Show WHOLE WEEK OF DISTRICT COURT negro sent to pen for three years hambrick and blonk co free damage suit con three days and Is still before the court the regular term 0 the district court in and for emery count opened day aad is expected to adjourn some time to day saturday BOX CAR GOBS FREE the term was somewhat prolonged because of the absence of a couple of witnesses in the two criminal cases heard of these was james shop herd a telegraph operator at tucker but formerly of mounds mr shop herd was the state s main witness in the case against jones cloak the tramp found in o 0 at woods de and taken into custody by shepherd alie state got in communication with nhep herd monday afternoon and he got hero early tuesday morning he was round ly lectured by judge ericksen Eri oksen but he offered a pretty fair excuse when be stated that the railroad company had failed to send a man to look after the railroad office during his absence after promising to do so until too late to al low mr shepherd to reach Cist ledale monday morning it was clear to ev arone ahat mr shepherd was placed in an awkward position and the judge saw he dilemma and let him off with a few nords of admonition mr shop herds te stimon boa ever cleared blonk of the charge of burglarizing the car he was found in for it was shown that none of the merchandise therein had been molested blonk waived a prelim examination and shepherd moved out of the county hence the state had no knowledge other than hearsay of what shepherd would testify to at the conclusion of his and john U dry ners testimony the defense asked for an acquittal because ol 01 the insufficient evidence in law to warrant a verdict of guilty judge enoksen granted the motion and instructed the jury corn posed killpack samuel single ton carl wilberg wm jewkes chris J Y jenpeo J peacock and A perry to bring in a verdict of not guilt which was done the court appointed W E to defend blonk and the appointee in turn called in S H kica and A M to assist him morgan lewis through his attorney geo M miller was appointed adminis of the estate of llewellyn lewis his father deceased left property val aed at about and that amount was fixed as the administrator s bond in the matter of S M williams vs ammon and jacob foote an action for damages growing out of tae local stage line business a continuance was granted on consent of both parties R A king plaintiff and F dij woods the defendants A continuance in the matter of W P winters B george brandon an action tor recovery was likewise asked for and granted F E woods appeared tor plaintiff and S king and A D dickson for defendant john lewis vs R W hill an action for judgment was ordered stricken from the calendar HAMBRICK NOT GUILTY all of afternoon and up to the middle of wednesday after noon was consumed cone umed in the hearing of the state vs alexander hamback case the defendant was charged with colaw fully appropriating one of P fel stead s colts to his va use a matter of grand larceny beveral witnesses alel to having seen the colt running with mr 1 elstead s that brick admitted the colt belonged to felstead and had made several contra victory statements concerning it in hie own defense denied making the statements attributed to him and claimed that he thought abo colt belonged to a charley swasey mare and that while driving the maro aej colt to the em pah place the mare gave out and the colt continued with the bunch ot horses he was look log after the case wae hotly contest ed by opposing counsel king and truman a for the defendant and district attorney Attorn oy woods ass sted by county attorney dukson du appearing for tho state the jury was composed of J Y jeneen J killpack chas and will moffitt chris otter atrom ionian beach ana benkee and sylvester cox after out abbit one hour they returned with a verdict of cot cuilty THE COON geta THREE tweaks john H parker an ugly looking coon who was brought or from green riv er on wednesday was presented to bie honor at the opening of court thursday deming was charged with burglarizing Peas ettae saloon at green river monda morning lie id guilty claiming that be was drunk and dian didn t enow whether be did the job or not but as the people over at green river dian didn t like biggers he felt satisfied they would railroad him to jail anyhow so it was guilty with him constable harri however told a somewhat different tale when called upon by jude enoksen to do so he stated that the crime was well castene 1 upon bf n it nesses at the justice s hearing that the coon bad carried away two slot machines containing several hundred nickels and one of these machines parker had broke open in the presence of a man named kirkwood parker he said was an ugly customer when drunk and he had flourished a gun and razor on a green river man the gun was part of the plunder obtained at the sal oon in sentencing him judge enoksen told the defendant that the leniency he lad asked for because of bis being drunk would not be ranted drunk plea would not carry weight n his court parker was given throe jie arain the pen in which to sober up in MILLER DAMAGE abb ahe damage case instituted by J W nixon against george M miller is still pending to daiy diy being the third daiy diy of the hearing plaintiff is suing for damages to stock and collar caused he alleges water that ran into cellar out of defendant a ditch upon the batters premises the jury in the ie of L S doach neile nell sen E R cox carl wilber moffitt chag perry and willard cock W A jefts sat tho first day on the ur but was excused on account of illness in his family NOTES ex sheriff luttle was appointed bail iff for the term and ex county clerk ed W fox assisted district court clerk A N leonard the nixon miller damage case brought a score of witnesses to town ani nas the i case before court t state va wm ralphs carnal know ledge of a female under age was con linued by mutual consent in the matter of lars vs the of county a brick conversion con case a demurrer was argued by counsel and taken under by the court the N Clin stenson vs margaret A mckenzie case was continued to the of abe defendant and moved to strike out a portion of defendant ri answer which was denied judge woods appeared tor defendant |