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Show THE PAGE TWO The II E II A L D - J 0 U II N A L, LOGAN, UTAH. MO X I) A Y, JA X U A R Y 1 0 3 3. Herald-Journ- al Published every weekday afternoon by the Cache Valley Newspaper Co, at West Center street, Logan, Utah. Telephone 50. Price G cents a copy. By mail, in Cache Valley, $2 50 a year; outside Cache Valley, $3 00 a year, By corner, to cents a month, $3 50 u year. Ertered as second-clas- s matter nt the postoffice at Logan, Utah, under the act of congress, March 3, 1S79. 15 Proclaim IJbrrty through all the land. Hell. I.ilM-rl- , Member United Press, NEA of Newspapers. Lea;; SITTING' ATOP The way things are everybody America Is supposed to worry about everybody else or be intensely interested In technocracy or inilation or foreign trade all this dees no good whatever congress for ycais has been worrying about the farmer and the farmer has been worrying about congress w ith the result they are both in the worst shape evci leeortlcd in history but National Apathy week will fix all that in During this week it will be the duty of every true American citi- zen to be utterly apathetic about everything congress will let the farmer the farmer will go to heck-a- nd yawn about congress instead of cursing it that the any announcement head- i? bankrupt- and will be stiuight for perdition -- nonchalance 7 if your and says Bloaters is down eight he wants $1500 more During this week broker calls you up pointed or if your wife the house is on fire' you phones murmur . tr Mar,? If we were quite sure there really WAS r.a y of getting .s back, wed go ourself. trouble and just simply ignore if tr.y "ational emergency will just have comes along- -it " to do Us own emerging nobody will pay any atten- tion whatever to any "great prob- Jems which will nave to do their S: ; - hardly possible tlieie would be TWO star in the universe so t millions go nutty zs to huugiy in the m'd-.- of plenty, 1 t s to the The only drawback st heme that wo see is that you wouldn't be able to s ive money ticket. by buying a round-tu- p ims Aru, ijibiliW. country needs is not more wor - more or more or fixing-lying omi-- but ju.st a wbple thinking a vyuiih! cost eeiit-u-mi- lc Ciat) (Ko Mirs Vlas ABIGAIL API "Girls used pur-tie- d idaT ..t "ay "is" avcVamnc d The utah team hve iackcd up my income and lowered the conference relay record for Broperty tisscs plenty and the this event with Forbush, Plume, fnj.lfranY.c Rnd mortgage companies see to lt that j pny said taxes. a Spencer and Sharp doing the uis- Thc old record in 4:06. mc Jlulc ftme o( rlng aroulld tance i:CSthe '08y witll the blg boys hoid- The complete results of the meet bauds with assessors and sheriffs and town treasurers to are as followsd make a' sucker out of the little relay Utah (Forbush, fcjiow dumb enough to be caught Flume, Spencer, Sharp). 4 :06. iNew uh fRmlly, a few wlld acrc3 reccrcU. nn(1 a town b d breastsroko- - Van Dam. Whether the lads will balance Utah; Anderson, Aggios; Van not. I know budgets or not reri Aggies. Time 2:45. All I cun say at this time is that d bnckslroku Spencer, on another am I Richards. patch putting Welch, Aggies; - Utah; sureure and the overalls boys my Utah. Time. 1:59.4. me on to the thin balance dash ly going Forbu..h, Utah; edge ot economic desperation. Willmore, Aggies; Robinson, why cakt all these heavy- - gjes. Time, ;34 3. haVdtd and d dash Tucker, Aggies; taxgrub- bers take something besides money Clayton, Utah; Tanner, Utah. Time lad for their bills? When I was a 5:52.3. d dash Sharp, Utah: farmers worked out road taxes noa one clay with team year, bush, Utah; Schott, Aggies. Time, on 1. interest bonds, ;i body paid any d dash - Ilume, Utah; nobody supported patented pave- And when the Ticker, Aggies; Sorenson, Utah. meat lobbyiats. Time, 2:42.2. days work was done that road vns not an obligation on the far- - Medley relay Aggies (Richards, mers children; lt was all paid Anderson, Schotti. Time, 3 39.3. Diving-Coolefor! wipe down the sweated team, Aggies; GiulloUe, throw m a feed of oats, and un- - Utah; Worley, Aggies. wife's beside the buckle your belt At least 150,000 variations In cooking. "Oh, but those were not roads existing manuscripts of the New fast, heavy auto traffic. I Testament of the Bible can be cnn along nicely without any found. 400-yar- d It'll be all right with us if no nation gets the idea of staiting a war to save the world for technocracy The senate is said to be planning a gag for fihhusteiir.g senators. Wc wish the senate would get busy and plan a new gag we could use in this column. EU'sta-s- i. HIT FINGER OIY Beautifully Trimmed Collars Big Contrasty Sleeves 9 Beautiful Crepey Woolens Q Lined and Interlined Imagine feeing able to buy any one of the seasons best coats at half the original price ! Not one of these coats were carried over from last season! Youll find only the latest mod els . . the foremost styles . . perfectly tailored. Misses and Womens Styles! BARGAINS IN FOOTWEAR BLACK PIGSKIN 100 per cent iron sole! Tic, 14-- 8 dull covered heel. New Spring Styles! - , EXPLORERS Expeditions to the north and south Kills result in discoveries ot great scientific value to 400-ynr- 220-yac- rd n- THE ORIGINAL PRICE learn the som-i- l graces in acliool, but judging by the the world 150-yur- Pronounced: you'd when SSSH .TT'over "thut - fr Wonder .low much have to tip the porter the conductor cek.i next stop! Ail out'" Mugiuiiio article. , The word; Ecstasy. What it means: State of being beside ones self; state of being beyond all reason and self-cotrol, as when given over to an and engrossing emotion; obsessed by powerful emotion; rapture of delight., Where it came from: The Greek; ekstatikos; from ckstasis, to put out of place, derange; 'ck, out, plus histeml, to set, stand. A D I E S- is Bu-the- ir , Most Economical Prices Available rate it a ticket to Mars mid the trip would take more than 59 years. And how thee Pullman and dining car charges would mount up! At thing - wnat TUESDAY be havior of some Tv Month End w-- about the times; of them nt musts, they It might be significant that all over the country town councils teach the social W E GET BALANCED Hre replacing posts disgraces hitching I, even in these secluded hills, around the town square. It might am hearing a lot about how city, be that we dumbs are not so county stnte and nation are going much wedded to speed as the big bance th butl u AU thut boys lmagilled An English college teaches ,s very myjjtcnous bl0 me. 1 do girls poise by making them stand on one foot on a pedestal USAC PADDLERS vvhdc juggling three balls and a plate of orange balancing the ensuing twelve-greetemu mccjy on their heads. Now we know month. STRONG SHOWING where our waitress went to I am just another smull sucker sell (ml. who has managed to hang onto wbat Js so blithely termed a paycbec Last year my paycheck Although Utah Aggie waterdogs New York auto show featured a SOme 2u per cent, but wfts ri voicing chassis. The average UncU, JWT motorist can get the same effect thun Utah paddlers, Sam in income tax they surprised with by putting on the brakes sudden10 times what I paid him for my nn exceptionally strong showing. ly while a slippery rounding 31 income. surve. nn mn rr rma nni pnnn n mi The final score was 6 One brolieht forth a new star in Bert Tucker who won the theltUme swum and then garnered a see- aml)y pur. j chcckcd up ondoest'c Uncle n(1 He fle stle.a allow and chases quciy, the sales tax. Yern Cooley Save the Aggie dives first while the in the plaoe , ln thc Plntcnra tb bright city will simply yawn Well, what of it? own hoadaching lrf. 48-3- . goes into receivership or if your bank busts . . . -- air if. your child announces his intention to be a newspaper- man You llovvdy, folk1! A flight t Mars W quite povuhlt-- , si s Piccard, the big balloon and stratosphere man. Hut, lie adds, there vvotiiu not be any way of getting hark. How about sending emi- gres section. Constantly he has had in mind not merely the building of a city buf the building of a mighty valley. Viewing the accomplishments of the chamber under Mr. Thatchers direction, we are convinced he has been greatly successful. The magnitude of his success will not be fully lealizod until luluro years when many of the projects for which he lias labored so earnestly will have come into being. Naturally some sore spots have been eieated. It cant be otherwise where decisions have to be made. But as the years go by even the bruises will be healed and the imagined seais erased. We salute Mr. Thatcher, thank him in behalf of the people of Cache Valley for his valiant service and wish hint improved health and stiength for many years to come in which he can enjoy the opjwrtunities Cache Valley will offer as a result of his efforts. Good-Chee- General ? well-know- One thing about these times There arent as many "weeks" as there used to be and in fact whole months go by without Naor week tional Sauerkraut International Barnacle - Scraping nd week getting you all hot bothered now when weeks there arc you dont have to buy spinach or engage in backslappuig during r week National and so always willing to fill wants this departany long-fe- lt ment proudly announces National Apathy week ' ' j Seripps n In greeting II. J. Hatch, Logan banker, as the new president of the Logan Chamber of Commerce, we can wish him nothing better than that he may be as .successful as the retiring president, D. G. Thatcher. For two years Mr. Thatcher has been the head of the organization. Duiing that time he has woiked for the welfaic of the entire Cache Valley WITH JIM MARSHALL by immense Features and The earnest efforts win THE WORLD erry. Western Serviec, I j Ag-Ju- st "tuff-hearte- 440-ya- rd For-extre- 100-yar- Lil Geo Gee, the office vamp, is v, ho very proud of her has joined a club. It's thc most exclusive lub in town, says Gee Gee, and it's kept thut way by mailing members pay their dues in advance. d, FLACK KID PUMPS Black and white applique McKay, 14-- 8 dull covered heel. Sizes 3V2 to 8. 220-yar- y, BAKER Ore. Jan. 30 (t'Jh Ed Woodcock, Bridgeport, is some boss wrangler. He put his hand super-pavthrough a corral fence and waved Marco Polo wrote the account it to frighten a wild horse into ment; if the heavy auto traffic a chute. The animal bit Wood- - cannot, that's tuff for thc trucks 0f bj, travels to Cathay while in a prison at Genoa, Italy. and buses. cocks finger off. fr e- nullion-dolliir-an-ln- OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern GREAT SCOTT Tpf ? sHAT IS THAT ILL BET THE UPSTAIRS BATH ROOM r ELL THRU ? V ( MENTAL This is Avoirdupois G. Math, who is in a padded cell recuper- ating after ing worked ye. 5T3SSJS2FJ hav- U. S. RUBBER FOOTWEAR out his income tax to four places oi d c c i m al s. Mr.' Math's figures show Unit government owes him $187876, he is now thinking up ways means to get if He is in for a job a a terh.10u.1t Lie and and line IE D1RI This day to the hospital to see un ailing friend, ant lie timre in bluo bathrobe and easy slippers and reading, and I could scarce see him for these newfangled and lights and bottles mid lini the weird apparatus the eli use in their riysbry these dark days So I to envying my friend his lsek of duties, hoi he sad that he nU.t pi rfor-- e re- rur-geo- wtA. i t unhinanl i r GOULD KEG OF RUTABAGA WINEr BLOWING a fAY e UP? main in idleness. And so I away in my chaise, pondering upon human nature, which never is satisfied. So pas eil this daye. Books, perfumes and garden tools. th,rd aisle on the !eft Todaysthe Oddity Fipt Membcis of Evin-gelic- chqieh in Niagara Ful's, N. Y. me still attenuing ser'.ces oath Sunday and prayer meetings on mectin gnights, but something is different. There seems to be a decidedly The unc,.v feeling leaden, prolaoly, is because a swarm of bees has gone to church 111 a big, a i,d 1. looks l.ke a pc manent, wav Tile bees only get busy when the church up. v. huh is every Sunday end prayer me g They a:e hived in night rafters which are to all purposes inaccessible, and when the place is cvai med up they decoi ate the s stained-glaswindows, pew backs and even chime in a honey-tone- d tencr hum with the choir Thc bees have had at least one good effect upon the No one sleeps however anv more during sermons iiumwiiij amwiBi nn;i" |