Show AN EVERYDAY STRUGGLE men and women of every occupation suffer miseries from kidney complaint J lightner st abalene kansas Is one of the thou bands who buffer rom kidney blea brought on by dally work I 1 elret noticed it eight or ten years ago 1 mr lightner th dull pain in the back fairly made me sick it wa hard to get up or down hard to straighten bard to do any work brought a strain on the back I 1 had frequent attack of gravel and the urine was passed too often and with pain when I 1 used doan a 1 however all traces of the trouble disappeared and have not returned I 1 am certainly grateful sold by all dealers 50 cents a box foster allburn co buffalo N WORST CASE OF ECZEMA spread rapidly over body limbs and arms had to be bandaged marvelous cure by my son who Is now twenty tiro years of aee when he was four months old began to have eczema on nis face spreading quite rapidly until be was nearly covered we had all the doctors around us and some from larger places it no ene helped him a particle the eczema was something terrible and the doctors said it was the worst case they ever saw at time his whole body and face were covered all but his leet I 1 had to bandage his limbs and arms his scalp was just dreadful A friend teased me to try and I 1 be gan to use all three of the remedies he was better in to months and in six months he was well mrs R I 1 hisley Pl ermont M H oct 24 1905 in a pinch use ALLEN 8 FOOT EASE A powder it cures painful smart ing nervous feet and In growing nalla it s the greatest comfort discovery ol 01 the age makes nw shoes easy A certain cure tor swe atin feet sold by all druggists trial package FREE address A S olmsted le N send to garfield tea co brooklyn N Y for free package of garfeld lea the herb cure for const pation and liver trouble REPAIRING BRAIN A certain way by food every minister lawyer jour author or business mm la arced under pressure of modern con dillons to the active and sometime overactive overact lve use of the brain analylle Ana lysle ot the excreta thrown out by the pores shows that brain work breaks down the phosphate of potash separating it from its heavier compan ion albumen and plain common sense that this e principle must be introduced into the body anew each day it w e would replace the logs and rebuild the brain tissue we know anat the phosphate of potash a presented in certain field grains has an affinity for albumen and that Is the only way gray matter in the brain can be built it will not answer to take the crude phosphate of potash et the drug shop or nature rejects it the elemental mineral must be presented through food directly from nature s laboratory these facts have been made use ot in the manufacture of grape nuts and any brain worker can prove the value of the proper selection of food by making free use of grape nuts or ten days or two weeks sold by grocers every where and in immense quantities manufactured by the co eat tl creek mich |