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Show Ilu AilnuiH has two ehlldrun sur-erlng sur-erlng rnTfh m.embiaiuioiiH unmp- Mr. .1 K Thoriui was a Salt I .at" llor the forepart of the week ili'iilliiK Stovi'M tiTo latest Improved riom $s no ami up at Chlpmairs 1HK lied Store 2r'-u Ooii'J miss the Iflir Fall Opening Sale nl (lie I'hasnnl (Jravc Mrrrnnfllo ( iimpaii). A free gift iillli eneli C.OO piirclmse. .;u The .MONARCH STKKI. RANGKS sold by the Chipman Mercantile Co. are fuel and labor savers Thay are also the most thimble. .jr.-lt H you need a STKKI. HANOI? don't rail to examine the MONARCH at CHIPMAN'S. The MONARCH is KINO or STKKL RANOES. 25-11 De Lav el Cream Separators produce nore cream of liatn r auallty with ess tiltiir and annr.l a greator profit Ihnn mv other separator made. I eople s Pii-oii. Lelil fell 'em. " piirclui-e. (omiiiiav. A f'e h""i .tiikl' Don't-hiIm the big Fall iii.rnt.... .."Xf: -W,' "" wh 5Ujo S.ill . Vim i .nnd . '," ' 0,lr Me"'K "! Lndlcs' Fall anti w,lllcr a,lt c,ol '"? nt LANT VAM'KS but dwnrfed prices Chlpman's. 2G-lt Don't ml-n Ihc big Fall Opening Sale at tho I'lnmuit Grou .Hcrninlllp Coiapniiy. A free gift vlth enrh if.00 piirrliaii'. .,-,.,, Messrs Joseph Hilton, J. K. Thome, Nels Fugal, C. V. Uirsoiv Robert Cob-bley, Cob-bley, William Frnmpton, Dajild West anil.O.iEUlorr'iu wero la Provo Mou. day Mid TueaHny nttundlng court In tlio Hcrroircaso. Don't iiilo the big Fall Opening Sale nl Hie I'lcuNiuit drove Jlercanllle I'ompnay. A fire pIN wllh rarh .K) purchase. -"H GRAND AUTUMN BALL ORPHEUS HALL I'LEASAVI' (jiiovi: Saturday Night. Sept. 25th SELBERT OIICIIIISTIIA OP SALT I.AKi: This Is Ail1 l'"k"'B ",0Hl ll(llMllur ,,(. ainsle," being the favorites ,11 the city and throughout Salt Lake .,,,) Tln.Orjdieiw Hall Is for-umile for-umile la siiiTrlng Ihiim. even at ad-.,, ad-.,, oxpm.se. Wo km.w (hey will dense our pnlroas. viir 'l.M)f .VI'HiUD TO .MISS THIS DAXCK nChKTS Wc KXTHA I.A1H ISr j r ' u Thoso nifty Fall and Winter Suits ait Bl Clilpmnn's for young ladles, married HI women and s'lhool studQiitH aro un- HI surpnssed. 25-lt Hj o Hfl Hv FOR I House Painting' , I AND Paper Hanging j I IN ALL ITS BRANCHES j C11II On I P. S. HUMPHRIES ! I Pleasant Grove .' P. S. HUMPHniES JR. J 1 American Fork ? , H All WorK-GuanpUtyHl M Phono No. 101-R, Am. Pork. ' H or- IN 54'V, Pleasant Grove W .mtmi , |