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Show THE LOGAN, HERALD-JOURNA- Smithfield BY FLORENCE GEARY Burbank, California, visited several aajs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Meikle. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Meikle on Sunday wege Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Meikle and two children, Mr. and Mr. William Beuiler of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meikle of Sprlngille and Mr. and Mrs. Vane UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1951 PAGE NINE1 to conquer the rest of the world because of Its gigantic manpower superiority is dead. The U. S. Eighth army is proving every day that supeiior weapons can ' cope with superior numbers, 4. There are big cracks in the btiuoture of the Communist party. Marshal Tito broke witn Moscow and got away with it. There is an open revolt in the Italian Communist party. Theie is dissension inside the European satellites and China. The of the Communist party in western Europe has f alP'it steadily in the last two years. Against those debits, Stalin can slinw two credits: He has solved the puzzle (if atomic energy and learned to package it Into a bomb. He has Things Have Been Growing Worse For Stalin Recently , Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia came under ilte flag of the hamme" and siikle. Red China, suppoited bv Moscow, encouraged drove Generalissimo Chiang k into an iyiaitd refuge. All that Is over. Italy, France, Belgium and Britain fought off the Communist surge, 2. Nations aligned against communism have almost tripled their defense budgets. Befoie the When Joseph Stalin sits down at his desk in the Kremlin to strike the balance between communism's debits and credits, he is likely to be discouraged. Things have been going steadily down hill fot two years. Y'esterday was the second anRaymond. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maughan niversary of the signing of the children of Mon' led lo Noith Atlantic Treaty a fotmal Korean and th-war the North Atlantic spent their Easter vacation at the agieenunt signed by 12 nations Pact countries had a total of wliicn decided to deal the way Annie Mrs. of home her mother, earmatked for communism $21,000.01)0,000 Goddetidge, and with relatives in with international was to array force against armaments. Today it is YVellsv ille. Gen. Dwight D. EisenMr. and Mrs. Lonn Low end force. That marked the turning hower, whose name spells victory Charles Low spent Saturday n point in Moscow's plans for woilcl to most Europeans, is organizing conquest; she was having things Ogden. Mrs. Mary Farrell of Pocatel o, ptetty much her own way until an army to stand in the path of Russian troops if they should at-- I Idaho, is visiting at the home the western woild organized itself tempt to March to the Atlantic of her daughter and family, Mi. into a firm alliance. ocean. The Debit Side and Mrs. George Hansen. Here aie the debits Stalin must To The Defrnse From Wyoming list: 3. The Korean war established I. Communism has been conOsborn Low of Alton, Wyoming, tained. The days when govern- the piecedent that the western visiteij in Smithfield on Thursday. ments toppled over at a world will come to the defense his He, with brother, Sylvester push frpm the Reds have slight come of any nation menaced by the em on, TANKS Sure, but make certain THE ON not bring in the kind BRING but Low, have spent the winter theyre fighting to an end. Russia never had it armed might of Russia or any of of a type to hold tomato juice. Because these rows of dragons teeth are not a Sigfried line California, visiting witn their armor. are tomato back to to turn tents, designed keep young tomato plants children. Sylvester Low will re- 'o good as r she did In the immed- her satellites. The myth that inenemy They designed iate post-waPoland, ternational communism is bound warm in California's Central Valley, near Visalia. period. main in Salt Lake City witn his afuntil Lillian Smith, daughter, ter conference, then he will retuin to his home here. Osborn Low left lor his home in Afton, WyoSAVE WITH ming on Thursday. He went with SYDNEY, Australia, April 5 his daughter, Mrs. Wanda Staley, it Ei Prune Minister Robert C. who has been visiting here Horn Menzies said today that failure Jackson, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Woodrutf to support the United Nations acand three daughters and Mrs tion in Koiea in the convng Vilate Low spent Thursday in months would destroy the world Salt Lake City. Harrison Groutage of Ogden organization. Mrs. Menzies bitterly criticized forcalled on his mothpr-in-law- ,' mer Premier Joseph B. Chiefly, a Elsie Pilkington. on Thurslav. Labor party leader, for saying in Mrs. Milton Pickett submlted a speech two days ago: The to a major operation 'n the Losooner the UN gets out of Korea,'' gan hospital on Wednesday. the better." DEPT. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ben DEPT. d Tueller and daughter Carol Iin-1'- p 24 Louvrelite Several Lamps. 9 Wool Caps for infants and childin Brigham with their dup-te- r colors to choose from. Regular 2.49. ren. Save now. Reg. 1.98. Now 7Bo and family, Mr. and Mrs. Now 1.88 Mark Nielson. 8 Hand Made Wool Booties, white 7 Brass Planter Pin-U- p Mrs. Daniel Perkins returned Izimps, Adds pink, blue. Reg. 1.98. Now , . 79e BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, home from the Logan hospital on and character to 'any room. beauty 18 Flannel Pajamas. style. April 5 (DPI Federal police said 8.88 Regular 5.98. Now Thursday, where she submitted Sizes Reg. 2.59. Now , ... 99e today they had uncovered a vast to a major operation. She is imI 5 Tyndale China Table .amps. Only and delained Communist action 21 Hoe, length for children. Sizes 8.88 a few. Reg. 12.95. Now proving nicely. 6 and 64 only. Reg. 39c. Now 17o plan .o be carried out this year 7 Smoke Stand. All metal. A bargain The plan, they said, called for 7 Sweaters, pullover style In green 2.85 buy. Keg. 2.98. Now It doesnt pay to speed in some agitation among university stuand navy. Sizes 8 and 10. Reg. 3.50. dents. No other details were need towns small that money Now 1.99 but you do! DEPT. 15 Polo Shirts. Assorted colors. Sizes 6, 6x only. Reg. 1,59. Now .... 69c 8 Antelope Pinking Shears. Indis- 5 Slipper Sox. Soft leather soles, col tensab)e for home aewing. Reg. orful wol uppers. Sizes 4, 6, 7. Reg. 2.00 2.50. Now 2.98. Now 1.97 83 Corduroy Scuffie. All sizes and roolrs, washable, lastex innersole. Kai-she- ee $56,000,-000,00- stockpiled something between five and 50 of these bombs. He has the cream of the American army tied up in Korea and his follow'ers have inflicted some 50,000 casualties on that army. meni-bersn- Asks Cutback WASHINGTON, April 5 ff.Pi U. S. Sen. Henry C- Dwouhak, R., Ida., today called for a cutback in employment of civilians by the federal government, He charged in a statement that the current emergency was being used by the Truman administra- lion to increase federal civilian employment and thus complicate lp the tight situation already exist- ing in manpower. 0. I "53! Criticism (of) (Beginning) FURNITURE (Month) 6 INFANTS vs-ite- Red Plans NOTIONS 19 SINGER WITH A LURE Arriving in New York by air, Metroand Scandinavian Airlines politan Opera tenor Set Svanholm hostess Kirsten Hox try out a pair of lures Scandinavian Bronze The picAge horns that date from between 1500 and 400 B. C. turesque instruments, believed to be the first ever brought to America, will be displayed in New York. They were used 3000 years ago to invoke the gods at sowing and harvest festivals, for cult rites and perhaps in fighting and hunting. River Rner Heights PTA entertainment held Wednesday, the 28th, tc raise funds for school giound equipment, was a big success. The school children gave a luce program of songs and poems on Spring. Pie, cake, ice cream imd e candy were sold. A picture show was given. They had dancing and sold changes on bed sptead. Albeit E. Jan is, Mr. and Mrs. W ally Kiause, Edwin Rogers were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mis. Lyle Wood Sunday. In the nening Mr. and Mrs. Harold ttheistono and son Irn v era home-mad- TP 29 Priscillas the home of Mrs. Ship-ley- s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Pope's new home is nearly completed. They are hoping to be in sometime m April. 19 Slash! goes the axe on our used-ca- r profits were pricing these beauties at cost, to move fast and clear our(Iot for more trade-ins- . Our low, low prices will please you all the more when you consider this you're dealing with an established, reputable dealer who advertises and sells hon- price! Come in today! A0TBC VO" 1950 BUICK ROADMASTER with Dynaflow, radio and tires. heater, back-u- p lights and white-waBUCK SPECIAL SEDAN, with radio and heaer, new rubber, 12,000 actual miles. PONTIAC 8 DLX. CATALINA CPE. with Hydra-mali- c e leather upholstery, radio, drive, heater, back-u- p lights, eveiything that anyone could desire in the wav of the finest of automobiles, done e in a beautiful rust and ivory finish. PACKARD FORDOR SEDAN, with electric clutch, overdrive, radio and heater. This reflects the excellent care it has received. PONTIAC STREAMLINER FORDOR SEDAN, with radio and heater, conventional shift. Here is another of those wonderful Lundberg bargains, and priced ll 1950 1950 TWO-DOO- R two-ton- Iwo-ton- 00 1950 v 1949 to sell. BUCK SirER FORDOR SEDAN, with radio and and lights, heater, Dynaflow, back-u- p many other extias. Here is the car that won't wait, or hang around. 196 DODGE CUSTOM FORDOR SEDAN, having been driven only 43,000 careful miles. This car has a fluid drive, radio and heater, and is an outstanding buy. Dont nil to look this one over. 1950 BUCK ROADMASTER -- This car is Mr. Lundberg's personal car, and has been driven by 9,000 miles. Nevei has an automobile received finer cate and attention. 1950 BUCK SPECIAL This Buick is absolutely the ou'standing car on our lot. as its hardly broken in 1949 sun-viso- r, YOURNOME YOURSELF AND SAVE! INSULATE There are o many reasons hv soull prohi by using Zonolite to insulate your home! It slashes fuel bills up to 40! It adds extra hre protection because no other insulation is so tireprool uo to such h:jh temperatures. It saves you money be cause ou can install onoli.e yourself. And Zonolite is permanent, just open a bag of this lightweight Vermiculite insula ion and pour he tween joists in your attic. Be ore you insu'ute your home, be sure to ask us h w you can sate by using Zonolue Vermicalite. ZonUtt is M rtgtsterrd traitmarl 7 ' Bedspreads. Twin size only. lovely 5.88 patteins. Reg. 6.98. Now 3 Imported Dinner Cloths. Pastel col ors with 8 napkins. Slightly soiled. 11.88 Reg, 13.95. Now worn. 8 Blankets. Slightly shelve Wool and rayon blend. 8.95 value. 6.88 Now 4 LINGERIE 18 7 6 8 12 14 19 THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF LUNDBERG'S MANY USED CAR VALUES 10 Flannel Gowns. What a baigain! Values to 3.98. Now Panties. Of fine spun rayon. Reg. 89c. Now 17 9 20 HANDBAGS 15 2.0 8 4 6 4 Cl v JEWELRY X 2 PRICE Ties. Now is the time to stock upf terrific savings! Foulards, satins. 97c Reg. 2.00. Now 36 100 Sizes wool. Coats, Sport to 42. Several pattern. Values to 17.99 32.50. Now wool. These trousers Pants. 100 are from suits. Yalues to 15.9. 8.27 Now Fine Fuf Felt Hats. A chance to gel a good hat at a bargain. Reg. 4.41 7.50. Now Boys Sport Shirts. Assorted styles. 1.88 Yalues to 3.59. Now Boys Flannel Shirt. Broken sizes, l.M Reg. 2.98. Now wool. Assort Boys Sweaters. 100 ed patterns and colors. Reg. 2.98. Now Gabardine Weskits in navy, green, red. Save today! Reg. 3.50, Now Velveteen Skirts. Bargain Days! 4.00 Reg. 7.95. Now Taffeta Skirts to wear everywhere. 4.00 Reg. 4.ES. Now Perma-I'leSkirts in nylon! And such a small price, Reg.- 3.98. 2.44 Now Wool Gabardine Skirls. Get that 10.95. extra skirt now. Reg. 8.00 Now Taffeta Blouses. Unbeliev a b e ! 1.50 Reg. 4.98. Now Blouses. Tissue Faille Reg. Rayon 2.60 3.50. Now Nylon Blouses. So easy to wash! 3.50 Reg. 5.98. Now Blouses. right! Always Organdy 2.50 Reg. 4.98. Now Cotton Blouses. Right for jeans and picnics! Reg. 2.59. Now . ... 1.50 Corduroy jackets. Less than half 8.00 price! Ileg. 12.95. Now Colorful Cotton House Dresses. 3.00 Reg. 3.9S. Now Square Dance Dresses. If it's your size, the price is right. Reg. 10.95. 1 4 10 GROUP TWO Genuine leather. Pouch and box C A styles. Values to 10.95. Now .. v Special Group Earrings, Necklaces, Pins Now B 4 8 15 4 Now' , . 4.00 Chenille Robes. Most all sizes in aqua and lose. We just had too 1.99 many! Reg. 3.98. Now 8 Cotton Quilted Robes! A very sad story! But you can save! Reg. 14.95. 9.00 Now 15 SAVE WITH 8.00 7.00 9.00 1.50. 25o 2.50. 50c Whit Nylon Bras. Reg. 2.50. 1.50 Now 3.00 Girdles. Reg. 7.50. Now Corselettes. Reg. 12.50, Now , . 4.00 ...... SHOE DEPT. 47 Pair Boys and Girls Brown Leather g Oxfords with sturdy, rubber soles. All sizes, 8!s thru 3, ; 3.98 Value. Now Pair Casual 2.44 In white, Wedgies and black. Strap sandal style. Sizes 4 to 9. Save at this 8.44 special price Multi-col- or at . GROUP ONE Green, red, black. Values to 3.98. Now 7 41 READY-TO-WEA- R 4 Ravon Slips. Broken sizes. Reg. 1 98. L00 Now 29 Gowns. Of lovely nylonene. so easy to wash, dry in a jiffy. Blue, pink. Sizes 32 to 38. Reg. 6.98. Now 4.88 27 Bed Jackets. Of brushed rayon. In blue, pink, maize. Sizes small, medium and large. Reg. 3.98. Now 2.00 Hurry! 4 Pajamas. Dainty flannel. 2.00 Reg. 5.95. Now Warm 5 Gowns. Of beautiful rayon. and dainty. Yalues to 5.95. Now 2.00 10 of a Kind. Sizes S, M, ML. Reg. 3.29. Now 2.00 18 Flannel Work Shirts. Colorfast, sanforizpd. Reg. 2.98. Now . . . 2.00 11 Dress Shirts, plain and fancy pat terns, slightly soiled. Reg. 3.95. 8.H8 Now' t BASEMENT STORE Flannel Pony Hide Sport Shirts. Now' Regular 2.99 Now . .1.88 5 Pair. Regular 5.95. Now ..2.88 4 Pair. Regular 1.98. Now . 1.00 These curtain buys wont last long! Hurry for yours! Pair Kitchen Curtains. Assorted patterns with blue or red trim. Values to 1.98. Now , . Percales. Large assortment of 80 square, fast color. Reg. 49c yard. 1.00 Now, 3 Yards for Nationally Known Blankets. 12 wool, 88 rayon. White only. 12.95 values. 1 Values to 19.95: Group 2 Group 3 Group Black Nylon Bras. Reg. Now Bras, white cotton. Reg. 5 12 8 28 9 18 2 2 1 6 Garment Bag Vaporizer, Dont take a chance on moth damage. Reg 59r 33c Now Quick luster Silver Polishing Cloth 88c Reg. 49c. Now Plastic Feeding Dish for dogs or cats. Easy to clean. Reg. 79c 06c Now Decals. Cheerful and bright colored to lend a note of gaiety to any kitchen or bathroom. Reg. 7c Now' Sc Decorated metal match box. Reg. 39c 69c. Now Sani-wa- x for all fine finishes. Quart LOO size. Reg. 1.49. Now Painted Cajinister Set. 4 piece, Reg. 1.83 2.10. Now Decorated metal holder for powder77c ed soap. Reg. 98c. Now Hour or sugar can, decorated out- side. Save today. Reg. 1.50 Now 98o Sets of dishes and some odd pieces Reof Homer Laughtin China- 13 duced 1 Galvanized Tub No. 3 size. Reg. 1.98, 6 i . . . , 1.33 Now Pr. Novelty Salt and Pepper Sets. 47c Reg. 69c pr. Now Colored Bowl Sets, heat proof. 2.32 A special value at only 6 a Piece Crystal Party Set, 4 serving plates, 4 cups. An unbeatable value. Only 1224 Piece Tumbler Set, containing 3 sizes Juice, water, iced tea. 2.49 1.88 value. Now 7 Cookie Jars in red or yellow plastic with white lids. A special value 1.49 6712 oz. Water Tumblers. Stock up at this low price. 12c value Now . . 7c brand YVaffle 6 Nationally known 12.88 Irons Reg. 16.95, Now 6 Snack Sets of hammered aluminum. Bake in them too. Reg. 8.47 4 50. Now 8 Carden Rake with heavy metal 1.44 prongs. Reg. 1.98. Now 7 Wine tooth Leaf Rake, A special for spring fever. Reg. 1.19 Now 97c 8 Spading F'orks. Reg. 2 69. Now 2.22 1214 gauge 82 inch Net Wire. 20 18.65 rod roll. Special price 28 In. 20 rod roll Special Price 16.50 1 Electric Fencer. Reg. 21.95 , 18.88 Now Fencer. Reg. 4 Battery type 16.67 18.50 Now 4 Dual Horns (or your car. Reg. 8.98 6.88 Now . 8 Single Horns. Reg. 4.29. Now 3.77 40 Gal. Electric water heater. 1 77.77 guarantee. Reg. 84.50 Now 6 1624 Steel Sinks with center drain 6.83 9.95 Value. Now . 4.88 4 Golf Carts. Reg. 6.95 Now 8 -- ...... ... Zono.it Company ANDERSON LUMBER CO. 253 SOUTH MAIN 2 style. 200 300 19 Come look at these bargain- s- HOttt! 9.99 35 Pair.' estly, with a real desire to see you fitted with a smart-lookinmechanically sound car to suit own needs, your own tastes and your ow n your THAT 7 Now 8 Values to 5.95 Strawcloth, spring 10.00 Reg. 12.95. Now DRESSES DRESSES Better Dresses reduced to clear! ,1 MEN'S DEPT. Fibre Drapes. Ideal for childrens rooms and bedrooms. Colorful pat66o terns. Reg. 89c. Now Pair Drapes. Size 44 x 90. In green, gold, and maroon. Beautiful to see. Reg. 12.95. at A3Sor io yoo 8 guests at their home. Ralph Olson, principal of our school, drove to Salt Lake for medical treatment. River Heights citizens welcome Dr. and Mrs. Omar Budge to their hew home. The Explorers of Post III Scouts went on an over-nigcamping trip. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Shipley and family of Provo were Easier guests n. MILLINERY PIECE GOODS Heights News BY ADA WOOD The 17 ,1.97 Reg. 2.29. Now Moth Master. Hangs on any clothes 98o rod. Reg. 1.49. Now Odor-BaElectric deodorizer for kitchens, bathrooms, sickr o o m s, smoky rooms, basements. Reg. 1.69. L29 Now 86 Rayon Jersey Robes. Lovely colors. PHONE 82 Lundberg Motor Co. Drive In at 3rd North and Main for the BEST Used-C- ar Buys mini OH SOWS of Logan i |