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Show TAGE TWO. THE LOGAN, UTAH, HERALD-JOURNA- SIDEGLANCES The Hera ld-- J ournal 12. His Cup Runneth Over TH0UCHTS Published every week day aft (moon by tho Cache Val-J- v Newspaper Co, 75 West Center Ktieet, Logan, Utah. l' Irphime all depart merit s 50. delivered Dy carrier 00 cents per The Herald-Journmonth; In advance, three months, $1.75; six months, $3 50; one year, $7 00. By mnil outside of Cache Valley: In advance, per month, 00 cents, three months, $1.50; six months, $3 00; one year, $0 00. matter In the post office at Entered as second-clas- s Logan, Utah, tinder the art of congress, March 4, 1879. Proclaim liberty through all the land. liberty Bell. AND THINGS BY RAY NELSON Hill not assume financial responsibility for any The Herald-.Jotim.- il published In Its columns. erroiy which may appear in advertisements In nose instance where the paper Is at fault, It will reprint that the advertisement In which the typographical mistake occurs. ! ri Candy Conscious ft ' MONDAY, APRIL L Sign of the time: Noting the at local lineup of candy-buyesweets shops (when sweets are available); bearing a saleslady tell a little boy that he could purchase but one at a time, and the empty showcases that used to display hundreds of candy bars of ail kinds, convinced us that this new idea isnt so loo.iey A New York City candy firm recently introduced the novelty subTwelve months idea of scription to candy. The subscriber fills out an application blank, just as though he were signing for a or a newspaper. Then each month he receives an installment of sweets, each accompanied by a special gift of the month card. -- OTrouble is, more people are eating more sweets now thun they ever did before candy and such items became seemingly s arcs. People who used to purchase a small sack of various candies maybe once a week before the war, now load up all they can get as often as they can get it. These are actual happenings right here in Logan: One woman who hardly ever bought chocolates in rs righteousness, reap in mercy; break for it is tim to seek the Lord, till He fallow ground: your up ness rain eemeand riglUfcoie upon ou. Hosea 10:12. . j. .. Tis greatly him to talk with our past hours; Ami ask (hem wlrat they .June home to heaven: And how they might have home more welcome L SjW to. j'oursclves r-- . 2 . , -- Not liberty alone, not uuth alone, but truth and Liberty with Truth, shall yet enlighten the world. x5' th DONT MENTION IT The most obstinate skeptic must be convinced by now that will have to make real sacrifices in 1 this war. Hit tt H; of while working As. long as shortages were theoretical and future Tough luck, Joe Thats one of ihc Llessings stores still had refiigerators, sewing machines, radios, electriIn an essential industry I dont have to take time off to cal equipment left over from help the wife dean house days, and it was possible to buy food and clothing without restriction the .average American believed blindly that some miracle would The Washington 9gve him from genuine sacrifice. That foolish faith now is ended. The strict rationing of MERRY-GO-ROUNcamned goods, the frequent disappearance of meats, the freezD ing of butter and fats and now their rationing along with DANES, DUTCH, TORMENT NAIZS incut, are convincing proof that we must readjust our living H.obor days last Saturday puffhabits. ed into a local restaurant, ran Tires u i c w- - ;.mg out; gasoline is getting scarcer in the her eyes along the candy Mohandas K. Gandhi may have W hen, in spite of this, the hens Amateur sleuth of army intern- - friend with John icmitcr as (hough she were winter northern the shivered holders hoie' through e,.t; 1:ninvented this idea of passive after 10 days had not resumed srnw DonalJ slmd',u" Jiistae t special man on a tanker Department to trying is almost get help wi'it insufficient fuel; it impossible in opposition to the laying, I hud them ail shot for Martin Dies and .lust Ire Depart- prosecutor of the 33 alleged resistance of a sub, 'o sight the arotuid the hou.c and giounds; durable equipment is getting ment are now pulling together; Both figure that their and spotting periscope a plate of caramels British, but information now com- sabotage against the Wehrmueht. Texan wants to art now to Scotch mam objective is helping the coun-trhard r to find. ing into the The man was arrested. flagged down the saleslady. Overseas Branch rather than calling each other plana of the axis; red 'rlow many pounds of candy War has reached the home front. ac- the civilian population 4-- . ! 1 BY PETER EDSON Herald Jouruul Washington Correspondent pre-Pea- rl So They Say-- look-ou- sedi-tionis- is y post-w- grouch and groan and whine. We can remind ourahes that many of the shortages are unnecessary. and mutter m our beards about what we are going to do to the incoTij etuita who are responsible. Or, preferably, we can accept the fact that it is too late, now, b'Y1 event incompetence and lack of vision and political cowardice that are in the past. We can go ahead on the assumption that, as of today, shortages are inevitable. If we choose the latter course, the smart one, we can console ourselves that a little hardship now and then is good for the soul. Theres no denying that we have been getting soft We had come to assume that man can not live without many comforts anh luxuries which, outside this country, only the financial aristocracy possessed at all. We can, if we choose general refused to let moviq tor volunteers risk lives. WASHINGTON The Supply Services of the Army (Gen. Somervell and Undersecretary Patterson) have been their work much more harmoniously with the War Production Board. The old feuding between them has subsid' ed, at least for the time being. was However, Donald Nelson shocked and surprised to find another branch of the Army literally on his tail. He noUced that where ever he want; one, and usually two men followed him. He was being tailed. Even more amazing, he discovered that the shadowing was bping done by a branch of the army. Military Intelligence. In other words the Army had its young officer detectives following the movements of and one of the most important men in the Government the man who supplies the Army with its war materials. No explanation has been forthcoming from the i rmy, and Nelson has asked for none. .He has become so used to the Army put ting burrs in his bed that one more makes no difference, However, there are two possible explanations. Neison is in the process of getting a divorce, and his friends say that the Army wants to watch his social activities. The other is that both Military and Naval Intelligence are overstaffed with bright young real estate agents, and blue bloods from the best families who simply love to play at the game of detective. Nelsons friends suggest that they are peeking around corners at him just to practice up for spying on Hiller. I dont mind their but I thought we were fighting this war to get away from Gestapo." Note: When Washington officials see anyone peeking in their windows, they know its either Military or Naval Intelligenee. J. Edgar Hoovers FBI is too smart to puli any amateur detective tricks. ITALIAN ROYAL FAMILY Now that plans are being made to put Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia in as eventual Governor General of are Italy, a lot of worried over the tendency of some n diplomats to lean on King Victor Emanuel and the rove-taili- names. Dies has had zealot some andor of repu-tionsabotager around him who have been anything but fair to some of their victims. Nevertheless, Dies performed an iniortant service in helping wake the country up long before Pearl Harbor when it badly needed waking up, and he has a mass of information which, if used wisely, ran root the nazi subversive network which now ha fled underground. Dies has in his files the names of about 100,000 Bundists, plus 300,000 members of the German-America- n alliance, plus 25,000 members of the KYFFHAEUSER-EUNan organization so secret that its members lmd to take an oath to do confidential work. Most of these were naturalized Americans, are still In this count rV, and are ready to pop up as soon as the war Is over to cry isolation and weep over persecuting Germany. Dies points out that now is the time to act regarding these potential saboteurs of patriotism, rather than wait until after the of the Office she asked in on that plate? staccato tones. About five, I guess, answered the girl. "All right. I'll take all War Information i n d i c a tes that passive Hitler didn't grab for the candy that belt-tighteni- Lets lets SPOTTING THE STICKERS day-to-d- hour-by-ho- tQ . - Civic Unit Offers resist-anc- e in Europe is today one of the most effec- of them. The girl sokl her a pound, and the woman who had suddenly cultivated an intense love for sweets, stormed away, accepting defeat in her hawgih conquest with very little grace and beauty. O Did you ever stop to think it's just such selfishness that is causing this war and all that it means? of tive weapons against the Germans. In every occupied country, native oonu- Edaon is finding ingenious and often humorous ways of getting the Nazi goat. Danish newspapers have become particularly adept at this stuff. Instead of filling their columns with hot news on Nazi issues, as the invaders want them to do, they play up stories like these: Dedication of a new public comfort station in Copenhagen Square. The tragic death of an elk, with editorials, letters to the editor and much public discussion follow-u- p on what to do with the corpse. The future of Danish grammar and horse racing. Whenever thf British Air Force comes over on a raid, the Danish papers break out with pictures of smiling citizens in air raid shelters, and lyrical descriptions of burning n. counter, but he did grab for land .and factories and power. The V Wfe have not become irreparably soft. Rommels Afrika principle is the same. 'Korps, the spirits Of the Japs who used to be on Guadal. .r Americans to adnal an4 at Buna and Gona will testify A hotel manager revealed that to. have when can take still it, ns soon as it's discovered that he they has a few boxes of bars, he has We do not like to go without the good things of life. That to hide the whole caboodle. Is why we live in the only nation that has been able to provide Because them with almost everybody. But a little right Certain people make the rounds now will do us no permanent harm. of stores which they think will have candy for sale. Then they So ; forget about the griping until the war is over. war. buy as many bars as the merchant take our medicine, an not mention it. Thousands of vigilantes and will allow them. Then they send members of the Klan," Dies has their children in to buy bars, and told the Justice Department, are their childrens friends. buildings. already working sub rosa on the Until that precious box of bars Daily Fire In Denmark orof a fascist strong makings is gone, and deserving people still R. A. F. costume Surprisingly, how know The nazis ganization. have no candy. is now made in Denmark jewelry War has necessitated so many automobile stickers, each use we And unless do to them. Oand worn openly. And on Red to be prominently displayed on your windshield, that an something now about the men who An attendant at a magazine Army day, the Nazi weekly politiwere ready to sell their country stand stated her firm is selling cal actual safety hazard is, created. The National Safety Council organ in Denmark complained short, (heyll be selling us short more candy now than ever in that the Danish high school stusuggests how the difficulty can be met. war the after again to has have its history. Still, it dents wore red neckties, scarfs Hide the federal vehicle use stamp and any sticker necesRUSSIAN ACTORS ACT cookies apples, oranges, popcorn, and hair ribbons without being Leonid Atonov, of the Soviet sary to enter army bases, navy yards or war plants, behind and such things for the average reprimanded by their teachers. how Ctnime when should w tells sticker rear-vieration The mirror. Society, go the mileage A sabotage fire a day seems to person who gets there late for the Red Army wns fighting from the have become the motto enmntnin-e- d on the left rear side window. State or city registration stickcandy. street to street in Stalingrad, a "People have more money now another Nazi publication in ers can be pasted on the bottom edge of the windshield at the group of motion picture actors left than ever. she explained, and Denmark. Judging by Danish extreme right. Insist Iron stamps might go in the extreme their studios and asked to be given can afford candy. Furtherpress excerpts over the past two arms. Iho general in charge of they corner of the windshield. is months, an average of three farms that . hearing more, candy upper' right-han- d the area bluntly refused, sent them scarce has made lots of folks or factories are The important thing is to let nothing obscure the drivers destroyed by fire buck with this answer: They buy and every day. The fire brigade, it vision in any direction in wiiieh danger to the vehicle or to We have soldier, hut we havewould eat candy they never buy seems, always arrives too lute. to other persons might lie. , n't many actor. 1 our job and eat if they were certain A Norwegian factory which was make motion picture. Now, hack they could always get it. But ordered by the Nazis to begin to make Htudio and them! your . High-heele- d shoes and wedgies" were worn in Europe they seem to take this attitude: wholesale production of shoes W'e dont need you to carry rifle Boy, Til better get candy while made out of paper and wool had as eably as the ISth century. lior do we need you at the barrithe getting is good. And Ill its orders 'canceled when, it was cade. The greatent military gobble all I ran now, because I discovered that the paper to be i on to can do Rusia go you The might have to go without for a used was and the making picture acting Nazis objected because it looked good long time which the Noldier need." out? it Can you figure like a planned demonstration. MERRY-GO- IUCM In Czechoslovakia, when women Josephus Daiels, now getting al- TID BITS were ordered to report at labor most more kick out of editing his Eugene offices for registration, they all Logan Raicigh N. C.) News and ObserRoyal House of Savoy. a couple weeks brought their babies, who set up Said gracious Lord Halifax the ver than from being in public of- Yeates explained draft begins taking such an unearthly yell that the other day to Count Sforza, former fice, po.nts out that silliness of ago that if thewill have to start registration was temporarily canhe VENETIAN NOBLEMAN foreign minister of Italy, now ex- calling the Japanese cherry blos- fathers, soms Korean . . . Ambassador employing women for postal ser- celed and a decree issued, baniled here: ILL AND FEEBLE ning babies from the premises. I think we can save the House Crews staff, returned from Tokyo, vice. AT 7JAZ7'-S- f Which brings up the question: Whenever a labor draft is orderof reports that the Japanese who Savoy through the Pope. REGAINED HIS HEALTH if do the mailman ed out of a village, the whole popyou rail The House of Savoy isnt worth worked for them during their per- What ON A DAILV ulation turns out to bid the boys saving, replied Sforza. Its weak- iod of interment seemed ashamed its a girl? -- O ' J2 -goodby. In the confusion, two or ness would drag down the House of Pearl Harbor, treated them with OF SOLID FOOD... It was dark as pitch. The naval three manage to escape, the train of Windsor. great deference. PLUS WINE task force lay quietly off the is delayed and a whole days proAND This seemed to register with the (Copyright, 1943, by United Guns were trained. duction is lost to the Germans. Solomons. Feature Syndicate, Inc.) TO TiV British Ambassador. Muscles were tense. Hearts were Dutch War of Nerves CAPITAL CHAFF AG OS The Dutch are old masters at pounding. The calm before the Economiczar Jimmy Byrnes storm! this passive resistance technique. whose office has suffered from Ghastly! There was one destroy- Supposedly a stolid folk, they have lack of press relations, has taken whose er in the task force lights revealed a sense of humor under on Walter Brown, South Carolina y NiN.S A Cadjj were visible. . . radio magnate and former crack adversity that few foreigners A narby ship signalled: Pardon thought they possessed. Dutch Washingtin newsman. Czar Byrnes me, but your ship is showing! has some A- men in his office newspapers published pages of O Donald Russell, for instance, whose pictures of dogs, every time Hitler brain is like a steel trap, and his During an inspection of a war and Mussolini met. How extensive the Dutch war of plant, a public official pointed lips also . . . Before lea ing OWI to a worker and said to one of nerves has become is perhaps best to join the army. David Kurr the executives of the plane: indicated by a recent Nazi decree, paunchy Frank Waldrop, "Look at thut youngster. Its warning birth registration officials who had written a story about the hard to tell whether its a boy or against parents wanting to chrisDies committee quizzing Karr on SCRVC. INC. COPR. 1944 BY a girt-ten their i children Winston or being a Fuller brush salt Milan. the Franklin. Since when, asked Karr tf Walexecutive noticed The d worked and reWhen the Belgian people wore drop, has it been subversive to sell USUALLY GATHERS Fuller brushes? The onlv reason plied: She's a girl and she is ordered not to gather at memoriPOLLEN FROM ONLY als erected to the honor of heroes you arent in the Army is that they my daughter. ONE KIND OF FLOWER. couldn't squeeze you into a uniof the last war, the Belgian My dear sir I would not IN A SINGLE DAY. form. . . . have been so outspoken if I had street car motormen solved that DIF.S COOPERATION one. Slowing down their conveyknown you were her father." Now that turbulent, charming I am not her father; Im her ances as they passed monuments, Martin Die and the Justice Departmother. the natives tossed their wreaths ment are pulling together, they may Are you now convinced this is through the windows. SAFE ROBBERY really go places in uprooting the rapidly and certainly becoming a Ierhaps the prize goes to a IS DANGEROUS, "Seyf seeds of foreign propaganda, dorwomans world? Norwegian farmer, ordered to deBUDDY WALKER, Hmant since learl Harbor, but ready Oliver to the Germans an ovcidue r vawrr or ih to spiout the minute the war is yJcAscvrwAz, v Epitaph suggested for Ilerr quota of eggs. Wrote the farmer over. even in to the Nazi authorities: 5mir Cosh, Mjw see how funny I Gorhhrts: "Here 1 He NEXT: Is lightning; a tunant for airpUne The Tixan is now Jwuk letter was put up in the henhouse. this trick luiiTor! -- i ar Prizes to Scouts Providing an incentive for the boys of Franklin county to devote considerable time in their scout-fo- e jng activities, the Preston cham-latio- n ber of commerce has set aside $50 to be used for prizes to the scouts showing the most advancement during the period from April 1 to December 1. The chambers scout committee composed to B. G. Weaver, Howard Maughan, Bill Hussett and Sidney Biggs, is m charge of the contest. Prizes are listed as fol- Intelligence tests should be gim weed out prospective juroti unable to understand the complexities of civil trials. Judge Clarence G a 1st on o Brooklyn, N. Y. to Unless the nation can find hum way to improve conditions, by working, producing, disrupting and consuming unless that happens, we are destined to go along the same identical road we traveled from 1920 on. Secretary of State Cordell Hul Tm proud that they were able to qualify for duty with the United States fleet. They werent afraid to fight and they weren't afraid to die for their country and for you and me. lows: Mrs. Thomas Sullivan on chrisdestroyer The Sullivans" first, $10 to the troop with the tening for her five sons lost on the highest percentage of advancecruiser Juneau. ment , Second, $3 to the patrol of any Fascism does not war on men troop in each district with the highest percentage of advance- alone. We women of the United ment. Nations must fight too. We must Third, $5 to the first boy at- share in avenging the blood of onr taining the rank of an eagle scout. children and the tears of the Fourth, cash awards varying mothers of ail countries fighting from $2.50 to $4.00 to the next Hitlerism. 4th Mate Valentina Orlikova of five highest scouts on a percentSoviet Merchant Marine. age of advancement. The awards will be made m both the Fanklm and Or.eida stakes Utopia you cannot make in a t and on the basis of for day. Russia tried to butter the each advancement In rank gained bread of everyone and found it by each scout. One point will be spread too thin to suit the taste allowed for each merit badge gain- of the people. ed after the eagle award is earned Prof. Pitirim A. Sorokin of Harvard U. by the scout. -' one-poin- VIENNESE COMPOSER peep-holin- g, World This Curious candy-consciou- s. 1 er-vi- m Italian-America- British-Amenca- eouwrujmi Postmaster CORNARO, OCWCJ?T lVD Hold Everything -l phon-brushes- MCA A " BEE slacks-bedecke- A -a w - HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured Viennese composer, Answer to Previous Puixle Looks joyous Tidy (colloq.) 20 Century plant 11 15 22 Compass point 24 12 Employs 13 Greek letter 14 Article ?5 Stannum i Years between 12 and 20 28 Token 31 Exist 33 Sick 27 (symbol) 16 Exclamation 17 Spiders home 18 Music note 19 Indian Army 1 36 On the summit (abbr.) 21 Dock 23 KnoU 25 Electrified Tavern 26 Shop 44 Electrical term 45 Sheltered side particle 26 Street (abbr.) 46 Medley 29 New (comb. 49 Window glass 50 Place (abbr.) form) 30 Originate 51 Sun god 32 Wash lightly 53 Legal point 34 Fish eggs 55 Palm lily 35 Symbol for 56 Iridium aluminum (symbol)' 36 Backward' 57 Above 39 GrouD of 59 Individual 60 On top of students 43 Seaman 62 He is the worlds best known VERTICAL Younger one 2 Bone 3 Listen 4 Residue 1 5 Novel 6 Boil slowly 7 Tally 8 Be sick 9 10 37 Willow twig 38 Three (prefix) 40 Winglike part 41 Elder 42 Soothsayer t 47 Russian city j 48 City in j Nevada .i 49 Fastener . 52 Skill 4 53 Fabulous biro 54 Seminary (abbr.). 55 Also 58 Virginia Jl j Western state (abbr.) 61 Symbol for Symbol for tellurium' selenium ' -- ' |