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Show THE FLAPPER FANNY con io scvicc we Smithfield M by By r m te f i HERALD-JOURNA- Sylvia t off Mrs. Marie Rosenbaum of Brigham was hostess to the Coterie club of Hyrum at her home FriThe group who motored to day. Brigham and enjoyed dinner and a pleasant afternoon of cards Mrs. Rosa Jensen, Lucille Mae Miller, Maud Liljenquist, Nellie Pearce, Ida Dusenberry, Olsen. Annie Jemen, Louisa Nielsen, Luella Birch, Leora Petersen and Leah Petersen. Other guests at the party nuluded members of the club lit Brigham Mrs. Nellie Pierce was awarded the prize for high score and Luella Birch the BETH EMMETT, Reporter The officers of the Smithfield Federation entertained Wildlife their wives at a dinner Friday evening in Logan canyon at Botts camp. Dinner was served early, after which a business meeting was held under the direction of President Melvin Hillyard. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Pott of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hillyard. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tuel-le- r Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and t Mrs. of Anialga; Frank Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nilson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Low Theodore Sr, and Mr. and Mrs. Geary of Smithfield. The evening was spent playing cards. The regular stag luncheon of i the Smithfield Kiwanis club was held Wednesday evening at the Junior high school with president H. O. Van Orden in charge. The program, which was prepared by the vocational guidance committee, consisted of a speech on "The Welfare Program and UnderpriviMillileged Children" by Herbert Alean gan and violin duets by Van Orden and Eunice Hillyard. Special guest of the evening was 'UijN Joseph Mabey, prominent member Kiwanis club. of the Clearfield Mr. and Mrs. Roy West and family spent Easter visiting relatives in Bancroft, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Harris of Tremonton were dinner guests of their daughter, Miss Ruby Harris Wednesday evening. Mrs. Levi Littledyke is recuperating from . a sprained bnck. enMrs Robert Griffiths, Jr., tertained members of the Ladies Junior Literary club Wednesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. L. E. Nelson of Logan reviewed the drama "Susan and God by Rachel after which luncheon Crathers, was served. Mrs. A. Saxton of Preston is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Seamons. Wade Miles spent Easter in Brigham City as the guest of Miss Grettle Shaw and family. Robert H. Gelston of San Fran. 4 cisco is the guest of Jay Knud-son- V Dr. Orson S. Daines and family of Ogden were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nilson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jed Seamons in Hyde Park Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hendricks and two sons of Ogden were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Fulkerson on Sunday. Miss Jenness Fulkerson spent Thursday visiting with fmpnds and relatives in Ogden. Mrs. Mrs. Nora Merrill and Stella Crawford visited at the hane of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Enason at Hyrum Sunday. Mrs. Robert Griffiths entertained 18 members and guests of the Ladies Literary club Thursday afternoon. Edna Ferber's Peculiar t. The second and third year Bee Hive Girls and their leaders, lone Sorensen, Otel Benson, Eva Nielsen and Maud Miller entertained at a banquet and party in honor i f APTAIN & m lt HANSENS jaw Val, he sagged a full inch. said softly, how in thunder is that goin to train on board the Belle? Duffy Kelso looked sick. Eddie Cavalier looked at her with eyes that said he longed to get his hands around her throat. Miss Douglas. It was Pop Grimes, pleading with her. Honest, lady, this is as funny as a crutch. Your admiral there, is box-fight- er right. Even if you dont put around and take us back to Frisco how can Eddie get in shape here? She was quite cool and informative in her answer. Simple stuff, gents. In the first place I know Cavalier is just about in shape already. He had a strenuous indoor season. Three fights, if I remember correctly. He doesnt need much training for this one. I know he happens to be all through with his heavy work. Just last week, you, Pop Grimes, gave out a story to the effect that Eddie looked . . . that you werent going to have him do much more than road work, some light work on the bags and a little sparring. Right? over-train- 4 rr I ed Pop Grimes licked his lips. Right, he whispered. But . . . But nothing, she flashed. It 80 happens that Mike Kelly, who you probably remember as . a pretty fair heavyweight a few years back, is a seaman aboard this ship. Fortunately for us he has a couple sets of gloves and a light bag which he and some of the boys use in their spare time Mikell be as good a sparring pait-ne- r as youd want. And Cavalier can do all the road woik he wants to around the deck. Duffy Kelso just sat there and groaned. She looked at linn and laughed. Before 1 get through, Duffy, youre going to thank me. Shoot you, you mean. 1 fM ft. PAGE SEVEN. "The Pioneer and the Induin' was given by Miss Virginia Nielsen. Music for the afternoon was rendered by Mrs. Mary Brown on the accordion A history of her grand-mo- t her. Mrs. Sophia Petersen was read by Mrs Vuleda Shaffer. Assisting Mrs. Miller as hostess were Mrs Isabcll Adams and Lucille Miller. The Sego Lily camp of lil'P met Thursday ut the home of Mrs Frank Dusenberry wheie the lesson "The Pioneer and tile Indian" was given by Mrs Finetta Allen with camp members interesting early day experiences with the Indians. Mrs. lairue Nielsen and Miss Nona Clark rendered several vocal duets and piano selections were given by Miss Addie Mae Dusenberry who also read the history of her jenquist, Lilly Stoddard and Melinda Allen. Melvin Christiansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Christiansen of Hyrum and also of Mrs. O. P. Olsen of the first year Bee Hive Girls grandson and their leaders, Stella Bradlev, whs buried at Riverside, Idaho, this week. Funeral services were Mary Allen, Elenore Wright and attended by several Hyrum relaClaris Anderson, Friday evening tives and friends including: Mrs. in the ward recreation hall. The It). 1'. Olsen; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. banquet table was attractive with Olsen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Olsen, blooming potted plants in gay Bud Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril colors Miss Elva McBride acted as toast mistress. Responses were Gunnell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Allen and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. given by Marguerite Smith, Jackie Orson Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. MerWright, Jean Kellett. Jacquett rill Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy LarBenson, Marion Burrell. LaWan-n- a sen, Miss Emd Smith, Mrs. Annie Jensen, Orlynn Nyqmst und Miss Nell Larsen and Carol Olsen. Following the banLarsen, Daun Larsen. Mr. Christiansen quet, games and dancing were enfor who had been ill several joyed hy 23 girls, the bee keepers months is survived by his wife and the Mutual presidency who of Twelve were special guests the fifteen and child. children of Mrs. O. P. Olsen atThe t'vnthi.i Benson camp held their meeting Thuisday at the grandmother. Martha Pierson Tar-h- tended the services. Mrs George Kliuson who has home of Mis Flra Miller with Dusenberry Assisting Mrs 27 members The lesson were Clara Raymond, Emma Lil- - received medical care at a Salt presi nt Lake hospital for the past two weeks returned to his borne on Saturday very much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Larsen spent Friday in Salt Lake City, Mrs. Ike Bradley spent Thursday in Smithfield where she attended the Primary festival. Mrs. Melinda Liljenquist entertained Thursday evening noting the birthday anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Liljenquist. An evening of games was enjoyed with prizes won by Mrs. , Elda Christiansen and Mrs. Ken Curtis. Luncheon was served to 2S guests. In one district of the East Indies women must keep one eye shut when in the presence of men. Baskets were the cooking uten-sil- e of American Indians of the Yosemite valley By CRANE Freddie's willing: ?- got some color in his cheeks. Treasures was reviewed by Miss plants, the tea table was covLudell Jensen. Guests were Mrs ered with a lace cloth over pink Jonathan Smith and Mrs. J. E. satin and centered with a beauSheffer. tifully decorated cake in colors Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Deppe were of white and gold with ivory taphonored at a no host party at ers on either side. About 200 the Bluebird Saturday evening, guests called during the day and inner was served to the follow- presented the couple with gifts Mr. and Mrs. Don Rees, und flowers. Mr. Deppe was born ing: Mr. and Mrs. Carol Olson, Mr. February 4. 1806 in Salt Lake and Mrs. Walt Squires, Mr. and City and Mrs. Deppe on June 27, Mr. and 1869 at Woods Cross. They were Mrs. Jack Anderson, and the married at Woods Cross March Mrs. Marlin Cragun guests of honor. Dinner was serv- 19, 1890 and moved to Smithfield ed banquet style with pink and m 1901 where they have been enof white roses centering the table. gaged in the manufacture The remainder of the evening was bricks at their Smithfield plant spent dancing at the Dansante. ever since. They are theof parents town Mr. and (Mrs. Cecil Deppe will of five children. Out leave soon to make their home guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatch and Mrs. Ernest Olsen in Boise, Idaho. Oxford, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. The Delore Bridge club enter- of Cross: tained Thursday afternoon at the W'illiam Argyle of Woods home of Mrs. Ira Mooseman in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McDormit honor of Mrs. Cecil Deppe. Mem- and Mrs. Park of Logan, Mr. and Noble Mrs. Earl Bodrero of Hyrum, Mr bers present were Mrs. Mrs. Hyrum Hall, Mr. and Chambers, Mrs. Harold McCoombs, and Mrs. Henderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mrs. Mrs. Seth Chambers, Grant Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Nelson, Mooseman, Mrs. Goodwin Smith, Mrs. Bart- Mrs. Paul Merrill of Preston and guests of Richmond. ley Richardson and the guest of many and (Mirs. Harold McCoombs honor. Mrs. Harold was McCoombs awarded high score bridge prize. Mrs. Cecil Deppe was presented with a gift from the club. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Deppe entertained at open house Tuesday from 3 to 7 p. m. in connection with their golden wedding anniversary. The living room was decorated with roses and potted Mrs. April with Mrs. it is prove ALLEY OOP Hercules means he quits By HAMLIN SSv-..-A- MEAN, YOU'RE -'- YES T GUESS VOlJRE GOING TO OUT US? DONT YOdRE TELL ME RIGHT.' ILL JUST IGNORE LETTING BRONSONS CAVE MAN GET NO YOUR GOAT SHUX, HERCULES,) APE IS GOING TO IF YOUD PAY NO ATTENTION, GET MY GOAT' HED STOP PESTERING WHAT DO YOU S' UIT' HALF-BAkE- I'M vnu' Iw . n- Wt- Jy- - r - S' nh A It seems to be contagious FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By BLOSSER MOM KNOW AND and popHELENA dont notTHEM Just IT WAS Joe WHO ARE TO GUESS OF we had them I both I BE MARRIEO ! THREE BCfTM ALL of us worrieo Cecil Deppe will leave on 6 to spend a few weeks relatives in Los Angeles. Deppe has been ill and hoped the climate will im- 10 her health. U. S. Steel stock dividend. enough. pays a common But not common RED RYDER Val nrffta Haa-mrto ker kaadle the ahaasbal victims. To tara back will briar Invcatljcatloa hy port authorities more delay, tike refuses to turn back tells Cavalier be will train aboard ship for his flight. MWhat a story! she promises MWhat a story! CHAPTER V 2. Dont you think hes lookin lots better today, Chuck - BY JERRY BR0NDF1ELD ME FinDOA COPYRIGHT. 140. NCA SERVICE, INC. g'- APRIL WHAT CAW YOU 00 UUM A. TAXICAB, K. O. CAVALIER - TUESDAY, WASH TUBBS SERIAL STORY 1 E8TERD4YI LOGAN, UTAH. L, Grimes was bug-eyeGo Cavalier said Pop ahead, grimly. This is the most fantastic Eddie Cavalier stared at her Steve Hansen was awed. thing Ive come across since Jules And over Duffy Kelsos face Verne. look of underWe can pitch a ring on the stole a standing. after deck. I wisht it wasnt you, he said. Pop Grimes clapped a hand to his cheek and groaned again. But I wisht it wasnt you because I his timing his timing. Itll be think maybe you got something. Sure I got something, Duffy," ruined. This tub probably pitches like a bucking bronco. Itll throw she purred. For awhile, though, him so far off balance hell fall I thought you were going to be a little hard to handle, what with flat on his face. Wrong again. This vessel is the such swell physical support you ie concluded, smoothest floating freighter on the have behind you, Pacific. And a guy who punches eyeing Cavalier deliberately. She turned to Hansen. as sharp as Cavalier doesnt have Theyre to worry about losing his timing your playmates for the time beStevie have fun. ing, in a few days. Eddie Cavalier presented her with a mock bow. Such flattery VAL leaned against a lifeboat, must come from the heart, he letting a soft spring wind blow murmured. To think you might through her hair when she heard have a good word to say about footsteps on the deck. She tuined me. around quickly. It was Eddie Make the most of it, she re- Cavalier. torted. It might be the last one. Oh . . . its you. Yeah . . . me. Arent you TAUFFY KELSO shook his head afraid Ill throw you overboard1 Eddie, it looks He looked up at the dark, overcast mournfully. like this dame is going through sky. Good night for something with it. Maybe we oughta wire like that and no ones around." Sam Golden and tell him to canYoure positively gruesome.' cel. Its a wonder they never tagged Then turning once again to Val. you Killer Cavalier." Look, lady. Sam Golden is one Of course you know there promoter we want to do right by. wouldnt be a jury in the world He had to work on Mike Jacobs that would convict me. She laughed mockingly. Of plenty hard to get this fight in Frisco. We owe Sam a lot He course not. And then changing gave us our start three years ago. the subject How goes it with VhatIl we tell him? friends Kelso and Grimes? Are Thats exactly why you cant they settled for the night? They're cancel, Duffy. You see, I know such sweet people. Last I saw of them, he rewhat ground Im treading on. You cant let Golden down now. And plied, not without a trace of you also know darn well that if humor, they were trying to figure you dont get a crack at the champ out how a human being goes about now hell stall you off for another sleeping in those iron double-dec- k bunks. year. Youre practically on a luxury Duffy Kelso spread his hands eloquently. "This dame, Pop . . . liner. What would you do if we had hammocks? she knows all the angles. For the first time that night he Right again, Kelso. And then smiled, and she figured it must it was Val Douglas who was have hurt him terribly for the pleading. effort. Duffy, itll be terrific. Cant You werent serious about see All it? to do you youve got making us work? he asked. is wue Sam Golden that every -she said icily. That think is okay. That this was a wasQuite, the purpose of the thing in on move . your part. surprise the first place, you know." Didnt want to tell anyone, not And if we refuse . . .? even him. You can explain that You simply dont eat, she said you wanted to get Eddie away blandly. from the usual hui of I never was one to shirk a litthe training grind. . . . That Eddie tle labor," he said quietly, but needed the rest as much as the dont you think you ought to make private training quarters. a little concession m my case. Duffy, its great publicity. Ter Ive still got a lot at stake, you nfic, Duffy. Itll pack that ball know. patk so that an undernourished Ill have to think about that, gnat wont be able to get in. Its she said. Well see if Captain the natural of the century, Kelso, Hansen can spare you entirely, cr and if you cant see it youre not at least part of the time." as bught as 1 think you are, . 4 To Bo Continued! The skeptic Gold in By FRED HARMON I Reckon he most pickle barrel THEN nE other place in be PONISHE.O AND TSO BAD HlDE-OI- all Because cf cellar.' HIS (SALABLE . fAONTE 1FR1ENP d. won-dering- far-aw- ay OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE GREAT UEAVENS,TIFFANY GLADSTONE HAS TURNED GRAY OVERNIGHT--MY WORD' ' 1T IS paint ?' jove; twiggs how shall we cope VANDAL? X SHUDDER TO INSTITUTE PHYSICAL PUNITIVE MEASURES, BUT SOMETHING MUST BE DONE WITH THAT JUVENILE TO CURB LEANDER'S OUT OUR WAY By WILLIAMS THAT LAD HAS ABOUT AS W KEEN A SENSE OF HUMOR U AS A TYPHOID BUG--WE- 'D BETTER DISINFECT HlM PRETTY SOON OR HeLl COME UP WITH SOME BR0A0-6AU6- E IDEA LIKE DEPOPULATING THE MIDDLE WEST HOTTENTOT TENDENCIES 6M0CTME A BANANA, JOHN BOY BIRD OF DIFFERENT COLOR A HEROES ARE MADE As simple as BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES VEAR'. WHERE. heck tv TtV an cap-- we men? MOW SEE HERE MOW .MOW I COH& , ILL WALK BACK YOOR to WITH VOO CAPTAIN F06b AND ALL Of Hla NlEN ARE QOITE ALL Rs&HT VOE bOST LETT THEC WHERE ARE THEY ? WHY AMY Of HAMEL2T THEH T4ETORMEO 7 that 7lH AVHHvO WOO OOW PLEASANT AND OMOtReTAMO'. aoe. already owota thesvell they Of THE ISLAND HECE LEE S TA-60- V EASY HORRY IS -- NOT BOR.Y1 By MARTIN at the ear eno ol hE island. VOORKINB ON A 1HORE PROTECTED SPOT INHERE THEY AN BETTER (HARE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS ON to voo yoo? REALLY aoTE NOTHING AT WORRY s- -, nr all y1 TO ) ABOUT Y. L? oorw- iwo v wa 4IHV1CL MiC. .T.gLJfiULJLfAfi9fL |