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Show THE FAIRVIEW IDAHO IIERALD-JOUR- L Jf,arne WOMAN CALLED PRESTON Funeral services for ra. Mary Louisa Bodily, 72. of fairview was conducted at the Purview ward chapel Saturday at She died at the home X p. m. her sister. Mrs. Lucy E. Kent, Idaho, Wednesday in Aeequia, nigh of ailments incident to old llC.GIX HUIIB UfPSY HORELL O l333 WEAVER are married cbe anmr dag aa 111, A IIOIAIIM; and BUSS. Mia in R'l la luxury, wkllr riprrta In. l.jp.y irnds to gt on nlib hrr iib (Mrklos In a arltlrmrnt house age. , Mrs. Bodily was born in Salt Lake, March 9, ISM, and was married to James Bodily, December li, I8G9. Mrs. Bodily was the first Relief Society president in the Fairview L. D. S. ward Three sons survive: Parley H Utah; George Bodily, Lewiston, C. and Joseph A. Bodily, Fairview. Idaho; five daughters, Mrs Lucy Kent, Aeequia; Mrs. Hugh Roberta, Aeequia; Mrs. Charles Stokes, Brigham City, Utah; Mrs John T. Olsen, and Mrs. D. W. Egbert, Jairview, Idaho; seven brothers. Herman Hyde, Afton, Wyo.; Austin Hyde, Rupert; William Hyde, Pocatello; George and John Hyde, Downey; Rosel and Frank Hyde, grandIiaysville, Utah; fifty-si- x children, and twenty-on- e greatgrandchildren; three sisters, Mrs Helen Stayner and Mrs Clara Lay-toSalt Lake City; Mrs Maryann Mortensen, Trenton, Utah Interment was in the Lewiston edmeterj under the direction ol the Hendricks mortuary, Preston, Idaho. After let ir I if (run hri honeymoon la Clurupr. Lila In ellea the Weavers lo diner. Aaionc Ihe curat, la rrenllh. MAHKO RKOll. HrilV who on.-- , nshrd Gypsy to marry him Hr boners her wllh altrailuu. whlrh she aeerpts bemuse she I. Jealous of Toms Interest In HILDA HI.AMIIAItl! After the party Tom asd Gypsy quarrel, but peaee ia lalrr reatnred. They apend most of their nerb-end- s tvlth Gypsys parents la a hew Jeraey suburb . hOW GO OV WITH CHAPTER Miss Neva Saxton returned to Salt Lake City this week after a ten days visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Saxton Miss Saxton has steady employment in Salt Lake. President H. D. Jensen left Tuesday for a business visit in Boise, Idaho. Misses Warda Davis and Enone Calian left for Provo. Utah Sun day where they are .tudying at tb Brigham Young University Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bennett, of Winder announce the marriage of their daughter Eern to Mr Mcr li Wells. Mr. Wtlls is the son o: Ml. and Mrs Alfred Wells The., were marriad in the Logan L L) S temple Wednesday January l The young couple are both grad uates of the Preston high school and the Franklin county LDS. seminary. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Larson visited with relatives in Logan Tuesday afternoon Gold and The Oneida stake Green ball has been announced foi January 17 to be held in the Preston opera house. Each war of the stake will furnish a couple to compete in the contest Mr. New for Miss Prosperity and Deal. Each ticket purchased will entitle the owner to a certain . number of votes in the final The couple receiving the re greatest number of votes will ceive a valuable prize. Excellent music has been provided and the M I A. contest dance will be dem oustrated. State Hart, County Attorney Representative J. J. Jensen and Sheriff W D. Head were Boise business visitors this week. T. J. Lloyd and A. T. Springer of the Idaho Civil Works ottice were Preston business visitors this week. Mr. Llovd is state chairman of the CiTa and Mr. Springer i state supervising engineer. They made a thorough survey of the local CWA projects and suggested a road engineer should be ap pointed to supervise road con struction in the county. Grant B. Nash. 21. and Miss Gwen Davis of Linrose were issued a marriage license at Brig ham City this week. Both arc students of the local high school Mr Nash is one of the Preston high school football stars .The Preston Rotary club cm ducted their weekly luncheon W noon. Preston Wednesday hi of Pond, scout executive Cache Valley Council talked was "What Can I Do For " M Neighbor's Boy President Orvnl (hitler i mi dialed the monthly Parent Teach era meeting at the high si haul building Wednesday evening Bowen of the Logan City schools was the speaker Paxman of the Franklin high si hool faculty played a cello solo The Preston Junior high school student body drama cast chosen Wednesday of the, wci k The cast consists of Stanford La son, Ethel Cowley, Sybil Johnson, LaVaun Manning, Yulu Or if flth. Max Fletcher, Laura Johr son, Thora Palmer, Rex Wallgrer, The play and Joel Peterson. chosen for presentation is "Jim my Be Careful." He teemed So you're one of those amused modern young women, too. The tone nettled her. she couldut have said why "You've beeu away from civilization so long, she told blm negligently, "that you've for gotten how these things are done X haven't forgotten. Hun' contributed. In the silence that fol lowed. "I just dont think It goct together the job and marriage Cypsy tossed her head. Ah. bu It docs. I'm proving it He rubbed tit' "You are. eh? chin, considering this He rov resting one foot on the fender, a nr lighted a cigaret with deft Ion? Well, perhaps I'm wronj fingers. IP Just an old fashioned boy. grinned at her. and her annoynne evaporated; but she was consrlmi? suddenly, of Toms eyes upon hoi and she crossed the room to staiir at bis side. How's it going?" He smiled at her, (Hawing Im n down to the arm o' chair. running them all ragged. Selenr. does it." Sho rumpled his hair, rnprletnr Hy, to show Mr. Hunt Gibson tli.v one modern marriage, at least withstood the acid test Well, hurry up and bring till' contest to a close, my love, because It grows late." Tom shook a pair of sixes, movcf his last man fourteen spaces, sent Sues blue baby home and trl umphantly finished the game. You brought me luck, darling Fiend! Sue muttered, pretend Ing to be furious. Gypsy went to gather her thin gs together and Sue went with her. I like your cousin. Gypsy told rae'Other girl. Idly, perching hei beret at an Impossible angle and reddening her tips with expert "No. 1 con-test- . the Gypsy caught ing that It had boeD Toms amid lion to be a mining expert, before his father had died, leaving him to feud for himself, putting the possibility of further college years out of the question. Hunt nodded, and as the girl slipped upstairs to change, she observed with satisfaction that the two men were deep In conversa- tion But when Tom came upstairs a few moments later, to get into his Sunday gray and put his wind hieaker and knickerbockers to dry, he seemed slightly grumpy. 1 thought we were going along home early. he observed, watching Gypsy running a comb through her wet cuils. Your mother says were staying for supper. Ah, darling, thought youd understand that we couldnt run away like that, she began placatltigly I haven t seen Sue for ages we never seem to have time any more He don t want to turn Into her 1 do wo? I hut The Vanguards were entertained Tuesday evening by their teachers at chili supper. Games formentertainment ed the evenings A good time was reported. About was present. twenty-fiv- e Miss Annie Thompson and Mrs Bessie Griffin entertained at a party at the home of Mr. Walter in honor of their Thompson Beehive class Wednesday night The evening was spent playing games. Refreshments were served Mrs. Jane Jardine and Mrs to Maggie Jardine was hostess of an oyster supper at the home SatMr. and Mrs. James Jardine urday night after the dance. Fourteen guests were present. A party was given at the home of Mi. Allen Archibald Sunday evening by his son Eldridge. Games formed the evening's entertainment. Six guests were present. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffin, Mr. and and Mrs. Dewey Griffin, and Mr and Mrs. Ray Griffin attended the funeral services held at Weston. Idaho, for Mrs. Peter Maughan Wednesday. Mrs. Jennie Griffin and Miss Annie Thompson entertained at a supper at the home of Mrs. Griffin Tuesday evening. The supper was cooked and served by the Beehive girls. A very good time was enioyed by the girls There were about twelve present. Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Burt were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orln Mylor nt Cornish Derek smiled, it going?" Cypsy asked. "Im running them ragged 1 1 considered this. Ill go along right now. If you say so," she began. Perhaps she was too Insistent upon family ties. Tom himself had no mother or father, and so she didnt know what It felt like to be submerged by ones Rosina they seldom saw, as the claims of a largo and growing family held her In her own particular groove. Gypsy repeated this. "Til tell Mums you have some work to finish thats true, anyway. Isnt It, darling? and well barge along. had But his moment of passed. "Nonsense, dearest. Well stay. Do you love your grouchy husband?" Youre never that! She was Indignant. I wont have you calling yourself names. So they settled that particular question with the usual kisses, and Gypsys eyes were starrier than usual when she rejoined the group downstairs. Weve got to run, Sue announced, scandalized by the lateness of the hour and the girl twins announcement that tea was Imminent. Nonsense, protested Mrs. Morel!, warmly. Daddy and I are going over to the Williams for supper, but you must all stay Bea will scramble eggs aDd someone will make coffee . . . gHE a IT was arranged. They all gathered In the big bright kitchen. The smell of toasting )rea( and the pungent scent of fresh roa-decoffee and frying bacon tilled the air. Everybody car-inltrice! plains Into the shabby dining room, and Hie satin oval of Grand-som- CO wont you to myself he, mother Morells mahogany table, j on know that, grumbl'd, laving his young check one of the few good pieces left In the house, soon reflected candle gainst her glowing round one. "No. 1 time, light and half a dozen youthful faces. This Is fun! Hunt Gibson was at Gypsy's right. She smiled at him, liking the lean ranginess of him. He was far from handsome, this engineer from the remote places of the earth, but there was definitely attractive something about him, Gypsy decided. lie had a way of talking slangily out of the side of his mouth; and his stories were delightful. "Bet you didn't have anything Sue like this In Afghanistan, challenged, leaning across the table You bet your life I didnt" he drawled, staring down at the girl beside him. Gypsy fplt a queer little impulse of withdrawal; then deciding she was imagining things, smiled warmly back at him. Just because you were married was scarcely good reason for refusing to be friends with another man And there was no doubt about It this young stranger was liking her tremendously. No matter what she said, no matter what she did. he applauded. Shes cute, he told the assem bled company, with Ills three-co- r nered grin, Cute little girl, isnt she? It was half past ten. It was eleven. Gypsy glanced at the cock and out at the drifts, piling high in the yard, making mounds of the small pines and the rhododendron bushes. We honestly must be getting bark to town? The slate gray eyes regarded her the drawling voire Baked carnally "Y'ou dont live out here, then The other four, Beatrice art! Bertram, Tom and Sue. were play Ing parches I. Gyp.y and Gihi-iwere In deep chairs opposite each other st the fire. Fir ELECTION PRESTON Final arrangement lompleted this week for the election of the board ot f.oernois of the loeal Ohnmber of Commerce The following men, btrs retire from service Februan 1. T R Bowden. Theo IYter hoi g. R ilph Miller and Smita Antn Fiom the following can Initiates four new members will br u;u) into office: C L. Greaves, kuv Bright, Robert Gibson. Joseph Groulage. K A Critkelt. Karl MeClurg, Ernest Yaussi, G C Kil goie and Ro Gadd The election wil be held at th annual election banquet in the i lub looms February 1. Mendon News dinner was! ilchghltii! of given Sunday at the home I Mnrv Sorensen Covers! Mrs. marked for Mr Melina Hill, Sloan ami Mr und Mrs. Nellu Mrs Alma Hill all of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs H G. Hughes and children of ('cl'cgc, Mr and Mis John Welch and family and Mrs. Soiensen. the The following attended Commis stock show at Ogden sioner and Mrs. Thomas Muir, Mr. Henry and Mrs. Gilbert Muir, Stauffer. Bernard Hardman. Mr. and Mrs Stephen Muir, Orvel sons, Larsen, Oliver Taylor and StaufKay Sorensen, Miss Maxine Larsen Mrs Joseph fer, Mr. and and Willard Richards. met at officers The Primary the home of Mrs. Julia Muir, Monday n'ght. Plans were made for their annual spring festival. The lesson on Child Culture" was given by Mrs. Ellen Ladle Refreshments were served to Mrs Ladle, Pres. Annie Hughes, Pearl Wood, Iviue Smith, Selma Hancock. Eva Steila Luetta Hnbner, Smith, Ladle, Viola Buist Miss Jemima Foster was hostCovers ess to a dinner Sundnv were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lizzie Taylor and family, Mrs. Baker, Robert Foster, Mrs. Mary E Sorensen, Isabella Foster and Miss Foster. Supt J. V. Kirkbride was a visitor at the Mendon schools, f umlv class FIRST $100 131 : Friday. Mrs. Emma Miller entertained at a quilting Friday Dinner was served to the following: Mrs N. C. Buck of Burley. Idaho; Mrs. lone Larsen. Mrs. Selma Hancock, Mrs. Alta Kidman, Mrs. Manila Buist, Mrs. Vera Shelton, Mrs. Lizzie Baker. Mrs. Florence Jensen and James Jensen of Ogden were dinner guests of Mrs. H. C Sorensen, Thursday and spent the day visit- Snren rer's mothing er, Mrs. Martha Brookins who is ' ill Mrs. Sarah Simpkins ot. Canada with Mrs. '"' East J18- - board and room, East Fifth North J18 F ale Help COFFEE Safe . LARGE sterilized goose feather ROUTE pillows, $3 00 pair Limited numnational reliable bers. We have installed 8 new and cleaner steam pressure company needs 3 more men imsterilizer for cleaning feathers. Previous experience mediately physic-all10c be We charge pound. per unneuess.tiy oul must Mattress Everton Phone 175. able ml willing to service J30. 200 steady consumers on regufactory. lar route and work 8 hours a All kinds and day for about $37 50 weekly. FEEDER HOGS. J20. 264 N. Third W. sizes. Write Albert Mills, Route Mgr, 3320 Monmouth. Cincinnati. O ot chaff. Phono aaBAAAaa lueern STACK J unj- TEA AND MEN Big HYDE PARK y Mr. and Mrs. Duane Channey of Oiklev, Idaho were calling on Mr and Mrs Archie Woolf Thursday. A paity was arranged at the home of Mr and Mrs Suel H. no-ho- st ' 500" was Lamb, Fndi' evening the game of the evening after which a d ai ions buffet luncheon was seivtd The following guests were present, Mr and Mrs Lambert Burgiss. Mr and Mia Stan Reeder. Mr and Mis A.s.i Beamons, Mr and .Mis Harold Paines, Mr. and Mrs Orson 1orkes, Mr and Mrs. Walter Jensen, Mr and Mrs. Pre-to- n Lee, Mr and Mrs Lew Balls, Mr and Mrs Joseph Elwood, Ml. and Mrs Villi, Purser, Mr. and Mrs rI heron Ashuoft, Mr and Mrs Frank Limb, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Ross Thurston, und Mrs. Owen nte, Mr and Mrs. Ernest At her oft Mr and Mrs Homer Paines of Southfield were visiting Mr. and Mrs S H Lamb Thursday evening Miss Gnldu Purser entertained at a hu Unity party Thursday evening Cards and Bunco were the Luncheon games of the evening w is served to the following guesU: Mims I'hehc Hvde, Geneva Mujoru Harney and Carol li'iiiii'V, Mi Willard Larsen, Kay M Rinnrv, Ray Browfis and Grant Harris of Logan, and Vaughan I ur ser Mr am! Mis G H Hyde are spending tile week end at Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs J E Lee entertained ut u trousatau tea in honor of their (laughter, Mary, Monday, About 150 guests called during the if ter noon ami evening Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. Miss Lee was married Tuesday to Mr Arland Hunsaker of Logan in The couple the Login temple left Wednesday for Delta, Utah, where they will make their home WaMdiwishes EXPERIENCED girl Preston housework Chappell, Palace Hotel. CATTLE TRAILER, 12C5 Canyon Road. Iaul Wuthric'.t. J19. use-fu- LEGAL NOTICE PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES I CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR SIGNERS THE RESPECTIVE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 1 1st. tic lisl TO (KEDITORS of Brigham Bond, X U-R- de- - li ( reditor I will present claims with vouch ' s to tho undersigned at the law of flic of Thatcher & Young. 1019 First National bank, Ogden, Utah, on or before the Kith dnv of May, SMAI L home, coop for 500 kens, 42 West Fifth price $956 00. and Mrs Milton Boman J27. North, announce the arrival of a new son on Thursday, January 11. All concerned are doing nicely The members of the Las Ninas club entertained at a kitchen fhower on Friday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Adrian Morrell at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Baird The afternoon was spent in sewing luncheon was Hnd a delicious served. 1 Mrs Moirell received many gifts. Mr. and Mrs Amasa Bybee entertained the members of the Third ward old folks committee at their home recently. A delicious turkey dinner was served and a followed. Eight social evening guests were included. The Cornish ward M. I A. presented the drama "Girl Shy" to a audience large and appreciative in the Second ward hall on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leland Layne of their thu marriage daughter, Lila, to Mr. William W. Kent, son of Mrs. Fannie B. Kent .nursday, January 11. Mrs. Joseph Bergeson returned to her home Thursday after a ten days visit with her father, Mr. Israel Call of Bountiful. The Home and Community Section of the Farm Bureau met Thursday afternoon at the home A lesson on GET Crazy Crystals next door to of Mrs. M. E. Kent was Royal Bakery, Logan. "Heating and Insulation," ; given by Sarah Kent and the- WILL: W ? r?f manner cow ."naming time was spent m sewuseless and freshly dead horses ing. Luncheon was served at the and cattle. Call Hyrum close. Exchange. April 20 Mrs. Nell ihose present were Emma Kent, Emmerett Wiser, Haslam, Etta Kent, Myrtha West-ove- WILL Mary Haslam, Ethel Leavitt. Miss Pearl Kent left Monday to resume her work in Salt Lake HELP YOU NOW? after spending the holidays with If o, we can aranga a loan of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. that amount or more for you m 24 Kent. to 48 hour. Mrs. Sarah Kent and Eurilla Monthly repayments may bo extended over any convenient Wiser attended the Farm Bureau period 3,6 10 months or longer. Satmeeting at the court house AlTO urday. Mr , C pound light buff colored batts, or we will make quilt $1 00 batts from your old woolen clothing for 25c per pound. Phone 175. Free delivery. Everton Mattress factory. J20. 20 TO HU- Y- Farmland, to 40 acres Must be good land Will deal only with owner. A. B Sea-mon- MiritK WHILE THEY LAST - 3 pound two wool quilt batts, $1.00; J17 299-R- 4 1934. Daft of first publication, Janu arv 15, 1934 CHARLES POND, RUFUS POND, Executors of the estate of Brigham Iond, deceased Dates of pi blication: Jan 15, 2., 2., Feb 5, 12, 1934. 100 r, An fcknituke Loans up to $300 STPMC-- In tlic 1'irnt .Indicia! District in an I for the County of Cacti' St lie Ilf I lull. Under Ogden, IJhone 127. Supervision State of Utah. Hoorn 821 Eccles Bldg. Made in Ncarhy Towns UNION LI FI' VENTRAL Sn T With insuran Olivers p r e nt tnsisten INSl'KANfE COMPANY, a plaintiff, Moving axn finawii .ength, it is natural tl'H' should turn to tho -' CLAR-Niclst- n Iloiischnld goods and pianos transferred to nil parla of the city. tirmers Automobi I Inter-Insuranc- Phone 448 e Isong Dmtiinefi Hauling AExceltent Rating J.W. Ault & Son Innurance Gnldu (195 d My SKK ME FOR RATES MOVING Household goods, pianos, and trunks Phone 314. JOHNSON CAR and , S c , PERSONAL FINANCE CO. SHERIFF'S SALE mu J17. 6B1-R- WANT , 1 cent per LEGAL RATE i A Fourth East S79 one word; for one week, five cents per word; tor one month, 13 Minimum cents per word. eharge for first Insertion IS cents. Ail want ads must be paid in advance. Call 50 and a messenger will come and get and reyour advertlsemeut mittance. North Ten cents per line per insertion. a duet, by Yvonne Gill and Helen' YEI.DE P (ARDl)N, accompanied by Margenc EN'f E I. CARDON, THE FIRST Peteiscn and a solo by Harry Don NATIONAL BANK, a corporation Logan, Utah), JOHN H ANDER Bradley r ompleted the program. The meeting was arranged hy the SON, ANNIE C. ANDERSON, B GENEVA SONNE. teachers of Lincoln school. A potted AIVA was the dinner guest of Mrs fondants. i rn.esd.i , plant was piesonted by Mayer B M SUN.NE, Arthur Kidman, Friday room To be soM at Sheriffs Sale on Mrs Afciiu Eli'! v 's the Ihompson as a prize to the rtirned , Mrs E. J Hancock JtsMC nf hniM1 having the largest number of par-- the 7th ciav of February l!3t, at at an attnutive dinner, Sunday Miss ents in attendance Smiths; the flout door of the Court House m honor of Mrs Sofia Anderson,' won the plant in Logan Cuy. Cache County, M, ami group Ahrois Miss! Wood. Mr. and Mrs Lon club met 'Utah, at the hour of 11 o'clock woe Ladies' The , Literary Andcr-Hilda Anderson, Magnus of Mrs. Lewis Bcrntson at rec ently at the home of Mrs J. H a in, subject to pending receiver son and Mr. and Mrs Hancock guests W. D Porter of the sliip, Ihe following described propLogan. Wright and daughter, Faye Airs Alcxand r McQueen of USAC read the drema, "Dangerous erty nit uiited in tho County of Mrs Joseph N Sorensen enter ' Cac he. State of Utah, v. n a guest N'c v of In i Corners tamed at u hint neon Thursday in K'lio, Mai y and Margo l sis' ,' Mi-Beginning at a point three (3i Mn, C L Hall will be hostess to compliment to Mrs William Buist 'Jensen, th.s uk H,e Lite! ary club at her home rods and Twelve tl2) feet South and Mrs. William Hughes Miss I. vin a Hughes of tv next Friday The program will o' the Northeast corner of Lot The seminary class with their hospital and Mi L. K!a - consist of a musical program of Eight (gi, Blozk Sixteen (16 1, Plat leader, Mrs. Ada Walker enjoyed Budge runof I.ogan wvre dinner gue-lompositions given by A' Logan City Survey, and Debussy a skating party Thursday evening mm c,f Mill Hughe's mother, Mis. W - Miss Ludean Rogers and a paper ning thence South Three (3) rods were Wieners and marshmallows awl Twelve 112) feet, thence West In. v Hughes, .Sunday. on Economic conditions in Fi anc e. roasted. C132i One Hundred Thirty-twand Miss Sorensen Veda Misj g pal ty Thursdiv en torUi-- i ed Sunday at a dinner in feet, more or less, to the East Fern Buist attended the trous- - 1 'vmi 8a KaU! tflieahments biu.k of the wen & Hyde Park semi tea at Hvrum given in honor served at the home of Maton Kid honor of their little daughter Betty canal, thence Logan in a Northerly Ilou Aho was observing her fifth of Miss Lucille Wright along the Eist bank of birthd iv anniversary. The following attended the temsaid Canal Three (3) rods and Mr and Mrs William J Kottcr Twelve Friday ple excursion evening 121 feet to a point due of Brigham City were guests at the West of Messrs L. K. Wood, Arthur Kidthe place of beginning: man and Mrs E. J Hancock home of Mr and Mrs. George B. thenc East One Handled Thirty-tw- o Nielsen Wednesday. I'U1RPS V?rle no! On en Sorensen, John Lament (1321 fed, more or less, to was the dinner guest of A party for the adult class of the the aml Mrs. Verl Shelton of beginning, said propplace reLadle. Monday. dud .if Mrs. W ilham L Second ward MIA was held and erty Ironting Sixty-on- e Mrs. Jesse Walker entertained Mrs Mr and of 61 a weie supper guests Sun- - cently at the home oil the West sie of fed at an attractive dinner "ednes-- , Kidnnn j,;ls Nielsen Mr. and Nielsen. E j. Hancock Josiph F Second East street, recorded in ' were host Plat Book M and Mis Joseph T. Wood Mrs Lovisa H Allenwere One, Page One of the and Mra. '72 J. Ilo man of cumtn- Games hostess and played ktn hf(,n guests of M'ss Records of Cac he County, Utah, to served and refreshments thirty situated in the West half 'lit. and Mrs Marvin Cooper I1vihel!a and Jemlma Foster Fr A program was given consisting of and iW'-- i of Section Thirty-fou- r (34), and baby of Wellsville were the ' Mrs Edna Sorensen a reading by Mrs Winfred Allen: (12) Twelve is North, teaching Township Charles Mrs Mrs. Flossie Fallows Baker, Motncr Craft and Child a guests of by quartet 1 and of the Salt East Care, and instrumental Range One Monday. An attractively arranged U Hughes is teaching Soci- and company, Lake Meridian dinner was served hy Mrs. Baker. Doric Mrs Albon Clawson. music by h. A crowd all aid the with spee. large Together improveMr3 lone luirsen entertained ology Mrs Niels Johnson and daughter is in attendance at both classes. the Sewing Circle Wednesday. have gone to California for ments, privileges and appurtenMyrtle ances thereunto belonging or in y Luncheon wak served. A beauti- visit with relatives. a fill flowering plant centered the Coach and Mrs Adelbert Y'oung anvwi.se appertaining. payable in lawtable Covers were laid for Miss entertained at a party at their fulPurchase ofprice the United States. money Guests Isabella Stumpf, Mrs Marva Kid- home Wednesday evening Dated at Logan. Utah, this 13th man. Mra. Ethel Taylor, Mrs Ver- 4 included Mr and Mrs. H E. Kellett. 1934 na Sorensen, Mr3 Ellen Ladle, nr v. v. Henderson of the Mr and Mrs Cantril Nielsen, May- day 01 Jar.uarv,JEFF STOWELL. Mrs Ethel Walker, Mrs. Lizzie U S A C mldie-sethe Parent- - or and Mrs B M Thomson, Mr Sheriff of Cache County. Utah. Barrett. Teachers association meeting htld and Mrs. C. L Wadsworth, Mr and W H EATHERSTONE, Py Miss Mary Jensen. Miss Mar ednesdiy t veiling. His subject Mrs P. L. Clark, Mr. and Mrs Deputy garet Jensen and Batbaru Chris- - was "Whit we cm expect from Laroy Walters, Mr. and Mrs. E. L W m A. Hilton, tensen of V eilsville were lunch- - oi.r children het u se of their hered- - Pavne for " Plaintiff, Attorney The Gospel Doctrine class of the Yhout a hanicci and twenty-seeon guests of Mrs. Claud Sorcn- - ny f Third ward Sunday School will 719 Continental Bank B'dg. ..fended the netting. Wednesday. Lake Sait (Tty, Utah. Mi 3. Don Miller entertained at, Mumo was furnished by students hold a party on Monday evening Dates of publication: Jan 15, a quitting Tu.scinv Dinner was! of the sc h d Miss Smiths fiitl All adult members of the vvircl nre 22, 29, Feh 5, 1934, to attend. served to Mrs. Melvm Muir, Mrs. grade pujuia sang several songs;. George Smith. Mrs. William Kid man Mrs H J H mem K Mi Li.ie Bake r. and Mis X ( Im k ol Buray, Idaho Mr and Mis lain Wood w Mippir guests of Mr.. Veil Sli' I'm North 616 MODERN apartment Second North 1 fingers. "Do you? 3ues tone was casual hut she looked pleased. T in glad We oughtnt to go before Mums and Dad get back. Gypsy wem on. Clytle Isnt in, and 1 don't like to leave the twins alone But that problem was solved, as the Morells burst in, powdered with snow, at the moment. Hunt drove them to the station in hia sleek new car, a buff sedan of an expensive make. Tom eyed its bright fittings with respect they deserved. "What dyou think of him dar!'UB? he asked, later as they rode sleepily along in a red plush ( each, smelling of dust and slate Ogars "You seemed to be getting along like a house afire Gjpsy patted away a yawn 'He's nice, she said. "But he s ' plnn age Ideas. I coulrin t have married a man like that j (To Be Continued) 358 For each Insertion FURNISHED ROOMS. 1,3 WANT AD RATES (SERVICE STATION, Maui Street, Logan. rmuml vs Mii'-Lot- "CLARKSTON note, remember- Hor's - . Cyp-- up j . Tom Weaver, across the room moved one of his pink "men five spaces and wondered what this chap could be talking about to was full of the scent ol wood fire a9 they came in, rosy and glowing from the out of doors Gypsys hand was linked In Toms It was one of those times to be looked back upon in life later with gratitude aod wonderment, when two human hearts were perfectly In accord. But their moment was short lived. The hall was full of life and color and movement. Sue Canavan, her red curU crackling, her slim figure smartly set oft by the blue wool frock she wore, came forward and greeted them gayly. We were just about to leave we had given you two wanderers 11 vastly JJ1S great laugh rang out. and THE STORI for good." The tall man looming at her side was someone Gypsy had not seen tiefore. He had a lean, humorous iare; craggy brows over slate gray jes that seemed to see everything. It was Gypsy liked his handclasp. nrm and cool and assured. His nair wag beginning to gray at the emples, making him look older than his years Gypsy had heard Sue speak of Hunt Gibson before this He had been described as a cousin. But they bad not met before. Hunt, Sue was now explaining volubly, was just borne from Singapore and points east. "Engineer?" Tom inquired, with a shade of respect In his voice NEA Service, Inc. "You! fJHE hall PRESTON NEWS PLANS She raised her dark eyes to bis, No, we Uve la tbs smilingly. city. East Fifties." "Rotten night to start out. Ills nod Indicated the drifting snow against the windows .snl It? But itll be beter going now than starting out In the morning. And 1 have a lob . . TOM PAGE FIVE. 15. 19.11. PRESTON CHAMBER MABEL McELLIOTT rout rd MONDAY. JANUARY Ai; LOGAN, UTAH, N Albert W. liarkcr District Manager 433 TRANSFER West Center, Logan, Utah n- o , . 3' ' , ten-da- j d n, v I r herauwouenal INFORMATION DEFT. UAI1IO SERVICE or 4:10. Radio Manufacturers Service, Phone 181, Certified Radio Service. Day and Night Service. 123 North Main. (P F12) 462-V- HOOVER SERVICE Authorized Hoover Service. Call Mr, Close. Department Store. Phone 46. General (F-ll- ) SPERRY FE EDS Hens must lay to pay. Try Sperrys Surelay. Free delivery. Call 74 Smithfield, collect. Rees Feed & Produce Store, Smithfield. (J-2- 7) MODERN DENTISTRY Artificial Teeth, unbreakable, upper or lower set $16.00; Terms; Cash. Fillings, $1.00; Extractions, 50c. DR. LYMAN E. SMITH, Cardon Jewelry Bldg., Logan. sewincTmachines used Ye have a number of Used A-- 1035-- l Sewing Machines. Call for special January prices on repairs. Will pay cash for 20 used machines. White Sewing Machine Co., iF-5SD West Hirst iioitJi, 1 |