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Show X al, loga EE TEH. THtf 1 tffiRALD-JO- U - pubiiade Brings New Cures, Bigger Machines, Newapa 1 TuTAII, FRIDA V. J JANUARY 5. 1040. hope that oibuuuiu 1 i ' ui Telep The month. for onth; lentiric Rabbits From Hats "3'1 930 The Terrific Thirties 1939 atoms can be tapped people came into use; military casein of milk, soy beans, and such tor practu al purposes planes verged up toward 500 miles products were made also to yield an hour in speed. cloth Plastics and resins blosRIUIK.KS, BOATS, FLANKS somed in smooth color from humAIJLOI S BRING Ai I, AltE BH.OF It of ble sources never suspected a ninth SI KEA.ViLLN LI) ERA Astronomers found them. New stainless steel and alumi- containing planet In the solar system, 1luto, and two new sutelliles of the planet num alloys helped make these .MAKING MINDS Diesel - electric C4JNFOKM TO PATTERN Jupiter With the greatest tele- things possible. scope ever built, bearing a Electrical waves from the bram, plants of greater efficiency brought lens, near completion, further the streamlined era to the rail- measured, gave new clews to what discoveries were expected among roads. Television and facsimile goes on in the brain, and perhaps the great stellar explosions or radio transmissions came closer to on how to cure it when diseased supernovae. popular use and a new type of Propaganda, for many years an art, Man the builder achieved new radio using frequency modulations began to be a science, and the bigger bridges, Golden was developed mass manipulation of men's minds triumphs Fourteen miles lato the strato- began to be reduced to a system Gate and Oakland at San Franrose cisco, George Washington at New sphere The collapse of much of the puny man, learning York, more colossal dams, Boulder more than ever before about world into war at the close of the not and Grand Coulee, bigger boats, weather but 10 forecasting, years, and the collapse of much Normandy and Queen Mary enough to escape the disastrous of the emonotmc world before that, Aviation as a major transport drouth of 1934 and the New Eng- led many scientists to begin as system carae into its own Pacific land hurricane of 1938 never before to consider the relaand Atlantic servue were opened. Coal, tur, and water were made tion of their discoveries to society. Commercial planes carrying 50 to yield new kinds of fiber, and Why develop sulfanilimide to save 200-in- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES RECORDS APPItOt ED SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 5 (VP Robert C. Ayers, Denver, regional federal security agency attorney, said here today the agency is considering the acceptance of LDS. church records as proof of the age of applicants for old age insurance benefits. Ayers said the church records In many cases was the only proof of applicant s birthdays because until 1905 there was no law compelling counties in Utah to keep vital statistics a mans life, and then shoot him? - hour Why develop 500 - mile-a- n airplanes and then use them to sink the newest ships and blow up the biggest bridges? People began to suspect that science alone is not enough, that the former child-lik- e trust m science to cure the worlds ills is insufficient. Scientists themselves began to worry about what is done with their discoveries lest science itself go down to death in a tottering world. NEXT: Bmunefts finds itself new relationship to government, and struggles to find a definite answer to the question "How much government in busi- SIGN ACCORDS PARIS Jan 5 (I Edouard Daladier and Polish PreSikorski today mier Wladislaw signed accords at the war ministness? ry providing for reconstruction of the Polish army and air forces in A full dentists kit contains 6000 France, it was announced officia- In a different instruments lly That's Giddy for You By MARTIN -- IKE V.NTTY.E WWAT MOST HNOE. TvCKV SEEN THROWN UJtW VXtO. TO VttNO VOWV TEAC--K PSSl OWW fcOSVNESS RED RYDER By FRED HARMON Trapped JUST A TRICK THOSE KIPS ARE WRECKING M GAMBLING THAT SMOKE WAS lit !jt THOSE KIPS VOUR JOINT, LUCKY, AMD GOT AWAY 6ut not OF THEM! TAUC rAQC I ALL BUT OME Tit 1 y OUICKLY HALL ENOUGH AS LITTLE BEAVER LEAVES. HE IS COR ME REP BY LUCKY PRAKE AMD HIS MO& f Science ends a decade of practical accomplishment. EDITORS NOTE. This is the second of three stories sketching tha developments of the past 110 .years as they have affected lake lives of ordinary men. 1 ? NEA Service BjScience ' 1 throughout the Terrific kept producing rabbits out of hats w ith breathless rapidity. The rush of discovery and develop- - k Thirties K ' xnent was scarcely equaled in any other period of man's hisar tory. means of curing New chemical disease, bigger and faster airplanes, exploration of the atom, more Intimate acquaintance with . 4Mt vitamins, new synthetic fibers I And? plastics, bigger bridges and 1; C A i ' 1 i TKHDU Mnry nrcepta her BY looked Lady on approvingly, "The very thing, she said animatedly. "Youll do help. pathetic. recognises him as the doctor uho helped her during the air mid perfectly. alarm. Rhe is soon well enough Mary started to laugh at the to leave the hospital. high-bor- n womans obvious pa; CHAPTER XI In her ears, the chuckle tronizing. bore A SQUARE yellow ticket had a familiar ring. It was her the word "Discharged. own old laugh! ( to It was Mary Cairolls peimit Something had happened to hei leave the hospital. face! The paralysis that had kept A lot of good it will do me, her light cheek as inflexible as no place she mused bitterly. uon relented a mere tulle. to go. And no money. j "Thank you, Lady a notes and Two pound . single The woids wcie made X sixpence in Anna Winters pockct- - audible only with offmt. "The outwas book htr entire capital. fit will do nicely indeed. J About $10 in Amcncan money, The English anstoci.it looked at she thought. It was as if she I She had icsohcd to begin life Maiy cutically. detected a possible hint of disdain anew under the specie handicap attitude. Buttheicwcic an altcicd appeal anee and a in Matys of suivivois of the Mo- hundicds niulTled, hailing speech. And how to clothe and a sioie of them she would begin her strange new avia fiom that would be disihaigid cm; luu e as Anna Winters, a forShe had that hospital day. very not had she mer English governess, to do. She walked away woik the slightest idea in the woild. with a nod. "Youre looking better already, fiom Maiy went up to the floor nurse the busy floor nuise said briskly to Maiy goodby. say released "Just the thought of being "Good luck, the nurse said ieems to have helped you. hei thanks when pioffeied Maiy but "Thanks, Maiy muimuied, cheerio! there was no bravado in her spmt "And Mary blinked to keep back her Shed been sheltered and shut to say off fiom the woild in the nursing tears when she returned A generous to Mis. Tully. goodby home. Dr. Lenox had buoyed hei soul withal, Maiy would miss hei up with his kindness and hope kindliness when she had gone. in a short while this would be all Youve been a mighty brave one. will be Mary realized that she had be- gill. Heres hoping things come dependent on Cilbcit Lenox brighter for you fiom now on She wondered where he was this Wipe away those tears and powder so youll look real morning why he had not come your nose cheerful when you say goodby to to bid her goodby. ' that nice American doctor. He's been so devoted to you ap-matron f AN efficient British But as Mary left live waid, ilieie proached her with an aimful was no sight of Gilbcit Lenox of tweedy clothes. She could not understand her ow n some are tilings "Here, my dear, disappointment at his failure to you can wear to tide you over, see her off.. Was it because slic'd i she was saying. Mary knew the grow n to depend on him Or w as woman Lady the way all patients felt had been m the ward repeatedly it meiely the doctor who bi ought towards doing her bit for the refugees ihem dark houis? thiough serv-1 "Youll find this dress very iceable and this coat Will do nicely for a while. SHE walked slowly toward the . outside door. Heie she was, Maiy diew back. She who had j been a fashion stylist she who at last leaving the hospital on her had worn only the most expensive own. What lay ahead? The gray L"- clothes clad in castoffs. winter world of wartime London . Then, everything that had hap-- ! Oh, Miss Winters, someone pened came back to her and hst- - called. "You dont think Id let h'sly she dmini d the coarse gar- - vou go without saying goodby0 U ... ( Slu luiil.iil up into Hie mi mu Ponce-Townse- nd fate and reicn hernrlf In being Anna Winters until ber facial InHr. Lrnoi Is symjury Is eured. Mnry tries to i I r 1 Ie American face of the I didnt know," she bedoctor. gan, miseiably. "You werent walking out on me, were you? After all, I meant every word I said about helping you. When Dr. OConnell returns fiom the fiont, Ill want to get in touch with you. "I did want to say goodby to you and I looked tor you, she answeied. Juu. 1 only too well how busy you are. "What are your plans and where me you going Maiy looked do vn at the yellow laid in her haiui with its single e I ! wrell-wor- n, Ponce-Townse- Disciai god w ni d lm not suie tated I to go cn 11 ally yet. havent By WILLIAMS OUT OUR WAY YES SIR, MAJOR, THIS IS GLADSTONE, A GENUINE MYNAH FROM INDIA, AND HE'LL OUTTALK ANY PARROT IN THE WORLD GLADSTONE CAN ROLL OUT A red-hair- ! 1 1 COPYRIGHT 103P. hEA SERVICE. INC. RUTH AYERS Ponce-Townse- ! j ll By HAMLIN m. OFF al BLACKOUT 'X two ev c stuvist.'iNC. Escape steamships, kept tumbling from greater variety of cases, was cliscience's cornucopia in a bewiluer-in- g maxed by discovery of means of parade. in 40 diseases, About including creating radioactivity artifically many elements This offers vast pneumonia, trachoma, gonorrhea, and streptococcus infections, were possibilities of a substitute for attacked by new successfully in cancer treatment. chemicals developed in the labThe vitamins have been made relaand its sulfanilimide oratory, practically household pets, stripped tives, sulfapyradine, sulfathiazole and the like. One of the most of mystery, and made useful in common mental diseases, dementia treating disease praecox, was treated successfully in still Physicists succeeded overdoses on by by shock brought finer subdivision of matter, and of insulin or metrazol. found in the atom new founda-menlMADE particles, the neutron, posiMOKE EFFECTIVE y tron, and meson. Splitting of the Remarkable progress in apparatus, which has been built uranium atom, with release of larger and more effective in a vast amounts of energy, revived SERIAL STORY f -- Cocr. ; , , FELLOW HAS THE BOOMING TONE OF A PREACHER EXHORTING HIS FLOCK JUST THE THING rTO ASSUAGE ire N DO YOU MR. JO, LIS, OLD BOY Hemingway MARTHA'S I She hesiany place ou ir sin you havent a home bunds waiting for you iIDI 1a. a ?ul , llut look, Ive been thinking of sunn thing that may hi lp you. Maiy loved Ins foithright Amci-ica- n wav of coming right to the Ive a couple of looms in point Soho that I'm not us.ng Since the war bioke out I've had to live in the hospii d ,hh1 Vhcyic doing me no good at all till, but you aie too good. I couldn't accept But they 10 no use to me. The lease is taken until spi ing and theyre aheady paid up. You could ue them, at hast until you've found a job Mai., tiled haid to keep the teals from falling. !n0 YOU FANE'T ft x - HEARD ANYTH' NG VET ixo t sc HlDKf CO? T M w Far pf -' Looks Like Good Advice LCTSO MXRSH- - V VlOTWVl. FOLkS TCIE.D LAND AROUND HERE. ) 6C0WIU' RICE OH IT. TRIED EUERVTHW16. A'MT EVEU WHAT SIT GOOD DUCK HUHTlW FOR ? v 6000 ANV MORE mustnt think that Id I botliei you, bespoke cageily. never go theie at all So you might as well be using them. Heie s the key." Fiom Ins po'ket he pioduced a biass key. huge, A key like this means business, he tried to speak lightly. You English dont fool with U WASH TUBBS You flimsy With MAJOR HOOPLE 3 MV WORD, WHAT A FULL RICH BARITONE WHY, WOLF GANG , THIS QUOTATION FROM SHAKESPEARE WITH THE BEST OP 'EM IP VOU WERE IN THE NEXT ROOM, AND HEARD GLADSTONE TALKING, YOU'D SWEAR IT WAS RICHARD MANSFIELD HIMSELF THE BIRD SINGS, TOO- SNAP OUT A LINE FOR. OUR BOARDING HOUSE BUT SORELV ITS WORTH SOME- TH1N6 WELL, THERE lAb A FELL ) SOLD SOME FOR 53d AH HM1 AMD 5000 McKEf OW4o THE ST. e ACRES a -- ACRE HOT LONG A60... . HE LUCKY TV a .fonwit .tv MX! .avast4 ww-sr?- ,, , . jU'N uS MM I patent links "We English Mary stnited to say But she remembered in time that she was Anna W intei 3 and English, as far as Dr. Lenox knew. She was grateful that he seemed not to note the Intel logation m her voice. And heres the addiess, all wnltenout He handed her a lip of paper designating an addiess in Soho. Mrs. Simmons, my landlady, will take good care of you. She'll even char lor you if you like. Without wailing for Maiy to 'e he walked away. She stood lircsolutelv twilling the key in her hand. Should she Should she take adgo there vantage of the doctors kind offer to use the rooms he no longer required She worn) rid t I n I I mil i nlli'd) Ey CRANE I Why All the Delay! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Did they Come te7 came back S ths vORmimG, BACK, MR AMD THEY Fine Slaqle KJ look ? A 'lOU DO A GOOD W '' 'i, IKLTy r",V-A- By BL0SSER I GOT A WWAT Y MOVIE camera Christmas have YOU SfOR AMO JL SHOT GOT There reels lard I two WELL GO HOME AMD RUM through The em Projector) t,r V.I .! It. M, f ,s, ,tc u , j' r I ,.T J |