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Show - -- d!"" i w ? THE HERALD Unites Young Couple A interesting marriage of August toon plate Friday when Miss Ruth Smith, attractive daughter be- of Dr and Mrs 1 S Smith C j ' f : LOGAN. UTAH, Till; FALL MODE TOPPING Temple Wedding JOURNAL, - Jrt h.irles nme the hr.de of Joseph of President mil Mis C Kih of Montpelier. (!faho. was performed by lhe ceremony President Joseph It Shepherd in temile the Logan A wedding dinner v.as served at lhe bride's home fui th immediate iiAmber of thi f imihtw The young couple have it f l for a wedding tnp to Yellowstone park after which they will make their home in Salt Lube City a rtCjj 4s V' s wWU ' ' " ..z f w, yr A - Friends Surprise Paity Fmnda arranged a surprise ty Ihuisday tvtiniig f r Misa par- era honor of her birthda anniversary and before she leaves fur a month sta with Mr and S. IX gn of Park City Mrs Music and huiuo formed the entertainment aftei which a late Those in the lumh was smed party included Miss Degn, Miss Th!.i Call, Ms Mwhel Henson, Mus Cleo Johnson. Miss Ruth Mae Anoerson, Miss Maurine Smart, HenClaude Wennergren, Arthur Wood-todon. iXlhert Fonnesbcck Scott, Willard Hill and Don .. Knghind , , Hunco prt s were won by Miss Theda Cull and Mr Fonnesbeck 3fe in 9 Youngsters At Kirthday Party C ocking theniHcUcs out u on is on tin id u lu t 11 NIBLEY I At I ft is a lodge stitched is s t high on the crown in lh li.uk, (oiiiiug low over the right side of the head lhe oth r hat, of stithed black velvet, boost s a torn tn flet Misters of Mack and v lide flow rs are attahd to either side. . hut m ifft(ir. ron that ie idi dh wtlh ! h. is trick that a large iiihiiIm r of the mu I are practicing. 1 lie swing down on lhe m,l" nh of the forehead in a demure niiiimr and tilt up the left side in an audiu hmj gesture t(,ut r us h fimt of the hair The nlr.t of the two BRIDGE Artitl a id s t l" h ' if ( , IhiMe- - Shumway by John Shum-- t ... Guldii'i. cidcbt son, sketch Hi life of S.inh Shumwav, , bt inK Shjmwnv, Trenton, in - in the life of Agnes Shiim- n .o, , Charles i i oml wife of mentioned were Pniiiw , by of a the church acsketch ii in and of Chailes he tns Shumway In dtsund.mls were giv.n by 'I hompson, H lo showing offices In Id hi practically every branch i l chuich work from the stake on down Community jrisidcmyduets and readings were ng'.rg, o U itures of the program. MV end Mrs Charles Shumway of were present He is a iic isiirt-tol.i phi w of Mr Shumway. .Mr and Mrs Steve Owens and I ih ot Staffoi d, Ariz, were also pi, ,.it Mis Owens is a daught In U.litf Society held a social I in ii iy The lKth amendment di iiissid bv Jessie Ravsten; i in; mg, Miss Fawn Hut tars ami Mis ( herold Jardine; talk on of i uc flowers, by Mrs. Katie Gnifiii 'jHihrs gave reports. 1 c i Miss Na Kcne Cummings spent the past two v e l.s it nish visiting her sistt r, Mis hu k' M : ' (i in of r .l n t , l. r.g.s !n In hi! 111, Long Beach, Cal it . spent TutL b n hi at th honu visitor t evening ho, Mrs Grant Kiel en entertained Mr and Mrs George f'umnm.gs to! i.u i t held a v.cikIv tit a birthday party for ..er daughclass Junior The v celeu h ter, Beverly Jane, who wasThurs-dameeting at the home cf he fmi , U y brating her fifth birthday er, Mrs Ernest Mauihiey i Mi afternoon Mr and Mrs LaVon Larson ai d O - Aim The afternoon was spent with small son, liobhv, of Los Ai.gcles md Mil and story telling after are spending their summer vacafcames m Ah which refreshments were served tion heu visiting frcmL and An p4 it little guests were in fives Tweuty-foI a. id h Sou attendance Conjoint imetiug w is li L ivl day nglit with the prof ra n us follows Ihiet, by Miithi Gtrhir and Amos Gei h , 'login d ri.v K lls MaUthh V song, Mi n I t I i I, t u, il r i V l! Honors Visitor ! I r i Ii -- ml c If in, a i.i i i , .1 i i l U ii,m r - c. V Ml Ot. Oi M's noi j 'It li' f ii ilv ail Mi .i.-, md t.i u ' mb l son uf I o, in i Ru 2; o! thi iiu 1- ili a . vt c ii v, u' ' i i,I , l',Lii ' i bridge Luncheon on i i m h XJitiher Jess Kent and Lewis Kidm A I I i u Mi d H Mi' m I tl-- i I Clarkston H mints were served to ot MON. moran, rceptioni.t in a Wall Street law ofllce, ta ta love with B4HUY TOWNSEND, HcS and aoetally prominent, whom ahe met through STEVE her ehlldhool awertheart. reSteve and Barry have Jul in med from South America where SACCA-KEIX- larger! by ehnnee Steve beeame aseoeWted wllh Barry In eperatlnK a diamond mine, ooee believed wnrtaleea but now vnlunhle. Steve owns a huge dluiuond called .The 1 mprraa of Peru." Cannatera try to atcsl the atone but be ontwlta Mona's them. Stive ha earned ber ergratitude by befriending to rant brother, Bl D, sending blu, him and Auterlea South giving mine. lub In the Mot-- , needs B.MH1 for hoapltal treatments for her invalid father. Her employer agrees to loan her an the money ond then makesMoaa aronzing proposal, tie tells to wlnhea marry a weal.hy client underher Immediately with the her own shall occupy standing shehave unlimited charge apartment, ahe whatever do ond accounts wishes for one year. At the end ot that time ahe may become the ! 12 guests. CORLEY 032 fly frkSLMCiMt curio ity Ir. mediately. anUhing particular? she asked liupttullv. Wait until 5011 her! Mona returned. "I m going to ho married tomorrow!" Lottio was parading the tiny living room when Mona rang. The blushing bride! she exclaimed. V hnn in tne world did all this happtnf YVlios the lucky man? Lottus It It eyes fell on the rneik, still folded (a her hand. That would care 0f jjer fdti)er. Reindors- ing It, she scribbled a note to Dr. Dean and placed It in an envelope As she walked to the mail ( bate, this business of Dad's uue off. her mind, she felt freer to deal with her own affairs. How she wished that she could see Steve! For some inexplicab'e reason she felt vaguely disturbed. Reaching for the telephone, she was assured by central that Steves her .fun i t md i n u ai c v im t hi litn i van hunt it it out It it , t l id tin I is tin hind Tod i s I'lunine ill dilin Gil-bt- rt c hi u S w. nh pi nf iu M d 1 dui lit one of tlu h it i ig uomin t"iun . ment plaver-- . of tlu middn Wi it tht 'In ( il Hi d (loo win h line's in i)i n, u i i when Hi. i hi idpi pi of t h ' Mmd I Inn on uni Ko. t 1 i i o npi li ic npoi t ism , i'e A7-- i 5 i it 1 et 1 1 i bis! iilib toll tlmufftiir i was .served The hung room and the serving table wie decorated with midsummer flowtrs Card prizes were awarded to Mrs Charles Shoup and Mrs J,u k Dailey. East Richard Dix, os the cynical American, captain of a Chinese river-boa- t, has one of the most colorful and exacting roles ot his oirai His boat, disabled by bandits, Dix and his passengers take refuge in the hotel of a small river town in the interior and prepare for a siege by a guerilla band Here in their stockade, the strikingly dissimilar little party reveals all the human fotlables and heroics of men and women in daily hard-boile- danger of death HiEE II MR CITS 13. KFMMERER, Wyo., Aug. iV pi There Is no need for the children of Kemmerer to appear with their hair growing down over their collars just because their unemployed fathers do not have the money to buy hair cuts. The barbers of this city have auth-ized the Red Cross to Issue orders to any children of families who can not pay for having their hair cut. The orders will b an authorization for a free haircut. oi AA-10-- enterPaul tained at a card party at her home Thursday afternoon At the close of the g tmes a dainty lumh ever-prese- it that of an Iras who spends u mm h turn in the boudoirs of his mu ,n implovers h lit the wheel 6 of then Ills latest job la irs with an Austclan baroness and It is not long before he makes his position m the castle felt only too keenly both upstairs" among the GOLF BCG ui istoi r.n j und downstairs in OURAY, Colo., Aug 13. (VJ) the ei i mts qii'ti tc rs has stepped intq the counlb rintlos love to the butlers Ouray c lub set A golf course has w.le and steals the savings of the try been laid out at the old Wana-ka- h cook whom he has enmeshed in an mill, north of the The he blackmails the land has been surveyed city. VQ-7-- 4 entanglement and the bat onits when he discovers her to holes and tees located. The course he unfit'.!, fnl to her husband; and s full of natural hazards and It ANone in genual lie is a menace to the won t be long until the lads and helplc ss household until the butler lassies of Ouray are digging divots in as weird a revenge as man ever with the best of them. The Bidding conceived, solves toe problem and South, the dealer, although he eliminates the villain at the same FIR FARMERS holds seven spades, does not have time. CASPER, YVyo, Aug 13, (IT) Mrs an original bid and passed A silver fox farm will be estab Wright, Mtting in the Weht, passlished near Casper in the near ed Third hand bids under the future. The Maeser Fur Farms one over one svsteni can be made Inc, of Hackensack, Minn., whl North wth a verv weak hand bring the new project to this holds a prettv fair hand, especialThe dtama of the Orient, most section. The farm will be operly with his two suits, so stinted gtaphtiHlly portrayed, forms the ated under the name of Western the contracting with a hid of one embattled background an for apInternational Fur Farms, Inc. club When holding a pealing and unusual romance in and will have a paid tn capital of l and a suit, the longer Roar of the Dragon," 100,000. starring suit should be bid fust Eist doubled and So.flh bid one Mrs Wright then bid two pade hearts Noith showed his second suit bv bidding three diamonds East jumped the contract to four hearts. The llny What would you open with the North hand ? Certaimly not a spade Partner could not bid a sp ide the first time, therefore you cannot depend on hun as having a( strong Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. spade suit Your hand is Void of hearts JOHN GILBERT There is a chance that South Back Again In may be void of a suit, and naturally the best chance lies in your long suit, therefore the correct opening on the hand would be the king of clubs and when dummy covers with the ace, South should with ruft with tile four of hearts You Luka-- s and Virginia Bruce Haul can now will find that the decluer his conmake only four hearts, - - Also - - tract Gilbiits 4 L plundered by roving bandit bands, is the lotule of this spectacular story Wesley Buggies, the director, has succeeded in capturing the spirit of menace In a country where law and order has been displayed by ruthless bandit rule. He has peonled his panorama with an intriguing host of adventurers and soldiers of fortune of the Far ii , I V None -3 Couple Married Friday In Logan Announcement has been made of Uie marriage of Miss Luei.ie Maude Bates of Los Angeles, to Vivian Pnieri Tanner of Logan The wedding took place Friday at noon 1 he ceremony was performed by President Joseph E Cardan At the Grand Afternoon Of Bridge For Eight six-car- d five-cau- wo Club Members Miss Maude Cooley and Miss Lulu Dunn entertained the members of the club Thursday evening. A picnic lunch was served to the guests on the high sc hool MGR visin- cluded. CAPITOL Downstairs When the hand was actually played. North opened a spiue and Mrs Wright developed a nice squeeze pl.cv to make six odd, losing only the queen of hears Mrs Lewis Peck entertained at (Copyright, 1932, NEA Service, Inc ) a brioge luncheon at her home 1 hursday afternoon in honor of Miss Ethel Hornsby of Salt Lake GIRL LIFEGUARD City, who is visiting with Mrs Pei k ST JOSEPH. Mich. Aug 13 TP Luncheon was served at one -- Betty Klemm. tible centered with fragrant gar- has qualified as the youngest lifeden flowers Covers were marked guard on Lake Michigans beaches for Miss Hornsby, Mrs Merlin Recently she rescued a Hurst, Mrs. Robert Fulkerson, old boy here when he waded into Mrs Blaine Darney and the host- deep water. She was immediately ess placed into life guard service She A bridge prize was awarded us an expert swimmer to Mrs Darney Miss Hornsby left Thursday evening for her home in Salt Lake THE KNOCKOUT and News Young Friends Entertained TIME TODAY ELISSA LAXDI I AST . in A PASSPORT TO HELL" eight-years-ol- d hat flung aside, Mona sank number gave no answer. to the couch and told Lottie Well, this was something she of her interview with Mr. must decide for herself. Brielly she briefly As she talked sho ran Garretson. spoke over the telephone again, this time to Mr. Garretson. She had slender fingirs through the usually considered the matter, she said, and unruhled smoothness of her care- rj'IIEY planned practically and wag ready to accept. swiftly. The shopping list Ingroomed hair. City Excellent! he replied promptly. fully cluded a new blouse, gloves, shoes Lotas a witch" Y'ou're nrnous "I can assure you that you will not IH'AL USE hose. and Flowers were considered regret it. You have some girl tie declared. II re let mo get this I suppose, who would go Straight! You got the money from hut vetoed. man's wife In actuality or errors friend, LA FOLLETE, Tenn, Aug 13 n divorce. She sake the mas's Is to be I'i- - When Maybe the bridegroom gets the distribution of floui name and la told It Is Bury with" you? The ceremony the firm and sent It to the doctor. II send the I Tw hands. at 'iowasend. performed started here to unemployed coal You flowers still even If he does propose That means jour Dtd s all JO tomorrow about for at car STOHT officials THE you noted that the NOW CO ON WITH miners, dont have to go on the muri ago through his lawyer, Lottie said. miners were asking for corn meal morning. Y'ou can make your CHAPTER XXII A rapid tossing through her instead One official rheikefi up and diive out together. block to lift the moitgage" discovered that miners were proATONA gazed at the closed door Ill meet you there. Is that She sank to the floor at Monas dressing table brought forth a coimoting half the meal for their In amazement She stood very fed. "Now then, old Carrelsun said j leetiou of lingerie for the wedding families, using the rest foi mvek-mi orn still, the colof receding from her ATONA ouo ot Lh clients wanted to day. that whisky address. Lottie's him gave lovely face. She had decided that she would PLENTY OF TAMS Barry Townsend wished to marry with Lottie Instead y0 the night spend her! He had given her a year after COLUMBUS, O, Aug 13 (UP) he i ut an ad until the ceremony bad been of going home. For some reason anyhow? Why didnt Although taxicabs have dei reased formed. "You can still change your that marriage to decide whether she in the e her to tell unwi-in number here during th" past felt It wished to divorce him or whether Mna li.i.lad nerwm !v, in rile mind or he can change his, Lottie five vears, there is s'i'l a cab for n.ai mother of the appiou-hin- g he had been able lo fall In lore very n"o persons, which compares lo at Fast favorably if not bitter riage. If it all teemed strange ' with him. hod. for on iiumd nc.1. .uth the number in larger cities Jdrst..r.d, lofie, what would Ma Mj? But she was In love with Barry Mona, Yes, ami Barrys uncle can Ra es now have in the country " Townsend experts nieis'e' ,l"' r" 1,1 Mr. Then now! She had been In love with Innze hls, which Is more to the uecica-e- d to .en cents for a seven Lurc asked Mima timidly. tomorrow? mile ride him ever since she bad first seen rn Tl.it' ; o lit, Mona agreed. The whole M("l 'odd-Her employer laughi J reas-ur- him. How cou'd he fall to have so I tu Bern,.,' n so her Iliiiig (if loin Braugo ii. He hardly cLnil extec understood? Why had he kept silent Ingly. h It I " and liD very strange. will he vuy pla ed blit he you, when he had the opportunity to sh pt hut Lottie lay awake, 1,5 " ' f,J " when I tell hijn the news And by UI! speak to her at Twllands? What her brows knitted In the dark, want mid hls mule 'know. 'Why U few a to want toy about Miss Dower? Yes, there was tin way, you r Mas Idury him to in iriy tne, just a working Lite Mina awoke to find Lottie, 3oc still Miss Dower to be reckoned things. I'm sending still tl inking, sitting up In bed, girl out an with envelope" with. And why should be make all iv -- lie fiii cnmit himself arms t sillily pressed about bar The envelope wllh wliih Mi x I this known to ber through Mr. Gar- dai to d la kj Lutlio bth in Kne, n, her head bent, appeared emit uned hotly. f i ymi're going to live In that retson, his uncle's lawyer? Barry Diury presently with that gwd lrnl a'lfl oil several hills. Iu Mr. U.irr. don's ?di n i Inti rruil'd to say, 'Tve hrowntoue Townsend bouse, Min, was 111, of course, but If that were urrhi-twl- s l kind th to i was fuilhcr tried a"k him ,i)t1 f ml paint th it ,Stvo to heres Well, power handwriting precise the cause It seemed to Mona that nt irj more It hut I.u dm mi t answer h,s vmi I walked past It just the other about r h friend and Mona explained that the matter could have waited. U.hiihimr ' J cost than tho re.ui nu imI. use the car the next nm You wont do that again, Lot- But what did all this matter. If might I tl try a I can furnish jmi mm at at would ho and that they expected off. ml. tii," Mona answered drowsily. she was really to have Barry? The $2.50 per daj and thf wont ' Twllands at about one o'e lo k. The Mby not? But there was no answer to the k he part, so clearly explained by Mr. m with You walk wont simto he past was extremely ceremony call. Lottio announced that they Garretson, about the money, was come You'll in! re. tin living ple because Mr. Townsend was nut might as well cat and ordered sand unimportant. She would have mar Lottie squeezed her friend's band M;u!-ucfrom a restaurant vvl'lus at all well. centl afTi i tionately. Ehe Youre a good kid, a without rlod Barry ae rov-- the street. teled Once Mona the more lifli of lots wmh I Min. happiness. you ' 11, v e c cu't figure out the rest would have been glad to go to the And Mona's wedding day dawned phone to apprise Lottio that sirs of it," site 'aid, tilling tho percolator tropics with him, even to dig In the wished to fast of them to hud toih asleep, spend the night with her with colt e, hut at least we can mines. Anything, to be with him. (To Be Continued) Tbs excitement la ber Valve aroused plan what you're tu Wear, Lets set Am Maaa returned to ber desk H i g '( Home Thursday lawns alter which games and iting were enjoyed. twelve club members were your hluo suit. No, wait a min-u- t ! Wear mine. Its newer. I brought a hat home tonight and you can have that. It will be swell wilh the suit. YVeU get a lace blouse. Lets see about shoes Mona's shoes did not quite pass iruhtor and it was decided to purchase new ones. W'e could buy a complete outfit, Lottie, Mona insisted. 1 have the money 'Yes, hut time Is scarce. It took me 10 days to decide on that suit. It will be okay on you but its just for tomorrow, though. Ill lend It to you for luck and then you can send it back. mu t tn l uni thi odd'. ii in f t oi ot t 1 hi i' a ond hud ) m ; pood p iim to lo p l i nnnd h th thi p n ot in die di ti pm .i i.i Entertained H.W. MOVE ot HF.nE TODAY entertainments w t r nitirs of hand on t mil Willi u . 1 oo t al n tw ti - I m so ml i.is opening Sunday at the pilot Hu it i in elm latest t,.u (olhirt .ilicndoiiM the romun-lloll-- , hi i he has played in I in of pis' .md enacts a villain me tun buohiim type in an un-J di not ot what takes place llii m cues' of a great i in o' op, in i late n n bn ling item in connection mill the t dining of Down-s- i nil is the fact that the feminine li "I is p.aseo by Virginia Bluet ulio.e engagement to nnoiiintd dining the is in it iii ot lie pictuie. Miss Hiute, who is me of the sereins newer v.Cimtii tccenlly seoicd in lleann. Ssl Unde i toini- -i nt role in 'Down-t-ui- s filled by Paul Lukas, and also includes Hediia Hop-jthe i Rigmakl Owen, Olga Bacla-, t, ljodi1 Lo ing, til to Hoffman, a a t .it t It in Id and Marion la he tme was filmed he g M uni l.ill who will be remeni-- i bi d fm hi, diiec lion of Man, Wotn ,n mil Sin one of Gilberts silent ,;ic iiest putuie hits, and who iiii m stored with 'East u f VinLn, Mrs Bennett Blair was hootess at tables of contract brnig at her home frriday aitemoon. A dainty lunch was strved at the u e group close of the games Ihittars entertained Mis A bouquet of oright summer afterl htr home Wednesday flowers formed the taole center-pum- c noon in compliment to Miss Yir-n- .i Lovers weie marked xur Higgle of ?t. George, who eight Two high score prizes were Clark-o- n her vacation in i, spmding av. aided was spent The afternoon Miss Cleo Lundstrom, who was her birthday anniverof sary, entertained a group friends Thursday evening at the home of her parents. Mayor and jvlrs A. G Lundstrom The evening was spent playing Bunco after which dainty refreshments were served. Summer garden flowers formed the center-piece- s for the serving tables. Covers were marked for .sixteen guests Down- - , ( Vrkmila aru in ru m m Entertains At K s bow us tec i Mr nitti Mrs Samuil Weston and Mi md Mis Herbert Vision and fan il motored to Lakvtown Thursdciv where they attend'd the ve&ton tiimilj reunion Mrs. Richard Dix, which opens Sunday at the Grand theater for three days Manchuria, ravaged by war and si Family Reunion At Laketown PleTn beciv bci'h 1 1 ' (mb.it makes his mid author in !m .1 terooon el the summer horn 01 Mrs. Jew Karl A busmens ituei ionmi mg was neid with Mrs Thatcher, president, in thait the concerning Topic years work weie dtseu-vaAt the ( lose of the nn I m,; wen S U dainty refreshmentsMrs Tliitiini by the hostesses, and Mrs. Kail Mrs. Thomas B Firr of Smith fisdd and Mis S E XeeUh m. former numbers of tm houid, A social hour u is were visitors enjoyed following lunch t PAGE THREE. At The Capitol Ofticirs of uio Cat hi luimu chapter of the laughUrs of ihr it Utah Pioiuirs met Thursdas son Nh GW.4rd IX 1032. nyon Home Scene of Social An L)egn, AUGUST SATURDAY, st five-ye- OOOO$0OI MXS&KI 3 DAYS Sunday - Monday - Tuesda Another Big Attraction! Starting TUES. AUG. WILL BE LOCATED AT U. P. DEPOT g per-Mo- If -- c fe 1 i 4 ' j Paper Hanging Double Poll j a n f, g ' House Painting- - rah Mniop-up-s- Jack k The Painter zzzrpggggi ini At ifr "VLA f iftnA tfi fliifriA 4 rt 4i fiji rwml Powfl'd iotxc Pm er)tt Mcjfteft DeJcioV P A f e C J j 9 Honey ALo Uonu'c!), Cat Icon anti Ne vs REDUCED ADMISSION URICES! ) Children j Adults ... 10c 20c |