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Show -- IAST DAY! Liin.in, Song To Remember n I The Ilcralcl - Journal Hull, Wi'diic.sd.iy Evening, May With the '.'fitlie ttX.ircl rt'Kiini'Ml Infantry Division f vclin h (, took , C'onual Mill on Okimcu.c the other! day was Invale Harold J H,dl, son nf Mr. and Mrs W H Hell lfurold is serving with a mortur unit. Men! .Memlon seliool coiiiiiienretcicnt ex- will he held Thursday eve-- 1 mug at 8 do in the school auditor-- 1 'JJIS... and What Thrills! Irenes J$...andthoWhat a Guy! of Blimp, ium, with student imrtn ipution he-- j ing featured. Bonnie Shelton and Ronald Jensen will be valedieton-ans- . All are invited to attend rouiinv romance Ihtiiee al Elite Saturday night Hull in Ilyrum (Adv I State department of lieallli today announced that through the cour- tesy of tie Anienean Red Cross, it now has on hand a supply of serum globulin to he used for of measles in young Under lirnis of the depart-men'- s agreement with the Red Cross, this material will he distributed upon request to physicians in the state without i barge n chil-dre- Logan will temple rinsed lie Thursday and Friday in lionoi of President Metier J. (Irani, whose funeral services will be held Friady in the Salt Lake tabernacle. km 10V k M-G-- IB MANS NAVY with DRAKE James B CLAYTON GLEASON Selena HOYLE ah BEERY, Sr. Henry O'NEILL in An M Pictur G-- Added Hits IN THE SUN" (Picturesque Colorado) CANYONS :arfoon and "The Wolfs Tale" In an tents. grounds. rnnev NEW Walter YjMMJSTj RENO Ccoss" SIGNE HASSO S HERBERT RUDIEY LAST TIMES TODAY Sister: in Her Lucky Night Rathbone in House of Fear Andrews Basil OGDEN, May Livestock: 16 (I'.li Cattle 362, total 130 market, 180 through, 52 direct. Slow, little done early; most classes steady; early sale consistent of a few common to cutter cows at other classes unsold; late Tuesday: few scattered head medium to good bulls few small lots good 900 lb. feeder steers 14.25. 7.00-9.5- 9.50-11.5- Hogs 377; steady. Good to rhoice 0 5 lb. lb. 5 0 ; lb. 13.75; over 350 lb. lb. 0 lb. sows choice largely light 180-27- 14.50-14.7- 5; 14.00-14.2- 300-32- 325-35- 160-18- 0 13.00-13.5- 140-16- 14.00-14.5- 0; 13.25-13.7- 5; 13.00-13.5- weights 13.75-14.0- 0. Sheep 2630; no early sales; quotation nominally steady; late Tues day: few good to choice trucked in spring lambs 15.00; odd lot trucked in cull shorn ewes 3.00; no car loads offered for sale. OFFERS TO RESIGN LONDON, May 16. (U.R Prime minister Dr. P. S. Gerbrandy of Apply Pres. C. W. Dunn. the Netherlands has offered the (adv.) resignation of his exile cabinet to Queen Wilhelmina in fulfillment REFUND! . of a pledge to quit after their YORK. May 16 (UR) homeland had been the freed, H. Berger got prompt when he finally asked a Dutch government announced on a return trip United transports Tariff WASHINGTON. May 16 (IT) Tile admimMiatiim today won the first round of its fight for more liberal tanff-- iking powers. The house ways and means committee approved a reciprocal trade bill carrying additional authority to induce import duties The committee voted 14 to 11 against Republican amendments to extend the reciprocal trade law for only one or two years. The commit- administration tee-approved bill (alls for a Jo Davidson, above, Internation- ally fa rnotis American sculptor, is repoiled critically ill of licai t Rouble in San Fiaticisco. Reduction In Taxes WASHINGTON. May 10 d pi three-yea- r extension. By the same vote, the committee approved the disputed provision authorizing the negotiation of agreements cut ing tariff duties a maximum of 50 per cent below present levels. Hep. Milton H. West, D, Tex., was said to have voted with the 10 Republicans on those issues. The committee adopted several minor clarifying amendments and the bill before agreed to formally reporting It to the house. The house is expected to begin next i on si de rat ion of the legislation 'I uesday and to devote at least three days of general debate to it. The Republicans proposed eight all of which were amendments, defeated by votes of 14 to 11. added ; It is not martinis or fried rhirfc-c- n that will tame the Hitlerite gangsters. They need a radical LONDON, May 16 d'l'i- - The Mos- cine. Sensation- seeking repoitera cow radio, joined the clamor over would do better to go to Hollyof purported coddling captured wood for a scoop interview." German leaders, said today that the "only fit wav of dealing with GIRL'S IIEYI'H such criminals is the hangman's l BRIGHAM CITY, May lf noose." The death of Ruby Going, Indignation mounted in London 18, who died Sunday of a fracturwith disclosure that Willi Messer-schmi- ed skull, was not caused feloniouswas living in a pleasant ly according to the findings of a residential district of London, the three man coroners jury. The city his planes helped to wieik girl's injuries reportedly were sufliving in luxury and comparative fered in a series of scuffles with freedom, British newspapers said three other gills May 5. An English laungnnge broadcast from Moscow denounced the ITU l'LKA.M RE NEW YORK, May 10 d Reii hsmnrshal of interviewing Hermann Go ring by allied cora chimney fire sent heavy respondents. The radio said it was black smoke through a nndtown like taking to "a murderer who lestauranl, the manager suggested has just killed a child and is still that the l.nuci pal roris file out of carrying a hlood-- i overed hatchet" the building quietly. They did, After prescribing the hangsmans having their unpaid checks benoose for "such criminals," the hind. Nazis, Say Soviets c tt -- tien ft Leaders Still Want Ircsidi broadcaster attacks a Flensburg radio report that the Germans had some control over themselves and Dont Molly Coddle Reduction Tailored and Tough for ON THE JO- B- -- Truman's rejection of propos ds for an immediate reduction in taxes today left congressional circles apparently still determined to press for a program to ease the tax burden on individuals and corporations. A joint congressional committee on taxation last week proposed the five-yeprogfam, including immediate refund of an estimated $5,700.nn), 000 to corporations under a clause in the excess profits law authorizing a 10 per cent refund in excess profits taxes. Chairman Walter F. George, D., Ga., of the senate finance comof the joint mittee, committee, told reporters that he also favored reduction in individual income taxes at the earliest possible date "even if the Japanese war lasts for another year or two." Today George was on record as standing by his earlier statement and the committee's proposals, despite Mr. Truman's flat assertion at a press conference yesterday that he wanted it "definitely understood there will be no reduction in taxes of any kind until after the war with Japan is over. nt Destroyer Escort Sunk In Atlantic five-ye- GAMBLER SHOT HOLLYWOOD, May 16 (flti Max. Shaman, 'bookie, was fatally shot last night on his return from the opening of the Santa Anita race track and police held gambler Mickey Cohen on suspicion of murder. Police said Cohen, 31, surrendered early today and told them he shot Shaman "in self defenae. WASHINGTON, May 16 tl'.Pi The destroyer escort Frederick C. Davis was sunk recently by enemy submarine in the Atlantic with annavy heavy casualties, the nounced today. The vessel was commanded by Lt. James R. Crosby, 27, of Seattle, Wash. He is among the missing. The navy said next of kin of casualties have been informed. The vessel, which carried a normal complement of 200 men, displaced 1200 tons and was 306 feet long. Built in Orange, Tex., by the Conshdatcd Steel Corp., it was commissioned July 14, 1943. This brings to 308 the number lost from all of U.S. warships causes in this war. Heavy Duty, Sanforized Shrunk, Herringbone. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you ufTi'r from rtiMimstlr. rthritl rr nrurUl (win, try this tlmple InexprtMive home rrrliic Uint thrttsnl using (.rt a pjtrk-o- f Ru-h- x oaiimuud. a two-wrsupply, t'Hlay. Mix it with a quart of water, add tlie Jules of 4 lemon It's easy No trouble st all and plen.tut. You need only 3 tablespoon fuls two times a day. Often wttbin 4H bourn smnetlmrs merniht are splendid result obtained. If the pniu do not quickly leave and If you do not feel better return the Ru-- h x will rvwt you nothempty patkiur and ing try aa It I aold by your druggist under an absolute mooey-bsr- k Ru-h- x guarantee. I ( omi Hind for sals and reootn mended by drug torus everywhere. Popular Items For Your Working Comfort le Your Money s w flying 100 miles above the earth at & speed of more than 1500 miles an hour were predicted for 1955 today by Hall L. Hibbard, chief engineer of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. ttUX BRESSART fONl Ogden Livestock GREAT FUTURE BERKELEY, Calif., May 16 il'J!) CRONVN JESSICA TANDY AGNES MOOREHEAD House Unit Passes Sculptor Stricken For Nephi H. Peterson, 61, of Idaho Falls, who was fatally injured Monday when crushed between a tractor and a flume on the David Smith farm north of Idaho will be Falls, funeral services conducted Friday at 2 p.m. in the Fifth LDS ward Idaho Falls chapel by D. William Cook, bishop. service refund Air Line ticket. Berger explained that he bought the ticked in 1941, used one half of it on his trip Manila and for reasons beyond his control was unable to return. He spent four years in a Philippines concentration camp. lie-- i of Injuries Dies Wanted: LDS man as assistant custodian for Logan tabernacle SPZKCEB TO Nephi H. Pelerson ' his bomber fight its way through severe enemy opposition as more than 13(H) Eighth air force bombers pounded Nazi airfields in northBunal vill be in Fielding Memoriern Germany before the surrender. al park. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.. Peterson was born Feb. 1, Julius U Shepard of Route I, 1884, in Logan, Utah. In 1908 and Richmond. His wife, Doris B. Shep1910, he served as a guard in the ard, icsides in Hooper. islands following the Philippine Filipino insured ion. Ho married licenses have been Marriage at the Cache county clerk's Loveda Hansen May 10, 1911, at oft ice to Grant Hanny. 24, of Logan. They moved to Idaho Falls 33 Filth, and Edith Elaine Cook, 20, Mr. Peterson, a carpent(t Shelley; to Willis C. Moser, 18, yearswasago. active in the LDS church. and Dorothy 18, er, Hollingsworth, During construction of the Fifth both of Treston. ward chapel, he was on the finance The primary board of Cache committee. He was a high priest. stake has presented the county He was a member of the Idaho Falls city band previous to its dislibrary with a subsciption to The continuance due to the war. Children's Friend." Besides his widow, two sons and fine daughter has arrived at a daughter survive, Leland N. and the Budge hospital for Lieut, (j g.) Garren L. Peterson, Idaho Falls, and Mrs Carl Ashby. Lieut. Ash- mid Mrs. La Moinc La Faye, New by is home on leave from duty in Meadows; his mother, Mrs. Allen Peterson, Logan, Utah; six brothPanama. ers and sisters, Austin Peterson, Miss Joyce Berger, daughter of Inglewood, Cal.; Oliver Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Berger, has Pasadena, Cab; Mrs. Ada England. returned home from a Salt Lake Mrs. Myrtle McDonald and Mrs. Bena Merrill, Logan, Utah; Leslie hospital following five weeks of Peterson, Amalga, Utah; a steptreatment. brother, Eugene Nelson, Ogden, Wanted: Man for steady work at Utah, and three grandchildren. service station. Clavton Raymond, Ph. Smithfield 82 or 10-(adv.) A ladies small black purse, conliny wanted at Royal Bakery Opportunity to learn baker's trade taining, some change, was found at and earn money at same time. Second South and First West (Adv.) streets by M. M. Marler, who turned it into the Herald-Journa- l. AnyCache county reported 7 new one having lost such a purse may cases of chicken pox and one of call at the newspaper office and gonorrhea during the past week, make identification. while throughout the state there was a total of 579 new cases of Logan police recently arrested communicable diseases, compared two local juveniles, charged with to 47f for a, corresponding time in theft of a woman's purse. The 1944, youngsters allegedly entered a local dental office, took the purse from the woman's coat while it was hanging on the rack, and then spent some of the money before being picked up by the police. They had tossed the wallet into a canal after stripping it of its con- Ppiness in a few hort fioursf GOES running attack hour-lon- g by Herman fighters, Sgt. Julius IJ Shepard, 2f, of Richmond, helped North Logan school commencement program will be presented this evening at tula in the school auditorium. Members of the graduating class will apoear on the proRoss Jenkins of Newton undergram, and a public dance will follow the exercises, with music by went a minor operation a a local the Mendon orchestra. hospital. TOMORROW! CO Hrt 16, lSMh. ABOUT TOWN Technicolor ',.and What 5 Ml Sanforized Well seamed JOB FOR STEVE WASHINGTON. May 16 tf.B) Announcement is expected shortly e that Stephen T. Early, White House press secretary, has of been appointed Pullman, Inc. I JQ i7 GLOVES Leather. Rug. 1.49, Sale .... 1. 1 10 1.1 long-tim- Match their Fighting Might.. WORK PAHTS Sanforized shrunk. 7th WAR LOAN Q QQ L, 70 COTTOH SOCKS Uncle Sam Reg. 5c, each. V g combat as these men Youre not asked to prove your prowes3 in are doing ... for America and you. Thats their job! Yours is to add the might of your dollars to the might of our fighting men. death-dealin- Our purchases of Tl"JO WAR LOANS IN War Bonds defeat of Germany. Remember, too, that U. S. War Bonds are the worlds safest investments . . . giving you $f back, at maturity, for every $3 you invest in them, We will back our Armed Forces i in the defeat of Japan by purchasing War Bonds YOU HELP THREE WAYS when you back up the MIGHTY 7th War Loan with every dollar you can afford. You help your Government. You help pay for the materiel needed by our armed forces to get the war over quickly and bring them home. You help yourself by providing for your future security. m INTERNATIONAL out for we mem sEmwr BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Tingwalls t for J if v s. v , ! The mighty Seventh War Loan is the biggest yet. Last year you were asked to subscribe twice by this time. The least you should lend if your income is $250 monthly or more is $187.50. If your earnings are greater, your purchase of War Bonds should be increased in proportion. backed our Armed Forces in the MtiDS&TE A 2 u ci a 100 7. wool rkS gab- - ardine. Reg. 8.50 MEN'S. 8 "1 QC 173 SPORT SHIRTS Long, short sleeves. All P QA good colors. All sizes J.7U I I BOYS' FIELD STRAWS 50c t 2M |