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Show o I i THE HERAED-JOURNA- Sego Lily Camp of Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Ray Nielsen at her home Thursday with her home beauti-ful- y decorated in holiday motif and a large Christmas tree decorated and lighted gracing the living room. The Christmas holidays of subject, Long Ago was treated by Violet Clawson and was supplemented by anecdotes by camp members. Music was furnished by Coleen and Maurine Nielsen in duets, a song by Norma Baxter, a song by Nancy Wahlen and an accordian solo by Mary Brown. After the program gifts were exchanged by the camp members, and a visit from a very jolly Santa Claus was enjoyed and each was presented with a bag of old fashioned honey candy. Luncheon was served to 45 ladies by the hostesses Mrs. Raymond Nielsen, Mrs. H Mrs John Eliason. B. Niel:..-nMrs. James H. Nielsen, Mrs. A. Hans Mrs. and J. Petersen, Sorensen. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dunn have had as guests at their home during part of the holidays Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Farnsworth and son Grant of Inkom, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Facer and children Betty and R. Fay of MeCam-mon- , Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Baer of Logan spent New Years Day at the home of their daughter Mrs. J. Vern Nielsen and family of Hyrum. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Liljcn-quiand family and Miss Alice Preston of Idaho, Liljenquist spent the holidays with relatives at Hyrum. Miss Frances Critchlow of Salt Lake City spent the holidays here with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Critchlow, both of whom visited with another daughter Mrs. D. M. Bickmore of Paradise. visited Miss Claris Andersen with relatives in Salt Lake during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Bradley spent Sunday in Smithfield, guests of their daughter Mrs. Glenn Douglass and family. Mrs. Lester Miller is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Thomas Griffith and family. Miss Ruth Olsen, a student at Hennegars business school spent the holiday week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Olsen. Mrs. Elaine Allen had the misfortune of falling and breaking her ribs Sunday. About a year ago she suffered the breaking of both arms. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Christensen entertained at a dinner party on Tuesday. A social afternoon was enjoyed followed by dinner served to Mrs. Caroline Anhder, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anhder, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anhder, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Anhder, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Anhder and their families. After spending the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Larsen and his friends. Mr. Lyle California to Larsen returned where he is enrolled in the uniCalifornia Souther versity of dental school. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kellett had as holiday guests the sister of Mrs. Kellett, Mrs. Zella Harris and her children Boyd, Ronald, Margy and Raymond of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Nielsen entertained during the holidays for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lyons of Provo, Miss Alta Nielsen of Morgan and Miss La Ree Nielsen, student at the B.Y.U. of Provo. Mr. and Mrs. N. Blaine Nielsen entertained for 16 friends at an The bril-liant- DONT , Here is scene deleted from George White's Scandals" in Chicago on demand of James Petnilo, A. F. of L. musicians union head. It shows Eugene and Willie Howard tmpersorraTfrTR- John L. Lewis and a C. 1. O. organizer. Comics Olsen and Johnson threatened to put a Petnilo skit in their Tiellzapoppin, which opens in Chicago soon, if they had to take Lewis out. - Keens CIO Head Out of Dramas st 1 I 4 A A 4 attractively arranged card party last Wednesday evening. A tasty- 4 t Z, e ! s r i 4 Bergeson and baby to their home from a Logan hospital last week. MIA The Cornish presented the comedy "Adam and Eva to a well pleased audience Dec. 20. The play was directed by Mrs. Lula f lavson. The cost was as follows Bvrou O. Hanson, Mae Hanson. Mane Christofferson, Venna Neeley. David Halgren, Thelma PetKeith erson. Newell Thornley, iCInvson. Arnold Troseth and Esbe Mvler. pre-- i The primary association sented their annual Christmas program for the children Dee 24. A pleasing program by the children was presented after which Santa Claus presented each child with a gift. The church was appropriately decorated with a huge Christmas tree lavishly trimmed with lights and tinsei. The primary officers in charge of the presentation were Mrs. Mabel Godfrey. Mrs. Vivian Mrs. Hattie Neeley and Mrs. Doorothy Wheeler Miss Nelva Ericson and Miss Ruth Ericson both of Salt Lake City visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson over the Christmas week end. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Leavitt to Pocatello motored Saturday and were accompanied on their return home by their daughter, Dorothy. Miss Vere Boxelder Baker, County health nurse was guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker over Christmas holiday. Christmas eve Mrs. Baker Ann luncheon was served by the hosless. Mrs. Ruth Moss and sons James and Gerald have returned from Salt Lake and Murray where they spent the Christmas vaca tion. first A. J. Petersen received and Mr. L. L. Miller second place awarded Hyrum in the prizes citizens for the outside electric for the holidays. A decorations was fine spirit of cooperation manifest in the many varied and illuminations electric beautiful displayed on homes through out the town. Out of town judges the decision for the awarded prizes offered by the city. Mrs. Roger Finnell and young son Gerald Edward left for their home in Ivanpah, California after spending the past several months at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Monj.n. Nielsen Vern Mr. and Mrs. entertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons and family and Miss Vern Baer of Salt Lake City. Mrs. N. W. Woodruff of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perkins of .Wellsville. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson spent New Years Day In Salt Lake City. Larsen of Fairview Vaughan and Wayne Larsen of Nephj were visitors of Melvin Liljenquist on New Years Day. Both young men were former missionary companions of Mr. Liljenquist in Denmark. of the Under the supervision Ward First Primary Hyrum Presidency, Bessie Swanson, Ebba a Nielsen and lone Sorensen, childrens Christmas party was held Wednesday afternoon in the ward hail with the Nibley orchestra furnishing the music to which 206 children and parents danced gay and marched. During the arrived Santa Claus afternoon with bags of nuts and candy for the youngsters, adding to the success of the fine party. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Spires and been have of Ogden children Hyrum visitors during the holiday week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stauffer and Mrs. Cioe Strong were Sunvisitors at the Hiram Hall dayhome. The Misses Beverley and Coy Strong who accompanied them remained to visit at their grandparents home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Bradley entertained at a Christmas dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Douglas and children of Smithfield, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Jacques and daughter of Logan, Mr. Eli and Harry Don Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. PEOPLE IN THE NEWS BY AU U M. 4 i. JANUARY THURSDAY, Avja k)b4Wif 1940. 4, PAGE How Soviet Guns Stack Up With U. S. five. Artillery entertained members of her family at a fireside and candlelight were played and served. A no host party was carried out at Mrs. Marie Christoffer-son'- s home Wednesday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were played after which a wattle supper was enjoyed by eight guests. High score was won by Mrs. Christofferson and low seore by Mrs. Mol-l- v Those present were Hellwig. Mrs. Lillie Baker, Mrs. Stella Kendall, Mrs. Sarah Bambroiigh, Mrs. Kld.a Bergeson, Mrs Molly Hellwig and Mrs. Mane Christof-- f rson Mr and Mrs Charles Fowler are guests of Mrs. Fowler's mother Mrs W O. Hanson this week Mi and Mrs Fowler are residents of Berkeley. Calif., where Mr Fowler is an instriiclor at liltBerkeley They university have been extensively entertained liming their visit. Miss Helen Bergsjo of Logan was a guest of her two cousins Mac and Miss Virginia Hanson on Friday Mr and Mrs. Douglas Bergeson spent the Christmas holidays at Gunnison Utah. Miss Melba Maisey is at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maisey. Miss Maisey is attending a beauty school, at, Ogdqji. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Troseth Christmas with Mrs. party. Games refreshments e Fuing from behind the Mannerhoim Line, Russia's "Big Berthas" send shells screaming, through the air five miles above the Karelian Isthmus to land 25 miles away in the heart of Viborg, Finland's second citv Diavram shows how Soviet cun comnare with heavv U S- Armv artillery. long-rang- Wanda ind Wilma accompanied them. Miss Sadie Sorenson left Friday Dee 23 for San Franeiseo where she is visiting with Mrs. Alta Malan who recently moved from Lewiston to San Franeiseo. Mr and Mrs. Brown Pitcher Mire the proud parents of a baby girl horn at a Logan hospital Fri-- j Both mother and daughter day are doing well. Mr and Mrs. R. C. Pike had las their guests over the Christmas holidays Judge and Mrs. Ed-- I ward Pike of F.ureka. On Sunday Mr and Mrs. Pike entertained at dinner in honor of their guests and also Mr. and Mrs. J .Alan Pike and son Alan Jr., of Ogden. Covers were laid for ten Decorations in Christmas guests in Preston, theme were carried out. Judge and Mrs. Irvin Kendall mo-t- o and Mrs. Pike left Thursday for Layton for the Christ- - 'their home in Eureka. mas week end. Their daughters Mr. and Mrs Reynold Pearson 'll" j 3E.W. ELLIOT &CO.K their had as Pearsons guest Inst week Mrs. were brother Otto Stocks of the Ore. Portland, who attended dance at those among Christmas Weston. night A successful Buxton was operated on for entertainment was He is carried out by the Sunday school appendicitis last week. hoson at a Preston convalescing Sunday and Friday as the climax to their recent enlistment pital. Mr. and Mrs. Max Miles are drive. A highly interesting provisiting with relatives this week. gram was the Sunday feature of and a children's afternoon dance They are former residents Cornish and at present live in and evening dance for adults Idaho Falls. They are accom- with a gift nnd candy and nuts panied by their two children, for each attending was the chief attraction on Friday. Music for Peggy and Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Peterson each occasion was furnished by of Cove spent Christmas day with Cache Melodian orchestra. Mrs. Petersons parents, Mr. and David Halgren has returned afMrs. George Elwood. ter spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bambrough his parents in Salt Lake. have as their holiday guests ,Mr4 and Mrs. Jay Anderson and son Rome had rifeid laws to regulate Julian of McCammon and Mr. and personal liberty about 200 B. C. Mrs. Grant Peterson of Logan. The number of guests at parties, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Reeder, funeral costs, and even the color Mr. and Mrs. Newell Thornley of womens dresses, were fixed and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bench by law. C. IE. W. ELLIOT & COX 3E.W. ELLIOT &CO.C UNITED I'KF.S Rev. Most The I 1 UTAH, daughter returned Reporter 1 CORNISH NEWS Mrs. MELINDA LILJENQUIST, 4 II H LOGAN, E, 'Scandals7 Drops John 2. Lewis Skit Hyrum 1 (I I t Samuel A. of Milwaukee, has been named hv Pope Pius XII Stritch, archbishop to be archbishop of Chicago, succeeding the late George Cardinal Bishoo Mundelein. Moses. E. Kiley of Trenton. N. J., will succeed Archbishop Stritch at Milwaukee. . . Secretary of Commerce Harry L. Hopkins warned -- hat basic in- dustries would require some re-- j adjustment in productive activity during the early part of this year because incoming orders have de- clined. . . President William S. Ktmdsen of General Motors said his com- ' By threatening to call a 'strike of musicians and stagehands, James C. Petrillo, head of Chicago Federation of Musicians (AFL), has chalked up two victories in his campaign to ban the name of his rival, John L. Lewis, from all theatrical productions in the city. Petrillo feels the CIO leader has been getting too much publicity. and Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen Jos. McQuisten of Ogden. Holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. Irma Nichols included Mrs. A. VV. Nichols and Ray Nichols of Rexbnrg. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P rker of Weston, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Maughan and Idaho; Mr. family of Thornton, and Mrs. W. P. Murray of Boise Idaho; and Mr. Lamoine Watson. The birthday of Miss Geraldine McBride was celebrated at her home Christmas day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wellis McBride entertaining at dinner for the family and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dodge and visitors family of Ogden were of their Friday at the home Mrs. Frank narents Mr. and Guldbransen. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Swensen, accompanied by David Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cook, attended the funeral of Mrs. Rockwell a relative at Lehi on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jensen and children, Mr. and Mrs. David Crookston and Mr.' and Mrs. Jesse were children and Crookston nt a Christmas dinguests ner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glenn of Wellsville. Mr. and pany would continue the income security end layoff benefit plan inaugurated last year to assist advances in by wage employes periods of low employment or layoff. James G. Brodciii-K- , 41, assistant secretary-treasurof the Corp., New York, died Ambrose N. Diehl, yesterday . of Columbia retired president Steel Co., died at La Jolla, Calif., and in Manila, death claimed the mayor of the city, Juan Prosadas, . . Springfield, Mo., Dr. E. B. Squibb, died after suffering for 11 days with an attack of hiccoughs. . . . Supporters of Vice President John Nance Garner for president in 1940 have opened headquai-tertn Boston and reported already 5,000 persons in Massachusetts . had pledged suppo.-t- . Layne Kitts, 41 war old brother of District Attorney Buron Fitts, has been indicted by Los Angeles county grand jury on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon in a quarrel with Valentine Hoy, Jr, former USC football player. . . Prof. Andreas l.indhlom, internationally famous Swedish art historian. said on return from a trip to northern Sweden nnd Finland, that Swedish communists had been spying for Russia. said Lord Ottawa reports Tweedsmuir has definitely decided to leave Canada at end of his this term as governor general year. Charles F Money, oil company executive at Vancouver, B. C., was found shot to death 50 yards from his parked car near Victoria. Police believed he blew his head off with a shotgun. Dr. John B. Fuder. Santa Cruz, Calif., health officer, called for epidemic precautions because of a wave of influenza and pneumonia among school children of the city. . . 62. s . . HALF SOLES Creomulslon relieves promptly be-;- at of tha cause It goes right to the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding that you are to like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis 81x99. 89' value. EVERY-DA- Y LADIES HEEL LIFTS MENS RUBBER HEELS O JJ a OUTING FLANNEL 36 inch. 19' value. A Extra heavy! SHOES DYED BLACK Crepe Rubber Soles Repaired! Utf GAMBLES SHOE REPAIR DEPT. Mens and Boys Hood Brand. 77' value! BOYS High colored plaids. 17' value Stripped or blue. 3 to 16 years. Real value! 49' value ! Heavy Final Your pick of the stock. Values to 98' yd PAPER CAMBRIC M P o H For Costumes. All colors! WORK SHOES sanforized. wind-up- HEAVY BIG BOYS 2.48 value. 124 to ! 54. BOYS HI TOP BOOTS Heavy leather. Values to $3.98. 124 to 54. Final wind-u- p 15 MENS WORK SHOES Undieott-Johnso- n. value. Leather or Msition soles! 25 $2.98 com- - 175 MENS LADIES DRESS SHOES or SHOES ENNA JETTICK Never again will you buy Shoes so low! MISSES SHOES fall stock SLIPPERS and OXFORDS OXFORDS Kid, kangaroo or calf 200 pairs. All repriced to new low. Values to $4.00 skin. Values to $7.48 . . . Your pick of our entire stock sizes s & yd IiOW, medium, high heels New Value, to 10. A AAA $6.00 to FEE. 4 3 is P o H Rp .'allies to $2.98. B1 a c k, brown, tan. 84 to 3. Fin- al wind-uprice. p LADIES BOYS LADIES SHOES DRESS 150 pairs. Out they go. OXFORDS HiTop Lace Boot or Riding Boots LADIES PAULS FASHION SHOES The pick of our stock! $4.00 value. All new fall Odds and ends. Value to $2.98 value. Brown $4.00 black. 124 to 2o LADIES 350 155 190 '3 real LADIES! $2.98 value. Out they go H WORK SHIRTS sanforized. A MENS HI GRADE OXFORDS ,o wide. 13 OVERALLS W styles. UNBLEACHED 81 inches bargain. MENS z. OVERALLS H o o $ Canvas GLOVES BOYS WAIST Heavy Final wind-u- p MENS WAIST z. All SHEETING 3 BOYS WORK SHIRTS BIB OVERALLS 8 JwJ BOYS HEAVY TOWELS 8 SLACKS & M.U A A' ta FARMERETTES MU Values to $1.98. All Off A TURKISH GYM SHOES 40 H w LOW PRICES! Final wind-u- p . . SPECIAL! For Your Cough BED SHEETS 55.. . . President Roosevelt's message favorable to congress received m comment Engiand. . . At Mrs. Leroy Larsen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Larsen, and family, Mr. Don Larsen and Miss Neil Larsen, enjoyed a Christmas dinner party at the home of their mother Mrs. Annie Larsen on Mondny. Thud, Adriun, Deidre and Vayle Clark children of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brides of Bujak. Hungary decS. Clark of Stockton, California were holiday guests at the home orate their wedding cakes like a of their grandmother Mrs. James Christmas tree, stringing them with popcorn, paper chains, blosL. Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Bufford Swansen soms, etc., on sticks, which are set in and family and Mr. and Mrs. in the cake. The cake is placed the window for passersby to adatIrvin Swensen and family and months later, is fed to tended a Christmas day party mire, chickens. their the dinner at the home of Mrs. David parents Mr. and Cook of Avon. Dinner in holiday color motif was served to 30 members of the Cook family and an afternoon visit from Santa was enjoyed. Miss Frances Critchlow is spending the holiday vacation with her FRIDAY and SATURDAY mother Mrs. E. F. Critchlow. She ONLY! will reutrn to her teaching at Salt Lake City on Monday. Bostock, Tommy son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bostock. was removed to his home from a Logan hospital on Wednesday. Relief At Last Landlord Gave Us Permission to IHIold Over a Few More Days to Clear Our Remaining Stock Hurry! Todd-Shipyar- er and 54 2o 155 CHILDRENS LADIES DRESSES Pleated SKIRTS Silks or cotton. to $1.98! Values to $2.98. at Values Values to $5.98 LADIES Priced W PARTY DRESS Values to $16.50! if 100 LADIES' SILK DRESSES The liest street dress in the store. Take your pick PJ Values to $9.98! 250 LADIES HATS Values to $2.98 Priced at to ALL SHELVING AND FIXTURES FOR SALE! IE. W. ELLIOT & COX IE. W. ELLIOT & COX IT X. - I HE. W. ELLIOT & COX rr o H P5P n o |