLLADAY HOOKUPS tort NEW OFFER Own and °aerate your own orodt at home For free business ctile intte on our guaranteed Itow To' wrfse todayl M Bush 933 West 844c4 17th Streeto1 Okteh ATTENTION: INVESTORS Igg ercre NV gait locrited In Fish Havtn ir) within I mite of Bear Lake 757 tots tett Will sacattice kA P7e4eTt1y fix 11750 COME ON OVER SCARETI 2444 So 9op East 5 Studios and 1 and 2 bitfr aPartrnents from $ 195 mo Heat mid 110 Sa 300 East 110 at Call3444914 $664160 I $275 2000 GOD" TO DELUXE COME AT FAIRWAY 123 Bedroom SHALL aport(esp prIka by or CLOSE TO U MONTH FREE—LOW DEPOSIT CdrPetsOlinds Om $210 UP 659 East sou So GAS PAID 2559457 Victorian Restoration 'FALL' me ExcrrN APtS Surattone Rd SO 1)A0 BEDROOM ONLY t CHADDS FORD wnece baths they nOVe hood 2 bdrrn w“nO004 Playground and remit THINK East ABANA APTS 121t WOODLAND AVE bedroom comet drapes air con dMon Of street parking No pet& From 1255 bolconSi PloYgrOuncL 'FRANKLY MY DEAR" 266-520- 0 266-920- FITNE4S CLUBS FOR SALE riled lilted ?mantes in SAC area tetabfished and Prontrible Excel tent ioOtions Includes full line Nautilus life Cycles tree weights all levers aerobics sun beds child LW) plus paying members lod: Reply to tole 0732 in core of Nils newspaper PO Box quarters ind great potential Owner Pwcing °von si10000 Robinson MONTH MAIN MARK 2 "OH RHETP" I CUSHION YOUR ENERGY ill $320 3 WINCHESTER PARK Miler Dr So 2D0 1 free 2 Wm'' smoke 1345 East Fmk air covered al- From bectooms 1258MetetS East 4500 South 2705060 QUIET DOWNTOWN AREA BEDROOM DUPLEX $225 1391 ONLY WM Wow clilktrm TWO week 64o n 5951331 dishwasher alr cond 1051 SOUTH 900 East arra siowasher dryer hluips clean mo 3160 SOUTH 200 EAST 2 BDRM stairs Air parkins 1262 plus de' 1023 East MOO $0 $295 townhouse lease O air hkps puha 4664241 ?no Call V25736 153 E CLEVELAND (1440 SO3 $490 ELEGANT 1 ONE ixert basement cot LA 1 Bedroom tor quiet triplex Heat paid tHys krnishea Ccrpet walk-odeck 304 1st Avahoble 81 $250 363 0618 quiet neighbartmd no smelting 2 BEDROOMS 960 4111 Ave need manager far exchange of rent re FoH:í911295 5621hootui31attqwbO (1: Pcre 2 berm bay ductim SOUTHLiberty Lorry Stillman window view new ccroet cabie i cowl 2 17th SOUTH I Ith EAST NEWLY REMODELED 0 ready great neigbborbodd S310 pdat with of street poising DIcA 4854331 S bdrm Quiet $225 $295 jE21111EL016S96BEAUTIFUL 1 berm opt Moot see SANDY EAST DOWNTOWN-$95 to oppreclatel Mame eras SM 43 East 8800 Sa Urge bdrm Free heat 773 So 400 East 3283727 3155 So 300 9414463 2 1 DISCOUNT -IN 'WHEREVER HOOKUPS DRYER FOR ONLY GREAT SAVINGS CABE FREE All Into Mn SQUARE FT WASHER CLOVERLAND APIS Pool tennis 12 BATHS 1 2255 ond 2 I Le 'tr I won PAYS RENT AND DEPOSIT 2 Mumsy crea Pool fireplace private polio cermet laundry cableoir 2654054 NEAR Large 2 barn merits DIshwasher air launoky 'mils off street Loc 923 East 600 So Come coil ony11me1594131 )255 SMALL 2 actin naw point 475 E Oevetorkt (1450 So) ko pees $225 1150 dep Revie Montt 4672327 SUGAR HOUSE AVES Studio I barn 2 beim $its-sasSome utlittes pakt 5213799 er 5214706 MIDVALE Lome 2 bdrrnk foe' cond free ors covered 006100 delliptful crea $325 5714010 goio So S260 lor mimeos ter 5 pert Waaharldrygr 2 WEEKS FREE MURRAY 2 Octal storage tskos air moored Otto Goo paid 2664111 a BEDROOM& $19 alus 4 hourS housework or yard work 0 week 7779217 2 PAND 4 $300 GATES 2 new BEDROOM gos paid aurae 5225 667 East 200 So 5100 deft Revie Moat 477321 or hkups bairms ond every oind 1750 DELUXE 4871217 hcirth 3 EXTRA Larale 2 b IV pool 2295 9734042 nkos air toxpetitiropetles no pets play area 2921170 i2 BEV DOMS 32394299 Clean quiet Secure Pool sauna weight ” rcarr1Ipet5mal ok BROADWAY TOWER isdrrn located In luxury high-ris- e 230 East 300 Sou 534122 BEDROOM $185 pies ylc 2300 So 9th East Clean no pets Call Troy IDEAL Peaceful West Jordon crea Lro 2 bcirm cat hisas distance to most facilities NO Pets 1260 5664740 WEEK FREE RENT bcirrn or Foothill Dr Cory ender Close to U On Ole laundry Cols Wowed Heat paid $225 (Furnished units avolktie) In Iuxry I ond 2 bctrit year round pwl and Jocus s1 hookups cenfral air criSe IV plus much morel From STA REGENCY APARTMENT3 Oft bcems exiro storm wolkIn closets super Kitchens hew& (23 ectrm) OW TENNIS 206 IV' 10000 &Ott $loo MOVE- $190 plus dep port190 At close COMFORT SIZE Luxurious I DOWNTOWN 2 East of JOS & Manogement 7400 South Emerson Reath V SWIMMING a MAIN STREET EI2ANC4 NOSTALGA KING WITH THESE 1 Horne 51314943 wts $265 SECURITY $250 OvrnorA9erd 1 Apartments otitt Martin Propertim - Le 2727 So hkups EAST SIDE QUIET LOCATION LARGE bdrm 1 level Loh of closet sto(age 2230-U- ad 2 brims Herr U gra paid new mintcal:et 62 K Street IL Helen Our Beautiful Large ond Roomy WPM Akt Stree Edison I S)ot 1 AND In Moir (345 East) Call bdrrn appliances arias air hookups No pets 2 BEDROOMS 1323437S Heat paid smokers $275 ma offstreet pring Laung 1st Avenue and Sireet HEAT PAID Ira 2 pius bdrms both dishwasher game Ira $245 yard 140C 5200 deg 1395 So 400 Ecat Revie Mond 4174327 pew 2 txlms Sandy 56601$9 MURRAY TOWNHOUSE Ira 2 $245 berm heat pd trek hookups covered ptiop private patio No Deluxe 2 bans So SLC 4644051 pees $325 mo 4ke$124 NEWLY REMODELED$21 0 NEAR Coaltalidowetown spoclws !Arm 150 S700 E 5150912 modern bot m Air Irak extra am dlthwasber Beautiful view CUTE BDRM DUPLEX5175 94r 537 cr IMMACULATE newer 2 barn 355 East 900 5o hookups tree cab4e storoae bal2519 SO 300 EAST 2 BDRM cony Poai air cond and much $275 Free rent 2612773 4448315 meremust seel 5941112 DELUXE 12 BDR M Lots of closetsi PHOENIX 12 Air covered parking 2157 So Free allot TV lit We free no de 0 100 East posit 2 Wpm dishwasher 1021 So W Terry 2663964 406 EAST 333$ SOUTH GA' BEDROOM I tow BMW Ira k hen hookups Le- velours carport clean and Quiet NOW FOR WINTER PLAN US1 DEPOSIT TWO BEDROOM Cawrt Insde and outside 110100e dr hkps arpet (twos Near chtrthes sdboois Fair Meth eves-- DELUXE BOUKTIFUL AREA Capitol hill woo 1 and 2 bdrms wefl manwd (ticks lowly prpetod 304130 REDUCED $265 486-893- 1 580-110- 4 Oct 2 2 lxirm ou1ht street fenced Vora algart pets 2 HEA'r x 4plexes $199 Bedroom FireoL hookups outside Oct covered orkg Ac cess to dub house-po220 EAST 3600 SOUTH? 21186 SOUTH 200 EAST 3 Re 24 bdrn ark Welsher and dryer In every are Covered DUPLEX EAST Sandy cold APARTMENT FINDERS 2 FREE DEPOSIT Ref weeks tree vitt years lease 6220 up Lovely 12 barn k Masi sett CalattS qrapes carpal Muny42extras 261 So 1th East So ett East 531424t 5314174t 623 Sc eth East 5214205 4311 HIghketcl Ortve 2122331 3 AVENUES Willow GLEN Alt Cond 2 Bertn Stattlde Wasnick htuot Balcony Pdal Near Cottonwood Moll 4148 South Ilth East 4 Of COME JOIN THE REST 56152'22 v oo ROOM FOR AROUND BEST DEAL 15M593) CAFE d you have ever wonted 0 very oyofttoNe cote at o very reason cesie price and be finished at I 582 PM Coil Daniel FURTHER ond 12 todpns dishwasher asp 7 conxots 132 2nd Ave YOU1 DRASTICALLY MONTH FREE bdrm $279 and up Fro omens 2160 So East 60 4664463 2024533 I Free Aslear 1215 o or 2S54070 SOUTH S1ncty2 townhouse 3 bunt $49(1'64117111 SPACIOUS 1 Large HOME LIKE EAST SIDE finished bdrm kr9e 1tkps skrboe Cavort $150 cionniro wird air MOO root DELUXE 2 BDRAA rowNHotaia bath mho bobaLupc air 315A S 900 Eost i295 142 pets 9424826 LARGE immocuesee 3 Wm vat fimeoce bOaeatekk 542 So 4544311 etti East 1285 ONE $395 '47 Wrt EAST t $340 LARGE Spacious moin noor Pius basement ott street Pita Non smokers heat paid 672 No 2 00 West NO DEPOSIT W VALLEY 2 barm 3745 911375 W WEEKS FREE gas paid 2 kirrn laundry cawved vita S275 S158 cLp 3460 So 30Q East Revie Mgmt 4872377 sp 4C1OUS 2 bectoorn apt In 4 plex washerotyer hoOk ten cov4r4671 Nrking no pets 4634 West $260 paspeat CASH FOR USED BOOKS ZIONS BOOK STORE 264 SO MAIN West 1600 I BEORROOM S239 2 BEDROOM $289 Heat Pd Fagg and Sauna Families Weloame 5964969 1 Lg pool 200 BECAUSE OF YOO WE ARE FULL! NEAT AVAILABILITY OCTOBER LOW UTILS NO PETS SO 775 WEST APT C Atter 5: 2634425 Wore 5 THE COVEY South off 700 East 481h RENT SEWOLIS ILLNES4 FORCES SALE 2 BEDROOM 5154)!DEROSIT 5275MONIN vd LAKEPINES 266 5096 THANK NICE and bdrrns Skirting at S277 Stu od ma 2 Al OAK MEADOWS We hew Irs 2 txern opolments pally at open space ployground tennis pool dishwasher hookups and much more Near schools WEEKS FREE IMMACULATE 2 BEDROOM Cernet drapes range refrigerator Quiet West Valley area No pets $2504260 9612508 9661152 OAS Writing 00Y I 4425 SOUTH 195 U CLOSE TO U AND DOWNTOWN 2 WEEKS FREE harm dean coy ered mtge cabie TV washdry no Pets HILL 2 bdrm ond 50 e4n $255 11$02 21751t) 4554 SOUTH WO WEST 2 arm duplex Wookups writ 095 Avoitabie ffôL HILL bdrm 4 ate dose In Ail pole Air coin Cet street porting washerdryer or 2954400 Steil No Pa" 10 'r 2 2 125ADmo HOLLADAY bdcrit No oqtsmoikAIMI-71:2SoWN ?xi EAST SdrTh house tWucs Wreak $ S288 U 2740 So 13th E WW1 I acen 2 1 04e East 2nd So Clean 2 LARGE NEW BORM42 0 hookups tots of room We Air 337 S S Sth E 4614306 7774167 pay Sas 2295 Renters must take osre of yard etr-- Prefer non LOVELY LARGE I BDRMd225 Smokers No pelt sr1 cAmot newer NEAR 149 P STREET VitiOrkr dugiorr I berm wood floor kepi gorNe plus bunt 'APO ALSO cosoeted 2 pita bunt ono Nil attic 2400 372'2192 4 4 4100 So 6 bark to NO RACE AREA hookLets carrot no smokers or ISO So UnaNn (945 E3 Opal 404191 or 9ee 107 oAKmoKr APTS 2700 East 401S So In HollaacrY Nice quiet loc clean and tom 2 adrim only 2260 btrm at $21 tcs °pot 2715531 COME EAST TO THE PINES New carpets vertka gnat vaulted ceilings 12 benne ALTA PINES 4070 Se 900 East THERE'S SUGAR kOUS 2275 ()Two us MONTICELLO VILLAGE 1210 EAST 6915 SOUTH BEDROOMS FROM 5241 P ST (AO EAR) le 0 lett weak- - kit ) bdrm dose In closet 129$ Coll 4814915 pets ELIZABETH SO 430 MEN TO DRIVE - woóes peis 141 2 2 apts $265 to $295 POti temps covered ptitg otr em we poy moving HEAT AND GAS ENJOY SUMMER FUN EmersaiRegtiokmwment SALE Established dry cleaners muttiple retail aahet Must seil prksr ta 101Siee Serious mimesis's only Comptes qnancloi data moll° Possible financing for qualified buyers 0726313 Doug FROM $285 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS 3Ss0 SOUTH 200 EAST THAT PAYS $30 West 0Aurroy Blvd FoacIS LSIESS ROYAL GARDEN APIS QUIET 2 EIEDR MAAS Beauttful uxorious gardens motors trees pool extra large Mittens lots of closets kfuncly caport SEEKING AN API ' : Cory DO East 4500 Sout bdrm 2285 New 2 2 n Studio Pool off cmci PAID Call MURRAY MANOR 5943 LARGE jim Kennard it it 1 CABLE TV AVAILABLE All This For Oniv $229 DELUXE 12 BEDROOMS Club house pool carport Welding clean la liv rm trait dining crea air mod disposal dishwasher ratio Ilia bath huge bdrms 1677 SOUTH 200 EAST 015 12 bdrm 3145 SOUTH 300 EAST 21 2 bcirm txto m 2964 SO 200 EASTe 114 2 916 SO 600 EAST 017 I barn 4664114 4864931 4614312 ASK ABOUT OUR PET POLICY TRAILS 1539 m FREE DEPOSIT LOTS OF OEGIN TODAY! Colt OCT TIL ErBusiness ( !sus SPRIZ 1545 T (Wttli Ad) NOTICE EXOEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY PUBLISHER'S NOTE IQ Utfgt a motivational personal 'cieVeloottleM seminar and busiAll rentals advertised in this ' bets Otasyrt (no meeting are sublect to the newsPcper A how you can be ChOrgettotirt Federal Fair Housing ACnOn of In your own business eanting up 1968 which makes It illegal to to SIPOAK10 as a distributor with advertise "any preference limito this worldwide croonization Key tion or discrimination based crt note weedier from THE MOST race color religion cc national PERSONAL EFFECTIVE families banning origin prohibits pROFESSIONAL DEVELOP MENT- - PROGRAM IN THE with children andcc handiapped WORLLS Selected distributors will to Intention make persons cr be ?Own iv Toronto Canada to any such preference limitation training Call today to reserve discriminotion'' BOO THE seat PROCTOR your This newsPcPer will not knowingly SEMINARS CORP accept any advertisement tor t ow WANT TO rentals which is in violation OMiti YOUR OWN BUSINESS? of the low Our readers are I "'NOW YOU CAN hereby informed that ALL rentals Iki(yiork 2000 advertised In this newsPoPer ore will train you to build your Own available On cm Equal Opportunity business In Me lucrative COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY offering ItwifIBER OPTIC long cilintacte semIces of South AR) Emit bdrm new kitchen new opollonces new carpet fresh oak new ccrports central air security windows and fence 8765 Merit Cali 4 2614460 9724377 1531 uhAloc"gemcit 566-513- Unfurnished The rental columns of this newspaper serve both advertiser A1RLINETRAVEL CAREER and reader Rental offers that isun'N Sart Insiteute at Travel mislead have no place in these interelyeitalning daynight clam columns Please call 2372995 CL Stcrt Vi lt you find any exception CALL Advardaae Center tor Real Rental otters tfrough commerical Estate Studies Scholarships rental agencies will boo found In Walt to dualitled people these columns These companies ore In private enterprise and the reoder should be awcre that a tee may be involved when asAing these agencies for help MISS THIS TOTALLY REMODELED CENTRAL LOCATION U " 6 MINUTE haat" Immae beautiful 2 basernent guke tells paid birt No barm large err age $795 172 So 501 Ecett 523-- 1954 evesiwkends COZY Sugar House area 2 barn atxrtmellti I (Muer I tint 2295 AND TOWN So S250rna garage krot Yurg 726 SOUTH 9150 EAST Free cable from No See cif Bo 2771107 opt 2 baynt covered writing cicee $o doismlown freeway and bus line SAO 321 So East i BEDROOM and slue apts ntsr downtownLI SectrilY u1 and 011COulgr grail pest control Move in special 1st mo tree wttti pymi of seoztty dep Del Slows Apts open weekends Up to 1 MONTH FREE! Rent package HUD subszed based on Income 1 Ut Mlles paid Senior HandicaPPed and Chi! dren wecome Equal Housing 001 We St Mtn TO Opportunity CALL cot SOUTH 3RD EAST ROYAL FARMS THE CUT ABOVE Luxury AO Community So 2035 East 9434713 BDRK NEAR LIKE NEW RENT EAST MILL CREEK Beaulttal I bokm apt In pivot home All 3 rms ItIlly carpeted with new elec and range retrig citspasal dishw All cmd washer dryer combo utils turn heat lights and water &per quiet clean secure and pet on street çnlQ r makers only please t3T5 ma 2T74161 2611947 3827 apartments 3619655 COUNTRY WOODS RELAX BY TRAINING VU CHARMANIT Of SPRINGS En gth year In auelnessi Qualify for DOT itt 4 weeks Placemern Assistance Investigate before you enroil FREE! STARCREST VI'dAGE FRANCHISED WEIGHT LOSS BUSINESS SALES— $20 to $40 per hour fullport time (water 'Morahan avail svstems) Distributorships able in all areas of Llioh Call Dixie Water Fresh 8016347625 Apartments MONTH shopping and bus line Covered prig storage S14000 DLol NO SEC DEPOSITSENIORS $230 Close to freeway From AO In LEASE entrance Great floor plan Extra &root Imenillei 1 "I' REDUCED - a SPACIOUS tioy4th NEAR U OF U SZ15 aeon bcIrm PS- 1156 East 3r0 4454191 or 2!' 000 Arcot L 6655 allowcc ROSE HAVEN BEDROOMS sitrtiro $250 MOVES YOU IN Aptt oner 0 choice of sdrion patios or bolconles Coy fxridtkOiltor ooe ond ioundy foclItne6 Pkworoond FREE Cob4 4412 So WO Wolf 9664483 12 Bettcoms from $270 Central air car port and patio storage loundry Excellent maintenance We oxe MONrrH Spacious bdtm CHIMNEY Sweeping Equipment Complete system $1000 BAKERY or equipment tor sole Call att 6 pin re4ated 6 WITH 2 leo wst L INCOLN GAS INCIUDED ALL FREE HEAT!! IN 200 REAL ESTATE OFF 41000 at Lake Tahoe Super prottts 004464220 FOR ANY REASON MONEY PRNA1E INVESTORS VENDING Machines Cali the rest - then dial kr the best 0 NEW APT SPRING into FORMING min EUROPEAN CHEF looK Ina to rent cafe or pizza parlor VENDING ROUTE tor sale Great covered Ran coveriod From 3750 2627911 PARK 1200 So Or titign as low at 1540 So Rcberto 2674205 1 CEDAR CREST Excellent 2 bdrm new pallt kundry far- ott street Prik 1225 1934 So West Temple D 4114062 the Bob Cole 4674696 4873211 Advantage BEST VALUE IN SI VALLEY 2 Barns $29 &Sm 1210 Refuels 1100 Moving crake Coe to church school and work See to believe at 2146-55 o &air (120 Errs t 7 - MO alrok fro coNe Pomo hookups Forking Quiet ilte stve Ho PetS Coil rtow for on ccoointrneati or Zli -- "MCA' 2 Spackus NEXT DOOR and 3 Win w all the E $795 52145A2 1040 2554301 LOSS Your Gala bdrm-Tar- gc4 all 2724666 1573 SOUTH 10TH Emmy 4 isiex kerstry teriliheiL HEAT PAID 3275 611 SO PARK ST (560 Easil ceneolly kx I bdrms lopreint facilities ass-r$1901230 DELUXE Wm 2 baits eir elec tit Aftchon berPart apt 83751'40PM area 4664222 VERY nice 2 bdrm bosemeet opt Pay only elect 1095 $o 300 East 2724773 Coll onyMme 91endo 2 FREE SEPTEMBER SO heat turn tetor 3am 3614403 ONE bdrrn dishwasoeer oir disposal fnials 1464 Rotolo DELUXE 2 brim plus skosptao All loft taVirthauS4 ()mollies OUR Reduced 150 cvni pors1642 East Avonues Immac 12 bdrrn ILSDO or 5214634 drat6es oarPet make launcry far- quiet stirebus 459 —$258 PAYS RENT AND DEPOSIT bcitm S251) Include gas East 2700 So M Spvtiess N Air strop kountry 118 East 700 DOWNTOWN EXEC 1925 72 5 5W o BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM 3 BATH Security sys wet bc formai dining $100 FREE RENT nice woodwork garage fireplace Iro 2 betrt 1'465 Nar lownialt-Txr- t BANNER PROPERTIES Mir free-- 2 more brk mt baths fireal and rot" Great $E Bountiful location 1495 Ix( SCHOOt VALUE! oaeroted washerdryer CAPE Industrial location high trot tic Great breakfast Ong lunch Lease nego Atrest APTS - howl Rd ale 2 bdrot Oisluvother microwave aroort view colo loon le I 0 bdrros 8325 East $4 CA Carmel hews air New paint deon storage LARGE 3 atem 5206ngltfel'écoot $451) a monitt Coll Urge 39 1 1217 Ses CM Win cottoge and sPo 'berm Ingure 6711 3r d Ave mum clous Immoc txrrn drapes ccracols ccrocrt laundry tic Pet BORM 1245 PAIDI CLEAN NICE I LEASE a master to live 1C laNsur bot-- FREE HEAT FREE HOT WATER FREE CABLE (in most units) STARTING AT SSO Midvale Immaailote Wirt Up or ckwin available Fully arpeted neatly &alma twort motion) Other) Walkouts coin kr details E 91411532- DossrtiosenU 01U Call Andy 772477 I THIS FALL COME SEE OUR tOTS MORE! Call maw 14 berms ayaltatte SOSO So Ms:As Ide Or East 2nd South 2 Only MOVE IN BY THE lath AND RECEIVE $50 OFF FIRST MONTHS RENT kynn NICE CHURCH P001 COVERED THE OF U ALL new carpetpaint AVENUES APARTMENTS WEST JORDAN 7143 SA 2700 Wer$ OUR Lass YOUR Wm Reduced MO Una at DISCOUNT ALL GAS PAID COOL — LARGE — QUIET Compare our pricos wIth opts in Ohs oteso East ALSO FREE MOVE IN SPECIAL 1270 New rentocieted 2 lickTra Goo pets mom -1124 or BANNER PRCPERTiES 4072235 CLEAN 3 beam full tr$Mt Or ePloce Gor oke vd South East ior-- S425 mo 1214 deg plus Oils OLEAN 2 beim Breploce bunt large yd °crape lois of press South East loc 1325 mo $250 clea Plus Laos 0 944057 Ga)40 SOUTH STATE OPPOSATE 20AI DOWAITOAN 2 tx1rffl I both iocutzi celitoi washer cryer alstrreseher oven ice solfelecenne ceiling rant WS- - Rots 79 MOVE- -IN INCREDIBLE CREAM and yoUart shcO George Owner taloa:Hive Terms 5 avail PROVIDER 976 INFORMATION BUSINESS $75b0 ne9cd &Ion Mgmt 1100 TANNING BOOTHS LOTS ICE Technician HotetMatel OVER? 1726 266-38-4 4667952 4662274 WOODSIDE Asp VERY ELALITIFUL SUMMERIREE 4050 So 300 PRESSURE veashiN5 can mcee you financially independent $50W for machinery Call Richcrci ' LtMedtcai Assisting ittt $ I 50 1255 washcry hoar Ws treolacs cowed orito slorogo Access to club souse and pad 2190 SOUTH Ad EAST b4"' 5hgredtmonDporklelln2 WASAT APTS 1100 oft 1st month's rent Nice clean 2 Wirth Big kitchen taps ash- washer ccreart cable No lease e S263124 EST CAPITOL 1225 born tcm Boar salts view BORM 75 I AII S735 Corm 115 bcens String 41200 3 berm Storting at 1330 Pool hookups Co Writing Fenced plavareura No cols rtOLLADAY HILLS ln-9- S199 0 dishwash2 Ulm free alb r hookups chso LgsaY ycect 1331 5967335 1a5 Rol 22a54 Relmood iecurIey bUHdr U ONE Wrist S250: 2 team $2Se I° St Pets ok loonerY or skeet 4854911 At) pitg $aso LARGE 2 &ern dining rins MONTH FREE fAMIlY COMPLEX ao I 1100 sci East 2624936 plr 2 1 antrer at It's Always VILLAGE 466-3145- CAVON JO) Reala APTS So" 900 GREAT Awe 14xlmt apt Secluded o emcee4 RI X NEAR CITY vera t FIRST MONTH Private Now Irg I bdrat pets $215 me 36477I5 5334201 clean like new terms dish Only 8300ma Courtyard washer dtsp Onert 114S Cros LARGE 2 BEDROOM 43 2200 '6141 beat &meatball costs fenced ‘IKE NEW! West Jordan area GREAT LOCATION Plavyarct Close to schisms Immaculate' Goad deal tor 7344 So Redwood Road Wm We Caphol Cory W 285 $100 Off OnlY) LAKEWOOD Rave retrks HittS ASPEN actm 900 I 2 '4967 i ROSE PARK: 2 SEDROOMS 124 $100 cl000stt Nook upo No oees BY APPONIMENT: Se$433 Large ICE BE12410004 AT $235 hisarehieel by Aporhrents Pat BELVEDERE SUMMER'S VENDING MACHINES financing oyall Call Dave 2922469 Broadcasting -- GUARDS Ian man' School and American 71g Tettfrical Center offers ErtslandiMa Raining In Me following tiolds it MAINTENANCE ' COURTESY I ktamgernecrt Reeth EMOrSOn LANDSCAPES EXCELLENT cea lOOKING LAKES BEAUTIFUL BEAUTICIANS For VERY 1821 West 7600 South POOL 2 START No bets lee C Street Near LDS OtY Haeptes1 Cali 9430206 cr 2 collect Dishwasher disaasgi iatinciry Overed mei 254) wqrr)i 030 EAST Rerti startind as low as SISqma Clean Quiet and Comforiabie Laundry Faciletes Covered Parking WasberDryer Hookupe ARS CASTLE RIDGE BEDROOMS old I (IV 1 2 BEDROOMS Nits cwt Quiet toc S310 CAW Ma Includes oil uths $150 deposit 1146 Ecet Atkin Aye (2110 5°) 112t LBEDROOtkii! TO U WM( REDUaD (limited time 566-539- 2 Apartments plAa TO LNE 2614321 l47 E OCIIDON LANE 4k igtb- -- RENT Remember we pay the gas TWO WEEKS FREE RENT LARGE S067 COW PAWN: Compare our Pnces ' FOOKLPS wAsHER-OrrE- swmAits6 10Ct RAYGRaND ARE YOU selling or buying a busk mess? Unique advertising concePt to be distributed italewide Fan-tastic intro rates 'PAYING too much tax? Investment to credlt available 19 Tax tree 4664593 BoOtakoCtfy 28 foof of OVIINION PAID MTHS 200—tinfumished Apartments Z - 203—Unfrandshod Aportments 200—Untumishtd i 200—Unfurnished IL Mu' spacious 2 We at $IN SemDartweaver seep and 3 berme storage Mops bakorty peal Selvet 4uth muce more 0(3tOON LANE APTS SIMPLE Move in specices Coble readV Foitt 1005 Mere 66 W Lester Ave (6790 S) Soe unit r?424703 Sorr9 re) WI Att) 3 BEDRONS a2R1 a osas woo Investment train AND ENJOY THE CONDOMINIUMS I and 2 bettcoms Washer and ervef In ea unit Lave balconies REDUCED DEPOSIT 7 or 5764201 Holladay YOGURT AND ICE CREAM SHOP Great volley ex Terms avail CaYS or eves arid Ands 9423722 Owneragent CARPET dying business Established occounts equip Supplies manuals receivable& Owner will E(rn sle000s4000 compArT4 -ACCOUNTANTS Earn S15000450000 t Apartments LIFE AT GAS AIL chairs upstairs tanning downstairs hair and elecirology nails Newly decorated Modem PREOGRUA0MERS COMPUTER REPAIR - 1200—Unfumished Apartments RELAX SALON-- 712 Mordits In 049rowed kr Veterans AatIPlocemerri Assistance of 200—Unfurnished Apartments A GREAT REAL ESTATE business Ond office Bulkiing Is 14' 4 z 26' 6' end tot is 17' 4' x 64 Moin street carter al town Only real state office In Monroe UT 09950 Easy terms Oven( agent retiring DENTAL Mfg has Unique line of SPecianY Products Ices high commission (P portuney to own your awn gusines! Coll (209) 5324320 REAL slate Investment appar tunfty iscayispod Hills CA 30- 50 return on investment Call pin weendayS wiser DO call TRAiN To Own Your Own Businesst Mery Pine Inyesfnwot Compiete and urninuous training No pilot business exper eede Potentially high income 21 UNIT Motel Centrist Utah Good cond 2 Diamond AAA rated Nei $390O2 plus yearly Call for Info 2 tHEmE Restouxits 3 sandwich shops oil successful Owner leaving state Price based on net front 5140000 ciown OiNNERTHEATER FOR SALE Buy restaurant eguiPmerit Ondiat business laza DIVern0Wri Provo 3733555 ELECTRONICS - :: — 200—Unfurnished 190—Business Opportunities Training - 2 1989 2007Unfurnished f - 7 i 4 I WEST : '':'fr:r1:- i oi Prkis very beivrosit orImetis P '' A 1 i tP 1 ''Irl'AsryrWsointitrJ4 1 ri ! f I 4 dt4 4F iertCLJA pi 40i- - 11k4tCht 4A AA-- 4 4 t4 44144 at i:vr:A4tattr-- 4t ftswrk" |