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Show T1!C of Legislators Blast :roup at State Prison onditions CITY. Auk. tUKK 'Ll'1-o- 'JO Meatless Dish Helps Budget !!yheaded by youthful ffus Leviis. R.. Salt Uhe nv Democrat in its tank- jn?t",Gr.nt Midgely, of Sa that the x.eie poor beyond sam-Icliu- if the Mountain, work on delayed due to high shortages, and the wars materials since the report of years ,V pointed outathat the prison handle comparatively Arsons and that with the s popu- - has roll-ca- ll large, to correspondingly where it now is almost inmates ible to handle the nf present limited facilities. He site, lL charged that the old soon abandoned as h is being con-fe- d new state prison is at the Point of the Moun-contain- many fire traps. that the new pns-st- e mggested i. kr 0 ,0 , . con-rtio- Tl d y. s. rt DU. 1!"S LAST SEVEN DAYS An e b said today he managed the escape of the lunnwav Soviet sohool ' - '?; iii-,- h Ol'.iv Valor Kiavihenko Kuian author ot I Choe Freedom", 1 construction work be corned as rapidly as possible. n Irmnon charged that the work on the new prison done. He pointed out (i poorly are two cell blocks ,t there useless in the ch are absolutely lack of ter because of the is also i MW 1 has heen the-statincrease in the prison's W' i .Yon these reports, the stale hvt0 build the new prson at tv meatless tun-thu- ...plrtisan reports isdout that the administration made ex state pnson was Jv difficult because of the facilities. ,.me a A Au-u- Aided Teacher to Escape main mi gi eater litipiu tanre u ices M.iy igh. t'herse Brrltccuvs (Serves 61 One and cups baked heflns pound Amenran ihoose. o tablespoons chopped muon. 1 lea- tables)oon fat, salt, peppei spoon dry must aid. teaspoon Worcestei shite sauce. egg. '3 cup intlk, 1 cup drx bicad in limbs. IUt baked bears and cheese hrough food chopper. Cook onions in fat until tender and add to beans. Combine rity seasonings and blend with egg. Add Worces-tershii- e sauce, nulk and beans and bread crun bs, and mt well Let (bh4 Telephoto I mixture stand lb minutes. Shape Hungarian swimmer Olympic into patties, btush with lal and Elemer S7atamarl (above) is reput in shallow gt eased baking pan. ported to have decided to remain Hake in moderate oxen C,5u deBritain rather than return be- the Iron Curtain. Two Remove grees F.) 15 minutes. from oven and cover patties with Czechs and thiee Hungarians were to comprise the original group barbecue sauce and bake 15 minwishing to stay in England. One utes longer. Hungarian has changed his mind. Barbecue Sauce (Makes about 1'4 eups) Two tablespoons chopped onion, SLf.EIING SICKNESS tablespoon fat, 1 tablespoon TOKYO, Aug. 19 (UP An epi- brown sugar, 4 teaspoon dry mus- iemie of Japanese sleeping sicktard, H teaspoon salt, 13 cup fine-ly chopped celery, 's cup water, Niness was believed today to have cup catsup, 1 tablespoon inegar,1 struck at allied occupation person-- 1 tablespoon Worcestershii e saurenel. U. S. army medical officers Cook onion in fat until hghtlyjsaid there weie a total of eight browned. Combine sugai, mus- - suspected cases .among rtreupa-tar- d and salt and add vinegarjtion personnel, including five Add remaining ingredients diers, two dependents and one and simmer for 15 minutes. army civilian employe. lull. fh i i .v- titwm Miti) NE staff Iteie IS others were Reps. fvv an Q. that takes K Da'is. and Ed," both Salt Lake Republiwhile meat jfl o rit.-- r The chaiged ,'t I.rr.tm. Han, Fik1.iv. ., Russ Refugee Says He Curtain' f I'lah legislators today bitter blast at the ,n ison in Sugarhouse. disgrace, a u e trap ,rt No 'Iron HEHALD-JOntNAI- teacher Mikhail Hamatm firm the hands of the NKVI) the Soviet secet polue Ktavchenko, loimer mepuber ot tile xx at line Soxiet pin chasing commission xx ho natue land said to the aid of Samann after heating of the gangster kidnaping of another teacher. Mis. Oksana Kosenkina, from her White Russian pi electors by the Soxiet consul general. NEW YORK, Aug. 20 (l.P Mi Kravchenko detailed a pt Oksana Kosenkina, the teacher ride in winch he spoiled Samaiinlvvho leaped to freedom from th to a htdeaw ay in New Yoi k City Soviet consulate last week, was while agents of 'he NK I 'were tack in an oxxgen tent at New Yotk and New Welt hospital today. Jersey on the trail of the new' victims. The foirner Russian official said that on the night after Mis. Ko- senkina's "kidnaping" he dime in mote labored and she w as returned a rented limousine from New York, to the lent last night. to the chicken farm near Fiee-holHer condition was reported hx N. .7., xxhere Ihe White Rus-- the fi a m. EDT bulletin of the sian undei ground guatded Samar-hin- hospital as "still critical. in ',nfl his family. After being introduced to Sam-saiPERSONAL DRIVE at in under an alias, Kraxchenko said he drove the runaway tearhe-bac- k 'UP' Three Salt Lake City house-- d to New York where he later s Pi Three Sat Lake City was placed under the protection are making a personal camof the house unamerican actixities paign to reduce the soaring prices committee. of meat. The three, headed by "I xx as filled with a deep rage Mrs. G. K. McNaught, are going and indignation against the Soviet through the Sat Lake Telephone tyrants xxho, even hete In free directory, and are going to teleAmerica can terrorize innocent phone everyone In it, asking them people, driving them to despair and not to buy meat during the next txxo weeks. desperation, Kravchenko said. In discussing the case of the txvo teachers at a press conference, the Thomas Young, English scientist former Russian official said that of 1773 to 1S29, read the Bible the Soviet consulate officials here. completely twice before his fourth had bungled the case and "under-- 1 birthday. noTRSon I Soviet Teacher In Oxygen Tent AUGUST FURNITURE SALE d d house-xvive- SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! particularly aimed his at the idleness of criticisms most of whom were around doing nothing or in their cells dotng abso he said, j.y nothing." blast also Included i he Lew the ,t the manner In whichrieten-i ndors In the maximum so building are blocked off , guard cannot get to the cells ase of an emergency. it suggested that "the old prison . be abandoned before something sastrous happens. , prisoners, FIRST dm TO AI1DERSQUS...THIH (BUM 93 SALE! Famous " Leader " Great Sale Purchase! A Doctor Says (SIhiciBfflp ost Polio Victims ecover Without erious Crippling 57 go I? generally realized. Tor In ons outbreak In 1941, one-ha- lf of f In d do WHITE FANCIES 5-p- Jus if Arrived! sA 1 FALL COLORS ex--pl- s, Mary-11- 4 those who a4 diagnosed polio did not have T permanent paralysis. per cent had only ght paralysis, while lest than a In fix- had severe crippling fci Ifecti Reg. $29.95 79.95 Value Vilut Handsome laminated plastic red, blue, yellow, Glistening chrome plated Iegi. 180 coll unit. top in Heavy St. Francis Tick. Taped edge with carrying handies. Outer roll construction. Washable, durable pyroxylin seats and chair backs in 4 rich colors. Table size 25x40 with 18' side exten- e Twsnty-nin- Reg. MATTRESS DINETTE SET c. IN NEW FlCSw quo M DEI IT EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. Written for NEA Service Ther Is less danger of perma-tn- t, serious crippling from polio r an Is VcaDoae! sion wiy . . VALUE PLUS! course, crippling or paralysis Infantile paralysia Is a serious ling, and a crushing blow to the itteit snd to the family. How-fs- r, Of Flexalator and 4 compartment cutlery drawer. Insulation-butto- tuft n Highest quality construction! on H Is encouraging to t there Is an excedingly mcf that there will be no paral-- 4 at all or, If any, that It will a This favorable wry alight. out-or- as li particularly true If the aatment Is begun early. TRIKES SUDDENLY The crippling from polio often Bmes suddenly and strikes people to have been exceptionally lthy snd active. For this reason, hen It does come It seems fear-J- . Polio Is only one cause of crip-t'- l. however. The late effects sre responsible for less tan of all of the crip-a- g deformities In children In v York City. It Is also true "ever, the t It Is the largest Te disease responsible for crip-"- g deformities. The other three-jrt- h stem from a large number different causes. ( polio If rripplmg from infantile paral-- tue life. Frequently the courage the victims of poliomyelitis, "e been cripplpd. Is seriously nrticularly strong and SAN striking and reflects courageous character. PRODUCE MARKET FRANCISCO, Aug. 20 (TJ.R) Tairy matket: Butter: 92 score 79; 90 score 74. Grade A loaf A Tiplets ', 4; pst grade A large W A medium grade 61;wall grade B large Cheese1 TOP VALUE . . TOP QUALITY! MADE... LIKE A LARK! ALL SANFORIZED, TAKE LAUNDERING COTTON. COMBED MADE OF FINE YARN, DYED BOX PLEAT TAILORED-NEA- T FULL CUT-CAREFU- naTrOFUSION OF FANCY PATTERNS AND WHITE. ALL STYLES WITH YOUR FAYORITE FUSSED COLLARS. STAND-U- P SIZES 14 TO 17. SLEEVE LENGTHS 22 TO 35. Famous Arrow SPORT SHIRTS t Attend A REAL Smiihfield Wildlife mack park Wday . Evening, Aug. 12th 9fam and Refreshments Many Prizes '"eluding Automatic BUY.. Rifle Beautiful Multicolor Floral designs Harmonizing colors for kitchens Our lowest price in years for quality like this! 6 OTHERS PRICED PRICED ONLY LONG SLEEVE SPORT STYLE. O MADE OF FINE WEAVE P Federation Canyon Party DE TIES $00 COMPLETE SELECTION OF PATTERNS AND COLORS. COTTON GABARDINE. O CONVERTIBLE COLLAR- -2 the 9x12 Size .... p: tr Reg: 249 Chenille RUGS BOLD STRIPES! FOULARDS! POCKETS. SIZES SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE COMES IN ASSORTED COLORS OF BLUE, TAN, GREEN, MAIZE PLAIDS! EACH TIE LINED. CHOOSE YOURS TODAY. AND TAN. Priced LOGAN LINOLEUM YARD GOODS ol gieo-- miss this tremendous widths . bright harmonizing colors. Florals, tile, marbelized Heavy telt base, suriace. Large 24x48 sizes. Dont In gay i value. t Reg. 79c Yd. Now 6 loot beautiiul floral designs blue, rose. red. DERSOn j99 Famous Walco reversible Chenilles. In C. i s.x Famous Name 51-5- 4; Are Invited Reg. $8.95 Value "ADAMS" ARE HANDCRAFTED OF OF FINE FUR FELTS-MAGENUINE IMPORTED FUR. CHOOSE FROM A LARGE VARIETY OF EXCLUSIVE NEW STYLES IN NEW FALL SHADES. IH YOUR FAVORITE PATTERNS! SHIRT Yo S8 PRICE! YOUR CAMPUS FAVORITE - AT A VALUE 50-5- Sportsmen: HIGH QUALITY MEDIUM WEIGHT AT ONLY DRESS SHIRTS does come, ' UNOLHUM oo FOR THIS PRICE ONE OF THE BEST ; it should be faced 'h courage by all concerned. It " not mean the end of life, or an activity, In most cases The treatment of the damaged ths is so good that 'It can offer 'at help in restoring useful and 1 Finest Assortment of Floor Patterns Since the War ! Exclusive Adam know good A patterns. granite-har- d special purchase buy! wearing |