Show RAISED FROM A DEATH BED mr pitta once pronounced incurable has been well three years E E pitts 60 hathaway st skow began me says seven years ago my back ached and I 1 was so run down that I 1 was laid up four months I 1 had night sweats and fainting spells and dropped to 90 pounds the urine passed every few minutes with in tense pain and looked like blood set in and the doctors deela ed I 1 could not live my wife got me using doan s kidney pills and as they helped me I 1 took heart kept on and was cured so thor hughly that I 1 ve been well three years sold by all dealers 50 cents a box foster allburn co buffalo N Y TWITCHING NERVES A merlou hereditary trouble cured by or williams pink pill sufferers from ailments that have f flirted in succession oue gebera alou after another of their family are as a rule inclined to submit to them as in evitable the case which follows proves that such hereditary difficulties are not beyond the leach of curative forces and should inspire hopefulness and a readi nese to try remedies that have effected signal cures such as that which is here gien mis elizabeth of no east seventh sheet newton kansas gives the tollow ii g account of her ail ment and her cure for two years I 1 suffered from a trying nervousness in my lower limbs from my knees down as my mother and my grandmother had suffered before me the situation was for many years accepted as unavoidable because benedi tary but about two years ago when mv sou was realizing benefit from the use of dr williams pink pills I 1 thought there might possibly be some good in them for me my trouble had alien become ao serious as to make it difficult for me to sleep I 1 often had to walk the floor in i est the whole night after tak ing bome six boxes the twitching disappeared and I 1 ceased to use the remedy I 1 evidently stopped a little too for nervousness came back after a month or so and I 1 used the pills again for a short time relief came at once and einice I 1 stopped using them the second time I 1 have been free from any return of the or from any interference with my sleep dr williams pink pills have cured the worst cases of bloodlessness indices tion influenza headaches lumbago ateca neuralgia nervousness spinal weakness and the special ailments ail mente of girl and women for further information address the dr williams medicine co schenectady N Y hows this we offer one hundred do lar reward tor e of that cannot be cured by ba catarrh cure F J toledo 0 we the ened have knora F J cheney or the laet 15 and bel e e ham perfectly boo arab orab e in a 1 DUB and fenanda able to carry out any one made by firm V who esa toledo 0 ball 1 catarrh cure li taken baterna acting reel upon the b and macoul 0 abe etem i ecat tree price centi per bottle d a take ball a cami PI ie tor garfield tea mild laxative nothing has yet taken the place of garfield tea nature s emedy for kid ney and liver trouble constipation and siche headache contains no harmful ingredients nothing but medicinal herbs sold at all drug stores send free sample to garfield tea co brooklyn N USE FAMOUS red crosa ball blue large 2 package 8 1 ants the buss company souta bend ind piso s cure tor consumption is an infallible medicine tor coughs and colds N W ocean grove N J feb 17 1900 A lound trip rate 0 50 to Call tornia will be in effect all winter via the new and popular salt lake route see nearest agent or write for information ro J L moore D P A salt lake city THIS hewlett s three crown baking powder Is made from cream of tartar the pure product of delicious crapes no wonder ihal it make your food so ajeet and if your grocer ell THREE CROWN send u your and we will send you sample can FREE hewlett bros co salt lake city utah we are ring leaders in the jewelry budness I 1 the time of year we sell threat many tints together with watch and other thiefs isted in our catalogue catal write us for a copy established i 1862 salt lake city atah many ch idren are sickly mother gray s sweet powders used by mother gray a nurse in children a home new york head ache stomach trouble DIs orders break up colds and destroy worms at all druggists sample milled addreal alien S olmsted Ol meted le roy N Y A large 2 package DON bed cross ball ue only cents the BUGS company bouth alend lad important to mothers Exia alna direfully cire fully every bottle of CA fe and remedy for infants and children and that it bear the signature t la for over 30 the kind abw UNDER WHICH KING the more the more food the more coffee the more poison the pres ot the W U in a young giant state in the northwest says I 1 did not realize that I 1 was a slave to coffee till I 1 left off drinking it fo three or tour years I 1 was obliged to take a nerve tonic every day now I 1 am free thanks to faoa coffee after finding out what coffee hlll do to its victims I 1 could hardly stand to have my husband drink it but he was not willing to quit I 1 studied or months to find a way to induce him to leave it off finally I 1 told him I 1 would make no moie coffee I 1 got food coffee and made it strong boiled it the required time and had him read the little book the road to that v cornea in every today to day has no stronger ad than my husbands 1 he tell our friends how to make it and that he got through the winter without a spell 0 the grip and has not had a headache tor months he used to be subject to frequent nervous head aches the stronger you drink the more food you get the stronger you drink coffee the more poison ou get name given by I 1 estum co batus creek mich there a reamos |