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Show HER T1I10 ALU-JOURNA- LOGAN, UTAH, L, MONDAY, N OVK M U K 19 11 PAGE SEVEN. 4 1. ante Utah Aggies Fall Astounding Power ErSfcryys And Speed of Y Club were, say Phelan hunters Undefeated E. Peabody The Two Puts Broad A Hunters List Good Kills Grid Teams Back In Race Number Ten Of Pheasant SunW the rain iA rdiiv evening and pitter-pattep,tter-pat-;- V Fygn their th snnday fQj, ft a U kur! , ,! ff All-Amer- Redskins Regain Conference Prestige With 46-- 6 Thumping of Colorado Buffaloes and was still between the that of erfay and 1940 the that in contained gencrnf snow. However, daybreak yesterday, there was weafher for the re- - BY NELSON Two Utah follpoiato grid teams dated liiillian Saturday afternooon to dear the clouds from the 191 Seven football horizon and take away the dmgtness which has, until now, dominated the seasonal scene. to rain had served Praise Harvard Star Riv als I5Y UAY d,ay. ica NEW 1 K V YORK, til FATHER Nov. 3 il'li-Ther- e are only in undefeated foothill teams left in all Amenta today and no nutter how long you study the statistics there's just one conclusion that peifetl seasons SOCIETY WITH A SOCK With two more days of the 1941 Utah pheasant season left, hunters in these parts weie this afternoon recounting stories of good luck, poor luck and mediocre luck. Shooting opened Sunday at daybreak -- following six hours of vig-c- u ous rainfall and througtiout tho first day, there were many limits recorded, even though the wet weather made the birds harder to As Best Guard BV BlKTON BENJVMIN NE.V Service Staff Correspondent longer me merely notable, they i downright nuiacuious. no By deusne ami vic CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Oct 3 tories. Utah Umveisity and brig-haOut of the culture belt comes Harvard's strong'4'i Six Eligible ' Young University became the find. Shooting closes In Box F.lder Pi of ihc 10 are still eligible to candidate since the days of Barfavorites in the conference race. Cache counties Wednesday and Tioknor and Ben Wood rugged, such of ry miracles, despite tomjilote The Redskins from Sait Lake City aroundntBear River evening. bewildered a powerless Colorado a wave of upsets whitb mired explosive Endaott Peabody II. or of several hunters can.be Stories No ker, iceman many another favored eleven in were plentiful, University tmm and smashed to 46 ankle-deeboiled down to these generalities: Chub ditch week p is the over mud digger Armhundred or so with Coach Ike grid points Birds are numerous if you can n is Peabody, whose panzer-lik- e guard Contacted had achieved strong's T formation wrorking in end The luekv find them. Hunters with good dogs Ford-hahas roiketed him to the fore play Texas, Duke, Minnesota, county, overdrive Ml Colorado Cache the gear 'tads In stand excellent chances of getDuqucsnc and Ter ts Aggies. as a leading candidate for naBuffs rmild make during the aftreported throughout ting their limits, although theie is Th other four teams which sur. tional honors. ernoon was six points Park, Benson great handicap in not having a His lush Jonn Charter and Gro-to- n vived are unoca'cn but not unDerisive Victory piston and other adja-.og, since the cocks are so wpII School background would be Tlie Y Cougars hopped upon the tied Thy are Arm, Navy, Notre The Young ward hidden. Aladmirable for a future career dipBIG SEVEN CONFERENCE and they who hapless Utags in the Logan sta- Dame and Mississippi State Birds seem to be just ns plentiful though thnr records are slightly lomat but hardly is in keeping to shoot dium to shove over three tom in Cache valley as in Bear River football hist with tradition n mm better faod (hey in the second quarter, and spotted generally repaid by valley, so far as proportionate Collegiate football moralists, of then for good measure, added an- ,han another quaitct which was more birds. areas are concerned. Beautiful will too there whuh manv, a week them aie up ago. among other in the fourth Meanwhile, the kills were made by hundreds of That rroup was Vanderbilt, level m I'affnire Peabody. No but one Aggies rould organize sportsmen in Benson ward Hyde seven wind need to for this Texas and husky VI RATH Fennsyp ania. Temple serious touchdown There threat. rtEOlS Park, Lewiston areas, and in - the major vn tuns of the day iloiks, open fire house doors Tech too was and much Cougar just all southern sections of the county. or bother with other prosaic emweek reason's sixth ow. men will disregard too numlittle Aggie Hampered by sportsman-'g- i usually ployments delegated to j rules of good erous injuries, befuddled by the Army Brilliant revert to lower forms of Saturday's satellites. The social MALLOlF BREAKS FINGER superior power and speed by their Call it an upset, a moral vie register has embraced the great opponents, Coach Dk k Romney's or the that each what will, a American goose It's real you tory nt knows NEW YORK, Nov. 3 Ray Mal-logame. Games This Week gailant little band didn't make shoot more egg classic fought by the Army builder hroke a finger in the game lone men will U vs. Wyoming at Laramie. much of a show of it Saturday aftV B will shoot a and the Irish in New York gave Six feet tall, packing 185 hard one buck, or with the Philadelphia Eagles. vs at Utah in ernoon. Kicked kneed Denver Logan. the face, the nation its biggest thrill. Both pounds Peabody is the grandson nlbout a permit or even Results Last Week Luckily, it is on his left hand, so in the ribs, outrushed and outthink and unbowed, they bat- of Endicott Peabody, who foundthey at an elk- -if the Chicago Cardinal can still Utah 46, Colorado 6. smarted, the Aggies had a tough unbeaten it. And tled through the mud for a full ed Groton School and was recenttan get away with pass. 28, Utah State 0. time of it showing anv offensive Young Brigham not 60 It's minutes without a decision but ly retired as head master. jo get away. Colorado State 6, Denver 6. opposition at all They fought with His father, the Rt. Rev Malcolm silt to slide past checking Colorado College 16, Wyoming 0 their backs to the wall during four the glory there was went to the During 1939, 107,000,000,000 kilothe Cadets. Peabody, is Episcopal Bishop for watt-hours checking in after of electrical energy (non conference). quarters of the game, and until the not uch Charter came Penn for the night, or to get TT, hard who Endicott Peabody Navy, great central New York State. Hes up the facing were jold to consumers In the way via Colorado second canto offered some good Lewis Dent, did even Middies The wardens After ail, even State fullback, better odds, not did Harvard belts 'em for Harvard. 'll. and .(Groton, United States. play varsity who has scored resistance. When injuries began to off unbeaten Penn.13-6- , to football wardens do an excellent fourth period touchdowns in his pile up. and when the Y power knoekedtheir bowl the retain patrolling and are kept place among last two games, retained his scor- really exploded the Utah Staters MKIIIGW, CORNELL. in the second big game NAVY ON BANDWAGON and often ap-y busy, ing lead in the Big Seven football did almost everything wrong, and eligible? Min some lawbreakers, they west in of the the the day of Most enthusiastic boosters the Provoans did everything right nesota conference with 32 tallies. !e everywhere at once. juggernaut all but clinch- Uie popular, scholarly young man Isadore Spector, Utah halfback, except punting ed title conference western the chamof tne opposition At Salt Lake City are who won the in and mpmbcis more f the disgusting . pionship two years ago. pulled into It was early in the second by shading Northwestern, they should know. and secon(j piace witb 25, making nine period that Armstrong's baekfield the sccoitn's ppic. if poor sportsmanship .Muhigan squad members last Two prominent bowl contenders, vear grht case of theft- was re- - jn the voted him the best guard started perking in the Utah sta- Fordham slaughter of Colorado. ' ' on as thev saw. and Duke, rolled Huck Adelt, sparkplug in Utah's dium against Colorado. Prior to over and Purdue Georgia of Cornell chimed 46-Carl win over Colorado, and Tex that, both the Utes and the Buffs expected nearer ttl this Snovelywith a healthy slice Tech and Stanford year Reilly, C. U. sophomore quarter-e- i bad scored once. After putting the Holy Walls of edged Pasadena by of his infrequent praise after the son Bill shot a back, are tied in throwing touch-tj- h on the pressure, the Redskins put d smacking ever Santa Clara. Texas in the mountains last I down passes with five each. Ithacans hail barely nosed out the the game in the bag by halftime,-anto earned its the nations right 20 nomts were made during Crimson, it and being alone, he was bv top strong blanking position But most articulate and lavish get it out. So he cleaned thp third quarter. Southern Methodist, rood, hung it Peabody-pluggis Maj Emery Elsewhere in the conference, high in a tree, Other activities: ins deer tag on it, and came Colorado State held Denver to a (Swede) Larson of Navy, whose It was late 6 held to a surprising in the evening tie, and Wyoming took another The East charges were Ik finished d Twice-beate- n defeat at the hands of a Boston dressing the College scoreless tic by Harvard. saw there was no way he team. The Cowboys lost smashed Temple; 31-"Lnst time I him," he said and bring it out alone. to Colorado College 16-remained on the honor roll "I think he was 10 feet tall and Bill had to work for a The tie between Colorado State by whipping Villanova, Colweighed 340 pounds. day after Monday, he didnt and Denver University meant that umbia startled Cornell, "We went up to Harvard in the while get ts his kill until the other both teams were to drop so far Brown upset Yale and William A best frame of mind from a football l'ith him went Alvin to assist down in the standings that they Mary gave the Ivy league further standpoint, but we did not recwould not have a chance to re- woe with a 0 verdict over Dart- kon with Chub Peabody, who is aging the buck out. ,v they arrived cover even if thev won everv re- mouth. Colgate tied Holy Cross the finest lineman it has been at the spot the deer had been and Harvard nipoed Princeton. our misfortune to play against in game on their schedules. hung, maining tag was there, but no deer, Utah stands in first place with Pitt lost to Ohio State, my three years of coaching at n had replaced the rightful two wins and two ties. Brigham Navy. The Midlands mb his own and carried the "He murdered us. He was all Young follows with two victories Minnesota all but wrapped up out for his own. over Denver and Utah State and the western conferenee title. Iowa over the field. He hit Bill Busiek a tie with Utah U. Colorado U rose un to smite Indiana. 13-just as he caught a punt and alhas won three but lost one, gaining and Michigan conquered Illinois, most broke him in two. Bill I HA! E A TEAM 20-only a .750 percentage. Out of the league, Wiscon-so- n fumbled, and Harvard recovered 'ol Cougars In Good Position lost to Syracuse Oklahoma on our eight. We had to dig in Lewis former Jones, The Cougars have Wyoming to and Missouri remained tied for the to prevent a score f First district court here play this Saturday at Laramie, Rix Six leadership. Kansas State BLFE-BUWnow PEABODY judge advocate of the and should be able to cross that defeated Nebraska 12-tb TE 1I.AYEK IS division m San Luis ease. with On bridge h Couth The is subsequent a native of Syrasome newspaper clip- Peabody weekends, they meet Colorado and describing the success of the Mi.ssippi State, which drew a cuse. He plaved regularly for Colorado State in the Provo bowl breather in Southwestern, n took two seasons at Gioton, was w football team, made up dtees and having the advantage of home command of the southeastern conin his senior year, but obnational guards- garni s for two tough teams ference race when TulHne deposed servers rited him just ordinary. while Itntally, Ray Through 'n ir spirited and high- - undefeated Vanderbilt. At Harvard, Peabody was too Watters, well-wru u ' g the season, the class pic Tennto play regularly as a freshis one of tire promm-wr- s Georgia ihaded Auburn, Jight in n, contenders for essee whipped LWU. Cougars and Ala- man He needed 10 pounds, so he of tlie team. " u h h the hono 3o-of bama romped over Kcntui ky, University Flglitiiig exercised and upped his diet durFortieth is undo-t- tl i c i inted out Utah ennu The In the southern eonfcrenei Wit ing the summer '"'tied, and In its last Utcs have nccs as 'hI the Western Bears against ham and Mary remained tied with As a sophomore, he had picked one for t'n 1 he Duke for the lead up needed poundage and was a outstanding service in Soon sfi kickoff the The Southwest regular bv 1" ' hcct Moffett Field n th Congers mareh- - Texas and Texas A Sr M conAggie hunday in the San Jose BY JIM SI LLIVAN player, Peabody is a d !'P-meem ed business 3 They gnalwt, tinued Nov. neck the neck for end n the wir" SAN FRANCISCO, ovlta'"!!4' contrary to popular belief that i"st v ns ve .atile back hroke the Stanto Hat Moffett Field mu the found h heroes are go, title, although three games Aggies haiely only at Texas Minnesota, Texas, Fordham and through for gain after gain Three scraped past Arkansas, ford's Rose Bowl football cham- touchdown drives were stalled that Chr 4 mn gave Baylor mt her Duke pions today were again making first however, by stellar bouncing, and Kicc coasted Those who suspect Hahvahd Christianson, plans for a New Year's day call work quarter rom m'L 'Vk of the Aggie line. And little over Centenary, are a hunch ot dandies who at Pasadena. R Rood boys 'nr lhh' 7Ve cmaehes on the tea and munch crumpets bei The Indians top the league Melly Wood kept kicking the Agsip army diswith three conference wins, one gies out of danger. for the way they fash- fore a gameHowilllostfindtwoPeabody Early in the second canto, how- mendation ftont teeth loss and two outside victories. The illusioning. comioned of a biaitd good to pretty happen rest of the league is a scramble ever, things began from a lot of bnd iueaks, making a downfield tackle last with only Oregon State as a solid Herman Longhurst let loose with petition face of a superior and tear, plays behind a ninsk this and in score a to snrint around lost season. contender The Beavers have heavier leant. twthi'n '."J10' jl,lx " b'R Although the Ags own his soon and end. then out right two conference they Young Ieabodv is student head games won a this haven't game year, InterBob ba!i halfback. Orr, becn after, schedule Homnev en1SJ'1" Stanford and their them of the Harvard Vart'ty club, hreaks of the Utah beat only an tough prevented he was and cepted pass, Aggie mrludes nine conference games. spends his summers sailing off the down on the Aggie 47 yard from having two wins to their Maine coast and tutoring. Every other team has lost three brought credit. I 'Zkh U exIecicd each games, marker. out A defensive inside and terror, a corking up two or three Lost No Time USC, bent PaaJ still blocker and a great competitor, Stanford must St0neS abOUt But these 47 yards were measur1 Endicott Peabody II may put the WSC and California. WSC has S hr off in ed fashion the ml the rapid by two nub rv.d ,n8,n strong broad over the "a" knocked hist back in ba ks. George as He's Jackson teams and may be a Cougar Oregon 4k'n sbe rest ns much 84 made as a the trv, yards The California-Stanfor- d rutf hfi! this problem. and then lie pounded around his V,! is one of those tradi"big game" own score. end left Dee for the o ?,f ,be snuad tional affairs in which the dope Chipman, Y quarterback, added the bonk Is suspended extra point for the second straight had a rh,"butCe'i Stanford looked inmresive Sattime. 27-in Santa Clara, beating The third Y touchdown was a thlMrartl'Rt Romney can urday and other You get complete protection against frccze-up- s no fluke, but even then it can be atOregon, the ton team a few tributed to Cougar alertness, Aggie when Aies made a weeks ago, was upset again St MEXICO CITY, Nov. 3 t ri-- A tom htlmA n" fmtghutpt htj? IO weakness and nervous strain AftP"lfuI Washington State beat the t inter grief shcn your car is winterized by our 1 Tlbhi tn, (lanim4! 1ohiin nfi gainst blistering drive down the home er the Aggies recovered a Y fum- toiu ' consider .g!1' . Saturday, 2 2 I'hlpman tphuo Wilfred of enabled Wehrle stretch ble on the Ag ot the line. Wood k Ha) mlur.v angle California, check-urecovering from a Ramie, Wis. to win the annual all done by experienced men Th k'tun, Th HiitiAlHiit loin operations. v.n th M tl! fir,t dismal start, rolled against UCLA took his place in the end zone to IIoMhmkv Mexican amateur golf champion' b rt Itifktt ri ' out kick of A arvm poor pass kSpin 27-danger : Ih Hi and walloped the Bruins, orr, H, ship yesterday with a 2 and from center caused him to juggle tin, fb, 4,n hls modern T 33-- 0 and at reasonable cost. Why Imr, lb Kimball, jbi Mtk-inover Verne Stewart of efficiently quickly Oregon State laced Idaho the ball, and then he was smeared l fb Tlbhw 'Mile q sophomores and l.re. ie Abbott, c triumph N. overpowered in final the M., Washington Roswell, He fumbled clan. rail lull out the it I Mavrakm fterbacking when Montana lg Kana, c, Cougar by 0 for conference vie and 1b Irninnb Ted Tibbits recovered for the Htnli frookKtmi, qb, not drive in today? tones. USC took the week end Y, BUENOS AIRES -- Jimmy DentI'miUm, ft. rbuk fb, hbsDbH, toucha the Cougars giving year off. rar, Jtnt'4. 1r Cbrtt nlf Phh. al et, touring American profession tt, down. Clair Lloyd booted the extra fin Ms driver ' blg sw'vel-"- t A ml not, qb. Martin, rf al Stanford meets USC next week poiiU. a total of to OffbiittM m Knmn rafutM ?hlt w'ts fount-h- e and Mitin 279 golfer, posted to win. Oregon is favored Ags main yard- yesterday to win the annual the third period the owt !h tiinplro. Oaf Ilnoniihii Throughout State plavs UCLA Washington Cougars loafed, and once in that OtmUl llim-afbbl Judge. Agrentine open championship. Look for the familiar Vita-Pe- p WSC plays Iduho, iS,iikAnB h'K. who cuts Plays California, Santa to the the Aggies pounded quarter, Clara and a knife when Oregon plays Cougar seven-yarstripe, but the 88 sign of sen Ice Montana meets North Dakota. wall roared through to throw ATTENTION, HUNTERS Burton Silrock for a loss. Menvr'w ile Rame Statistics show that BYU made Ralph 'MVVod DEER HIDES WANTED! expert ST. MARYS MINS STATIONS EVIRYWllERE IN i5auhan, first 19 first downs as against 10 for 3 a'P) k,'and e'en the reserve St.SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. Prices Paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts, Furs and Wool Highest that the Cougars made Aggies; Mary's of Moraga scored four the UTAH AND IDAHO touchdowns in the last two periods 351 vaids as against 153 for Utah COLORADO ANIMAL COSIP ANY State. defeat to of a here Sunday game " vSi! Notwithstanding their defeat, the Phone 49 i. Gonragn, before l.nuO persons loignn Staters aro deserving of com- at Kebar stadium. d m Heres Big 7 '5.-- 4 Schedule And Scoring its half-doz.c- uf prestige-- sta-eto- r , point-maki- 8-- - 6 four-poi- nt j 0. to 34-- 0. er t 6-- am-m- t 7-- 0. n 21-1- 1. 6. Stanford Gridders e, cap-tui- Mletthis 34-1- Gain Ground In . 13-- ' o Race For Rose Bowl , Si i With . 23-1- 54-- let us tears sea--nd- ,'' Two Golf Mecls C,.tar v YOUR CAR Are Terminated cock-mid- I i Web-foot- s, i hiD-w- 13-- 0 p Bel1-stuf- ! 21-- J i I , , , ;,w. d S :,is 26-- Its M |